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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1953, p. 7

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= mgtvcry wllborrow an copyftomour eighbors mto the immodiao Sout. An editorial l The Tarrn Journal, puhlished in Philadlphia, tlîs al!bot f Thîs Novemberwiise fi sfr ta.2ewuation-widc on rats iwoa't, hecxfcrminafcdlain ciuem j-l, typar; but l imn f hcy tau be reduced fa rarify, and, ..cmpctlyeradieatedc, ah j the riittcr. No dîirfier nor fmoýre dangeous wld basf lives 'ta the raadfhlmnf is kindý -will aofl ecnr eih urgi poion, akesIf asily pos- sil akil-!thfe rats wlerýever if i usd.Chidwuma, iormain eau u f y ollowing sâimple direcf~ns, Tat's uneras- tIc act hat Ie ool l no e hand ý Te oferasoni, 15 that uncaFrts admcwchar tarn esokils)are liminaf cd, fhousaads ut ferus arc gaîng ta 1 b3e penallie in fhe near future when uhýcy of tcon atmiiaedc tim. u atnfi rats move foî tIc ield -naras and criba fo shelferaird a undnt fttal. Fr ers cen tAdtIctlew inute eauhoon Iehcinnfaing. Ya may dan Up oux rn ii letertlnd newsupply of rai moîgin tamyour ehors You ill ave-0 keep gvu -~tiu ad soialpr-.essure will h urglng your aighbur fa il li Un e ic a luaderSp toppa- fuit n vcycommun-ity. 4-H7 Clus, .F.. capters, Farmr Burau rous, ranges egas womea s clubs, churclcs -- any kind ut society ,or ognzfo andrake ftoa achievo a ra-jt- lesa omh-f Any ldvda who tkes ane t his owu romea ias eauureand -help hL i acigh,-1 hors i,ýook effthflirs. E venî- týuahl!y ri0onewiwn f fatub-efI pokidof neighor Mwho nbar- peop cA premises. longsine larnd fat a rat bas f0lae aceta ide. On flei tarns ou'ii fnd fatcon- crete, sîet steeland hrdar rats'a- nfrbiiaa o will fi-,dlunI r ad pipestce sekcojrin qris angrain up on stiltand nu rhbish Piles îIott for ras arere.Every tad--rn grai, I maymIe Ta-kiin i~neeeser, ~Bpt poai a proof COow. muscrat ss 2a year for, the feýed liecatsnd deýstroys. lIe is iloy to conaminsate ebIas" anothier $20 worfh. Eacbi rat îin_ a grinrOrage for a ycEarshd about a millon hairs, and voida about 10,000 droppings and a gallon of Mi-, (As ranY as 10>- 000 li-ce bave been found on,. a' single rat. Tbiey carry flea d ml-i'tes. One pair or-rats Ma", raise 50 m~ore rats in a year. For- every, rat you sec there are probably feorMa dozen Mme you dou7t sec. * * Tuowns and cifies hIave pet of rcac tfo. ýThe extermnination war 'w hae 0reachinti h streets,alcsstr-ossad sînins. Town- dumips are bad oti- tenders, for they providiecoen fraf ion 'centers froinp whtch rat can spread ont over farms that hiav.e been clýeaaed up. If yu farn cmuiyeradÏicates ifs,ý rats, your fown vwili casily ,b made ,fi se t hat i i d s thinkin-g about the cots, th fl1thnes~andChe dangers 0t-hI ing rats on thr.eïr preImisýes, to; toi- eraf e Gthe beasta wîli becomen thioroughýily 'un-popuflar. VW h ýe -n everyonc elearans how esyit i to de r0! iltheir rats wt w~afein tcywili wvondcer vwby, anoeshould permiit a rut ta live, As ~tNcolumureaake Ifew mnIiflýs aonose-rpc- ~in'g persan mi- ay morefhn 0f alowng ats on the place ta a housewifUe will'rest we h finds bedbugs lu the house- bafflrs crwlcdinto fiherigo the ncef aous raawayAth- lefiecUII ï)iin atch thaf had1 aftracted a great deal ot witr- est, Bath wcre wl-nw asJon HcnryJoIhason. h other wais WltrEd:gerton, bt fer o s s the"Knfck Rosebud.' The Kentncky Rosebuwd !had c:am'paîgned agaýinjsf tlhetl thewold an ws ceie w1itb a krocko,!ut victory ove ei g ht chapion Of thewoi eCr n and the r um ilors lewu thick andi fst L1thaliteRoeu waý, on-Ihiýs waFy do n te de affer a long and creditabie car- er. If was a bafflIbfw c mnncamîng .)sup ada aI on Clown. eOr was if?