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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1953, p. 7

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There is -an ad) ayLc)ma * flm-maersthat "Th-e ïpublica- affer ifà has seel)t. This Ji Lust ranother wa f. saing thait maIvie-m-jakIng is g-amble. Mor-e thian one studio) bas lost a fortunwe in try1ing ita ictch the pub-hic's fanlcy wihani untried idea, Now alywodi tin a ake ges oaui o aoo f filim bas been sh-Fot, hehra picture wllbe asc c-ess or a flop. As soon- as anîi dea, is produced a briefsumr is handced ta ARI'Sineiwrs ljgunidreds of peopIc.e aeak 'Would you lïke ti, il? pub lic haEs arêady passedju- mrient on more ta. housand ideas. Haif of themt have "been rejected as unCsatisfactory, Pre- diJctionîs an howmachue a fim if eanare neairly alwaysrih AuineResearen onasfod ghat film fans lave Iavishi spec- tachIes, anrd pre-dicted great suc- eess for "Quo V adi s- ' rd The Greatest Showf on Earth, wfith indexes of wel over 120. two films topped box-office Anie, mpci0 lowthywr Is grvein, inone of the earliest eis (tbey tested, "MrLucky" TEhe i'iain character wvas ta be a Greek gambler who helped ta -protoe a charity bal], and then svade off %witb. the proceeds. The- poPl resuits shôwed two seiaus dr&whacks, Peoiple did noit like ihe gambler being a Greeký, eihrdid theY ua-pprove of the robber" TI-e story was atered te m-ake Èhe gambler a Greek,-Amneri.caný, anMd liewas made innocent of the robbery. With these~ changes, the- te-sts- showed that "Mr. Luoky" 'wouhd Ymake three tilm-es as mu-nch as fthe aver'age picture, a fore- zast that was more than justifled. Likes andi disikes do no,-t vary w.aeh between orne place anid ani- etherý The on1y dîfferences are b,.etween age groups.. Youncgr~ iyaî- it 1'nance anid eomedy,;' old- 4ý or yi~er like dramas of lave end (7îairage; and ail men wn edventuirc. Strangely enaugh, xpost fa tashave greater appeal to thieir own sex than the opposite sýexr. One test showed that 78 per- oet cf female stars were mare poïpular with wemen than with men. At the sanie time, thela4 ing twvelve stlars, as ranked by myen in one polil, were al maie. This is explained by whi-at they eau " selft-identificationi," A Per- ns Is nterest in a situation de- pends o.-n whether, he can ima- gine himsEi.f in the saine position, f'ilrn's about wom-eni in every- day if e always have a ready auA- dience amrong other womïcný. Men crn the other hand, preferr atories ablout the lives th-ey wAould Wrle to lead. They are not so in- terested as womnen in emotion ini film.s. They want ta know what bappened, îlot how p.eophe feit. One machine that bas been developed records people'sý re- acetions ta a film whiie if is bcing sbawovn. Each personi in a test aut- dience of fhirty or forty people is given a sinahi machine to hold, witî ,a poin-ter whicb fie fure to lcft or riglif accarding to whhetber hli ikes flice scenebe ing showen. Esdli tum fcltic dOial' 15re- corcd 0on a moving roll, and itIc reS sfs alre tranIsfcrred toaa grapli . Tilis gives a comrpicte impressiojn of flic intcr.est i in evcry seule. These test are made befoire a film is ýpubliciy shown, se fIat any scenes wlhieh go over badiy can he remade. Ccmiiondo, Mode[ Army-Beril Jerneberg, of Gothenburg, Swetden, con play amh4 gen- ercil on alag scaWe The 22-year-oltd nmodel meaker hczs 3,000 minidature soldiers and somre 400 veChicler,, Pari cf which lie mode himself, Hf-e even lias towels, clothing und meat choppers mode ta scGle taeoipci amy. Swiedish mrilitciýry ouhrte re planniing ta mnake use of lits hobby lie Bowed Out The Future King