P-fer adisgusteti Iusband., im *repiy la aimeA ti aibis îfr '~mother, who, he says, folo,,i *thia celurna. Ina any disaqgre(ý ni ent, his young wife gon * rying te lier aather, as4 * iaslsss back with-, "Morn,, saj I was perfectl'y right!" * Whea will rimothers let thej *marrieti chiltiren settie the. "FIve hati about ail 1 can-ta Annse ist" writes thse "'We've bsn, marnieti Iess than, year. As you often say, tfiffe1 suices are bouii dte arise. È steati of tiscussiag them ratio, ally, ry wteruaste lier th (who Lîves near) anti cries onh ahouler. I'3fon1th 11i m îsrepresents sitLuat!ions. C course 'hene mother syrnipatizï se. fitis I who arn a1wayswon If things cotin e csthis, Q)uI mraîge is naeergoing 7te wor{ out. 1heg tIknow ,7shýe iv nie, anti I love ber. SHALL '1HEY M' NOVE ' "I know we coulti settieý thil4 ounselves, but my wif e wlm face aay issue-; shie iruais eutc m-e. Thse argumients are neviý important, but lyeu kn.owý couplenust rcaien e w fud ifferences if they1 are gsi along. Before we marniel1 se gave ne siofe this infantfï îSin, orsiShe titi I w as too mu îr! love te ses it. "My .fatber-'in-law la ny1 but 1-is wIe as hlm ancien h-, ffhunb, tee. "I have an.!ciler et another P, ition 300 miles away, anti thoug l'if rather stay here whe re J ha~ more security, 1'm, tmpe mssve. What do you tliiik" A MOTHER'S JOB *Whea ai girl nmarries, ' * iaves tIsefloeuse whens was a belovsti daughîter, ý *becomnes a. wvif e. She andi "huasbaîntiare a jteasa agàý *tise wni.TIseymee2t j Sproblerna 6f cearly marri, 'c* hat always arise, anti eut: Stl'eir love thiey leara to ( D reais andiPet alonieti'j *By their-own efforts, they -1 their marriage a beauti fui~ D erien-c, orthvl î '~blindly Jeans on htin mýoter- wh1ich iS exactl!y what bta 1-1mother intentis hier te , STIse ws aetSays, "Y-ou Sare a wile new.7 You antid u à hu s b -a n d t i ilhaive ou 1 troubles, btdon't cene whîn- " iing 1te me.Face ftiem, ani î' won-ek tIsera out toge4hber. That- siga cel1~ pnedp pe ina a ukewam oltonetboa bcii eaeie,,ysocai;al I Short and CSweet f C .:j ...k.. ....h Mix and sifi '3 tlimes, 2 1 .oc-,lte as fleur (or 2 l4 c. nesfe sr-ha or, tsps. Mlagic Baiking Pewder, 1 ' sst,4t. gouid mae~ran .bte rmraie k Q. 110%v can I mcenti las uc cesssfuly'? A. Meit a snl uniye puv uzeiaurn inqan oi spon Beoehhardeas, rubthe ainsi press tentgte nistaii te dry They WH lnet corne apar -bwa1 výis1ieý-d witb1-hot0t er. frein ehiîsaware?, A: Justt éy ubbing a tl saton the Sitains. defrsiin proessl y ing i terdtireplaice bc el ts frSezîg cempaniment. Q.IowsnI îremove genmeal or nitntiiei, tais rein myý,ý sink? 11- sn A.Pu hesop iii-e -la theI drain nti n the n tbttm pul tIe soppr ut, anti tIe liquiti. trem,ýakI andflefripate Q. Haiw ean I dean andi îreshen a snrt aeeta driveway? -A. Scrub witli s.» pand vwafer or tara on ts'i6sIs., sTheni,wi tIse conicrets is still wct , njl< - - ý - fflep ffl, y> ý l 17- 1- 1 "-l- 1 1 't ia difficulite main ay thing more vYulnerable ta naketi maýn attýacked b es That as alinost tIse pe a mnenit ofthe passengers e0. tIse inier Kenya when 25,000 bees cleansdth Ie tecksni zeometi o-ver tIse swisiniiïg pot. stin- iag-.as oae repent lias i-e- peseti parts." Eventuaily tIse býee coagnegatet inl one corner eC is bath, giving the crew fimiet couple fine lioses anti swesp then i tIse C-wtder'. Few things are more ternify- ing than a mass-atack by bees. Animais usually panic swhen attacket by lises. Some un 1age *f our honses e dragging at threshiag m iachine wýere batiiy stuing. TIsey rm n l ahirections il! tbiey feli tndfron