- On fengi ftheig1t,2 h ltffle Boda tlfcCu was mmmd fa te raf fers wxifh a idyexcitcd crowd Evcry- anw peenewscager ta sec- hoW the younger adstr-onger Johnýson ol make ouf gis the aeereiccdKnuk Fron Cte Opening bl h c began ta miix if fler liTe fighf was nof only , a mate a victy ut thero ws asoa question oA prestige fa settie bu- twecn tSem. Thýefrs round waîsse, so Scnd us"uus is -vacationll ime in Englaýnd anrd theseC people semta bc enjoyin4g the s4nshine at i-Rilh' . oevr the tkesoe ime ta aeupa h helicoptehal throWse s Wabi ns4om-t h e-foor Craýin mols onej of Dior'ès lot- est fashions, made f pale lu taffîeta, Iust efor! e leving for South fria nd .l înew mo.'.vie. mne. Ea,-cht ,àmn gave andt0e- ceivd trrîfie unhint. The second rond was nrpiica of blows tht had bs vOunger and more vi.gorous opponent stagger- ing around the rng.The crowd oldfor)he3i7.As -us ual, he older nha ontefàavor of thesprtsfas troghhs abîli- tope Mwih lnson. The bd;l rang for the four'tb quck to ;reiefo thpns- ani sur- of binse«f, Mewas de-. the stuaton, Rs oler oppoen ring, feined oce, and then th aheengmeystrug- gleto his ee. Te entucky dancd inand hot ver anotheîc le ,ten rgt rosjw wentJohsonagan.Phis time iad prospe D tooptics that he Againhe sowed tat he -was thoghthe ha slppe. ad he otJust liý cke John HÀ enry thr heewa sil letyo ot ingurPnsalandut he Edgrto tht as dfeetFor, exml,DJhn Henry Jhson, the yung pstar, a ere bx in othws otyfveya exsatly sixtyOtIree yr yofae 'was aproahe on dy b a ragro yungsalsma wh iwe scouiedû "Ifyou hdRthSoboks, son," roared the ld farmer,"J dMnAtfarm hates o od as I knowý (Acco-d ngf0 aw e î0car Profane Hoeytý-I Won.,ohvr aobî Moaf ravenGolf just wOn $0,0 or wiél n ng ý f irsatplace in fl "ic Uniicorn Po puizzlequizcnea.The Brea of Itra eeu tld d he'll be allowed ta keep about $82,500 )of the toalbwich ,c. cOuntis for his du ok Mienucecwing 3guin la mbed- ded in cloffhiing o tapc l a curpet, tub if wfha peeu ice enýd sraeif off.if saU rein-ainisspaugewih aro Awde~ws 0, Filiming Fights Ticklish uins F igîf seenles are fricky ecugI f0 film at fIe bestof fumes, lu voivig split-seeond yeeersais, offen the Lise out doubies, and somnefimes tIc aid af ductýors. Whon fIe contestants arnOt foui.glle-moen, but girls heha- - ing for the occasion ike ,sîbe-cats, fhe difficulf les aàre Mýagîfxed a thousandfod&Di r ectfar Fe1ix Felaf tound thet ouf betore he lad fIe irough-aad-tumrbic-1brawl beftween Pafrice Wymowreand Liný-a Romnay in"The NMan el- hind fIe Gun" saïcly lahi can.