F7rida Y. and Saturdlày PTE 1AND 12 Owing of rs, Cattie, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Grain, wes, Fine rts, Needlework, Domç tic Science Sehool Work Departmerf I ,ns Races St 12 p01y ces under saddle Admission 50c.; Cars 25c.; Childree under 12 Free. Conrpetifion for Dra àatic Societies .an& OJNE CTOP L A YS'" w,, Hall, r o both nlghts Admissioa ; Chlldren 25c. Music By tirono Brass Rand on Fair Day :>et Your Friends A~t The Orono Fair Society I T TAKES A MAN .. . Thee'sso imuch ito eev, that1 we want you both to maea date ýi1lh a 'Roekt" 8!For instance, it takes a mail to fllyaprciwatgeon sosienl , dr thelog ekhod Thefamus Roc t"Enine, paCkedl sqpecia I appralf ' r 1e1w sulnemmnd. no mnailshul miss in thle zooming' rponse of Dal Range Blyd lra -)latie T ýKES AWOMAN ... But supi-is! Oldmoble' silk -1gove it[Ildocile obeiene wcna %oman taks te wee. Aud it rvallytkeN PoNwer Steeýring cain put a d!riTver at lier eas- how ea-mePwrBae take over and reduce braking effoýrt biy as inutcli as 4 !Adihe beatty. thlat a wýomn w ,ants imost of al, is everwher. Socorne in soon-comie intoehr forjyour Date with a // There's More For Yeu In Olksmobile ! Tlee famous "lRockcet" Engine, mo raised to 165 h.p., with a1 compression ratio of 8 to 1ua u ew 12-voli elcrical systei. llie new, stronger Power-Ride Chassýis, an unusually rigid frame, tseîentifieally balanced and stabilized. Oldsmobiie Pouer Stying, matchied ini heauty only bey Oldismo'hiie's Glamorous N~ew Interiors. And There's Extra E,,nj<ýymenl lei These Ohismobile Options- (availalsle ai extra eost). Puai Range Hydra-Mojteic Drie ive 'NoShift, No Cuoi driving at its best, Pedal-Ease Powecr Brakes give faster, smioother stops thau ever before possible. Oldsmnobdle lewerSeering takes as ucwh. as 80% of the effort ont of steering. Autronic. Eye turars brightlig i!hts don for approaching traffie, turns îthem b acl, up iwhen traffie ai psed. Figiar Car Codtne brigsyô air- t cond!itioned drivîng comnfort in al NICHOLSO ONTARIO th, anOpui-Air stervïce is /pl anned for 01ro1o Park, nat seven o' locki, u- erthe ausices oOo ndNw ca"stle United ChIu llhe WA NTED /o RENT bos.Central. :',a$ullts. Piea ýe leave wriitten reply at Times O ice. Box N OTICE There -,ill be no Gr Collec- tion on Monlda .. The Éorth aiid cen)tre sections o the vi Éage will ha Anyone w\ish nlg to cornle aý studenrt of The ogl'VeIlSrso School ofl Dnigplease rite o ntact Mrs. Rogerson, Orono; befoy Septew-ber' li14th. Ballet, Tap àld vsical Coîimedy., Ternis on applica iony a-c CARD 0F THANKS Ronnie Couvier wishes to say 1t'hank you to ]Drs. - enizie, Stur is and Slemonl, also thie nurises and a ff of Bowm-tanvtl',lle M morial Ho pitali for their ci'r and indness hua d'uring his stay ther .Special tihlinka tO al bIis .ho mts for, rid books. ~a p ENGAGEM1ENT mr.ad Mrs. \bD. Shieldon offat Orono wýish ,to « nnounce ih e - gagement of thffir elder auher Dawni Marie, to ý>Mr. Kei'A Georgeý Rail Finnie, youn ier son,4f NMr. andl NMrs. George -M. Vinni(i Bail ieboro, Ontario. The mn iwill take place quietly in Septemlber. a-p use the Classif ied Column Orono T inshop Have Your Furnace VACUUMED and REPAIRED or a New Oneq INSTALLED Bcf oré7 