.:Winter C i.. W~&HAil pries reduced e et Two-piece pnrinte4f Flagnetette Pyjamas wîtb knitted ý'uf fs, size 14.20 $4,25 oMe4ýn's stnipe I or fto-wened Pyjamkas, size 14 to 42«j Priced ---- --------- $3.75 Wý"onen"'s plain/;or ftowered flanneteite Nightgowus, size sm-all, medium orj large. Priced, at------ $3.00 - $3.25 Boys and Men's,.Heavy 'SIii Mlen's Ilgavy Plaid Doeskin Shirts, size 141. 1 18. P riced U t ------------------ ---. ... Men'a Plaid Cohton Flaninet Shirts, softly nai f-inish made by Elmnira, guaranteed wor sbi. Ail sizes i stock. Pniced ---- Boy's Plaid coiton fiannel Shirts, size 4 to S. Pniced at --------- - -- Men's 0dd Ves ts, size 36 to 44. Priced at--- Men's Peumnanf prefei'red Combination, pnice Shirts and Drawers ---------- Men's Pennman's 71 Comnbination. Priced--- Cbýldra' Py urs wth knittod cuff Boyý's snp jms , flann.ietett e, s;ize "2,to 14ljs Pnce $,5and ,i ,505 Mien's stnipe, flannoiette Plyjamajs, goodý quu.lity, size .', , L. Pn.;e -$ii.7 5 Stepin st~yle witI1ý Our Shoes Save lOc Maxwell 1 Instant Coffee 62c Nlppy 01 l's Saddle,.Oxfords, size 5 to S. Pniced at -------$4.9ý5 ýartly styled Wedgie Sboe, black witbi snakeskiu trim. Priced at -- _.............---------. ----.-----.. . 5 tter Loafers, size 51,z Vo 8. Priceil ut --------$ U.5 ' i 'nx's Iress Pumis in black caif suede, htgb,, heu'1 Prtced t'....... ..............8.-- ----50 irts in flannel al wool, EngH.iis Gabardinee!aIlw i Tar-tans, rayon, gabardine. Pniced $6.95 and139 'BEEF ~~R A Amber H oney,' , 5C bs .s.f îî...4, Cheese Whiz; j c fr........3 Seeded Raisins, x .........29e JeIly Powdeï; fr.......2s Pream, uew Cef r i...3e Fruits an-d vegtbe Bananas - Grapeýs Cau!ers Cauliflower - Cooking pls- unp Fresh Frozen Juices,FihChkeDcs VegetabeLs and Fruits, a per cwt $8o49 'October Chgiese Festival Chicen~ Eat More -Tee' Health In It and s Ducks Medium BAIk Cheese, Special IL 49c, for ?MapIe L.éaf Cheese, 2 lb pkg 99c. Thanksgiving B\iif tkýarty Pack Relish, 14- b. Pah!al for 49c. Amber Iloney,freh 4 lb. pail 70c. 2 lbs. 3e Marketeria andalrs. John Morrish Mr. ad 1\s. GEorge Cý otehý, Prt- Hope eutFxidy evnilg wi Mr and lVr. liebelSouch Mr. . SOibL-si ainl f Dun Mrs. E . GrhamJandLfannly. etr spent tPe n celd it i wife41% ando ch1"ld W. . l -t.IelrBwus to ed Mote o a f Newdaysstlit. Mr. nd r. JiSto Hwena plingtluave for. For.ane this svoLkEto visit relatives. Mt'. ad Mr.s Dave Hoopader are Ipnl , hs ee t loved\n sJp'sLie t1udyNià b Vnu-s. larey Ger eundhm in sxrnnil Meo ndosplta thesumer ithe Mr. aujd Mys CiMr- encu Dncanis no at Ms. Freda ÉdM. ad es E Frrîl1hveru 1\11-s.fro'.aJnonhsc vaencation w'h +e 8rh ou-nd fmy n 0Noewfud orland le.,,ýnau hiJl i. MisEA fryis. v iýsiting reives r. BaothMrs. J. 1 cottLesle ilPeter borogh sertythuweekenyd with Mn. aM rs. !.[J anddA1etL (i(, 5 Mis ealiCo1u1c Necatiu i Io ndMs.J. D. Brou, oMfrn Mis 1. . iLon auLod on,î vsited À~ una Ith Mi.yand Mors. Lero 5fr.il' 'dL Mrs. Sd Y or l. andefnmily and.Ms erg ok Miss ai jri cLanau's-vstd fr Torontoiespat twee-e nd WthMn and.andMrs . KMoen.h"' ese1a(ýiug teith hoeofMis son, Mr. axd rs. A.larold Cobb]edtick. ýe Mtivs.anT. J. Cdsasadenicelebrateds b;oe Ot berthday o nhOtoer ofd shiee rs echd lovecarind whics te from -ýbrigdew ae Jfe. Also ng he' rind seMis.and ovs an Mrfs.a Blothanfroialheircottgcame ipn th cnlovely bt deirtbsepe piures ou (lbthe screen , t.hey ere byMis. J. Wsly oe Tnotoa. Kendal (Continued froni page 1) versary Services w7ill be hetd on Sun- day, October l18th, hnthere wiil be speciai irn2slc. The Rev. F. J. ]Iike will be thie p reacher. Mrs. Win. Robinson ik inBom - ville hsitlfor- a check 1Up. and ýwhiie there Mr. and Mýrs. Fraucis HIall of Toronto are k-eeping housel for, Mi>.Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gnrdhouse andl Mr-. Wm.t Christie of Toronto wr visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Miltofn Robinson on Sunday. MNr. and, Mirs. Chas. Stevens of Toronto visitedI for a couple of days and Mn. and Mrs. Don Stevens and Marion of Newtonbrook for the week- end wvith Mr, and Mrs. AI. Stevens. Mrs. Roy Little and children aiýd, David Mencer wvere, Sunday visitors with Mr. and.M. J. H. Gordon. Mr. and Mis. Tomi Fails visited un Whitby on Stinday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Atu Fails nd faniily of Bowxmanville. Oronio Pastoral SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11(h I1953 Thanksgiviug Day ORONO-Suniday School at 1',- Services at Ilanpd 7:30 Harvest Festival KIRBY-Suniday Schooi at 2 Ser-vice at 3 ALL WELCOME ap~~ý nigrig e ybal'. ayn fi-en-',orriot [huv1-Igsune one auloftire WorldSuis Tonigb , this are dfuu~ a ifibaime nucessary oun u da". 1Your humble MPIP. will b P jlip - Nev'ý Yo-k a red hroi Here~ howit bappunedi. Onu of ouirdegain itfrnd thîs Liafte- noon to se. if an\'one wa uiacouple of tickets. An Ai,encz Cuuegete haýd tbýmad co.ld',o for sonie reason. Believui-'i or not, the cbep wbho oreutyowne(-d them was Heui- ry Ford IL 1I got tbum -1th-irdl haddbui amrn ntcopait ThIy sv qoufld. he faînly good sues, ViiFond being flot ton neairithe breadline. What a 1luc k y breakI-! I shah1 be very sorny toý miss theý open irg of another world ev'rint, fLic International Plow- i'fatch a, Cobour, next 1ek do hope the affair wil be a buge suc2cess wt good wete.Gradually, we are geL- tin?' busier and busien as the conmi'teue wonk progresses anid I1 id' fuel I sbou-ld leave. Those 'nu charge of that project bave w.rked extremely bard and duervethe commendatiomi of Durbanm and NorthuLmberland c-itizensý. But, Lo geL back to th-e United Nati'ons aod its activities. F"or those wbo are net fully awar11e Of the way this organiza- ion operates, iL imigbt bu as WI-t1 to gî,ve you a quick euýt- line. Trh- genenal debate has been c'ompluted in Ihe largest Assembly roomn and committees are now 'eiigwith individual items on the agenda. Every -oL,, .nnrv is repnosented on these cemiimitteus. I don't want tcy bore you with dry d&tails eI the duit.es of each conmiitue, Possibly,ý a quick run thrýough lsiiouldb suffl'icient te give you the picturu, T7he First Comnmiîtteea witb Political and Sucunity mnat- tees. It is the spec(.tacular one. Usuaili, it b-as'so mchwork on'ts progýýramr that an uxlir Ad 1--c rIofltical committee is fonmredte s.hare the m-aniy items, Possibly you read et the ex- citanent we 1pclithîs week la i thsFirst Comm-itteu, Mien the Rusasmade a corncerted at- tptte av tire Korean ques- tion pl5'eed first on the lEst, Mnr Vychisky ed the attack for Y)eî'Irly Ptwe aund became a "inu 'sîy hein e ic w. diVugn wad cifeYctheil ,,0e1-,- c.ihneni ol!aoriyin't wanfot to alk1 it unad ee t o o tey discs eci h-r ulgte~rnu furian! potpnd Iesato - en ece ýýcnýetce h'ý-i to ge ndrayb Ot 2t. r tiouci ipstir o so L tone'S tocreturn