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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1953, p. 3

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1. ,,naîn oreI ene. Tnyears ago tise representa- tive,ýs of 44 nations mnet in Blot Sprir1gs, Va., U.S.A., to discp:-ss tise bumnan needs forifood an how ,theyý'coid ,be, balancedwii t3ise prodlucion 0 iicbmodem agicuflture is capable, if thec ho(ibbies âre ta.keri off it. Ten years bv passed suncetie bestexpces of Meos 44 countries have sat together and Mth more tanhait of almnkn lays tse-l4f to sleep at niht iti a1n empty soai Tise samne Probem. T'ise first Conclusionise BIot Springs conference arrived ait wsthat tisere is no need tou hunger anywisere in tise worl. Two tiircis of th'e peuple on, ear+ tishie>' said, are food pro- ducers and mitb tise means tisai Sciee as given then, they are capable of feeding t1isemselves ndthe remninig third. Tisere are no suirpluses, tise>' said, there is a deartis of pur- chasing power. Tise prob-lemi Bot p-ro.duction, thse problem 15 distibution. Tise delegates scored tise polio> ofÈ some goveramnents between waTïrs of restricted produ:ction whcswas necessitated b>' price supports to prevent farmers ta those countries tu grow more 'A tise supportedi crops wisicb ai- rcaý-dy were considered "suprpls" Trfbarriers anid cxport suis- sidies wer'e anoiser devîce to 'protct' the producers Tis deegae~also wre ht unl-Iess a solution wav's fou, rct e- sticios ould agai baviýe ito Ise im-posed and moredrsi onsat that, a prodction wýould ý,"But tisewr is sick oft ilss mNetive approacis to tise prois- Ief\ isedeegaItes cn iinc fo-rm1ing ïtheir aniswer. "Tise deveiopment of tise less vdvanced counrtries ma>' be re- garded as tise major need of tise dlecades following Ise vwar, 1G un Page of incaing agricutural1 efiin>Pnd indu-"striàal as 'I'hroiie poveruty and undernour- issmnt ere lies tise reaiest opportuni>'not only for impyov- ing hiuan wvelfore but for ex- pan in tsedemand for agîc-u- tur ial1 and indiustrialpodts Unjless ftise opportunit>' if 'vig- oro)usi> deeloedtirougb FAO and otiser interniationial ognz atfions, inidustry and agriculture w.ill bave to continue throttling pr'oduction dow.ýn te a restrîcted. demand, whicb is Mie isobbhing za finel>' bred race hsorse and ex- pcigit Uo wia tise race." Tise conferiencewa of tise opinion Isat "No govemamrent 1In isolation could provide rmde for suLcisaP s'ituation as tisai in wbicb so rman>' eountries fouad themsclves duririg tise într-war pro;indeed, isolati-ed ato worsens tise diffiultes." International Co-operation. Tise delegates ao tise 44 gov- eramnents cm to tise ultimiate conclusion ftat11ny by workinIg toge2tiertise nationIs could ail- leviate want and pove(ýrty: "Tise isighIs evels, of production- and tise cmoorinated international plan- ing atei, for tise purpo,,ss0o wor bave strengtbened tie con- viction tisat os mis amd ndore con be donc for peace." Out of tise Bot Springs con- ferncecmetise Federoation .of (FAO), fortise purpoe of blue- TJ'isequestion tda, en yar later, is wh1at have tisemme go(vemomIentîs LdonL c)toPut it to Wou'! 