COLI) WEATHEIt Coirnes R. E. LOGAN Yiour insurance costs can be- substantially re- duced by buying Divi- dend Paying- Policies Quotations on request. Leroy Hamiton ORON.O 1 RING 16 11:a1Uis branches Pire, Burglary, Ilospitalization Auitomobile, Life, Accident and Sikuess, Plate Glass, Liability, Livestock, Bolier, Wilid, Polio. Reat Estate / No. 2 Ilighway $3,00. Eat of Newcasfle 2 mls, newv bungalow, Insul. brie, asphalt shingle roof, 4 good, Lized rooi9îs and pantry, all decrated. Ilydro, lot SOi trees, <Jrveway, good water, 165, weIl feneced, several apple Iow taxes. $1,000 cash. MORTGAGE TUNDS I h&ve avaîable fiind.s fer first mortgages en impr.v.d pfwoperty lu, elaz*e Towunship. current Îiterest rates. Plumbing îlot and RotWater Jleating CALL U- FOR ESTIATES HARRY E. ILYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORIONO - ONT. FOR SALE Seed Wbeat, Registered Coxrnell 595, gro rôn r4 ristered aeed p- ehaised from Alex M. Stlewart and s c, ne o 4nd' foreymost feedi 1948 FARGO 3'l to truck with hig-h raýck--.Ida forï farmer. Too smaill for o r- worke. . good condi- tion, Bar-ga ý25O0 See it at the Margwill Fuir Fiarm ii m ile north of Tyrone or hopie Bwmanville 267-9, b-C IYEAD FAR -ýT0 K, PICIIED UP Pr-om-ptlY., Phone cllect Bowmnanville 2679. Aiso we bi-Wlive horse,,.. Mal-g-! wil1 Fui ryone, DEAIISTOCK remnoved fromn your, far-m promptly for saiiitary diýýposa, Telephone Colect: Cobôuýirg 1266 or Toronto Enr8-3636. GORtDON YOUNG LTMITED Appointment PHIONFI 74 r 19 ORONO DR.iR. J. TAGGÂRT VETERINARY SURGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING RINK PHONE 94 r le' LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE. ONT. phone: Office 688 homie 553 JACK RIEID Qrono's Licensed Auctioneer tami Valuate Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me fur terni and dates TED JACKSçlON Auctioneer and Valuatoi, and at r.easorable rateg Cominunicate with hilm at Pn P'erry, Optario, or sec hin Clerk, A. 5'. Morton, at Orono, for date. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; EducationalPqc.e Protection and Savinige Plana f14 Children and Aduflte; Mortgae, la .4uraelce Plans, 1F. E: LYCET ORONO, Ont. Phone, 20 ~1 The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial 3216 -- P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario STAFFORD BROS Monumental Worksî Phiono Wvhttby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby ,FINE QtUALITY M<ONUME~NTS ANP MARKrkS Let us erect a handsome, 4âg- nifled monument over the mat- hIng 4Iace of youir Iov.d ..s W. ziot oecpensive. .And mensu this lat tribute wil 0v.« Yeu Mdl .nçbs om!ozn Orono Electrie Phone 93 r 1 CONTrRACTORS FOR FARM Iand flOUSE WIRING Fre.e ftilnates APPLIANCE SALES Promapt and Gurated epa!z_ cealmakes of Ele£trical Equipment and Appliances ',uch as MTotrs, Water eat.rgt, J~m-io tssva. rons. Etc4 >o~oc~ Professionial Directory -A. F. McKE-NZIE, M.D. PHYSICI AN sud SU1RGEOIN Office Rours: 2M00to 4.00 pms,; Clef tA .0.N.M- Sundays sud Wednesdale fry appointment â*uly PHONE 47r] - «RoNo E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Main Street South Office Houre: 2.00 to '4.00 p.m.-; 6.80 to S.Ufflp.wm, Sundays and flolidays by SEl s ORONU