aboutstáanwp but 6some iions cf peoplefroi China te Peru, from Bongo-Bong to Timbucteo, iive for littieelseexcept their collection of stamps. Stampsmre like thMeues lu a detective ster thy contain hiddenmessagesand thegreat rewar4 forduccessful solution is therapi increase lathe value thereof. Many stamps look alike super- ficially, but when you hve gauged their perforation, eciph- eredtithieir watermark, ad lok- ed it al up in the code bock9 which anyone interested tan ob- tain. you willfind exactlythe year in whih hey were printedi Anti behold they are no longer alike, but some are raie anti ethers common, Nearly al mhenostrnary ctapse Autralie an e land have two issuesexactlythe cam-e, exceýpt- that the peýrfora- tions are di>fferýent anti the rizzlit set of perforations cause the stamps toe Mworth double the ot' etin [n tpest office has aspeial hlatelie D partinentandi collectera need Olyregîster heinames t have every new issue sent te them dant be to where thefir plate will ha soli. - Over thertley bring eut a new conirmorative stmp i- nst ene a fortnight, iuslrating sone historical entr arnîver sary àttrest id vvuärta You can til take stamps from one country te anether without tax, and perhapc that is why the market in vey valuable tamps is sovigeousButyou annot buy from dferent countries se easily because c fcurrency e- strictions. Stamp sfn countriesb the Iron Curtainare losing their popuIarit, hereas the Bri Empire wssues are bouglit as soon as teyncee ot. Maybe niext year a n tew vcountry il stort te grew pepular§ anti if yeu have a_ gooti set of their stamps yen mayfint them in erease ain vlue. South Anerican repubLies are eheap t themornent, anti whot sets canbå e obtainedtifera hpnn a stainp. oshal ay their value wibe la a few years tn N, Papered Sous.- Wilth Cigar -Bands FrEst thing 9.,visitqr esegv wenL he elle oin IMr.Nico Mlna la.the lîttie fishing village VolendnamHollanti, is the aa- ing "walipaper" which adernaý tihewalls aýnt ceilinga cf lis It consista.- entireiy cfcoer fui cigar baçyds. Th--ro re at least 250,000 banda wv ne has collected ali over the world dur ing the pasi<ght years. Se in- tricate andi ornamentai are the deelgns that itchasttaken Melenaar thrýee years te sic then lanposition. It ie hitproud boast that, with the help ofthis wife, lie ias made alihe colours match. Cigar- bands with golden stas witl fiags and vari-colouredti trade marks - al have their place the unique tapestries. Sban is caretully on te Wall or :eillna' witli glueC, Parteicularly attractive the pattera boe the M olen c r Me tlehe Eperr he cn- country. Itüutgrossed the 3-D movies andrecentsrash bits like "Hans Christian An7derseni,'ý "Pe- ter P àn " aid "Moulin Rouge.' The film traces flic lifeef the lGth centuryëreformer trom his daya an Augustinien a onk te the Diet of Augsburg wiere Lu- ther earnetitat the evangelical ptinceswould support hisbreak from hf h ClClie hur Mos o the ffiwas photegraphi la the actual streets, churdehs, ant monasteriesoftthe time. Niall MacGinni, ap Irish a cterplays the soui-seArhing Luther, with striking rcaism. Maniy Catholies lielped mate Ic ilm 4rchbishep of Mains showr g es Charlesw Mis lofr uteris accusedofheres.y bfreteDiet et Wormis, citizens 'eirn thot Luther mqaihebuned at the stake. Luther Ieadshisongregaioninthanksgiving prayer. The ;- i bispdefense.Theiplit ithin the Chuh as started.Protestants stood firm agginsi Charles V's demand they reccnt. The cawing ofacr w cornes j dlarply fremn a thîcket. Tlerç la. enxicty anti terrer la. tht :seunti. TIen it changes, te a de-wnriglit moan-an urgent pleatiig foi help. Crows wAihlna mile heer the cal dai respetdireadtiy'They wing their wy in flocks towards a clurop etfeverreens te 0help out their treubled ¿d As they near their objective, a volley etfgun slots suddeni>' blast at fhem. Several are caught Within range