Mr an rs i-dTruU lor U-Mri. and j1Ls. Stonehous,, ;md. iarntîy" of Toronto had a verýy pleasant va-ý V O T EU uU a -m 1cation in the States of Maine, New c ampjs'hire, Veinmont and flN(w York, WINWIT YOR VTE ~"the n cSeaport Of Poi a-1,;andý DO VOTE for the party who fathered Famrily h erb aou ahn vcc o Allowances -- Vote C.C.F. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rickaby of nT,,<onto sp -nihe v-i ,eek-end \witil Ar. DO VOTE ho nougtfU s Ieber Souch. D VOEforth party h fo r bt fo- UneI Mrs. Ed Graham, Marlene and a lymn -- rne ot .CF Terry visited' on Sunday -with Mr. plomen Inurace ote C..F.G d Mrs. 0)i\-eir Gibbs and famtily, G Duaba),rtoni. Ms. Staple.s of 'Oal ile, DO VOTE for the party -who demnanded and onhoLs sa igJ11 yorOld AePensions. eC.C.F. daughtýe, awhle oDO VOTE for the party which maes ýt"he other o Dr. Taggart atne the annual parieskee thir roise. - Voe CC.. [ V'terî4~ryConvention for- several partiestweeX. xpiçh -as eld t th Royal1 ork otel , Trno. 30 g \cemarie atteded his' Gonve- fLet your vote and v oice behea r nQtt' a tiol?« D ontV o e he Safisent 1-le veke b is igrand- you'1 only get. the sarne thHa vc. it0j_%-"h fMrs. T. J. Cýsa1kt More for those -who( have and lless for you, dhe mworker, farmer and snalbusinss.G 'nd am:y G TomponMr. and Ms .Ctint G, M, ri ad 1Mr-s. Chas. Gaiy, Ross iî VOTE Ce .F. i otonne, Mr.. Hill, _Mi. and Mrs. R. TH POL O T(PUAIJE C(ýýj0W .P. g THJohn -cdeKendal; ian. P' THEPEOLJi5 C-OPiILTIVE CMMOWEATH EDJRATON Birnaiýcomibe, Kirby; Mrs. W. Mut-, Oton,. daughiter Margaret andl grand- Vo e R Y AR S R N Fmeî D ra dauigliter, Coiborne. o 11,uot e R 0YA'ARPVIS PRO G Frmein itrêj Owýing to the open Air Servicehav iflg adto b acle n'U". Advertisement inserted by Durhamt Riding. C.C.F. Clb last due to the ramn, a servieath ~ Park is now being plannedi for the firt , Snd Javir.qrtiL br I fi No cooking and are de1icious~ Royal Instant Puddings, VaiiiîLla, Rutterscomtch, Chocoate, 2 for 29c. OATMEAL COOKIE MIX -- with Free drop-co>okle shaper, pkg.... IIAYHOE'S ASTOR COFFEE.......pounid package.... 93c. WESTON'S M1ARSIIMALLOWS, white and colored, lb. package....45e. .McLAREN'S JELLIES -- ail flavours.........3 for......25c. v egetables-Fruit Fresh Peaches, flavourful, 2 lbs. 29c. Green Cabbage, small firm, lb. 5ce Field Tomatoes, priced ow this week end, Bananas, firm, Ilb.......19c. Phone 11 Ct;hoice Meats, Minute Steaks, lean, tender, lb. 69(! Roasting Chickens, 5 to 6 Wl~,, b Maple Leaf Wieners, lb... Marke t eria 0 c:ý=0-- Miss Etta Holmes, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn and famn- Mrs. W. G. Hay and son,' Thorn- cliffe Village, visitedi last we withl MVr. and i-s. R. E. Logan and Mr. ý]nd Mrs. Nor-man, Allun. Miss Christine Kitchen, Toironito setthe week end with Rey. and Mi.John Kitchen,. Mlr. Hlenry Leamian, Tor-onto, is on v,'cation. Mis. Alex, Ellidýtt spent thie v eek en-d %vith friends in 0Oshawa. Mrs. J. Gilfillan anMý sonis, MNonl- tie, visited Miss. V. Gilfilfan last w'eekç. / ~ UNITED ,1URCH OronioPatl ICarge Reverend John Kitc~'em, Mmnister SUTNDAY, <AUGUST 2, 195.3 O('eINfl-Service ,,±1il mm -.