has tien. Ant inl 1930 bees hleli p a train at Arershaf. They tinev thse driver and fbienan tram tIse engins-,invactet carniages sw tha peepisc ou-lti neitisen enter non isave, anti disiocateti the satireý service until enticetiback laie tIse hive. Iu 1914 IsuntissfetswarmseM bee,, lanTan-gannyika ttnad an advancing Bi-itisýh armv at et te lie dowýn te -preteci thýe- soeq santi stampedti hrses The neýiglibeuirsalyosi th-,t pretLty, esighte ;evea-C', Sibbie Gown ws bes- ilanageýless kintietof ut Yet, et those wh'o lisant ie fr shyly whispeneti "If iI s ever dreamnet tIaiSi1bbie oul utte'r those w'ords fouts- tms eurteen manniages te elevenl ditterent imen is tIse bneuahtkîag record et Mns. Charles Wilson, ef ugOkînhoma T-ay rnsther, she fintis it tifuitt recaîl aUl ler huisbatis byanme ant is isnet'sure ceft tIs ener su wbich tliey caiuse. Threeiet thern she mafrietitwce Oas -stayet aya dy H aie breakfast ant i ft Witou eveaofeigt hlnr~ il tIse dsss"say's Mrs. Wilson.ý crashjetishe rrebr e cause lier hu'sant, a pe hr coulti1)net[stick te tIse truth.ý Now Cpii's nrnewlistrk again. "rrna teel about Cini, smlsMns. Wilson et' le în,lýý white-ained buisantiNo. 14 atj- ing withs jusi a, su1spicion et1 wnns:"'Anti this is my hast maruiage. He is tIse bent man 1 ever knew.' Sibeshut nofr tw" A m ustl Te r - -pieced(2 s This One is qlneiiga diet-peplum poc)ketsacet1h, ,wish, choose acekc iga with a sparklingw- t enrs cllarYo'llvit Pattern '4652: Iisses' S'izes 10, 12,14,16,18,20.Size 16 takesý This jpattera easyto -use'.sr- pie tosewis testet i for it. Has Senld TIT-IE CNS a!cceptecd)fortispteaPrn pLainly ,1SIZE, NAM'ýE, ADES Eisghttueenýth St.N. orno rnns Institut- in Canada anti, in Toronto at Lfýta ie.I a Cana-da Before 1noon bslaise .I miembers began ï1arriving i To)ronto. They 1ý1c mefron .'eVery, part of Ontarlo,faýntifrrnQube and arosthe orerto S-2- thîsý act.ion-sto ry ol Canadaýs istor tise eteven-ay Conf1ýýernce o'Df tlie Assocîateýd ountry Wnmýrren of tLhe Wn Tweýlve tosn o~ e~ terseauts la t1ie vaeL4 Gartins Friday ili.i eyOf thlem wvere asopresentla tIse af tgnooa ehu headess Tîhe chairman, cof cou rscçt.waIS MNrs. HgiSummers, The pek- er tse EHon, Sýtan GrsnMiia- ister of Justiîce, Canjad, wh- ofj- 'iah'y openied the p-frogrammei. If is~ ~~i imosbeeatî oluirn, t even gve yo a git et he igs from deegats ofeeryna tion rpesneda heCnfr ar.Yuha-ve pro1baibiy b dio, television andpresese I, 37,,U!confinmelf to inter:pro-t- ig vwhat I think wa,,s the ,atme'- sphe-re' of thecofrc. gates from thr ontîerni. frorn dAferent parts ofCaad and they al saiti1 the s;arïe thing - "We are hiaviil ag odru drne - the -kiindneýssanihs- tality-we m'idti eerywheýre rmr vellous." But this corsitie-at ion was flot oesdt.Visîting le- gtsreturredi-ne5s for kind - niess by patiefitl'y answering. tIse mnany questions tý hat wreput te them. 'But theyaise asked Evea from thseU..caemn inquiries witli the rpatdre- mak- "W- haa ne ideaCan ad¶a was liý,ke liis!' VU-LU LiNNE 14IRSTi gi n La he pagean 1t 1sl a h pages et hsstoryawLee urneti vealetc;inl sorund soni, One end roftIsear enta was shl n a arural settins _- a mp et iCanat7da agarrnst a back- ground 0et beýautifu1l ever'teens-% panticularly approprjateero,,tIse colourful at itncseè Ia werepresntein apro'per Se- quenice'.'T'ie audlienc a hsl ed with the tribal costunmesanti war-tiance ef the indians Then canGIse Vikýin-gs, thse exp)ýorers. ativentnurers, pissand tptes Cartier, HuLdso)n, Chamnplîn, La Salle[ý, Fronteniac antiMalin de Ven,-sberes were' n7eali:ticýally portrayeti. Scenies