'JE Y de*1go a hclukti WC har day üoer a f^à Suistry which said tihe new plin-up boy un rendis a horsq, nds bat "A IDay in th'e Lite f Tulyrï sterg fUcSn Thisý ,cw-tln, ould dppf n lrladaCountr1y tha'.lt eey oe Uts horses, butbreeds sm anfietai aiadin fm t oý,wnS one in 11--c person ofTuar For Tulyar is the nation's horse. A fewimonths a,, mte lrish Parimnt, or Dail, approvedcc the e0edtr1o 7bO for the purchase of a salo name Tuilyar from i the fblu indian sportsman, the Aga Kban. Tuilya-r is reputed1 to be2 the horse of thecny e was un,-defeatýed as a i-er-l n the British Isies, whr i acer bas to run more ta six urj- longs and witb as much as 150 pounds on Is back, Thse purehase oni Tulyar didn't pass the Dail wthout au irgament. Alter aifl, it happenled ini Ire1fl. Vise Coservaive niembers of Parliansent contended 1700100 iwas a Cluxur Irice" for an animal i a country f aing an economie ecriss. But thse more libeýal mmbers woîn their poin, 60G to 23 that Tulyar was a good investmeot ir ii tis naionl hrse breedin1g industry, So Tulyar becamne a property Of tise gvrmn!Heb- longýs to thse frish Nationail Studi Farm iin Týully, C Kildare. Thse Irisis arecUvdaltc if any race is, and th',ey "ee nothin ieoSisent in i Cliitie noble hore. Imagirie the consewrnation on taw' Parliamient Hill il soesporting memnber advocated tbie purchaýse of Native Daner for a million or sa, for tbe purpose oýf împroving tbe breed of racing animals, in Ca-nada. But, of course, race-horses don't imean so mnucb to Canaida as they do to lieland. In Ire- iand, thse horse is big buýsiness. Export of hocrses is to lielind almnost what Generai Motors îs to thse United States or the gold, silver, lead and zinc products to Canada. Tlatbe peopleýs bçire, wil! bring mani,-y a pjound into Irel-and, Not so mnany as thseIrs sweep-stakesý net, of orsbut ciuite a tidy sumn, you may b e sure, An Amrericani syndicate headed by Jack Depey _os Ageles insurance man (flot the, ex-pugilist) 'bid miore tisani a million for Tulyar. Thee Moslem Aga Khsan may bave feit la conscience that the stçeýd belonged tineand andi took a eut in price. Thse Aga Khan wscritieized lia îLon1don lfo-r aligNoor to get away Irons h1im. Henec e hovrassensitive about Tulyar. Noor was lirishi-bre3, and eL artCtais every time out. Tulîyar is iseld to be an 104,shüêhope, becaust-he was traied on ýthse emei(rald green grass of the Ouldi Sod (orhis Engih 1 toF Your Cewemenî od ugestos o ti ol'un IIbewelcom.cI by Elmer Fergu son coColer houe, 41Woge Sq.,Torono. Calvt tD TLLE RS L IT tie pace deCvote'd to szport in tise And >Wyrt t ne of tie fsri tie sport that's played b>' more people,tson an>' tMen. Tiirt years go-ye, t'ent>' y-ears ag'o sccro ccupied tise Nme ir io.Bt nowa ay it's Bas- ketbal leadngftise el, i-tb tise rAittraJii hIo because ftise news htisttise tamous HteaGoeTotr are just back on tisssde of tie r>' tirceconinetltur wiich grossed over a mLIon dollars. DuIrinjgCro 'io Isleco)lored boy-s pce Wm yStadrim lin Londoïcn, Engplaird. Sonie eigist wees atr is>'were perfor-i-i ing bef'ore a seý-ou eowd la Cairco0 before Fa. CheUring miofe be-f ezzed gptas Tsseld ce)rtaýii do get aon.adn s o 11ce ti thirty--incis "ro-und baýg of wîad", than tise