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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1953, p. 4

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- ~-~- r e r OKUNO WEI~KL~ FIM1~FHURSDAY, SEPTEMflE~ 10, 1953 -- OROINO WEEKLY TIMES sighriz4 a seondClass Mal, Post Ollfice Departmneut, Ottawa. Advertising iRates on Request. Subseiption $1.50 E~tabishe Janary,1937. Fe.~sr. R A Forrester - Publisher. R C Forrester INGý-OME TAX EXEMýPT?' S;ecuing enough blood doniors to ke the RedCrs services goning- is a cotmnung heaidache(. Above il it mneans that those whio work forýoî the Socîe-ty w,:tiout puiy nist i la tr be conlstantly pleAd- ýing witihothers to volunïteer their blood. RareisI suggestion thutia might help) contsiderably, giveni the co-operation of the goveraniclt, of- the nagiLemenit of the society and 'the pubic uý t lar'ge. Wýhy flot mi-ake blood donations deductibie for- tax purposes? Blood cer-tainly luas value. Baek ilu the dayiýs before the Red Cross got luito the business, a handCful of healthy- Canadiaus, usdto !et their. blood for, cash, aud w-ee thoughit klndly of for hi. Jt would be returiulg char-ity with justice if 'the plut of vital fluid nwgiv-enfee er coaýsidered as a donation ilkid to thie So- cidy's t reasury, There shouldn't be too muc1ýh trouble seiuig a vailuie for ç-a,ýhi donationi. Iii ealier days a, doniatioýn of 100 cc was consideredl wo th$25 At tolny',s pices, that, would be ab)out doubled, but a pi- ce of$35 should be agreceable aIl round. Betwýýeeni wars th1e Red C os ýs lîso each blood donlor oufly twice a year. It wouald be de- s-erved and apprec-iated1, if these výolujnteers could add another $70 to heir chiaritable donations ou thie income tax forni. Thne cost to Ottawa lu lost tax revenue wdýuld bie small; there is a litto the hlood that hiospitals ea ,ue uudthe ore4onor woapplied, thle fewer tfimes any individu-al wouid be called. Tt wouild maeit easier and Iess einbarrassing- for, the Red Cross to keep up a tad u)pply of suppliers suld would give the donors thieniselves, mayof whomi have -lot $70 cash to donate, -a justified sense of acom-,p1îlient. Education Entgineoers, geolIogistsw., dentists and nre are amlouig the caeoisof specuh*,lyý trined personnel for- which the demiand iht Caýnada right noweced supply. The demanid for engineers is "a fliniteïy greateir thani the supply" and likely to remiain so for sev-eral yearns, aecording to th xctieudpofessional divisionl of the LUnemiiploy;Ment- Insurauce Commission. The demand forý commerce grauaes continues uai as great proportionately ýas for enigineers. hE as even received requests for gruduates ilutheology. The division has issued a bulletin usfoowu to a more ex- tnive r-eview a year ugo. t predicted then a shortage of 25,000 tecesby 1955 snd fiuds no change ne-w, except an increase ilu the nubrof secondary sehIool studenits is in prospect. On aceount of lu- craigPopulation anid btter realization of the aieed, for- proper cueof the teethl, the dental profession "seenis îkely to be under- mannd for years te cornie." The shortage of nurses has, ec ï gra 'aed 'by migration to tuhe U. S. of aearly 1,000 iiilu year, on1]Y Partiy- of'fseýt by arrivais -fron-i the U-K. Arts stud(ents will be interested ilu the report thut nmycm pyesarce iuterested lu apJicanmts' extra-curriÀcular activi;tieS,an vd orly whoIly up on acadeie* staing. ais.o in acocluionta employers "are lookinmoe fvoaipon uieriygraduaties as reristo busins, anidwhr no special sc-ientifie knjowledge is nieed- edufor he job , Ar-ts graduates are acceptable." Tt is good iinws that the Commission, -with l is varied sources of infrmatinnfras a continiuing i,-;bight ouf7ook for. Canwaas unvriystudents, subjeet oiy to uniforsee ireu iaces. It is of ineetto parents ilnd guardianms and ethers called upon to counsel h,,,ii sehool students. The latter, says the report, should be persuadied to go on to uniiver-sity if the record indJicateàs thut they will benefit. As to the financilaset it is pointed out that suminer emiployment wilIl go far- toward thre expeuses of su academ-ie year, sud that' there a-re chances of schiolarships and huirsaries. If young Canadians really capable of benefitting do not -receive hîghber education, it is alrea wseof Csn-ada-'s humanii resources. ýNi)TCE/ Dr yer wil \it ýin his office durlng the le nîng Septein- ber 13th.a- ANOTIC If the partMwho emod the wal badfro0m ýe Fýr grCudMds returns it by Friday th-wiAU notbero- COMING EVENTS NeXt Sunday Rali-y yqt the UntdChurch, rono, dIts, op ed that as mayf theSundaySeoo searad tsh as is possible wll arrange to bV resecnt. CURTIS, Enun Beaman-Aj th"e reiecKead 4, on Tuiesd ,ý, Sep- temnber. 