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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Aug 1953, p. 7

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/yA S r', ,1y hbas sCeiin ofa rae or colcigbooksadmgzie about zsport - wih sOa w-itb us, seeiig tisat he pysfor them himiself. But we e ratise-r amfazed at thie 'cCotinuous fo o! such literacisoor wihpoursý frorn tise presses o!f aluspb ' liers. 0f course m cis ft isem terial contaied ila suchbok- we are flot wsprt fietion - is by nio mas w ina fact some io! thse tales, suchi -s tise ore about Baise Rt "cealling bhis sisot" before park- ing a borner in tisec-C-iicag o bleachers,, - bave been tol1d so ctten tisat we fel ike cran ing when wve sense it onn up aýgain. So tise interest to be Ioýund in sucis books, espcciall1y those about basebali andbxig depedis flot on wisat is toid, but0 how tise teling isdoe Onie book we ca rCpOrnmenjd, aIthtouglisit is by 3no imeanrs 3ewý, is Bill Stern's "av rit3oxi-ng Stories." Tise eminenit iMr Stern- id flot always strictlyaCrte it is saîd, as to bis facta. His judgments duoflot awy on Cide witiscoUr on-wisîýci doesnf't mnean thatteie of us is right. But wbat bhe bas to de- ,icribe he tells ilaFa hiïgisy read- able tuaniler, aend if yu'eook- ing for a book to slipinthse pocket for -wheri tise fiisae' blting, you can't dlo better. Ail of wbich, as you'*ve prloi- aibly guessed, is just a nice wV'ay ef eetting arounld 1tise ftïi thilat we¶TC)e about to purlo1in on,ïe of s(.Ster-n's soie.Sc, hr No bandit ever le! t a to mo»re completely lootedian Jaciç Kearns did vwbea he was ts mannager of tise ,grcïattchamion, Jack Dempsey. The 1town ftiat Kcearas pielcd de1an )was a lit- tIe place cailled Sbelby, lanise esofvereiga statle oCMltna )t seems tisat a pretty good hÈeavyw,ýegiht niamred Tom Gib- bons was bot on tise traîl of tise then cisampinion o! tise world, Jack Dempsey, Kearais wa smart en-ough to kn-ow t4at tise figbt, if- arranmjed,_w-ould flot Farný- oDunt to mcih Gibbons was a fairly clever boxer but be was lar fromi being a mti for tise fiery. bard-puacbing chain. Stili. business was business. If ariy promnoter feit sassy eniouis f0 puit on tise matcb, Kearals vas willing to listea te reason, rea- son meaning mioney, of course. Entbusiasm among tie etre- preneurs \vas far from b-igis. ,Tise flgbt did flot promnise to draw .nucis at tise gate, and tise offers were none too liserai-'. It was at tiis point in tise pro- fceediagýs tsattise littie townl of, Sbelby, Montana, stepped into thse picture. Not satisfled witb re- iainrg tise happy, prosperous littie place tisat '- t vwas, Siselbyý sougbt fame and prominence la the -vorld. Tbe leading citizens o! tise town Ynade a startling bid fo-r tise figbt betweea Demipsey and Gibbonýs. For tise defeCnsýe of Look 4Hoo's There-These tw,,o screech owls give each otbetr the e-yr in no uncertaiQ lerms. The f Iuffy uifle birds are mscmd afor g 0bird experts, ,whc sayîheir cry is £teiescifclear, tremrulous and plaintive notes raîheýr than ac screech. bis titie, DPrpseýi was off ered $*200,000 on 1tise spot, and ani ad- ditional $l00,000 en tlîe day cf tise fig il 1ùNo more w(velcomne music isad ever sounided la Jack Tearný-'î ears. Tise offer wýas snapped up before y-ou could say sucker. Tisýe flgist wý,ýaS set in Sbelby for Juiy 4i, 1923, Tise townspeople con- gratuLla'ted thieselves on tise prîze plurn isi'ey fhad piuckeêd fro-rn the fistic tree. Little did tbey kaow wbvat mnisfot-tuiie tbey bad brougbit dow,ýn on tbemselveýs. As tise day of thte figist ap- proachedi, tise people of Shelby, Moýntana, finally came to realize t1iat isey bad overstepped tis-cn selves badly. Tise balance o! mioney isat woas due to Kearas could not be raised. On tise eve ol'tise figbt, ise local promoters