and fe to the greoui. A gtinning îlinter stepe eut in the open with a crow cail daigiing fro m a cord arout his neck. "Godt krcelcgy!" he e "KrQ)clielogy" le, a new word coinidby Les Mreonittiôr columnisf et the Mornral eali andimeans "hlie science oca- ing and sooting ew He de- cribes fhisscience in a new book- let,CalingAIlCrws" dissue b> the emmunitiondivision et Canadian IndustriesLimitet laiintrodtion M or- row saysfthat the an of the tru econservationit ts e net o eliminete predators a- raas which feedO on other anirmais u fl te Man - who aise havët heir place i natue plan, but t con - trol them whete ficir num ber are excessve, Crows anid mag pies are nef ol>' an-1exýpwensv niuisance te tarmiers, utte>i as dt fl eggee song ant geme birds and feast on their fledglinge. By controhling le, sportsmenil ean thfgratitud fetfrmers, profect game anti song brds an njoy alle off- seasen sheotlng The bolet feushow year round hunng is pibe by go ing affer rabbits, coyote, fox andwolves during the nonths when hu-nting gaine birtis ad big gaine 18 nef pc:rmiàtct d Dipe in chlerine treated wtcr prçoaog frealiacesset dhlietipouf tr was found in reent perim enteb>'-Dr. M. Wayne et thse Washingfea xl Cq-eperative cipé at anid cutting up, bitds were dipped for 30 seconds in watercontain- in 1,000 parts per million O free chiorine, during Dr. Miller's experimeats. The>' were hen storet irla e teînperatuOre et 33ý degrees Falirenheit. Atter twe wceks th ey had about one-n the bacteria count o untreatet birds stord tinder similar con- ditions. Theirtor ranidppear ante wac satistactory whilc un- treated poultry had soureti. * * Affer 1.8 tieys ila storage, tip peti birds soetsliglit ett-odere whule birde nef ldippertila tise cliorme cbath vrere tiecemrpeseti. The degre et insect infeste- tien la grain çan newbe aceura- M deternined b*yan apparatus using tlie beryliun windew x-ray tue recel>'intfroduced fer Industrelug by fe General Electri Conpan>' * * 9 When tl developed antin l cemmen use, fie x-ray mefltd of leatinginfeetafionl expectedi te ruIinaan appreciaDle con- servation etfod products. Up ti owmiersalnd- eh foodt prcessrshave founti other mreth-otid et>,tin-esmn ant iuicenclueive The nw equipnent reveea noony th extn infestation, but determines flcdegre, stage and productive potentiel. Ir- dcatio ae that ilwil be adap- ted te leruessucl as deter- minig flidegreezet clecking l. grain, geriniiationla icern ani eetivne f tmiga grain samples le e aspecial cabinet i n ceking ragA tra>' et grain is placeti on topetflg i eopen cabinet hen hoegpi done a -y filin. The film id a finegraind emul osin to provide hi er n fine detail. Summer s the seas-or ld - sects. Thousands et types anti species are invadjing our ce'p's anti' tercets as w*cl a-q t*ing a nuisaýnce lte humnans ranti animale. Leading the figlt agam.t th insects hordes la a group 6ofpro- fessienal me knnown as enten- oiogists. Their knowledge etofthe habits and lite cycle o iacçcts i las prevideti agricuitural lim its with inf"ormation eotprime importance latihe devepinent et weapons for insect centrel. DDT, methoxychler, rotenenie, benzene hexachioide, parethion andmany other insecticides tante into general use enly atter en- tomologistsiad supplietichemista with the facte about th en The ground wk tl en tomologistÉ ws lergel>' repen- sibie ferthe cueessfL hopper control -ograrm la Wes- tern Canada. They preceededU fe planes in the large-scale aeri spraying etfforeets- la Ncw Brun- swick ths ear antiin 1952 f combat flic voracieus epjruc(e but- worm. Tht>'arc nncoverling flic brecding places oetfic gefle- cneti swar,,ms which- have ravageti fer cenfuries severareas et Burasia and Africa. Thcir pre- diction et possibleminscet. intes- fation by cgg count ftieycar before has made it possible for industry te prepar eisecticides for a fortlcoming year' can- paign. * * * But