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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1953, p. 6

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d respectabl-e, aad 0make me -'heap, lke this desèýrve? agostt'oag ~gmarried Jmen ýse affaire, 1 man wlio t r1ies ýiri into an càffali unless she con- sually wins *by plains that hisý tu-nderstq.nsd hlmk alen out of love2- lihe swvears he bas for.-aay other cares for t'he- girl. result -in her lie- 7vitu ler yield. You 'o li0leve blie loyal te ouja an hiepromiîs- r the rest of al', the moral I on his fdl sbitter aniger ý? Iastlead of 111e You: je what the -mati afly rate, if he icy inhlm, i je for the grief lie f for beiÎng )ur ovm ze- go on, a4 w On. If you lad you would Uplite youi' StNew Pastl fi one of tl'e s f the ,Bni- led by h 'ordon Crai.g, 1--ce. - tle, as theI Anew Core o in...the wGater's fine! We ee muchhape now ready bc(aI spokeon for. So now than weý did a -wPek ago - hap- it; only remiains fýor farm w ,.omeýn pier because aa big field ofhay 1 tc, make their üwn individual lias been baed andd most of the -plans, For goodness sce don't bales stacked aw-ay din tthe liara. takçe -11e attituade that île latter 0f course ilt was ntet tIrst quality part Af IAugtrst is a busy tïnme hay -- a1thoughi tftcreýwa)s neyer and! that you probably won't lie a better field -- buat lay that le, able te take a day oIT anywY.-'Y soalked anid thea bleached 'saon Yeu Certainly woni't if yati ac- deteriorates. However, what it eept it as - foregone conclusion' lacked i.n qualyity as maade up îYeu know, staying home bie- for in quantity. Pannrer said lie cornes a habit - just as runnlng neye'r landled sud lheavy liales. around toe mnudl also becemnes isl a duli, grey mo'ing rI; a habit. And ih l,; usuall>'y h newj, and tle robins are singia-g, womôraa whoEis to lilamne. You se 1I-imcagine w,,e shah get more ca't expect a busy,, farmner t0 ramr bel ore ille field le fiaished., keep track of institute and W.,A Ever noticed how,,,île robins sinïg meetings. So if his wife stays before a rain? We s thahli eý glad home lie thiaks il 1,s because she tiG hava ail thE hayOff the ield doesn-'t waat te go. How many se the second pcf l a"n h-avea farmners; know aarything about chance to grow -and liere's thisý big event coming up ir- hoping we have betteater August? Well, Mr. Farmner, if bo take h off. you should happea to read this Whiule ail the 1ay was stili oui cýoluman, and your over-conscien- something rather strange hap- toue wife liasn't týold you that pened around 1Uhere. One n iglit, cIe would ilte ta lieaway en wbiule Partner was mýîiking, August 21, thea I'm tellingyo drove over to the next cne- aw Just ask her about it- sion for somestawerie that hat is more give lier a uifle liad beeti ordereçl. On the wAay, shove if necessary. If she is tooû home i t begarn to ain.Before I late to get a ,ticket for the 21st had the car la the garage it ,vas thea she could euhl take lai the ranagleavily and I 1hiadto Pageant on the 22nd. This oppor,- inake quick run from Jue driv- tunity miay not occur again for igsidto flc-he huse. 1The nain ossibl another filteen yeans. pelted down foi' about twn min- And whule we, are on the suh- Utes. But it didnit rain at, ihq, jec of tlie Pageant have you anyý barn! Pantner a halfway A oMd pioneer relics stowed anus the house before he rnoticýed hin l'Che attic? 4> so get. thlem ouio boomtsotng -Wet He couo ard- motîlî.&s liecause tihre W. ly believe ithe evicence of ie wotxld like tLoborw tvm owva eyes WVe have oLten, heard w,,hetlieýr you are an ntue of one ar getting raUl, 1n mem-ber or Pot. An histo--ncal ntaybe the f arm acroas th, road event of this magniàtude requires not getting i, but that was Our a lot of antiqes so the W. I1 le tIrt Ypeîeceof a lharp divmd- asking. for ai kind;-s of oldi-time iAg line on own property. cl&,hin-g - for mn andwoe WeILlune has oniy w look too, ais,,)uniifo;rms of the figlit- around the cuntrytSn days ing forces for any period up la to reaize the seaon is ell on 1929. Indian dress and lieadgear it's way. Wbea is n Lpis, ac is aiso required, as are tlaeck -and yweat is tI egnincf suits, hals and bonnets of the teednoaathehe tiarvest ýrýMennonites. The pageant also ie concern S. Pretty '300Pwe neede epinning wieels, cduras, shah lie lon rudad craciHes, 0old fashioned farm 1imi- wonde3"-rin 1 er h sme lemnte, ýpowder home and Iaela- has gona to. D't we always do terais. There is a;î collection cnr tha,year afltcr y-:-'?,B- -Ido in Toronto and aIlfblie ioaned hope when if cornes toNapnust21, articles will lie ireated with cn thone of us wlio 1have îcý for anid returned to threir owners "Canlada Dy will have nothng afierý the pgan.Perlape each Comne up tLoprvn our ue-iFng braniri could canvass Èis rem- liem; andî if wýe start Pîaning bers and send in a collection as now may'be we are o a ikl representa,)tivc.s of their own ar to liecisappointedJ. 