aiome. Mnyc' ward by 1 thm.e ,n-emuis thecoitryiîns, u, i te nd down. iisOrconnhiLnsa o paits-o dissio li wifth Eonn-icLe d inancahelU ancdetfornadr-eeip deu- tries. themhirdiveîttentionar t Sg oaltheuania, -y'an an Cultur0eluitems. The SFourth ticoiiti .1-of soether coun- mtr anyatîe who iU' ti happy atthea .iqy itheratus an Fifth gomitt hude the UN ih budgverltiana d'instatin e-rt tails. At thes fr am o ney are lt*ng don the budgt hy overt comamitteet e i Y into tbeLega tten'i ptrelative ot UN acitots. Thee are maz1py thnoans a Ibaveut$n8emiliond.,n anaeffor the be',sf.Just o ri monts, Jes tu nbck to ethat Fifth budgettkfama195gly1smal a billion anc2 a quarter, 25 Limes, the budget of thie UN, you iwiLI. know whiy 1 say it is aniaàzingly smal. Breaking it ldown, one publcation sayýs tbe 1,IJ costs, eveny citizen of the United~ States;, Canïada and tbe others between ten and twelve cents a year. That k flot too much tc preserve pence, is it? That 'houiM be enougb'haboutý the ognztinadthe ýcoýt. IL wil]tu-ke manf 'y more- weeks betore 1Itunyder-stand what t1hene is to know about the UN. Every day I try to learin more about iiis- ý- Y ~q ndIstill hiavern't be n , ac, 1 buîldingrt touedtbe39ston- e-y SeLeneýtari-!+ One daý this week 1 was try- ing to t-ake a short cuit from oene conference noomi to another and (Conit inu ed îpage 8) "O give Thanks unto the Lodfor Hle is good; becd se HMs mercy endu'reth for eveûr' Psaim 118:1 Join UsIn Qr. Oaa S day e tuéetii.th- Suinday Se oui at O4 Services at Il and 7.-30 Mr. Harry Clark1,e r . rio naiOctober 7, '53 D"Uncle Harr - Don arriv4i OK on Mlonday in bis Stinson Urg station Gwagon. ilas it parked up at Bob Moffat's farm e-Xre he fouind a [ good landing fierd. Will be here ail week flyù1g passenger bops < at the Wol PoLng MNatch. W'e had a famil-ydinner Tuese-,y with IJail pr.esent 'twasia very happy evening. Mihe bge news "voe bad in yezWs is abolit to break. On ~fSunday our darlig daughter Marjoie ws home and showed us her fjnew diamiond rng . Had the man righ aýIlg too. A long lump of a ( lad fromi Toroneu, This bas really notgot around yet but there wil Sbe beils hber lristmas and 1 d À't men sleigh belis. They were; back here agal Tuesday night to enjoy Don' s1 G isit anld introdu e a charmiug pster, av n't et héa Mon or o d man yet but fro what Uve seo, think, they WJldu. f have atmiSt witten y quota without mentioning our bus- O mess. The stipp1ie s wos c Ito our leterïil be sore ifî Ûdntmention tM m edngArct e e li 1ard recomn uiend so hi ghly.Th aadiî ypum i h upyu ihSie GRckh rock latb, plastr lme and the beautiful blnds of orph»l singles that are being appiied ail wover the twuand cauntrysid e. GAlsoaour-taest connersti nlu the i usns osius te er feet 1fuel for it. uacsadfr pc 'ae T1urontIo for a tad ofrmofng to-day I1hce" ta take eut the tapker myseif and make dèlvey Io a inew enstom-er. Managed tïyï ço iLilht6 Steos min to have the prntometer prinàthVe tihet [J Keep working on1 that bulnting trip Rarry anid iteep m~e Pojsted4 Awaiting your congratulations and bappy comMents.f See MeLaren, 48r16, Orona N N s' N N -'t- -'s 'i N "j j,-' N N -s -'s s' -'N N -'i 'N N N -'j N N j,' N N. '-t N -'s 'N N N N 'N N N N N N N Ni N N N N N N Ni N -'N N s N N Ni N N N -"t Ni N '-'j N '-'j N N N N N N N N N N Ni' Ni N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N s uraer Early Co0run î1Shi Phone Iliiia~