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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1953, p. 8

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i __________ ORONO WEEKLY 1%1E, THURSDAY, SEPTJEMBER-I),19- 53 r KmEi DAcIaya"ro de rocdAtree was -eUp-e n h Trurasky's house. The top of r ank Mis Joy(e LwA vryiteslipv Soerssilo wa,,s -torly ff Large part of themetn was takeii by Ked-l todin tbe ayof abb iuhsof reeos wern stra bout Mr 's. oy McrMAis.Garlnd cat tornado, on Friday nigbt Sptember in the w tend ofrthe villagebuit atMi.NrnPttnMssC Xth it ces abut 5.30pm. whenth hebiu n p sd wors odsem to have po .St rMm. ueg.Ellot udW sishit t he village and UProeted ectethait partefOthe illagkUe. AIis. NrmanKenndy, hsn eyý se~vra1tres, bre lu ron ofMrs teutiu lmtree ol u Mr. and lVLr, enacted *a, portiop off the Jives of W0 Hatie Martjnell'ý bouse, toof !iiert thopson's lot was split n mcaof thebu)ible.EvRtar, wchbit tfr jontad r nt al r--' 'o'ar fi lyo hebr.Weape -RbcaaiEsthlerweetknAi cornersbeakoin! off corners ou ýh at epomiýpt acto ofithe)Oroothe ladies dressed lu the costumnes of ý rooL. When asked if she wa s sîe, i &pone ano. ame oMaville I he tîcicrwrecoeat irr-sî'aundc ,Ihe anwsedtbtshýe hadntime to iydro lu oqikl e ttn e think tbey miust have had a lot ofi le scared it ai lhappeued 'o suI&deultheir pseis. A. bain r oof aýnd te O np dessg p for.the part.Mrs iBoth clhiney's of tbe bouse were icof a pig pen acre twnn nf at Stke old the soryo yn'a tmoff. 'T",,0trees \eote uprooted in jMm. and<Mrs. Llew Ualowgl's fam hes wbo Spent. bis nfre tie suy fotof 1Mm. anmd iMrs. AI Ste-vea's aWdIth top of the-chimepy at M. ng gisb' at the Mthodist Pal JIai bouse and one in flrt of MTcaadand Ml s. Tom Fulîs. Mr. Haper AMissoScb-o, olad Ëtherýe for the Mrs'. ert Thmsn'shouso the Carscadden aise had a roof tom off f irst timw encouýnntered thebordis of Mranches of wbicb felli on Mr oa cf'bis banuse Conideiag teP hrstWhen he \assked bolbe stQeens' station wýagon, but iduït amount of trees tom, dow, nl the bad become a ChritUin e saidi he do àt anlydaageuOe tree was fellýedpcvllge, htmws mira cuous tMat s501was told in the mission school chapel in front of Mviss Selena p. TbrevteTs little damiage waýs dope to property tbat if he accepted Jesus he woulnd use, one lui front off Mr. and Mrs. 1not die eeai f ble,'were beheýu-ade:d G'ordon M1ýartinell',s bouse, a tr,ý,ee and The Augus tmeeting of the W.,A. when he was put lu jail aud tortured hydro pole hiu font of Mr."ad>Mrs. wasns eid luthe eveafingof trie 26th ýhe thoughbt ti s life adreheit Ciieo-ge Mercev's bouse and hydmNro an§ dethe borne cf Mrs.NornnKennedy sul nd adfor th) e first time heiepra'yed, teehn ie eatwistdas ' . aland Cthcart, tje presita missionary bad sent hlm a Bibis, 'costhe road and a lare tree aise Mrus in the chair. The rJoll,,call wasand today be is smur at ail tbîrgs art ent of Lands and Forests wl )f nfcae firearms at the Dis- Lin say, on the da~tes of Septemijèir 6. The guns wili be on display on nly ànd A ilds will be by sealed rn, ý 1 ' , 11;2 -SEPTEMlBgR il -112 ANDHAD DALE ROB TIISON TUESDAY -- SEPTF4NMBER 14 - 15 àù esert Song YSO'N CORDON McRAE )AY -TII TZDY- SEPT. 16 -17 BlIazi p-g Forest -SUÏSAN MORROW;)%l ~an AtPlirin fiI ALL STAR CAST -SOUJTH SEA WMN With Virginia Mayob adBurt 'Lancaster OF LARCEINY"I With AMickey Rooiiey sday: Shows at 6-40 & 9. )DAY work togethecr for good to those whoý' love aud serveIlhe Lord.,Tereet brought the meetinig to a clos ý,e and refrshmets er'e served, thie 'hos-j Mrs. To-m Fs Miss MarigaretSescf shw sister. of -Mrs. Eiliott,setpato hervaain with 7]îr. pnd Mrs. Reg,,. Ellio(tt ami famliy. Mr. Norman Thierteil, Mr. Norman- ilge icand.Mr. Leo Woodcock joined thieir smmer h, omne bere for the holi- day weekend. MUr. and