T UARMFRONT Wheatlikescoolsoul; adyOu ,ýan grow m 'nore w -,heat per acre byjý taking the femerafure 0f you. fields this lu.So--out with thosei theïnmomýefersl I1 don'f nw. it wouùld doý any good eak aoga stethe'scope and loo passýure t'ester as wiLButtht' mee oley-fetemraturce thinýg is stniýciy on the lee, -You cen grow rmore wheat per. acreý- by taking the temnperatiureP of yu fieldas this f ail. "Frtop yeddon't sow rn ter wheat until the soi stays at 6j5 degrees o)r lower for erea da,'say -Colorado eerces Morfad ore wheaf g"roweýrs in he PaiStsates are uin& athro tr to decide he f0 p 1ant. aîate Auguat adSep- temr they trake sou epea turs hre loc)-_hes dow, l h As sooýn as soi!epraue drop -to 65degrees and saay theme,thcy Soart puftin %W Ldt~sededPlants ouse ia oîtrthan w,,heat that cones upni Augu-st. They are'ta apf t"odr out and wi-nter--il, Tint cool sou keeps root rot oufof he ictreand it's usuaih date. s * ti WhenyouPlant erl, he rank taîl grQith saps moitcure" oufi of the so?, This, aiong wif4 root rot ls usuaily f0 mchfo the whea'L oo losepatoth r andthrguh win ter drylîng. Sohi seurcfssaay that you cen. 2a , ouf r o-oi f your crop. ce in ïa blue nmoon you niay, creoufthedwlth eaiyseed- ing, because you get eariler pas- tucBut mciture l sua ie 1Qg problem, and you don'f get muc exr~apasture lii a dry bail orhepast Severi years, e- eahrsaî, Colby, IKansn., have ~ hrvetcdan av'erage 0f seVEn Ioe lght bushels fiore per acre freiýn Mi-Septermber whegft than 4mwheaï, seded AiÀguat 20. Septemiber-seeded whe a'f weighKed about two pounds more ,"Even it iout 4roughtP there's i,metlng about the niai,-e,-up of an eariy plant that nmakes ifmnore llkey ta wiuter-kil" expaîns AgmuomsfIL 1,Lande the sanie risk, so if doesnwf pay f0 watlonger than r1October c ,ad Testsshfow îthaf ut fakes7- inhaof mnoistume to mnake srw Thbr en yo get about two bushels of hctfor each addition.!a( inch aI moistueup f0 17 incheýsTh1&f Iu the soi af planting fine, researuchers .,havedscvrdta to 90 degrees-give root rots a chneto take hold ear'ly, Even thouý)tgh you plant lat,, if wil stijl pay to -get your seed- bed ready early. In il years 0fý testing at i ncoînNeb,, whcat froni land plowed in Jiy aver- aged as rnuch. as seven buhi mnore than wýheat o.n grounid plowed in 8éptem-ïber.ý in23 fes under continuous cropping near NÈ\orth 1Piaffe, Neb., late plowin'g esulted in il fail- urs.Ealy plowi-ng, wfhony seven faîlumes, aeae ee bushes better. LuCk y Numbîer ? Are ýyou dominated bY anm- ber? la theme a number ichié is inked wthalmost v ryim- portant eve/nt ln your hiie? Many peopfle do have a lcynum-ber, but very few can be sacd to be so hauLnted by- one as Lonngteliow, the poef, w'as hutd b 9s fie was born on 27-2-11 On. If yuadd thfi Lgures tog the hey total 27. Add thosetw figures and thetotal is 9. Ailhxi h bi lite e ha mber wsfo Ilo fie was 18whe'n he,,ctJicolr- lege .- 1 and 8 total 9.NO,,e, years jeewben he ws27-4,aai -ebecame a professr a; fHan- yard. l, ie aýs there for7- tyear, and duringis lfefime publshed 1'8 volumnes, of poefry, TEhe year ihe waaPppore f fiarvayi was1836, winwe you bring it dwnte a sisni e dig- if ï, 9. e resigied b-is position in 154--again 9. Thce exact date of bis resignation Wa12-1I854ý -ohSUtiUisdds Up fa 9 The date of riis fýirsf wIIeddintg was J.4-9-1831,. ndhisseon w7,as 13-7-1843. Bofh the-' e rets of figures add up fA C ffils second wî died wlieh was 54. They wr are or 13 years. wasbhs anthology."The Poets And iPocfmy ýý0f -Elirope,"whc was frat published in 18i54 () 27 ycars fafer if wýas ierne and a suppiernent added. !tIe îto- tal number of pages in ri c. new edition -,,as 1,116 i - again th~e 9 VI. E. Gladstone, the Vtma Prime Minister, ;was hutdby niujber 5. -ýfie wn bis lirai Par- 411amntaryelection in 13,we he'vvas 23, The umbr l vte recorded at'that ejectioîn wýis 8;7, lils appoin-tment -ýas Clna Sert x as conflnm.edn the 23rd o9-0the nmonfh-, and jh,,-was made Chancellor of the Ex- ch-equer on the 2-)3rd of th ýe When he was 59 he wasmade Caoùey - Nds-JUstice triumphs; at tlle Buffalo, K.y,, ZOoJ ai twoïç yong osaged '90 and- 12, find tesee behind bagrs. 