HCremlob etrot tors. Nooycao sinïk fnirbasket.s. Nooycan spring miore laughYis out of a gamieHat is supposedi ta be stricti> dribble, ps, andc shocot. Anrd nboyno vea tise prnalchamipion Yankees of bsbî,nor Notre Damte's gold- en boyýs offotalcnrewti ise Trotterýs a errudbx offie bonasa. As a f abu lous sports atato Iuýnatcised aybrtiseGoe trtescon be fauIlted o or -,ily' one cut isleir gamies are ev- cInt>' per cent comp,,etition, tiirIty per cent vaudeville.Yt none but a sports purisi coni avoid o- ing converted--because alter ai, ti,sb-oýv is ia isundred per CentI tl,ýent. \Whether involvcd in stmigstfrwrd ba s ký e t lb a 1 1, astouanding zacrobatiesor side- splittinog onsdtise Troiters al- wýays operate oh lfa genius level of imai.ginat;iion and eeuin Evrsec tlisem stogger tiseop- position with a series or blind passes? Ever sce thiem drop-kick tlise baIl into tisebskt Ever sec (hem iswitcis (o abasebi l!l- game pantomimne rght lAtise m-iddle of a basketbali rail>? Ever sec Otiemslyl>' smugý,lo a r-iond batCof pumPperniekeCl lbread into ise gamre, tlison bin-g (dowa tise ybouse b>' taking angry bites oui of tise "bail"? A isundred Million peopI l ilover[tise world have seen these stunts in Otise pst Bwddit ail] star't? Credit a flve -fooýt-tishree maestro rnmed Aise Sa-perstein., This Britiss-isorn Barnum of basketball otitendedl higis sclisoo ini Chiiago. Atter-1 ward, !hje organized nihbr (-.Ood team called tLise Savoy- Big Five. Tise>'were -sponsored b>' a baillroomT in Ciicago's Negro, sec- tion. Iipressed l 4ytliseir sill and sisowmnanship. âesei eie to takýýler(eibrsorâg Abje renamied bis team t'iseB-ar- 1cm -,Gobetrotters, to biieo(a) tise> were colored and (b) tise>' were willing to travel. !n tiseir initial scason of 1.92)7, tise Trot- tci's toured tise East in a broken- dIowni bus. Some nlights is-e>' earned as IlîtIe as five dollars wvhen tise hat was passed aon atfter- a gamre. But todaiy tise Har- 1cm Globefroterýs are a mul,,iti-- lionr-dollar enterprise, drawving over $1,000,000 la salaries. Tiseir, businessiaurrs occupy an LASSIFIED ADVER Ag'ents eaotedto rpoetCn4' or pr ieeae oiiosa l eOd offer s complote ineof S fuit tee ud- Roses etc Oursales ropositio .. or roisa dstint vantge. lair frer partCiculars ririte tOe St. S . tornoOt Inone ad pofit caîlisbowinig dan. luldn eturIo, religIous, sei,.u cad.En y nove 1try Items, Xrilibons., wras. seals ouse lgbts and, àbookeo. P' rmpt evice. [AhanIi omm1"issions I W T Jandon reeînsCard Ce.. 86lCn ÏZRIlE. WNDSýOR-- Grand Fals dtýisrict, Newý1tndland. FolciïIt'S Inr ,ie fro .obra Itsoingpsle gent-inlOtSprovince ADOEESailcalrosonen ce. tal H -0 11 pER1GroerW"e asutale cane 'Iyan reuinoent wib0-r pure cross etrinNe Hapeîrs.or tewHa_''iýre ad lucre broiler growv- ans arc PUucaigTddeEgQuit A CO1MBINATION chat îý isbrd b ea adis Appova stadar Quaityheavy, Suenial Matlgadd 14.00 uer hucîdred., Alonn-sexe'd an "cockenelcbikat pllt, UStre hksSare irlas 'ERGUS SNarcO TOP otchCaoaiau poroed hse Ilatlease"you qStandard Qul, ' hey bned pllts 5 0w s 10.0 erIun ditO lso nn-sexd andcookeItNl chic Ai o eiiv ne.Secarrie ciiks u nn seed r ccherIs.Ture- RAVE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L noi-ySlanes yisor~eï y~ Wite a usfor ntoraleion We are ladco newr gur uela. ;D7- pal iaui Il Panies l ice Wnr-kpis ofLimIte. 