Mr-s. Fred Willes of Bow- mannvile výisited Mr. graff on Saturday nligbit and piayed sonie of thie geoýd old songs on thie a c co0-dion. Mr. iand Mrs. IHarold Litl,Gary aud Deinnis of, HTealey Falls spent a few diays with bher parents, 'Mr, and M1,rs. Tom PuFýlls,. On Sunda:y Mm. nd Mrsý. OrmeFas drove thiem to Peteîborouh hme tbey ad a look at the lift locks. We are sryte hear off I st of Mrs. Wm. CurtLis this -morning, September 811, and the heartfelt, Symipathy of tHecomnt is ex- - ~The Field Day progum l illhd Mir. and Mrs. J. H. Gordon unda talk on "Bruilng andi Mechaical Murray vîsîted Mmr. and Mrs. 0-myie înur" y A I _Mgces, Div-ision iof Mulddrew off Oak 'Hill op xSunday ýnd Field Husbantidry, Sous and Agriul- on Menday night Mmr. anidMrs. Wmn. tult1 nigiiiwiing-, Centr-al Experi- Muidrew of Os awa aled oi11. i.ental Farmii, OLttawaý; a demnonst-ra- and Mrs. Gordea. tien off Grades, da, Packaging Mr. and Mrs. George clarke off and Storage- by D). E. Willîamns, Chief 1Toronto spent the holiday weekend lnspect-Om, Iarm Pioducs and Pro- at their summer home bere. fessr E. W. FaklStomuge Epeci- i Mi. and Mrs. Wmi. Tumiansýky, gr. aldist,Otri AgrlicjI tumul Colege, and lrn. George Mercer, Gordon Guelpb; a'Tour of Experimiental LasafeUand Mlurray Gordon toekI< Pots; demonstrations and talks on lu he xhbitonin Toronteon o n- Irrigationit Spraylnig, Vine Lifting, day and Murmay won a beautiful H farvesting, Loading, etc; and a dis- table ap at eue of the gamnes, cussion off "The Potato Ouitiook" by R. E. Goodiin, AssistantDmetr (Iutendsd f r last week) Crops, Seeds and Weeds branch, On- Mmr. and Airs, Paul inerceoMayl tari Depament of Agruicutre and Paxil ofui, -,eph are spendinjg a;Toronto. ýweek wi er ,parenjt, Mr. and Mime. Fr-ed Warn The pmog umi gets undler way a" Mr- and Mi1s, Sam Kennedy an10:30 and ffrom tIen util ils son Sta'n offMilbeoupent Tuesduylý, conclusion the Fielcd Day will pro-. la" wih Ar. and Mrhe J. HL OordoA&vid e oepresnt witbah excellent a'il on Mondaýy Mm. and Mm.s Fredlepportunity te learn the newest and Wilson and -Mrs. Wmi. Pattoe of f ehd f avsig md den li visvidwihthem. and merchandising potatoes. Miss A. Brer-etoni returned te om ente on Sunduy aLler a nth's1 Va- - cainwt Mmr. ad Mrs.F. . kr rean g with Mi.aud Mm.H. liaI- ~~ 'IU P Ièf mwbo had motored te Kndal froniu Toronto for the lday. c im i rý1' 1Congratulationis te Mm1. and 'Xrs. Al Stevens on the arrivai off a so, c Lamry, in Mmo iHspIital, Bw.g h -'~ P'U~rf Maniville, on We-dnes3day, August 26thl o urrwý-"' ri, Tis Wee M.and Mmis. Ai Stlevens and two 0 .9 sens visited ber parents, Mr. and o'rn fedK le M.V. McMlulleu inBîui) lle n Sunday. ô lin warrercolor TI-e Ghumch service on Suny uigbt g ihyCaryCooperad last was under the auspices off the layli ha1e Kýena, W.A. Mrs. Crýowle of Ohw, TIE BOWVERY BOYS -- past~~~O rsdetofthe IPecsb--yteýy, wa SI I FEI'POS text g"Declarecye amng'bentns, île ~ ý guunpechriseng onthet, Thi ý-:Saturday Only and publish and set up a standard.", oni the womk off the 'W.A. Mliss C . wg F r l Stewart g-ave a vote of thanks to f e O l ùvengeance pirse Crowbl 'or lem -very i ne sermilo n In W i± Ja e s oraig beautifufl soles were renldemeýd 1yMm and Rita Môreno o Amthlur B1ell "Wondemful Pouce" and "OREO1~LY "saveg Gue.1M.Cîwl is g Wth AMark Stevens sang "Let the beauty off Jesus le seen o Dorbthy 3'1alone in me," lu a fine voice. Mrs. Alva g Sw,,arbrîck accomnpanied the solos andg hingo ni othpinNext Mo1,t W d Mm. and M1rs, Jin Bell, and sonM~'t e colin and Jttm. Ross Rougbley ati g "ruites» Mis M.Petrsah ff shuavisited ~ Mrs. L, Tborneë and Mrs. Alva Swar-. Aduit Eneetnment brik on Sunday last, h . h& nwi" <> Ia Technicol[or IFor tlue Bs x oday, vei~ In SudCoric to RN UIE ClRi Fealuiu~ IICAL UR'N ',Lte oficaimtion pîcture record, in color, of the vist ofTheir Royal Higne~esIl Prccs Eizabeth anI -d TeDuk et d' bughIo Canada - a, s e 7-îG 1G1H11ION , thefa;mlops Po's Choir of St. Jsph's Uuiversity, Ne- Bunsi, -aI:so EY-WTvFS' he poisular new flaiso se'ieral musical numbers featu ring local talent) Thspe ýam s Sl)PonSOre( ',y te Tyrrell1 9rug Stor!e ini support of thle Orono Ulte Churc?,h Bildiiig Fundas palicserxce.Siler oPIectiqn. 