IRE Catvert SPORTS COLu~ "IlId dues not, oddly enough, 1 Infact tistoc, isn' employ part of the kcking business. Ile tue belongs tu the g, putter the worM bas ever Parry O'Bien of Southern California iveisi' champion and world record hodekr in the business the 16-po0und m'lissile forditne ustowdid atoebcoempratoa You îmigh-t ask. And the st1ory is this: In 1950, OBrien had set a national olg rs ord of 53 fLt 0 in,. insteaýd of being satisfied, bis < Mortensen began experim-enting %with O'Brien 10 f,' that by the at'hlete's sophcroore ear s putting sýtyle compieý-teiy rebuHlt. Under the new style Parry'sreih toe is the key sucýcess. Most shot putters stanid squared away in the ri when h le puts tic shot O'Brien-'s big toc is tlointd tow rear of the circle, Am-ong other thiingathis m-ieanis tfia !.,ec and back(, are to thedreto f the p)ut Mortensen believes this vastly imprL)ovedl O'Br drive. Whatever fdd ite progressivcly this young sta1' broken the National Collegiate Athiletic. shofput reco, niew mark for the National A. A. U., established the Olymjie record, and beaten Jimae Fuch's world re1 Most recent mnark,' when this wtas %rtvn as twor quaý-rter iee c Ondfie5-oo ak Baýck in l J, tlp Jtse wa's puttng Itle a7ppoximi-atly J9 .feet, at the e a tremiendous nobody belicved would ever be excelled. Rose man, put bhc pellet 48 f-eet 7 inches fe, win th O'Brien's titie-winning-and record smras'hin' was just beyonid the 57-foot mnark. But that Today's O'Brien, with his toe wýorking sr vide great leg-d'rive in is push-off, ïs gett fe, the 6-feet imarkl, and miay be abie t thc e tOyipics. Or perhaps soonjer- oatiiefe of whomy you cani truthfuily world hias, ever r-een, and prove if by Recentîy, a fraction of anl inchhigh-jumap record of 6 f cet Il inche~ nical f law barred thec new record,' have imro ecps and bouinds, jý Yourcommnts nd sGgesioiLfor his R by imeiF ICIon, cClvru Se,4 ei Il_________by OBELLIS _ The Most important achie-ve- unlwillilgfle'SS to conn nin )c rganizedcLfauijrg in drcie. narasince the enid 0of the( war Somne frmers sus-ý was the establishn.ilt, of fic On- reason for this is fh t log Marketing Agency siraible practice of wiAti its sales organizaf ion inîtecd some of the trans 'Livestock Sales, Ltd. cýrept inito th-e marke if was very sucýcessful inmini- reports thie Rural Ci ýlaining price even against- re- Generaily hogs peated aftcmpts by the p:ackers yards fetci higier tc bring prices down. Toenable those celivercd db the agency tY keep up the good Piants.~ Last week work if i iportanlt thatý hog pilce wa&s at a recorc producers conýtinu.,Le f0 give if fuill hi at thc plant support by fWoowing ifsd i rc- paid for at $35 f0 $3i tives.; cAppccd. to Pr( ivR. £ I Ord h On o he diff'icutities encun-- tered by the ,agency nla esfab- Ilsing pruces is the recurrent zhor-jtage eof hogs nathfe tock- 'yards. Too majy hgshaIve been shippd dirct fo packing ýiants. in an open -,ettepbi diný jatsweek's Rural Co-opieratOr. C.D, Blapck, mranager of hie sales aýgencY, explains thesta ~nf ail hog producer-s. Affer rveigfedvlp mens frmhe January nce of 23 cents to tic present Dnce 0f 35 cents, iMr Back says ,tat lie a ntworried abouýt mgable ta kcep th1e value of you-1 r pod- uc, t this higher level uhanif i has been f or a number of yas IPRO VIDID %we gel tic hogs a tic RIGUT PLAGE an'd at lthe RlIGHT TiME laon dr f doso.' Mr, Black thinks fjiat -ver)' hog producer should b wr c:f thie complications anid ofn ues: "Regardless of mavy hear from any source the basic fact is fiat - pris- is es- tablished at tic public rmarket" "Itherefore, foliows fiat ini order f0ocreate an fsabis h truc, value of your hogsý, if 15ý ýa the p'ublic ,markýet Rand ýwe have onseqenfiyordered tIrans po tertaliliver hogs fo fie Ont ailo Sfockyards who hve been~gong esewerewitI yourvi In n i irerviéw thfie C- oprfrMr. Blac-k sfatd fia teetranSpOi'tfrS have sho'nn anu L"Now v,,,e tein, nat an eting (of hegýs, - sold a,. tic prices than r,,ect. to the 36.50. Pr