M~ W~- PiZOPAGATMON 0F'MSIQG AN UNCERT'AEN VENTURE~ REV. A. Y. 1ROBERTSON, B.D.,Gore's Landing Services at Il ànd 7:30.1he Suinday ýSejhool wijl meet a 0:0 feashort service wl poee toteChuircl a i -A hearty initation is extended to alil I o îi n these service's. Elberta Freestone PEACIIES are here. La rge Crisp 2 for .1 9c. (Cotinedfrom ipaige 1) & minnow s rfood when ithey-es the-ir lan--ýkton feeding. Iler'e agai, md lil tianbe vr kiwi dor unkind ini heclueOCf mask-inonige. -Hunterýs are reminded thaut "It is coutraryt te Game and Fishieries Ac-t andiReultin to hiave in pose- ession after August .31, and ldeer, mosor protected bii;dlafuil1 A arenmber enijoyed the Sunday theloalPark on Spebr6t h, whenr Newcastle and Oronio joined cungreationsforis- cain (WJrvoair favouite eut of LAMB at nlew reduceed prime Cornish NMarlketeria Cran... 'Il Local News HartÂd. Brace Up Auntie, Alice has just eloped with the gardener. The Red Lamp, F14. Nite. Miss Ettýa ;H1olmunesý , Oshi\a albas beenl visiting -Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ta bynad Mr, and M IL H.Row- Mr-s. J1. C. Gamney spen at et week in Tor-onto. Mýr. and Mrs. C.,. carnspent1 the wcek-end with M'. and M5, Harry cilrke and fail, Pescatt, Mr. andis.IJl. ArnIott:171d cilidren lef t lastwekfr egn Mrs. Anott's mother, -Mrs.A.Ry Mr, ad Mrs. humacker mve last we into Mr. W. J. Watsons up- stairs ,aparfnment. -Mrs. Russeil 'Rest and Mr. !and 7Mr. Geo. Carson for a few days. Mr. and MsCleve Clemon)l-s, Osh- aIwa werercent vi'sitors \with Mrs. CL LPoesand Mr. A. clemnens. Rev. J. Kithen was àn carge of 'the Sunday morning service in Orono United Church, after n mronbhs vaca tion.ý The splendid congregation vas a good beginning for, the 'work of the ehurch for the faýIl and winter months. Mr. Jack Allun, Newcastle an-d Mr. Glen Allun play-ed a very ini- spirinig cornlet duet, w-hich was much appreciated. MBISs Phyllis Caneton, Toronto, spent the holiday with -Mr. and Mis. Mac Ca4oeton. Mis..Brona cousin of Mr. W. J. SLtis, wvho came from the wecst recently, is visiting Mr. and IMrs. W. J. -Stnton. .Mrs. Leona So-uch, Sc-arborq, is Visiting with- Mrs. W. J. Stutt. Mr. and Ms.Clar-ence. Allin at- tended the fpùneral ofI'Mr. Alnsaunt Mlrs. NeilMcnis on Tuesdayý at Mr. Sami Keats, Chaitham,vste Mr.. and Mrs. J im Richairds. MA. and Mrs. Cleave Cleimnce of GsAwa spent theeek-end with hls br-other- and sseMs C. L. Po-wers.ý IR-v ad AMrs. Gardlener,Sefth sp~et Sturay ithA. E. Clemience ans sMon. C.L. WPo. SudaSeptenber Oh.Mrs 1,Searle o)f Tor[oulto, Will betheguest sekr by MUr. 1). I"ound who rcivla U3 Chevr-olet .fcr-beingý thie wnhg ls Hiow, could you conisent to receive such presents frm a hiwyer wthout clientis? The Red LrnFriday -ight. The Orono Wood Produets bais n taken residenice in its new building- on Cobbledick Street and is ini fuli oprto.The iiew factony to-day, freshly painted ai-i of i)ioderai de- sigii le cerýtanly <an asset to the -vill- age. The building provides plenty of ig-ht with- pleasant worlclng Con- diitionis. j"; situo'tion is ideal for ship- ping of googs both to and fromi the falctory-. Or0ono Pastoral 11o1n Kitchten SUNDA,ýY, SEPTEMBER îth OiON-Sundalll;y Schooi uit 10:30. Servioces at Il and 7:30, Service at 3:00. Rev. A. Y. Robertson, lBD .,Of Gore's Landing will be the'ges pre-acher. -A hea,,rty welcome extended ta al.ý TIVD Discover money's talent for opening opèpoituity, ARMSTRONG'S ail Fashhyfis FA4 HIATS New Fal HaIs ia alshades. Ail1 differepn tylt3es and colora. hn Velvet, FFef[ts and Velours. Price-$49 .5 SKIRTS Sk rtsý in Wool Flinel, Tartan Plaids, Velv-ets aiml Wool Gabar- dIin . Plleated ie BLOUJSES B/uIsts in Wool Jersey Nylon Sor/ Crepé. Size 12- rie------- --$-.9 5 S 7.95 New Fal esesand Wool Suits Ail new styles., Price $18 .50 -,$22.50 -7' Matche' 3 boxes 25e. SweÇt~1ixd Pckls'r ..26 S uga ,K per cwt........ $8.50 NipP-Y OId Cl,-ese lîb..... 70e. Ayl er Ketflru b9tle ... 2e. Aer e ilFlý,7 ik"T, 3 far ,10-lc. Fru~its -V gtbe Cookdug Apples -Peaches Womatoes - COletiy .Bauaiias FOR ME~ FAIR SEPTEIWBER 11ïand 12 Fresh JFrozeit Fruits, Yegetables, Fish, Juices and Cbj41e. ,e~ ~. z. -~ N .5 s .5 s s i. s s- 'a' Phone ~2Il1