cam-_e to Jack Kearns' isotel witis tieir troubles, There was a fine sum of $43,006 available to pay 1dm .off: would b e enougis? Kearas sneered at tise offe'r. He wved tise contract b)eforeý tlieir faces and dem-anded tise hundred tbousanid due bim,- They begged hlm te, take what be could get and let tise figist goon Kearas said no money, no fight. Tise local folks said tise town tvas! stone broke. Kearas lit a fresis cigýr. Voices began to rise. Words w-ýere said tisat miight bet- ter bave beeni left uL-nsaid. A terrific battle followed, fists flew tbrougb tise air, h e a d q were conked. Ia tise excitement, tise slierýl f o!Sbelby. wio was acting a's chairman, got la tise way ofa stray buflet.. From ail tise ruckus Jacek Kearals emerged tium-ipiant, as usual. Tise 1town, at thse end o! its resources, sonebow ffund tise mroney to pay hlmi off. Tise figist took place and it was a dlî1af-- f air won by Dempsey on, points. Can't Keep im Grude"Qudrpe rputee Clarence (Red) Moslýýey wo.its behindJ the mheel of c specicoly equipped oufo- wob0e cas he prepores to t;rkc- c drivEr-'s testMe, 22, sLÙf- fered utpl ond hnshot down ov,.er Kocrea, Wbnit was ocver, Kearais and bsrodtook thse first train out cf Shelby. BebId tisem tisey Me auiebusted town. Tise lead- ia abhad closed its doo=S Tise citizens isad lost their sav- ins twas a fearful price t pay for a buncbe ofsonobe frttnheadlinies. lue Cheese WVas Quen'sGift wýriter e! Allen Sihwsîl an am si ory about tise t Queca ay ioiavinig 1iseard about one O!tise stuffest and xnost xcusven'S clubs, a dCeerined f0 tcsee tise lide co!, A gentlman meber, inîormli-f cd o! ber desire, bmmdand isawved, anx'iusly explaining thaat neyer in iistory is aa ona iset font iniside ise club. "Se muchs tise kietter," wv'as Queen Mry' repfy,1y . hmilibe thse first" 17i desperationi, be recomimJnd- edi that she sisouldl come to tise club at an- bour wheni fewmirem.i- bers would be tisere. Tisis was agreed; and late onie evenîn,.g 1be nerivous1y escorted ber aon tise silent roomns. Eveatually, tbey came to tise library7 ,hwicb was la semî*-dairk-. 1eSss. In one corner, a retired arm-y officer -3ioozed la , chair ard lbe sat up witisPa joît andé stared isrougis tise glcoom at tiseir aPjýiroacis. "Good heavenis, Jymypson--!" be explodled. "Do you bave tise gal to Sring a n laere?" "PesGeneral'"," ctioned ympon. -Itfs Her ;ljesy Quelen Mary " " No demn-ed diffecren-ce!" blrti- ed tise drowvsy General, No moat- ter wbo sise is, 1 say it's tise thin endo ti he wedge. Gallop her t ut o! isere atone! Anoether amrusing story !r:om Allen Sitl-ss iglit - hearted b,-ook, 'Siti's Lodoa -iJournal" conCerna tise Piddock ciseese, a mammýrirotis, one twelve feet la dia- mer whicb tise peopk e o! tisat Someret vilage ecided to sendl to ondn ava edding gî ýif t to sucsbu-iling tise ciseeset- there was nthiig le! t tf0do bt moU lit tise-150 miles to tise citýy Tisis too logertisan tiseyatcpt- edý, îand tisechecese arvdtoo late 'for tis wddag Pidýdock-.Iias nwrsle o x iit itaround Lnociagn an adCrnSison!ee.rut ise tisÈe vlarssplit' intio two facions, one waniting ito show tis1-"acua ciseesc, tise tir a plaster model -arguing tisat Londoners Wol isack tise real ciseese Wobits to carry off as sueis Bitter grew vtis dsut, n one -fa-ction jcarried'tise nmatt'er 'to'dnndplaiced in hnl r onisW(nt , and eveýnt- u M. tise cisancery people com- ilt'eat it wv'as begi-1nîng to tiseir Prernises "bgs,"s itý "'released totetisefato hîst(ood for tise real thîniig. cateswnthoe efeated,(, tiseir jubIlant opponents beganrollîang techeese around içiEngiand, ex- Segn o aî oftise tead ore ion n atise en-ld th!