1ho boyz were kept in the rnonkey cage for oî short peribd to toach then ndother msheoschilren not to throw %t*nes ce HOW To BattUe "T-attie-Tale Grey" Hý-ousewi.vea w,,ho feledthey ,are alonie every-w)ash day have a' hpighand iii an ingrient h-idden ila moaf of flhc new syn-_ thetiC detergentS. Tciday'a wsie-ws"discov- cry is a chlemical -with the ja- -brcaking narine of sodium i car- boxymaefhyl celluilose, known luÀ' resea-rc laba as sodium CMVC. 'W h e n synthetic detergents wvereClfrat developed f ieir great- csf advantage was fliir &fficiencýý--y ini washing fabnica in bard waiter. Hevwever, che-mists were nlot Pli- tircly satisfied witli theirceas ing proecrtics. An ingredfient or f wo seenieçi f0 leie issing. The ealy syntîcetica wvereef fective dirt eovers but werc- nlot as effiientl as soap in keep- ing souf suspendedt in fthc wash, w'ýater- and prevenfing if froni beig redeposited on the I'abric. sou,' accum-ulatted on, fhe germent gliving ;if Whafhoul-scwive's cle a " afie- aI gmy"appearance. Thc seardli fîor better synthetica wsrspuired( by a shortage oi aoapý--makinig fats ini Europe. Ai- fer niucl teýst ing, sodium CIMC proved fc o blicflic"tattle-tp.aie 1ry antidote tIechcemista em looking for. Like nianyý new chmcashowýever, if wvas foundic fa, lie more versatile than was ail friafapparent. R'epeated tss aeslownfle if ncrase adete-rgenfl's tDjlitfy fa kcep) a flabic whit e andob tains fdic saine degree of wie nes la about balischewashing- ,imeic. If is elso an eneniy of heavy, deeply-ngined soul. Th prcntgeof sodlium iCMVC in a box of sy'nthefic detergent" Èa generally sal, varyi-ng froni anc--hallf two :vDpèr cent. Since niatumaEl soapa are superir t syteics in their dirf-suspcnd- ing powe"r, tlic addition of sodium CMWC is not necessary asý a "tat- fIe-taie grey prev.eiv,,e. fovwever, sodlim C-MÇC lues boeen louud fa improve other pr7opert-les 0f soie soapa, such as their washing abiify and whifeness etention. lu thse soap- and - waei6 - consciüus Nefler- landi, fisc addition of sodiuimý CMC f0 soap compouinds'is now .coniplsomy as if was diseovered thaf tis eh. n- a.l' çifs dan flhc amnrt of soap rcqired and i- proves i~eliny Tlisechermlcal iselso ejnrployLed as a warp-sïzing by textile nis fa profect flicyemns froir. the, abaieaction of flic borna. 011 mcan use if lu drilling, papes' m-aiers -as a coefing and farn-era! as a. soil-condifioning agent. Soie researclers are convinc- cd thaf a teaspoonful of sodium CMC added tothefl'inse wafer wýill acf as a soit resisa utb kecping clthes dean longer andl makcing thecini wash m-ore casily. Hlousewivcs have yet f0 verify fhis. Sodlium CM'rC l still only nianfecfredTor uadusfnîal useý and as tise uniseen agent in boxes of synthletic detergents- fne.Take tise case of iwc Ita- liuClaudiao Nucci aind F'austo Mainni ho drnýmttnfey cou [C alca fortune 'by 7goin'g to fIe races la Vnezuea Off fhey wnbfroir foine, et- fer felling 'treîm fianci --eta that fhley felt sure thcllly would retumuo home quickly 'vith n cia illictv-four dysoIflero 1ar fuefrom italy fithWo 1me l"I .vor,100,000 dollars. Tliey seen- c d fa kow cacLytly fle igis oRse is ïtagback.t spend tisemnetevpcd