wrdis a'slogan applied ow daysta anyBitish lads -,0o show promise as batsmpen or' bowhcrs. A centitry and mare &go itherecNwere ;no sucli inducemnt,-ýý but George IVs sh.oemiaker owved bis appoin.tinent te the f ac t that hle -%as a g-ood bowher. TIceIKing was a keen, crîcîckter, anid aý Prince 0mf Wales phayed in ma,-ny matches wvit h the bucics jof the Rcgency period. Hle re- garded Inisclf as anc cof tise bcst batsmnen in the kingdom, and wîcn ýj iehe eard of a hitie CShOe- m'aker 'af Sloi-igI, near Win,,dsor, wîosc keen eye ansd strong îarmî bad enabhcd hlm to performr lprodîgious f cats as a bowler, the prince decide'd mtary bis ski'Ll .ýls6-ýtjee cblr -wes inmted te take part in a match beatwenr Bedfordshire .and Buckingl-arï,- shi re in whiich, the Pr ince piaycd "dsusdas a cvh~, accord- inig ta a contem-porary report. "If sean f cil taO lis Royal Hgs ness te, take th,- but. What bit of a fhing is fIhat at the wce? satIc cobbler. 'Oh, he is a talr"said someone wha sf-ýood býy, 'Thien,' said the bowhler, '111l break bis bat for hlle took lis run and sent- the ball w,7ith amnazing force and velocity, The Prince blocked if dead as a Severah tm thfe ct--bbhcr ow&,but ecdi tti e ebai was eithcr blockced Or djrcctcd awaiy for a score. Af lasft Ihe bow- tcr "went back ta a censiderable- distance, took an exact ain, rýan witî ahI bî is force te the pop- ping crease an.dl, gently as a thîs- fhedown files aleng fIe air, tIc bah mnai alontg the gras lice a s'nakc alid stopped just in t'he mniddle of the wicket, kniocing, ofi thecrsoe" PLAYED FOR PLEASRE,, T'he Prince thre-w down bi is bat, seeingly mortified. N'ýext moment, however, he wa'Lkpd to the 'buwler an-d put a hewavy pu,ýrse into hîs hanid. A horse wswaiting at a, short distance, and the Prince immediatelJy left the fleld. Next morning the shioe- maker rceiv,ýed a notice ta t tend WidsrCati."if he mks shoes as we]l l as he pîays cricket he shall be- my shoe- mnaker," detclared the Princ, strta order o a scythe. Sz? asked the assatwotokth eAu. "Yet, ye, Ican heuar yony~ said the slemainu{w ah -No, no n-"the custmer yellei. "Not siz, but scyte- SCYTHE. A grass cutter" Oh"said the assistants "I'v got youl now. l'il sen-.d t round in the morning," The next day a truck delivered zit tie customer's bouse a- gla!ss MARRIED ACORPSE, Woul you"mrarry" a dead oanjust t(, inhccrit ber ma- nein 1937 Pa young Turk nlamecd Osman Mlurid tried if, For sainje years he has lived in thie' towýn cf Biga, (Turkey) wvith a wea-ltby and lovely w-idow w,,hose health was delicate, andi whfo refuOsed bis fre-quent proposais TInsIc become iA!, an:d dicd suddenl'y late anc affernooin. Seeing blis 1fe of id-le luxury aboeut ta vanîàsî, Osman bit u)pon an ~ ou solution. He wouhd mar"the dcdad womlan-anid he ji-ýv usttbcne ight prîcst ta But fl-rSt he went ttc lo ïcal an bisfiacée onIce as SIc was dying, and more- over l ad expressed a wish for the ceremony ta le performed ry bnni cld friend of fIe fïaiily, anx aged. 9bhort-igîtcd pricst who ived near byv. j Believing him, the local oc4liciais g-ýave lin fIte 'speciaî n-namnage licence allowed by Turki sh law Jfor fIls kldçl f einergency. Thn r tbey Sent for the agcd ricst, wbo-iagreecd. fo carry oýut tise dying woman s requcst irme- ffateIW. 'Together they rmade hlrway down fthec almOSt de- sertcd street, and enfered a r mal.but et'xquisitely fumishcd ibouse in, a ,cul-de-sac. Guided by Osim, the pniesf stmle is way upsfairs ta aa luxulousbutdinuly7-igîted bcd- "'h h.'b..YcsBu t thÀýe's iCE veyII emuAst le quiick," re-- plicci the biero s 1lie pont edtfa tIc recumnbent ,figure on tIc bcd. As rpîhyass agýe would Ipermit, th-e prîest miumbled the sbos±t marriage rites. He came te fic puart whicb correspondls ta the -Enghish, .