î Pafrico, a achoolteacler unLs Angeles, and Lina, a duehi enfertainer, both madly .a.loM wiffi Randolph Scotf,stg a figît in which Lina- trieq)s a ssh Paf wifh a huit e. During flic firsf taethgrl rolled around tfle dusty cfa u the set, struiggiia,-g for pojssession ut the weapan, somnething 4wceaf wrang anld the bree-'th1es- girls lad fY play flic scene a s.econd5 fume. As ifftho bell for anorther roeundc lad just gone, tîey wnî et i egain. l Ier; ggcLia nn cd Pat right -r rss fIe rooni 50 tbatfier atm l 1it an ir orket. wifî a migîfy blow. WIVe I-ite direefor yeîlied - uf!' Paf st onitce floo ruoîag 1er btuiscd erm 4nd calling ton wâee fa as t,,ýhle cduatt of aier mojl The toactressos glaecd e acî othet. ,They said n'Dta wr but if looked as if hpp were Mmeflan r e a d y for anfer round, mifh or twifouCfe ca- tioned.- "As sonmsiw- dan ouUp promnisecd fle drirectcor, wfha sig"i af relief, "e'l o ic gen but, Lina, dCon't l-idotI Iit wîeu you roli over tIcnext time We waaf ýta soc if." Ma!-ke-ujji incaen rdcsri n ward1robc womiea we7nf no c tion liko seýond-swrkîgae fîcir ring opponents befweon roLundls -aud fhe fagiiS wr soon ready ta fce the e~ea again. Thiis fume h îhuleate- mnained in camrera viow, fIgirls flisled ifhasufa ecsh and Feuix (ealled,"ritt But Paf' aad inasodbl ing et ,îeach other, bus. is like a c84.p1Le f eifo!.Thn al1MoCat et flicsin om fe slipped ',ouaitherps n bocamo fheinselves again "You ahý ..rigîfdaria?" tsk c fhe L j n a uodded, feeling fr do if once nmore teTerioo camoeraýs will record me as01anc big blajck and blue mrk in atm, e haffer-ing and aghng The ietrwpdbsbw plant w,,ith bacon slices-nmks a tasty min ds frspp So lucThe ofihers-they're A vegetLable disht-es-go eýxtra well wilh siices -utfToast, and Fa saiad for an easy-to-get diller. The pot ato re2cipes can be- prepared ln thiemrln ad kepV etle tilI t ïmefor the evcniïngma, EGGPLiANT STEAKS * Pel, uce1/~ineh thick i *Brusb with J: . mel&eidicbilt- ter *ComIbIne 2e.fiedY bread erumbs, 1 tsp. sait, j1/4 tsp. Pepper 0 Dip eggplanf suers lu brcadJ' * Bake on. ,reasedcokesh! in (50)ove,-, mnues Gheese Saue: A M iii-in o t dole bolier7,t, p Jour over eggpiant serv wif ba e bacon u! SAUCE * okin samaî arnontof hou- ing, saitcd watepr F itts *Add 1 slied rMdappie, if Cook 3 or 4 minutes more, or Sour Cream Sauce: * e Cobine 1s csur eream, ½ tblp.lein juieý 0 Place cut sicc up. ,. ak àdish, oirn e Srinkleovertoaes 0*Coaein moa t ciwbot oer u- (2~ o Ine.Sre hamdBen r, ýaf is t'he ne reiiu eaider of Mrco e placing ,his uclSultan d ,Mohammnrec ieýn Yuuseff, Aa ntonli!st ede&cagtoff guard bY Frýarice's ouater fci re,7 sultan, qtflckly rceigfroni the surprisemae ordier his fcl- lowvers to figlt s eso . . . ....... * Cu carof Çaissaich pieesý, hich hik *Greawelu!8cx 10inwh prod bakîng dash. *Stand crrwot scsonuend around side of ds. *Cover otm fdshwt peau, *FQ1 with mashed potatoes *Place baking dish in pan oaî hot MUA"e. *Bake in (3500)a"es n fr minutes, * Tura1 pie usie dxv o serving plate. (If s-lips o-ut eýsi1y if p-n l 'reimgueuses.) Serves6 to bie eeais With cel VELVET SAUCE *Brai 3 egg yOiks *Add P a, light creain il htp. sait Il tsp.nuntmeg, dash Cayzenne peperi 1 tbIsps. le jnmie le Cook ini top of double boîler ing constantl. *ij tiî1u2tls.bte Serve imdaey ae A scuce fMoit trire iva new look adnwfaort es carrots adgenbasi ONION-PARSLEY SAUCE * Y Meit tbi.bte saucetisp. eur -bde ?5k 1 wtp.sait-- s N No N N N 'N 'N N * N N s N s N N s N N s N No N N s s. N N N N N N s N N N 0-o ~0 'N N. N s N N 0~, N s N N s' N N N. N. 's s--, N N N N. N0 No No N s s s il,,, ý

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