'Spcn^ial'- ARTIIST SUJPPLY. Stuidents Special! Leathrýette Coverýýed NOTE 8 color paint box wih cýamel hair BOOKS (Klqd for ik Regular 16e br s . i la e in E~ 1 n)îo ., 5 eS ehool g ening specia l... 4 for 2 5e PEN AND ?EfrIL SET "EAGLE" FoutainPeu and 4WnclSet-19 "EDCLIPS-E" Peu and Peacil Set--------nc Siieci . 3 ring LOOSE-LEIAF BIN "NORTTRIT" Bal'dPout Iens------------ 35e WATERMAN '"Flair" fluit penur retractable melRS complete with ruled refi and poi. Each ------------ 119 WVATERAN Foun-tain penï and pencil sets - ndex Divid Dividers. Priced from -$3.50, $5o ,$8.50 t (Pens miay bie puirchiý,sed se-parately) $2Q39 $3,49, $4.39. $4.98 to $6.25 ecd Agent for Jackmian Flowers POE6 for evýery occasionyg Str)RIOON, (Charles B. Ty.-rrell, Phm.-B)ORNNT s PROV'INIAL POTATOE PEELING, CONTEST TO BE HELD) (Coutinued fromn page, 1), pear-ance off the finished product will aiso be takea into cnieainby thbe Judges. W. M.Cnckurn nd Ed Peai'rson off* Newmamket wiielu chiarge off he a.m, i sJ suni pizes areben jolaated by sud comp >nil-l te T.ý E4nton Compunyý, canada 1Packemrs, Caadar Idustries, etc.1 Mvrs. 1-errinigtoni was treated at, Bowmanvile Mmr Hospiti foýr shok and bruises, and hier husýband' received seeverelacerations of theý r-ightý knee,. and im uliple bruise. Soubdoohi was unihurt. D'a mage te o uibdohls e ijce î7; estimated t $1,500, wbhile the Herr-. inigten car waa sa sessed at $,0 TWO-( INJURED EN COLLISION Thiefîist heurs off the Labor Dayl holiday travelling saw oaly ene seri-.' es accident, and that occurred ejiel mýile ea5t of' Newctoumville on lighwnyj 2, whell J. Sueboff Broute tm eut to-.pass al truck ý-and suffered a! eaoncol!i-lision ith a car drivenl byl Mrs. Ewr lrigoSh-erbrookçe, YOuth's Pla-1idShrs can be -worn with op 1o clsdneck band. Sizes 8 to 14- years. ,achj $2c29 Boy'sWool ork Scksnylon reilfô e el and toes. Size 10,.- Price per pair ..,.,.75c. IKneeling Pads piade of soift rubber assor-ted color i Ech il ..............39C. Vacuum Botti sI, pint size.........9e. IRefilis for, Va uum Botties ................ 75c. iPoam Insoles, *ashable, pake ail your-ý shoes air 'cushiolied, La4ies or- ens. Pair.......... 35C. Men's Biar Pipes, assorted shapes and sizes . 25c. Handy Mandly Plastic Pot Cleaner's, last longer m.-ore sanitary......13c, or 2 for ..,.25c. Special CreamnO do-Rb-No, regular $1.00 size for 69C' Grocery Features Corned Beef JSinner, conitains diced pota-toes, c oked corned beef, beef broth, oni 6fns and spices, 15 oz. tin 28e. IPuritan -Meat Spreacl contains veal, ham, ' chicken, cerea1. and spices, ideal for sandlwîihes, 31 4 oz. tin for ...... 1é ,SPECIAL - jNatuire's Best Peas, 15,9z Kraft Dinine ý, coutains mnacaroni -nd grated ec ""se, cooks in 7 mini-tes, Packae of 4 servings. 2 fo,'o...29.l.pi 4 McLaren's Nut Crush conitai s peanuts, cashews, w,ýalnuts alid filberts, 1 pRLInd ice box jars., 40C. Cu1lveiýrhôutse, Canned Str ý1ýbeirnes, 45 p.c. sugar, ,choice qucility, 15 oz. Mns ................ 28c. Diii Pickles ýthî or -%,tout garlie, 15 oz. btles 29c. Mother Parer's Or Ége Pekoe Tea, 2 half Pound pac1upes e.............8 . ORONO 5c.TO $1.O0%o STORE- Il ~ QtnttfU~itrg ni' ntt~tr0 .ouid Prompt you to eall up( timie of sirrow. We stre ýe bea-utifu1 services th consoiffg to the bereaved, The Del a sale anid1 dates )on r 2 Ili Il Tr

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