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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1953, p. 3

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T14l . FÀR M F-,R ,0TN around the home, mght" otb amriss. And aitLho LIko you've probably hieard ail these hints and warnings before - stili, the precautions you took yesterday wont keep you from. accidents if you negleet themn te- day Falls on'stairways restlt f rom (1) faulty personal practicesý euch as runanmg up and down. c-arrying objects whîch obwtruc the view, trýipping on long c1oth ing, loose fiting shoes or sig heels andci (2) hazards of h Stairw,,ayS, suýchïas, isîgo wveak hand-rails, loose ruig, a top or bOtom, worn trad o covering, objects on stairs, steps coated with ics. or madeqate tripping, make sure that ai zý,Lka, tre&ds are in gooçi repair.imm ne. diately replace -worn or bee ,ards and covering. Permit ne-. body te lea-ve lauindry. as waste basketsp broomns or other tripplpg bazards on tl'.e s t a i Wheni going lup and dw ti- ways keep the hand nearest th% handrail free to grasp the rail ObJeets should be carried seý your évwai 'supne je nat eb- porch, basemnent, upstais and. attic - sh-,ould bec ntrtd ,vith nGrm1al and uniform- step riser (7Y?"), adequately ,vide treads and sturdy hadris Th-e hand-rails serve oid and young alike, boecause they afferd a firm an-hldwhen vscend-_ ingý or descending. They s,7hfald ecxtend past the top anid bt steps and be, about 32- ih Staýirways ever 44 inches wd requ-ire a 4ançl-rai1 on bet sides. The uprights of the an nisters shoaldbe coeoonugb, together îthat A chîd cne sfide through. A whîte str-ip painted onth edpof each step, or white top and bOttol-qsteps, imprùves visiÀ- bii'ty, Twae-wgay s4witcheiî,eul be Provicled at top and bttm and the lights 1ocated se te iPilinate ail steps. Stes uilt like a cul oai pi, inz oreder to _makeý a turn, 31iei-).d be D-vcAdcl a favor 0of nig n straight runs. Winders may hv eye appeal and save some spae. but they are--',a bit'nhazard 'Neyer sacr-ifice safety p Pearance if there are mnore than two Stepýs to theý porch orewrac -- provide a handrail. Above gron prches ,aise hudb enclosed 7with a good railingf WAidrn arehin the habi% 0 playi,ýng On the porcýh, tante te ickup their playhingsý, jîst as carefuhly as if they weres in t- se bouse, Toys strewn run porch or entrancecause Many serionsfal. be fou outaide steps and porches from ra, ce form-ation, sofl n snwsîldes from the ro.Mk sure tIsal eave gutters are po vided, :dfor )roof),siopestIadrn should carry ramn water away fro1m'wa1kwavs._ PUZZLE 00 WPart cf kitOliestev tu. Suadev 15 Fnemct 22 eepr u' mot herc us.Artstw san su0(sif i à& Indigpuna Si erra de DO Wthn o-,b 41cAutomaten eci Accordion, ed WiId Tribe nd * . er Out4sîdje steps and porcfLoor- i5ng of wood are 3ubjkt te we atrigand4 ro ôttng, .'e frsiguns 0oteroains h' Ire-pairs can beme Litîe ,sslske grab bao e for te floor anàd a rbe a 1in tche tub belp prevout serions batbrýoom fals. av aiolrtr soap and k eep R oors dy F5.z Romn onze .-L uriC.-te v;' . aoi te D0, otn g t 52. Cereai 58*5 23. Stick 34. Heavy enter garment 35. Acrid 35. Put lu a container 57. Sewing Iniplement 58. Book of mape 40. tYeoari 42. Rear 46. Among~ 48. Label 50. Greek letts*r S fellows called tise late Fawcett. Perbiaps they ,htBuit 'thse substance et nis was buflît upon reasoni spared -ne effort or sacri- turyl theory inito fact. 'ilatexplorer whose Legenâary, he disappear.. Éeriously ina eroicat ýcjatf his- belief that ere, hidden in tIsfe hostile 0,f the Am-azon jun-glesý, ~of ahigh order of civ- -odreven than tisaI Incas. eft te bis soni, BriÎa.n Faw- edit and present wibvih dlasting sigffificance the ripts writte-n by bis father ing bis journeyings mb and Brazil. And after Lt,-Col. 1 H.oFawcett's ration P a w c e t t" ittlie s Mefith Ie reader's mind s la sarînïg tise adventures ."ave explorer, and a Maî], ship, privation and brav- 2accepted; self-sacrifice >is edominant quality. Arrv ,, caneùe aI the mouith o! ver Verde, Pawcett and his nlions, bogether ,with 'their paddled upstream .as far 3sible labtis te areaý grapisi- decibdas " ýPoizsoned Lvn te"anoe, they proý- d on foot. pr(ýviSi0nS soon ut. They were starving, býut 2r-ed îon; th-eir voices sounvvd- wver fainter and falinter te oth1er, for tise deafness of ,e was upen them. Their whcshad somehow man- te fend for ithemselves ýand gein-g, Curled up in tise went te sleep, a înd neyer ned. Tise peens were ber- g on mutîny, Amial us," records Colonel, Faw- the Las8t gasp, lie prayed fec ac.Rsprayer wa.s an- cd, as< he sormiehew% knew it dbe, forý wibisin fiflýeen mfi«- a eer camec inte vie-w. As Cetl stared truh ts Sof bi- rifle, trembling, a 'se, whisper came frem beý- L: For Heaven's sake, d0n't i. Fwoetl"TIse deer drop- and typhzal ef thse great mai thee note lan biswiig: bat a. pity bise dogs hadne 'vivedî a few days loner." 