8th, 19 53Emmoa eýýaa Cutsbeiaveýd w of Wm.,À1Cutis ini her 'st ya.R ýsting ittche Moris Thur(day 1noon. ric inenldail1 Unrited ChuLrc on rsay at 93!0 pam ntWerment Orono Cemnetery. Mlemnorial HsiaBowimanvill ,on Saturday, Septejber 5, 19.53 Ho r,-d Martin Linton a ýe 42 years. Bqlovedl husband of bMarg lret Underwo an fathfer of Fl1ore c-e (Mrs. uglpas Allen). ?Ji- Linton restd uit the 1.- Barow Funerial Homne for werie am2.00 p. -Monday, Septem-bee 7th,95.ntr ment Orono Cemàet v. CARD 0F TH1ANK,ý 1 wnuld like to ta?ýe this o1hortunity to thank mny %frisand r6 atives for thie books, cards 1qOd g ls sent ine! during myv stay i r Tor ofto Western Hlospital. Herbeî ,-urgess, Orono CARD 0F T1ANKhS 1Mrs Howaird Liniton aind famuly wCh toexpress their deep apprec .a- tionf and sincere thanks t?,rlelatives and. j frjien fs f ýr t yat'; 111MT jC,És of kindnliess, Heeautiful oral ý1offer'- ings and 1rnessakes of sy pathy dur- ing the illness qind dedh of alvn h-usbaind and fa ~,er. a-P1 CARD 0 HANKS Mrs. L. Thorne nishes tA convey ber sincere appreciation foy ah the' 'kindness, flowvers and g 4ts fromi fjiends aund neighbouirs uÈrig lber, f ive mnonthis s4 uM ra ls Hopial orno, an lsince lber te-j trhoeon Sý . Ï y of lat wek The undfeisigned hias received in- structions from Mr. Harry Demcizukl, lot 22, coný. 3, Mfanve-rs 'ýwP., id between Pontypool andfMillbrook on the County qad to soll bys publie auction on _edue-sduayj Septemnber 23 at 1 p.m. vafiable li,,stock, rmachin- ery, feeci, fu niture jte. Teriniscash,, no reserve. Jàck R d, Auctioneer FAI A jIIý Frirday and Saturday 8EPT. I AND 12 {iOutstandling showing of ilorses, Cat tie, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Grain, Fruit, Flowers, Fine Arts, Needi ework, Domestic Science School Work t and Junior Department. SHarness Races Sept-1 Pnr acsuneyadl, Admission 50c.; Cars 25c.; Children under 12 Free.g Con-petîtion for Dramatic Societies O NE AOT P LAY S Town Hall, Oronoboth nlgts Admission 50c; Children 2âe.g jMusic By Orono Brass Band on Fair Day I et Yoiir Friends At The Orono Eair CDLA$SIFIED OOLUMNS FOR)P, SAI 1rE f CEDAR POLÈS 'F'ORSA Pot-atoes for sale,- Phoule/m Any i)umïiier up it150. Goodi Tonjiinson, 65-r-3, 011-p. nesa ndléligth ýuitaie -for r ails or sm 1 llposts, 25e euich, fcrred, aihýh h ot InecesSar Y. 4e'Eq ient-OaoSprt Stedy eary e ymjent. Apply iim agnPion lis, F1lxi eH peso. VJs.ICnox, I-ouey HllwBisilT2d iDlk, adr 1tetauarl~, ewcstl."-ec Hydrauliiie 26 iplatde 2.0 Mclay yl n Kichn Cari Todd, h e 1520, Clarjlý iRange. ILaspo le'sa c ydition. Rese- voir, under o\ en Nar-ming closet. 1 2NE Wortb $19'0.00.' ngfor8$0.f,0. 01ne-Ponfy oso rsesudd J. ~0 H.Sehn ,Oro, R.,1. god onito V oinon b-p Phone 35-î- )' W'ANTEII- TO RENT DEAD FARM STOCK PICK-E Four room a aI]tInIIt r ésmiall promptly. P ne col! i Bowma house. Central. 3 duis. e4ase leave 2679. Also wè buy Uieo horses. written repiy u m Ofc. ovill Fur Fari , Tyr e NOTICE Anyonle wishiu1g to eoe a studeiit ,of-The Rogersoi4School of Dancin ii qa sk--e write or 'contact Mts. Roger-soni, ~oo e etme l4th. Ballfet, Tap amid ,usical Comiedy. Terils on ial \lcati. a-c iA W eekly Le tr oroo Ont., Sept. 9, 1953 Sky Harbour Air, Port, Goderieh, ont. Dear Donaild:- W e used Up,, the last long sun m eru eveniug for a vis;it with our -d ear' frienlds àAnd ousinis, the Clar.kes 1ut Pt.2reott. Initiende goinig haîf wayl that ev,ýeing but got cauLghlinlaa cloud bursst at Colborne ýnd werýý gldto turn ini at A-thoîcrest whevt weý were again warmly \welcomed a1id Th'le morinilg, -was wet so we g'-ve upz the idea