illustratîng thse growth of Canada; thse WAret 18,12; the comiing of the Uflitet Emnpire Lo-yalisantisee typicai of the ioneer pertýoti uLp te Confetieation. Then came tMe tievelopu)ent1fi' rthe ceu'ntry Ula ways whiçbtetiy we take seo mi1ah for grýnateti. The etbih mrenit er the RC.PtIsebuild- ingofettise C.P.R.,th oraz- tïin of thle W. I. at Stone1y Creek: developmnenit ofculture ant ich pregress of art anti etiticatin; folk dçancers ýfrorn Cherr H iLs Fa-_rrnand group Sil-gi-g frein tIs -Junior W, 1. ef Oxford County,ý. And se we crete tIe satiow cast by tw,,orltil wans: te the rumble ef guns anti thesouni e mairchirig fe-et. Anti te iseu vliant ptternpt ofpeace-oving peoples tco formn the nuclt'us ef thseUnti Nations. TIse ýPe2ace, Bigsymnbolic of seln1anyý Mes of untiefoeitibo.dr.rbc- t atIse LU.S.A. antid nai To) visýitons f ro foreigac-Ouin- tries this wajne of tIse nz ing bighligbits etftheitp uaîti a tielegate from Europe - "But - dO you actually mean yo ilhave an entinely undef,ýed border - o nearmeti guards ayhr at ail?" It was epap te lieri thtfor esrtenc!'ed visits fi oDneý curyteoth0-er -ientifcation1 was rnecessary; 1thene -were aise ratie restrictions anti cusom negulations respecteti by boUs counitnies but.,thiey wereceti ly net'l'entorcetib ret uri on elthier side."Wneru - a- rn)ost uabelievable' excamt the European tieleg9ate. The la.st scene of the pgat previeus te the final1e, wansa tnibute te thse Coronation of Eli- zab)eth- Il., Queen of Great Bi-, itain anid et Canada.Iatihe finale we saW again tIse rayorgani- zations tha iati ad ken part la the pageant andti t whom iCaniiada ewsse muchib- tseReti Cross, Gi Guides anti Boy Scous, tIse ln..C. A"antiSn Y.Ci.A tIe "Mouin t ie s "anti a 1Iost et othens. Anid se a hatwnnnseui- stirning day ca_ýrne te a cosanti 12,000 wOmnen leu t he Gardns IMY IWarm Mrnig oal Heater Duns 24 fours on Ume NFllg Woke >up ii 'a wurvaot* S'y 9- yetatr b2 ' O lrii î 5ý ioss e,, ,,icIte 24- u -s-a ao Manid OU s. eerWKîalTot bhve , lm, s-M ,o- l ts t as, n ea éw - d -M W,, Sp A"l le ir Bik ovuc- Mon cru!, eaiàatM-ae frUAtir jre.f5or--ea5r- fol 'yd-teI o freir-tl eres- sassa finih, Se thor 5* Eur eMi29 . GASDndOhMACEdIE l, Toolý1q oru ei om-sa.eleo"ht wyith Wonderful New eFaSfRtii;inq Dry Yat Rising Dry YCaSî:, Letstand 10 min.,THENstirwIl. Scald 1 c> milk andstir in'a ,griad snal/ sps, al,6tss rteinig; Cco l tolkewarmn. Add to yzasti-ý Stir le 3 c.once-sle bread four; becýt otlsot.Work in3e.or -Onc-sifted biread fler Kead tni sn iooth andf estic; lplace in grae bowl;1 brush top) with mielted bltter osortnï,i n g, Covr and set -in -a rm place, Irce from draiglit,. Let rieutil doUb3ý led bul. Wile dougli ;s rusiin, cmin ½ .be ;u gar (lig-htly preseddow> 3tps ground'Innmn'lc ase n dotvigh and diide oitoý 2 eqtual por- tions; form in 1to sIooth balîs, Roil ea ice intoan joblong119 !/*'tick * an 16ong; ibosco. doirgh. i3,s vitil melteId butter or margarine. Sprinkle wthrasi ixture. Bge n;iug a, a lon -e, iopchpec l~ slcep lace o.touch in , ac ot7, a n- iop, in greaed 7' round layer-ckepans, (or ole bt ow paa). ,Grease tops. Cover and ln ioderate ov en, , 20-25 inutlies, hev ot, orzela'. SM ore alngChances with l'-,ishable yeast cakes that have lest terleaveingi power! New, Fleýischmann' Eat DRY Yat~- krceeps full trng miad active ngi STAYSti thse moment yoIu use it. Needs NO refrigerion -keepas afely tests la yur ttbakin)g. 1 4-K an a ri, s toCC2) ivrxPuï andi rnaybela te !heart o c there carne a ese ut et-o Natinlprd a hn clgh the wrnedu ofths ret An care thÎralzation theaan