-'Wilt thou take this mnarita be thy lawfully weclded husband?"Fri the lips &cfite wýomani on flie bed carne the Turk,,isbwwrdsiifng ys" A few moments haeche priest pronouniccd ther-n man and wite, and was shown, ouf of the lieuse.' But he didn't know be bad mr ried hei bridegý;room ita a deýAd womnan-, Chuckhing ta himself at the w ith wbich he had car- n ied ' eut bis clever subterfuge. and wor, the riches of his dead mistréss. Osmnan .announced tise pctday that his newly wvedded iwFefe ad died in. theight. As hcir husband he -,as, cf course, enftled ta bler considc'erable fort- uneC. A.Ahi mighit have gone wvel for Osmn if he had carried oan as quictly as he had wbule his mnist- ress wras alive. BuIt he begaii ta livewily goinig to gamkhling dens and entertaining y.ounigw- men in bis neW-ly won home., The police, susrecting soimethirig, visited Osman and questioedç himn Finding out nothing, but con)viince'd fIat someffling -was ýwrong9, theyý tooic him tG H,. whxj'ere they useti Tui'kish thirdi dl-ce met lods on hlm. Sooni they had his fuhlh confession, Then flie poEce sent for thc agcd priest, wh!-o swore eon cfatis that lhe hadcdi'stinctely heard tfhe bride say "yes" ta the il-import- rant question. f But if asOsan ndn lic de-ad womnan, who said es- for Osmnan wýýas a cee et riloqiuist Despite b-is ingenuity, he W-as' sent ta priJson for attemnped Sht; Sweepis Themi Cff lieir Feet--Pretly MolIy Merceýr is.en aboe tssig ler teicher for a Ioop in a Tokyo, Japon,. judto cldssrocm., Lookring on, from Ieft to riglit, ore Shihciycinùc and Scto, mho boïh -wear the block beli showing tliel,' high i standing_ in tli fiekiý of judo. Moilie"s instructor is Kabayashi, onetcf Nipo'stp judo egpce-rts, bien, Moetre~i. "LACHAPELLE'S" 100 000 mile alloyeti metal illotor Trtatmtitt telines cylintiei'5, valves More cower, Secs fuel. Guaranteed. Ouly 13.00 Dornian Dîstrlbutors, 210 Gîbson Street, Sarula, Ontarlo, RABV CIlICES PULLETS DayolS or started, immediate shîpmeet. Asic Ps for prîceltut. Aise gsi yoor order for Augnst-September broilers lu. Eray 93atchery. 120 lobe N., itamilton. te 01keel ksar, cu p titIve prce5. 'ur- y h , >ider pules,,tate clucks r ,,y Cr PaI ICE IAT-'r'E M LTD. FEEGUS ONT wedfleDvrI cASH fOR WIJS!Tr astr 2A, we Aig, CLEANiNO v POA SA1E asseed o rald fathd rn. fsee ocwt, etaanan lo in o ed ricine o-ee, recees tcu reprton290 oclcere9e mareted feed TEDIA motrcyc pare ani prts fIor Streeti, Lod,, Outarlo. ýUot iýor s"ey Box 95,Floreu'e Suti ar CASH ýe I outhe oo( gg ",ketwbic TPeiteel a Iw ries rkce $ po Its, chicis. !ýù - OP N TOH'I ICE SALES Four DrugistslEUPCrESS. Rk delilousRee agan. etian Istu 335 E1g~n $9,25 Express Prepakd Ostowac, M F pMi w E x * Mue nWiantel% nuoher. Tae supelr "FEMIEX" te heop alleiaevain, s inohypecies, PTSECZ7EMIA SALVE BINISA nte taoulentof àdryenta rashes Falvewil 8%00 0isa EoUni l'eu. Ithis.sais.brins ouemaS c uinm e rdlePYM 0fwbowetubora bopelee the kee _ 'mi1N ïfte;8y Cxc neye,. 272 RaI, Patent Aittor Say StreeLT.toi Sotail ViewC . Bx . ,ONAL We wlll crnet your ceý eti faývounite recipe ilei It te:Dean Dlstribt, W, HarYvarti. ote 31.00 TRiAL oïfr included. TeçMeico, LADIES RE UNWANiTE lteeved %WRS FlV ïPesitvï,y ne pet6 We deo emse Wl ree ce1grinteeats 2Z9 1Venge Suite New rg mtetrom siolesWrite forc 242Duu,'lsn Streat-, weII-known amo Epsom Downs raci greets tip-seekers ing the Grand PriA track at the fame je y-ou've know wa l~ RI PCIGARMeTE WITN CIGARETTE

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