fiser baa onfliclast driay af Onle of the oddestL rifles lm ex-/ ste-nce cen lie seen at the Sml Arma Sehool., flythe, Kent. f has, e damnaged muzzlfc and qa blown-ouf bmeech. Why? Because as if vas being ired by an unknown Britishi soldier îroi a trench lu 1916 a Ger- man- bull-feut ered the bayrel from the other enid, Say eprs 'Chanceie of sticà a fhing liappen- mrg again are many ihIi4Zsfw Schacolime Togs-.A foshionobleï bock-to-schodkler is this yuhu artist wearing a smart ekd Eton jlacket by Chips and Twigjs. Made of wool and orlon, the jacket is wajshable and cornes with conrtraisting trousers.l of on ie îon Paul wiesbtîmti B not thoti ashamed of the testi- ,mony of oui, Lor, ýnom ojifîme Hi prisonier' liffle lafer he adàded:ý 'arn nlot asharneFd: for 1 ko whom 1I'have bhevd"Paul w asa eer usng Cthat word: ashamned, For Pu wsunem- barrasscd wlth the gýospel lie pro- claimied. To hini the gospel was an expertence oft îise ininer cou- scioumsîesa smceopmatlng on, theý heart, awakeýnlng flic spîiiua1l ibe witihiiiu, Ifwas ti!e power of God ýint o salvation And no man wias ecuc.The worst man~ could mse f h level of tise best. Fear dogs tiese afp!aai Men with11 -its tinitý7 cil warr,un- somnnia, and failuare. As a strok, uay paralyze thie normIal Iunc- fions of flic body, anz fear par,- alyses humnan effort lu any- out- reach 0àoff11e. To meef fua pec- fer of fear anid its reactions the field of psychiatvy has beer, de- feloped, If is a mnmd sys- teni of bav'ing the patient talku ouftbis obsessions ifhth eir backýgr-oundf0 tise psychiatri-t. By fUaefumning issAnd insde out, ti s paehliatriaf end earrours fo help him. Butle t if e e mneinber-ed that there is no una -mental canqucat of fear that is nofbsed on God. The fanions philosopher,- Dv Joadl,wh died on April 9112h, was form rnny years anagsi. e went so feir aýs f0 say that ikTh present gnrfo isshown religion f0 be fi.ction." Buf wonld- ,,ar No,), 2 conipletely ,vsh-atre bis illusions as fanrn' inherent gooduessa Later lie des-aed; A lied fioughf that ci wsno', endéec num a aurc-that' 'ècoflauir creasons awere espon- Siblefor cif. ButI 1hav.e Fainice become Ioced f0 acept f 1 Chitindoctrine of rgia sin. Only a meiglou-,s emeedi car výounter this evîiL." OnyJeans ýChrist c meef nflue nced eof fii fusrtr e The sooner we mealize fhlaand acf accomdingly, thiebter Wr atonl. thse w, * mime: of ece consid couiq-t Here's the recipo for a SV!weet Pepper Ilelish which youll flnd ;xaly tasty when usd "se'a aned iwhich -mxdwlth mayon-, itaise-mjakes a nireosToa ând Island dressing, ISWEET FEPPER RELISU4 12 green] peppera, 10 sweet onions <medlum) 1? red peppers 1 pint vin)egal, 3 ëUps sugar 3 tablespoons sait 3tablespoons inustard seed Grind green and red pepper-s and nions witbh coarse blade in your mieat grinder. Pour boîi1ing water over miixtuire. Let starnd à inui-tes; drain. ,MakL, ý1 so- lutfion of viînegar, sugar, sait 1a111 mustard seed. Put, pepper-ouion mixture i viriegar solution Le-t cone -to boil and boil 19 iuts flottie and Sea. It is i1ntuiesting to rememrber, whenl preparing or eating onions, thlat they belong to the lily 1fam-i-ily-rlose kml to the flower's Sc, n'uc-Illoved at Easterti1me. While "'onion"' is the universal1 naine for this builbousveeae nlow, it was not awy this way.