~ P i cer: R'ev. A. W. Loughieedf I IB-Sundaily School at 10.30 NoC)Service. Orono United' Church--Guest Pirea- -lier for ýSunday s Au'r,, 0 2n1. 9ýPth md l6th the Rev. A. W. Lougheed, ,C t Pot Hope. No sericàe for, theý C ~ This policy pays up to $7,5K0. or( penses inceurred by reason of Pôlijmye1il - Smallpox, Diphtherla, Tetanus, Leukaerr Encephialitis or any type of Meningî from first treatment up to five years. THE COST IS VERY SMAI Corne in and get full particulars, Neil F. Porter INSURANCE AGENT Orono, Ontario UNEMPOYENT BE-NEFIT PA CONTINUED DURING ILLN- EFFECTIVE AUGUST 3rd, 1953 Beneit l be paid for days of iIhiess, injwr quarantine, if dlaim has been filed and waiting non-compensable days served. Ifyou are on qlaim and are unable to rte becauâse of illness, injury or quarantine, w îmmediately for ful particulars to the nearm NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICR UNEMPLOYMENT INSURAIN COMMISSION Publisd by autharlf>'. of MON. MILTON F. GftIGG, Miistr of Labour ARM STRONU ' Canams Shos in sizes 5,.5 ½, 6, 6'n, 7 Reg $350 for $1115 A few, White Ptumps. Regu- lar $5.50 and $ 6.50 for- $3.50 We are clearing Al our sum- mied Dresses ini linens, ever' glaze, kriskay, nylon. JOl good styles. 253 per cent off. Good quality i-rint Presses Reg. $5.95 for........$1.75 Reg. $5.50 for......$4125 Reg. $3.95 for......$2S95 Balance of Ladies Summer Jerseyýs for .........14 Pedal Puishers ili cotton den- im plad trimu. Siée 12 to 18 Priced at.......... .$"9 Shlorts in (j ,eim with plaid trim, ,;Jl sizes. Pr-i!e. $2.95 Four 2 piece Ela Suits. Reg. $7.95f Nylo;ns, Chipman kait gualge for.............---- C'ottonl Skirts in Eve-rg Size 14, 16. Rzeg. $5.95 for Boys Broadcloth WMash Reg. $1.25 for.........----- Girls cotton Planties, siý to 12 yrs. Price -- -- - - Gir7ls cottoni Dresses, reg.: for................ Bosblute denfim Sui*t, 3 to 6 yrs. (eg. $,5for. ~Ç~.DY(4fM TUKEEP PRi v ote CHAR LIE STEPHENSON Youtr Progressive Conser-vative Candidate in Durham County. H. did. a good job for Dui before.. Helil d'O it again. O Àdvtrütientit ipséerted byl Durhani s irham Gralmie 1Cookies Sugar, 100 lbs. . . .. .. Shredded Wheat, 2 for Assorted RoyalPddn eaCh for........... Rubber Rings, 2 dloz. for Fly Coils, 3 for. .. Insect Bombs, large ..... small .......- Toilet Tissue, 2 f or. Fruits,- Vegetal rTom atoes, Baiianas, C; Celery, Peaches an( Fresh Frozen Vegetables, Fresh Kill Homne Killed Beef, Bal Progressive Conservative Association. ~ 'e Im- m Sta4'lo Lîquid Starch -- First two trial botties FREE - Limited off er g g g g g 0 ý-o cý- - i Large domilk Àr% ào%