0 Veng) eeSt.. Tront ctint. Ifan. our 1Dnug isileis oERESl loitafyod mi. fromtvaccitea 'stoc1. ASou yr yug lneedI Cso,,vaîlable. Tex Svo S'arm. Chtpue . OtrsLIýl rouna sn p Cr- se S. <7nde --ihieottum. d ACTOIi cndtioneb crdo ls -ail nI ak) e aroale appvdiis aatîule ganu chs - sii dy smechanical warty au mo nuts.Priesonom$1.Tri r Capitelý? Capitcsll-Helen Fiske Sith, 19, vwili trepresent the U.S. capital çaI the "Miss Americco" bea.uty contest in Aia-ntic City. No smnall meastire ot basket- bahl' rain as tise world's nuni- ber-one port cal be cr0ddied to spedthe gosxpel oet ne o t tise faýr reaiccs Of tise '16e*.,. to c teMtaakbindians on An- acteIs-Land off lasaand to tUse labLorers jla tise sga-an ields of Luzo7i n latise Philippines. Tise> have pladilatise rair in Lyons, Fr:ance; in tise blaýzinig Lun On tiebeach a CsalaïaNoti Afa adiaar luit ofi a Theyve ~a g tatjob Of gameto tse or1l; ad tisey'vei al1so dlonc a wisole lot towalrds breaking dowen obnoxious Molr- Tw edclyladies c incdl- to a port> ewisotel inNMiamni E ach.iTise first tbing t noy0- ticed wa a furtive littie snan circUatilg froni guest to guest in ing [rmny. Tbehy were told hle was a boo)Lkice-a man wb-o took bels on tise horses. Ina\vacaýtion aadothey cd- cided impusively tu rîsk tw dollars tPscvs.Tey lJost. Tisat nigb,-t one f tise ladieýs tos- sed( aýroundin he-r bcd and sigi- cd so augubiiouislyitbat tlise other mik. Stopworyingbeamuse youI lost. It ws ni>'twodol- lar." tIfaini't lOsin-g f'wor- rigabout," Bcyaswrd "I was wryn about if we ohAd won. Wbat woul ehvedn wîth tie hors Care2' iENTS IN DIX( McATIC PAINS, 335 crss and nervi menmthlp Derlads 49.0 PesOï POST SANISHiSe W: sad weonme Salve wlll ýont îtchlo, saî rlngwm. dm:ýp ree-pondreai oumei Pregar pst. AND MïAK E proengond esl Mail Order Blli to C %e. riti 102, 1ZZlrth fransunh BE A Ores? rBcnsandshonc Ame!ý r W 1aOm e wl 44 KIl vauouer. t1 P UP T1O 5 SalInon lioan tor tou snp Pierrot 71$ 2- WVEN , L dbeh? vu auc o m, so. rolcor, XCI %Mad new fIn dùtydiamond llmlted ,uppIv owno ed si 28%5 wateoo peedr. 2-No.-' Beali Bearins- v. Beits Te MMtaMA) tteg. No. i152.5 aria.Phone 50.1 F'OR Seoembe Dunflop trwb SU 500; $8 tht rci-i zf "CIal Jalt. Ioldinq7 -e roo tliteratur. 'mru-N RUCUSTIE ùreD , regla1r 0 10.10,i 1 inLount, save cn Ï1 M. H. CminsTanik, 12 - n s on'i e 0,, cy' r '. $1,10, ni, hine, new $12 Sanie SEchool Bs, 4 p1eeett N.iS d.CalmaIl 15N rcn ue vu. aul 9 oi itd ai12 per bus, .( B P rae ba ggod.g, S ith' l nt, Qaeill. nt Pt-,, îWâUL WHEATN T(NE PRINCIPAL ING-REDi. ON'S REMEDY FOR RIEu. " MEURITIS.N 015 DPUG STORE,N Elgin, onnuN Expresh PrepcÀd. - o Llilp al Vvat pin, dis- is paiS upan rue rEANSY rO5nONTO "e' rmeno f dr 1e em nc , e ,1, tobls Pot' ism dso yn ne, bNnsceaarN ;em S1 ~ l PES lAIS N E..0 CeresoSlga A i AD Wr, I 4 "7ý IrN StAY HOMET. re reN GOODEXTR MORÊ-- E's yniprtCdSuciatiesy en , ycuenatasd roýn i Coast 1, 1 Bni s aiLI.l Satem'.Bp ,> .lanil bok any ana 'n "B", M ontrea l Qu.(ï, olio >,,ýi,,, RoxN

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