-eI s -owBread 1That Neyer Gets Stale tse _bread industry, Arn)erican housewives will benefit fitst, but thPe idea -was bora in the Arctic wh;1en Admrirai Byrd 'in bis iast epd tio ond that somre bread lefý thi a but under 20 feet of snwfor years before Nwas stfli edib e dfresh. Whien a loaf is baked its ,ireat- eýst ioss of fitavour anid nwes ta'kes place in the first 12 bours aller leaving the oven. This cani be prevented by freezing bread imnmedia-telyv it has been baked, A baking comipany la New York State is putting frozen bread on thse market. They intend to dýistribute bread tbroughout tise Uni'ted States, tran.ispor-,ting it inrfigerated trucks and keep- ing it in cold storage. Far f rorn încreasing bread ctshtey believe it wil) bring donthe price of a loaf. Bakers wvill flot have tu wurk- overtimei or,. a-t week - ends ai-d 1holidayý timecs. T h e heavy wvastage of s taie bread wiIl bé eliminated. Shors wifl be able to stock bre.Aâ on-ce a wýeek or once a fortnigbt and it will remnain freshisnlatieir cold ,stor-es. It is alIs o claim-ed tbat the house-wife will lie able to buy a weeck's supply of bread at a time, but t-his seems doubtful. Will thse refrigerator be big e no u gj to h o 1 d tise week's suppfy (-f 1aves and roils as wflas other loods? However, somne ex~- perts In the bakery trade believe tbiat frozea bread %wifl be coin- mronplace in five 'years' timie - aad tise bread on tlise table wifl Q.WhN Itlthe brief form et(ifin- treduxction is used, such as, "Mrs. Jories, YMr.Simith," iwhat way can It bc made apparent who is being ilntroduced to whom? A. The more important per- sonr's name should be accentu- aited so, that it will be as clear as thougLh the words, "May 1 pre- sent'" were5 used. .LWhieu eating a ba.ked peta- te, is~ it correct to take the peta- te from the skin andmi ms it on the plate? A,_ No; tise proper way is to spit .the potato and then eat it directly from thse skin. Q. Whose place is it to set the date of the wedding, thse bridle or thec bridegroonr? A- After the prospective bride and the 1bridegroomn have de- ided between themiselves that circumstances are, favorable for their wedding, it is Up to th~e bride and hler mothier to decide tise exact dla te. Q. Is it propler for a married woman te send a gift in her naine only te a bride-elect? A. No; sise should always iîn, cllude her husband's namne. Q. ID a restaurant, wher. your napkin falis from your lap te the flor, do yen pick it up and use it again? A. No; the waiter should pick Up the fallen napkin, and give you a fresh one. YUR ü,LIVER E~ IWs e' ot worthliv-ing it may be your liverl Issfactl I 1a-e up to twC, pits of iver shp!ifl tîur liver bile is not flowing treely y7our food nmay net dget - . gas bloats u your t-maCh ... yosr feicenttatdand ail tim unanti sparkLo go 'à os4 eif. Thst's whnyOu ,neet mldgoit4Carter'F Little Liver Pi1lý le. Te.Cmous yeaetabl'e pilSi. hLp stmuate the fiew et lîver ,bile. Soon your iesinstants functioning -prely Littie i uisonad Qualtyhsay breeti pullets 549 e iiurd. T, hese low prices imade possible byt1 71(!w,ý , reenou dmadfor cockerels. Monejy Maker Qaltyatii .0:Extra Fergusuntarlo TURKnEV poifs at graty redceti oces ýor ugat.Day ielOandiStredto TUW mHLJ uTIK w ACIERRSLTD, heay retimiles as 1-vas $4,5Per hundilrei. Also nnsee and ckelel chicks Ce ou spec-ial rice on turke-y ed Býrnze, ielrie ciksatt cbick, odr les BUIES PPOStTTNITIB8' Wiilowdale. Ontario.1 OVENO N!]CLEANmiN BAVEyon nytiinsnetds dyPins or cleail. in? rie e 15fotinfrmtinWe, ar ltit nswer Four q uestions. IDe- vice Sain~prîvatly ewni, h iEssexý Cut.About $2.00i0 requiretifor stocik. FOR SASE CRES CALOUS ALVENowget trelief. Tour ruggat rlis CItESS., WHHFl Cairs. ïkvalid- walkere, f.ldu1î sna aiustable, FreP lteature. Foam r ub- Army Hnes niWbizvers.Rae Wat. HESC Sepie ~oîles. ost nmodem ipalS- ay da MtiltA, smîercotges and =amps.aalble oa. urnteifor 10 ens.Lowest ocie onmarte. De- liveetMtouny stationin Onaniefor $54. conlee t R. E. Smp Wnot.,rs ýLd. !5G9 ibake Sore Cd, New Torontoe 14. FOR ALEDalry Èfarînwith hum] m'iik cotrct Stuati b Agon aDistrict one haîf mifoînTrans-Canada 2<1gb way. MormSoe nforma-ýtion write, Se] Lice, Farm., L. L ,lLàilloiix anti Sonsi Bous F0ou SALE VOR SAJLE ONE 3Mxt M.GenWhite ai stesl gain on tee weel. rics $,700 each. AIl eoulilp- 1, wt24fE. Hartfeeesandwegrs Ail fs-lae oniio.WE, I2tumph- IDIRECT PROM FACTORY IerOrgass $2,75 ani 2.50 gai rt ivfor f ree 193cooca]adprslit Môtreai 14. 