ý one ini those days -- of hjarnes- ing the eartuh itseILf The ,dawas to drive a tuninel m i nlnt stright downt into the grounrd, broa_ýd enough for mien to wu,,rk in and -wresi from n raturenuch of iher stored<-up power. Ycs --- the erhitself harnessed. toth will of mnan. 1't has long beenl aditied that there is great heat iný the rt' centre -- an everlasting fire cre- ating enormously high-preSssureý sta.The difficulties of sIinkiing such a shaft wouldi not pro-ve ina- surmiountable with modem mem- ithods. i The proposed tunnel wudbeý lined wvth s(eel and concrete to with-stand earth pressure, and this mlatter would have to beý ap- pronchled cautiousiy, because it has been shown that, at below thirty miles, granite itselt scftenîs with the terrific heat anid weglht of the earthl. The tunnel vrould necýssarily be sunk luinsections -- say, halî ci mile at a tilne. 'l-heii wobu, »corne the pIroblein? of. incrc-ased air-pressure as the work pro- gressed -an(jthe shaft lenigthlened. This would have to be count-ered b-y the nsrctn of air-locks every tvwo, or three miles, ard breathable air pumped down to tei, workers. The terrifie heat iwoutddthave to be tackled by some m-ethod of coolinlg glowing rock and boiiig vater in advanice of the tunnel's progress; then 'thib heat would be- conducted toth surface in quantities sufflicient tco creaite steani power froni vast wate-tans. hen ncethis- "t ap p in.g" wasacopsed there wou-ld be no lunit to e serve supplies. -But there is- anoth-Eýrqusin Suppose, for argumlenr'sý sake, that science dlid succeed la2 har- nessing the, eaith'sý powier for use, thei contitiai1 demnand and co- sequent temiporary loss o)f heat mîghit cau~se the earth's crust to, 1shrink, buckla, crack and 'finall-, sink, with the inevitable recsuiÀt of devastating earthq1uak,- here, therre and ïverywhere. Sù should sinelealve Mt Earth alone? Rebrew~reekand Latin eI the3 widespread culture of oin On-swere lntroduced uy thý.î Spaish intoi the~ West idies ,Duve sooli spread to aÉl parts oftue1 Amaericab. Leek and gâic are toris 0 f the onion. Tjaere are so manly ways o LprepaÀring onions for, your d!nnei2.' ~tbethat yoiu should have in trouble frlding ways forsutn al your f anily wit-h th:is vra tleve-getable. Ilere -are some, suggestio)nsfo preparing thispetiu vg- GLAZED OIN .1 quart Slitee, raw ovnions1 2 itabespoonms butter or margaqrîne 14 ep sro u gSa r Mecit butter ilu heavy sîlt add brown sugar and b A' ')-àd onions and Cook over low heaý1ý)t' (20 to, 30 mnts.Serves' 4. When yu'estuffinigorns they sol ein thle Iorn oC littie cuIp-awhen y. ou putth stuffing lin. If you want f0 us them as cups for: peas orc ubed for your roust platter fixed tîhiJ waýy-y-,ýouneedni't piut hei i the oven btcook teni îo-ngce on1 top, of the stovýe- STUFFED QI 2 fmvp coril ch!pIih erushed ~ 1 tea SPoon chuppedprsy 2talilespoons buttâer or ar gariïice c up hot waler 3 ablespoons fnl rse erni chips for toplng P1eel Onilons, siLee off tops,;aÉA remlove cen-ter-11s. Poil gently for». 10 minutes; drain. Combine corsy chlips, grouind m1eat anidsasn iings.1uIoions wiýithmitr Combine hot water and buttere mn ba-king dish. Bakei at 350' F, basting occasionally. Whecn ai- notdone asprinkie with cru.shed1 corn chips, and brown. Perha «ps you fike the zippyý taste ci chees rLfwîh.y>ouronn here la a a alte that lits this vegetable înto thelxryias Vheese-Onion Bake . 1/s cups tbhlnly siced oms 1 3/ý cups shreddd ceese 6 tablespaoos batter, imelteA. 1 e ups coarse sait-erateker Crumbe 1teaspoon curry pwe 14 cups hot mI 1 teaspoon sait 2egbeaten4 Plcesliced onions with X tablespoons butter in ï8 Jx k baking dish, Cook : lin325' P. ovenuni onioius aretrsal cnt. Combin-ermain but, cracker crumbs,1ad curry -pow- Whlen onions are. cooked, re- moveý froný,i baking Pan Presga ,i cup of crumb mxueagaînotq btoiand sides of pn Ar-. range ofnioýns on crumbs.Co- bine mlký, sait, cayenne, ga and icheese, M!x wl.Por -cover cup) crmbs. Bake at 325' f 30-35 mjnýutes -orutimxur iS set. ~JcLt~ Awd~e~ws