fiC entomologiste ae net interested solely i killi bgs Mani'are working on fhe propc- gation of useftulinsecte like bee, One group ma kes a epecial stud>' o predators-inseefs whidh are hanîless te an but sctro harmful insects torcs ant ipodprotucing entomologists are cntribui ng a great deal to Canadinecon Their ceaseless efforts te aruce the millions et dolrs inlsse caused b' minsecte anaueila tiis country hould be encouragedi i every way. A ollyweoo cunr onc circulated an rrontus report et W. C. Fiel' dea. The bu ous-noed comediari liup the ecitor ina erge"!I lipe yen nirficet," lie rearejd, that ý 9Qr~ foui news,ýpaper annoounced m deathtis n e "Tonha f did," adirntte1 fthe diter ceel>. "May I ask vhere r caing tromV IFeet on the Ground A notice rectze issuedli- U S. L Army Headquartesr anid headeti SMOK~IN fN El VIOLATONS runas as ollowcs: "As a resuit cf inquiries per- tainiag toa definitien etf'smok- ing inbbd,'tfl t owiag deri- tion as offered as one dgfinitien fer-tise assistance et thswhe w% are in deuet as te dlic meaniag nt tise term: 'when an individue assumes eny Position on or ln an>' bcd, canvas -,cet, steel c)t etc., wlth or wvitheut bceddlng, anti then recedte smelce, lie is "smo in l olid," except thêt Wlien.aeperson l-ias beth teest up- on the floor or the ground le cannot be cnrsidereti as heing li bed. nl the event a pe- son reclines upon a bcd withen or both feet off the floor or tise groundi, ani that b> the further acet of smoking he should oeause the bcd -te catch fire, lie sioult be coaisidierýet as bcing la bcd lie- euse hli lauslnig the bcd das ter. "It could effect sone personality change," s tor in evidence. But there was ne for the Montreal lot knocked a hole in his wall because he wanted He was made to pay ages. Children often disari cusers. A fifteep-yea swich girl, charged m passing on a railway plained that she wa: putting her foui brother on the rails in take a photograph of But nerhans thie mn doing wlen licsits up theed angr with both feet uponi the floor or Wh the grount.'"comi Senew we know juetwair we are!,bbe Ltter-alyeGoo beýr anro -frieli 1y st Hme. A slimming diet which em tails cutting out sugar entirely cain cause loss of memory. Tis sûccessful defence was put for- ward by a Sheffield woman ac- cused of shoplifting. Another woman shoplifter pleaded in vain after walking out of a store with a stolen hat. "It was so smal I eforgot it was on my head," she insisted. Highly ingenious are the ex- planations often given when peo- ple appear in court. , A London lad, brought before the Beach for failing to report for Army service, protested that his calling up papers hadn't mentioned what year le was supposed te report. Another young man, challenged after ho lied failed t obey a police siren when hic car was being followed, innocently explained that lie thought it was a girl whistling in the back seat. Soripe explanations, though they may read like highly sen- sational story plots, are abse- lutely genuine. One motorist, charged with dangerous driving at Daytona Beach, was allowed to go free. His defence? That there was a snake ln his hat! He liad bought it at a pet hp and put it in his hat for ,safety. But it crawled down his arm and quite took his mmind off his drv- ng. He was considerably îuk Ir than the motorist arrestedi and charged for exceeding the speeI limit. "The wind was so strong tiat it just pushed the car along," was his naive and u'e- successful defence Anyone <ho knocks down a policeman and gets away with It must be considered lucky Bût the judge, far from imposing a fine, accepted a Detroit man'a plea. "I saw a. big bee land on his neck just above the col- lar," the offender declared, ait wide-eyed and innocent, "I diin't want him te get stung so I hit the bee as hard as I could." An invaliti was saved frnom j at Newark New r .sT<t: thanA