8 SCHOOL BUSES MOES41-47, psenes 255 oeW 515.passegers 1-t ago' ec farm tato qupei wth pcilwb tJsed4 wsei'lorhaulîna iog- sleighis. C ls $2700. WIIssii for .50Api ltuiolhMChsneyLumerCe. Lt]., Box 1ai5i0 inOnitanin). Froee ser IUO)JIS 50eCASH frei nUIE u"] "UMM&S We bave a size an]typietSs.or Cbin etfraypr MefA.W. j.&-~.AVLORLIMITED TOIwONTO SAFE WORKS' Estahiishd &5~ WANTEP MAN foi. fes] ntchopping ii.Es Cutmue nns mcisyBx4 'R t 1, a t c r PEOPIE AuE TALKNGý ABOUT THE GOOD RESULTS FROM TAKINO DIXONI REMEeV FOR RHlEUMATIC PAINS ANDI)4UIT1 IMUNRO'S DRUG $TORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawü. $,5Express prepaçId, Due woman tus Danother. Take sPeeles "MîE"te hielp ralleviato pp'an.W * PO$-DIS CIEMCA[s M80bC NST. HAST 0030 POSTIS ECZEtMA SALVE BAIS1j nie torment o! dry eczema, raÈshe anti wresins lion roubles, Post, Mczs.ffs Slewlll net idisappeint yeou. Itcins. cait , urnins sczema.,, ningworm.pimple -cnd lf0011easa, viS respntireailyte Che sta1inles. odûrïlae5" lntmsnre gardleýss o.,bois stnbern os' Ceees hy s'esn. PItIC 52.5 FERJAR, POSTIS REMEDIES den FR Feson ReitetPie Toronto) MIEN *IND %1wOM1EN BE A MAIRORESSER .10E CNAD'SL'EADING SCISOOL Grea OpentultyLearn Fleasant. dignfi] e 1feýsWln gooti isu.. Thoun&dg o! euceessful Rar-vel radtinatet A~rcsGrentesi Syeteni lsrtdcataloùgu1e Frpe Write or Can "5p 4Bleer St W_. Tcý,nnt 22Riloia t isi awa liLL o, p-rt ime hether Von a1, hoatwif . ofice r fctory worker. depr,Ë te do-r agent. ylu 'Lc av11rtop m0ey sefltng îratilnally affivertiset Familiy Home Mlassage kits ta vrosis taIkisig abouit, 1WV, pay yeuy omision i ca,Pj Write for fresnomaintoa.Family PLASTIC PLANTS ESTABLISI YOUR CREOIT lise dcrTruie te life. Ors nd Fade resistat, washable, artsd eIp. popect.libi* cmmsio ,ndi advant- reene Avenuie,Motei v . itlons and] flîlI eformatien Sent fr.VE Tht RpaînisarCe.. RItegiered ksn Rî tah7- Patýent Aîttooy. salibn so ays"ireet. TrnePrnsaloutre PitStONAL HOtJSEWIVES 1il We w'r111 print yens PelrsdnaiIY atg~ e] fatenýrite rceiSli our newbp. is W.garvard, ifoftreatIr'1. f dsioet riçliling yonreeU ]t CIG~ARETTE ADDICTION4 tic it tIhe eaîsy wiay. To-bpseo Ellae guare,e. T f ree booklt, vrit, 30.Walkerville, Ont, 12.00 TRIAL effel We Lylb e ]eiux meàna euirensents. LatesiCaaos, Inidt.The Medice Asecncy Rus 1ý24. Terminal A.. Tomateit. Otr Y1 t'! 11CHERS WA"NII WANTEDý , qualitisti Protestaný,tctachez for .$. e. 9 TowshlpSchool Ares e Kennebso in th3e County 'Af Prntenseý,. Fust Otrice 1,000 yards frosh. çcoI. Geet iýoaity.Sngeroom i ho.25 uls G'rades 1te 8 Sateraliftcatins. slî exete nti am o! iat nspecter. D ti5ommne pl1.15,Apy M., . Huhes. Sec.-Treas.,Artien. Ont. schoel teachterProtestantl, ta teae.h XII and shpçoik, grades IX ntiX. Applicatfis to be in by Ana,. 19i Api statina s2aay qaiictos niexsi ence te t,. A.. Sawvyer, ertr ery 'Ont. NEW LIsRKMAiD 2<5GB SC21OOT, girl phsicl eucaiongradices 9 te 18 aisegrad 10English. Minimum $2000 C_. A. Seea srtr.10 ikad - - - ... .. . .. ... N N N N N N. N N N N N -t N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N < N N -t N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Si> 'N N N N a-t N-t a 'N s N I N "s ses '7. N -t N s> N N

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