of a [rtnp ot9gh PÉhice Ed&va-,rd counity and stayed on -N o. 2. ilad a good gape ut ail the aircraft ut Trento i. At Beilville we IoI1ýéd upl- the Houston companiy and lBert iloir- sto n1toured 'us thrilotgh their lumber sheds, 1faetory, yards anid ffices. Their show rooni is a mnodel fou dea- 1ej, :ý as istanit as Toronto. Wé would like to emulate theni lu a sin l way la Orono us we have il the producta' they feature, ahrt~ten-tét paii- els, sheeting and ceiling tiles, jlusul- ationi, sheet-rocký, wall1 boa-rds, piy- wo ol, ;doors, windos, ashaîit shiingles tandsiding to ïmeution only a fe-, of the modern wonkler build- ing ntras At Kîngý,stou w-'e sa t\ irep Cana- dia-iýavýY Fairmîlle craft 'tied up in the rvr Got perm1-ission to niake anl inspiectioin and were c0udu*ýed through Onle of the faist I;ttlej' submlarine chasers , which were used to g-uard (-)ni east~ coast during World War Tw.The$y vere bulit fdr spýeead eeonom1y not for- comlforg se I had ne hankeriing fo go to sea, ; ~Insure -Against Siieh Iazards ~ Fotunte~that: your home 18 covered with -proteoqing tire snurn or "tuna$e because you are prot4cted against a. §completo 0'S C ALL N t.F. PORTER li- f 2 ORONO) Ont farmi prom-ptly for, saniiary disposal. Telep)hone Golet: Cobourg166o GORDON YOUNG LIMTED Use the Cia ssified coluna Orono Tinshbp, Ilave Youir Furnace VACUUMED and REPAIRED or a New One lINSTALLEDi Before COLD WIEATHE,1< Cornes R. E. LOGAN Phenr 1,9-10 Your insuranoe costs cari be substantially re- dcâled by buy-ing Divi- dend Paying Policies Quotations on request. Leroy ilamilton ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE LaI . its branecheps Fire, Burgiary, Hospitalization Automobile, Life, Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Liabfilty, Livestock, Boiler, -Wind, Polio. Real Estate $5,000. Farmn rear Millbrook on cotnty road. fitty acres dlay loam. fine barn with hydre, in- stalled, ail cenent stable floors garage, 7 roomied Insul-hric bouse. lar'ge pantry and clothes closets. Open fer best cash of- fe.MORTGAGE FUNDS I have avaiable funds for first mortgages on improved property in Clarl<e Township- current interest rates. and Rlot Water Heating CALL U,- FOR ESTIMATES IIARRY E. LYCETT Phione 84 r 12 ORONO ONT. ~EProf essional, thiek- feuce A. F. ,c K EI a-c PHYSIAN asd ote fil -eader, 21.00 to 4ýO .00 p.m; rrows, SundaYs and Wue or for appoinîmeil wn es, PlNE4r ilser- ed-r E. C. SY E. OLTV",CTÇ'T A,înil. Idi, la Or-ono. a-p D UjP lanvilie Marg- PHIONE 94 r1 l Director ~ZIE, M.D. SUHGEON 'UTS .~4 $4 &.ff ~ ~dneîdays by towly R, M.D. ORONO OONOs LEGAL Lawrence C. Masoni, BL Barrister and S,'olitor ItOWMIANVILLE, ONT-. Phonîos: Office 688 Home 56à3 JACK RE ID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer ani Valuater Speelýalize ini Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me fur terme and dates TED JACKSOGN Auci<rneer and Valuator ~odcsAuclion Sale3 of ail uLz.le and at reasoable raies Conimunicate with hlmu at p6n Perry, Ontario, or see bis Clerk, j- 01. Morton, at Orono, for date> LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Edurcational pq1icïgaý Protection and Savings Plans le* Children and Adults; MortxazeIl-- Surance Plans. F. E. le.YCETT GRONO, Ont. Phone 20 r 14 COMPANY Dial 3216 -- P.O. Box 622 Port Ho3pe, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkerm. STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phonoe Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMERNTS ANP AMBKERS Lot us ereet a handsoine, lig- nified monument over the et- ing place of your loved ene&a [t's not oxpensivo. And âQodfng this lasi trihbie wili gpve you Eýn(11less f Orono Elfctric Phone 93 r 1 COINTRACTOIRS FOR FlARM and HOUSE WIRING Frete Ftimates APPLIANCE SALES prompt and Guaranteed Repaira to all niakes of Electrical Eupe8 an~d Appliances Such aru Mof ors, Water leattoe Mfainl Street South Office Hours: ..0te 4.00 p U9 630te 8.00 P.M, Sunidays and Holidays by Appointmeilt PHfONE '44 r 19 D R. R. J. T A GGAÀRT VETERINAILY SURGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SNATING RINK

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