'Che explorer kn-ew ýne er .d whenever possible, tried 10ý ake,ý fr1cends, wit-h thie savage ibes ýhe met. One, thseGaays _qd a had inme, and Faw\ýcett wq speatedliy warned against mak-. sg- overtures te them., Despte- lese warnings, whien bis messýYdý nd erat erepperdwti -row's, mrclosy witho-ut instead,berqetdoeo lis .companiens, a vers-atile aile ux-ipert accordionist., te m.ake bi 1a t log sn-ared in tIse md-ý île 0fa andbar-JUS( beyondJ lneosrange-and play. This tIsermusician did,sue- ng QUI tune affer tune, wbileý sther memersCý of thse party sang dt tIse to)p of tbem oce.Dog hem tey'vsang "Daisy,Dis" Knced'min tise Old Kent, tod"and"Onwara, Christia oies" awcetsConitribution ie."At M1e901thtIe Indins topds"0ootinig, and frîcenly iens eeesalshdwt q k Tlhey Nceded a (Upside down te prevent peekin~ Snip mlnciStiitch-The, sound of snippinq shears ar-d the huofy a sewing 'machýiine may' be strange souisds te iflony UN uinits i., Korea.. but neit lo thesa figiting Canadksrns. Pteýs' Ed-v«yre, ci ~.rtIetr , and Ptc. iMcwirice Sabourin prcice tinia t keeýp the-ir gear în shCepe. In t'he Chunicho cutron ltsk Pyrente River in Peru, gîrs a mysterious plant, the juice o4 wbich hbas the astonishinigpoe c4. softening rock il ei a plable as paste. It was used, au Englishman told Fawcett, by tise Incas for shaping stones. This man,, whose integrity anmi' reliability were accepted, bld tIsa explor-er of. a niephew of his wo iArhen his horse went lameý onî him, It it in a neighboring viL-. lage to wlýalk the five mriles ti his nwn camp, Thsedsmît' rider was wearing fourf-inci sputrs with rowels the size of a ý fifty cent piece and wben h arrived at his camp afterwa- ing throuigh the bujsh, ýhe dia'- covered with amnazeme.nt tiât contact withl the Plants h 1ad "etn PL1rs and rowels aa until nothing but mnere spik1eî were lef t. In Peru or Bolivia, tise nmai topic of the da sl treasure. Everyone lives in hopes of o»e0 day unearthing somie ln-o gotten hoard. Cnvratone serlïous, but on occasion the "i. covery"; of a fo-rtune can býe amsing. A couple o ' workn-iwre" repairing an old bouse in Are- quipaý, and during the co-ursie ô? their labours thcy noticedï a 5o1G la the wall with'a cavity extenýd- ing beyond il. Hopes and eycite_ ment Umn high. Feverishly, ftey explored the darkness and wer thrilled whien silver dîshes cm te light. Spurred 0on by buis ,weaýLÈà they delved deeper, until- theic groping, hands iigchted )on wmarmU food or5, a plate-and their quest wa-s brought to an abrupt amid by the'angry shouxts: of thse lady livingp, next door, whose ares they had ransacked!' Short Léetters The wç,orld's brief'est corresponý denrce cecntained, apart from ad- dressýs and signatures, net one Victor Hugo, tIse famrour Frenchs author, had jusýt had aý new book published, and -was, anxious te know how 't ,was el ing. Hîe ,vrrite e- ispulihe "?Victor fHugo." Net te be OeutdOee, he publîsis- er replied "!" Sir Herbert Beerbofim Tra acteùr and produacer, sent fte, fif- lowing brief l9tter ,t an apr ing dramatist, wiho had sbîtd a play fer consid'eration: "My dear Sir,-I have rea yô-ur play. Oh, -my dearsr! Y_ýours faithnfully, H. eroa Tree." Early in. bIse l9th. century ts Puke of York seught Churecit patronage for a friend in a lte that he wrotq, te the Bisbop e(W Coirk, Il said. merely: "Dear Cork. ---Please o ýrédai Stanhope.--York." Camne the rep1yý "Dear Or, Stan-hope odie.Cr. N K N N s" N s., N N Ns N N 'N An8wea~eVIIewbert on Titis Iae s., p. N t., N N N 'N N 's. N N 's g N 'N N N N N N N N 's N 'N N N N 's N s N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N s N N N N 's 'N N * N N N s N N N N N 'N

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