0f course I tîcular brandi. 1 have been lan amn referring to HeW-,en'sl- many homnes wliere they hav7e stitut;e page,,;ant tatle sbeing some waonderful reble of tc staged in Toronto for the Asso- pasi. I ain. sure great-grainma ciated Country WV'om-ea ofdîce and great-grandpa woukl lie Worid, From accounts thaýt havre highI-1y hoaouredî if tliey could omery vwaýy tie tremndous knoý,w tiroir hoeespun garmieate undntailenow w ïellU V er- and pioncer farim nplements areý way. Tickes are Wa likri hot- helping to reveai the pa5t i tecta caks. hanerd bsse rave al- Pr-ýentgeeat. in-OIogy ii. id plt quaranrieU1k ýhe US Department of Agrîic-nj ture Savannah, Ga. The Êmethiod - ssentially n vovsthe use of a mxueof DDT mLsif iab le cnetre knownunderthe code nm Q 52. Wýith itl, housew,,ives, caz) mothproof wooliln bake, sweaters anid other wýashable wvoollens by mere-Ly pouring a few spoonfuls of the solution irto the wash water. The-, moth-priAng mrater-ial can be sed ila m-ost homre wasýhing m(achines or Liaa wvash basin or tub. Afte-r the clothies are wavýshed aniddriedi, they cati be stored wi,;,thout fearc of aittack by mothe kpndjotherý wool-e-ating lious;ehold pesis Tests show that fo each pound of woollens, Only two teaspoons- fui of EQ-53 are requird for the, watder of an aveýrage Sized tuxb Woollens treated wý,,ith itwere- completely prot-cted aginsi:t the feeding larvae of boith clothes; mnoths adcarpetbetsfr mor-e th'an 1One year. The formula jis igr~Iaç to manufactuers and should lieý oný zte market shoïtly.,, touch of Ahs jiffy-wrap lha!te that tops Shjortîsý slacks, skir.ts! Easy t eese t o embroideýr, lttte yardage, use renants. Pattern 658 cornes iniszs SmalI (10, 12)2; Medium ný(14, !16); Large (8 20). Pattea piec-es, tafe.State size, Send WNYJV ET in cns(sftamps carnntbe c- ete>for tais pattera to Bo-x 1C 123 Eighteenrth ,St., iNe.w Trno Ont, Print plainly FATTERN NIUMBER, yor NME lidtD DRESS. ýX-CI-TI-NG ý VALýUE! Tnyes TEN popuilar, new designs to -r5g- chet, sew, bfdrkitpn- ed right L% theý LatiraWhle Needilecraft Book, Plus many,, more patterais to sendfrida for gif ts, bazaar môoney-miakErs, fashions! Seaeýd 25 cntWfry(lur capy! iâe1ug 1-U~ SuLImler l means ; Mo0re ht garmets i the aundyan grete wshngcarec. Since white- is the mot ragile color to main- tain, impropeýr Iaundleringf tany wief abrilc soon wlll resulit in diýscol'oration. Desp)ite its well- knowaý:i washi,ýng ease, whiite nylon is no exceptioni. Whenever white nylongr- ete slose ther oiginal gleam and become slightly y--ow r 1grey, laundry metliods should ee exýamrined. -Whteý nylon clothing should be washed frequently in creamy suds and wa ter hot. eniougIi to remVove ,dirt thoroughly. If a ,eater softener, or a- detergent contaiaing one hasn't been used in anr area whlere the wiater is haîrd,ý then the soap curds mnay lie responsible- for the off-whitez shadc, The rule of wvashing color- ed and wiitýe garments separ- ately a159i applies to nylon,, as il: to ed o pick up dyes r-eadily. i As niylon, is strong even whfen wet, cliotlng- can lie washed vig-- orously whleni necessary. N"y'lon gamnscan lie put in the wash- trimigsare seurely stitche,,d and in no danger of frayiin4eror tearýing, Tc avoid munneceý-ssary wrinkling, squeeze water out by hand instead ýlof usig the wria'g-. e-r or spin drier. It isl, ùofcourse, wîser tci wash sweaters, stockings and socks by hand. Like other wvhitefabinyo garm-ïents require thorougli rins- mxg. A single rinsi-ng wiifot re- move ail soap from shampooedi hair, nor is it enough toi, white nylon, Two rinsin.-gs inÏlea. warm water are cons -idered a minimum. Strong bleaches should lie avoided as they will veaken ay- Ion as much as any other fibre. They should le use-d carefullye when necessary, flwngdch- tions for cotton if nione a -re givenf -for nyloni. There are whiteninýg agents compouinded toimre the appeara,ýnce of garimns thatx have ee worn mantime n havebemesghydiooed When waDshing tricot shbirts and blueextra Soiled clasand cuifs cani be rub,,bed brvUkykwi, a cellulose sponge.Ironing c1an be skipped altoglether byhagg tlie to drpdy on a hanr A-He--Wedidn-'t mnean te pee-k but did saee loveiy fiio tr Jans Sterling ge'.ttiing the hem of ber dres.s pressed before going before the carera. The wardrobe mistres l handy -with te iran aond muý,s.d ruffles are- an ~old story ta hier whenever Derîod scenes are fitmed. lu Hollywood, was ý

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