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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1953, p. 7

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s PO RT1s 1cO0L uMI S herell be a million and a hait dollars i le pot whien thle Worldi Series basebali ~g' series is comrpleteti. But, believe it or rot, there was a time when Organized bsbl ,> frowni-ed on the %World Series and dldn't want any part of it. ICts difficuit to believe, in, view-ý of the tremendious box ofLJce takinges, flot ta mrention the great imn- petus àt gîTes to asbaithat the iCWorIld SeIies was once opposed by the basebal moguls themselves The modemn World Series, as dïistinlgulhecd froni primitive and casual playoffs dating fromn 1884 aninv iiolv\iug Am-Iericao Association inarirs, was founded i- 1903 qite by accident Pittsburgh hadwo the NaI-tinalLau pennant and Boston the Amlerican that year. TePao was drumiTîmed uippivate- ly as somiething that mighit attract, enouigh pay\ing fando1C, to provide winter food and shrelter for1 the opraiey ne paid talent of that era, Pittsburg and Bostont flung calne at each ohealnd filnally met on the field of battieBut it wai an inf1ormai series. fitdidn't have league supervision, much iess league Sr'pprüVaI. In 194, Boston wons the AL again, anticaegd the New York Giants; -Manager John MGa of the New lork club snogotily repflied: "I do Bot isb to endfanger the standing" of My teamI by senDCing- it againist a m-finor Ieague clb. esuif: there was no World Seris"s in 190)C4. Yeu shouldi knowi the, backgroun)d It's înteresting The National was thie old establîshedlege the one and only major, aiud McGra'w's Gints were its proudesi exýpanent The(, American wýas a fresh uupsta-t at the timie McGrax's sharp and caustic asprisionis on thie AL wvounded the- younig leaguie deeply. Ban Johnson>,.its piesidieut, anid a great basebal pioneer, Was Uip in armis Rather than precitate a castly basebal war, the NL magnates reluctantly agrecd ta a)n annual playoff a-ýgaîust the AL, juLst to kee-p Johunson quiet Neither league, espeeially the National, had any idea that the World Series wouj]ld catch on wvith the public, to the ire- Inendfoursexstent that has developied îin recent yeaýrs, when thouý- sands actually see the ga)ines, and millions more vie'w il onl telVisonorhe-ar il on radio. AIl of which makecs one believe ihat some events (earïn pro-sperty ani Others have ceCýss literally thrust upon theun. YCur conmenls aýnd sgetosfVrt his Colume 1wif haekme 6v lm~ F~gi>onc/o Ccslver! 4us,P43 Yon-ge Si., Tarornte. CaIttDSILR U V "rl D AMBES T U, L L ER S LINO1 ~ ors- SeseJ Antigouish N. S. This ris 1T. This i'ý the iand of hyope whcre the peopie have found! a wa,ýy ta free heruiiselves from "'economie feudalism-" by ,gradually establishiing, a ý,ssten cf munctual self-help arga)nizations in thie form of- Credit unions and co-opratives. Thecnutcr tram ni cnthis greatý experimnt of soial re- constructin has beu strted is rgthere in Aiitigoni-sh, in St. Francis YXavîei Uijrst The "aiie"(Nova Sco- fia, Ne'W Brnsic d Prince Edwardý Islanýd) are about 0,0 Aquare mileslu area, about equal thie size of England or the,- State of New-York. Their pplto approximates about a millon anidta quarter people. 5 per ent i o the papulatSan ss stili rýural, ,a ruch higher p2rcmýntage than for the whole of Cana,-da The Froblein At the timte of Canadian Con- federation iit was expected that teMaritimes, chîeftly beauC-ise of their geographic location, rich stands of timiber ,and e.ide- posits, would groxv ia ra industrial regian suppor-ting a laýrge urban jàpopution aýnd a prasperous rural people. Ciiy because af the tenc- depcy fa cen-tralizc ýe wal tii and -caoic ie poxný,îer in Central Canadan, this d1reamu did Flot be- came realit. The result was that many of the, young and ambi - flous were loolking for beier op- prt-unities lu ther parts of the Census figures shovvW& albe- tweeu 1881 sud 1931 mare than à60,000 Ici t the Eastern prov- inces tu try their luck ln the New England States-, lu Ouniro ojr lu the rnew lands openiung ulp ïluthe Wcst. Certaýin farming arcas were the heaviest losers; iu Antigoishr County, for c-xam- pie, the rural population un 1931 was less than haîf 1whlat it was jin 1881. St._ Francis Xavier Jvest lu the littie towu of Antsgoutish, NICS, is a Ca hlic institution, ' foaundcd lu 1853. If was her tat luteyears aiLte-r Wonld War I a!group of priests sud r ymeni , ieuder the leadership of Father J, J. jTmyr opins and Di-, ber ai the Uivcr2,ýsîty st aff, ýbe-. gan iitu turu their aittenionýr to thle prablemaior uraldpoua tion and tche ýgenera iJbaclkar condition of EstmnNova iSco- tia. rveetcauld came 0111v fo thle peýopletemevs.d set ou tOtaSho 0W them tht' way truhaduit education, Iu 1929 the EtninIeai ment of the tlnversiy was es- tablished, With LDr. M.iVU. Coadly as its flist iecotaeiî'aa bettementfor- the ares. Th-e EtninDepnumen)t a St. Francis 'Xavier smaie its ultimate objectives in a gen- erali way as: 1 ) To luj.t1tlt lrgs passible nunbnr ,iýouf tht' lapïe ta hghelevel of ie ca n iclyand socially: 21 To build a comprehenlsive -opr peuple wji be le to outra]11 demcrtiall iniia por- tion, of theý totail e oy se c ni i u te rthiugs thar ae clos ta he acessties ai lite; lay the eeaonamic ad' foundaion tat wiLl emi i thie people to gr.ow: in po!itical uuderstand ocgculture adpit ual the Atgonish oee n the comipe rek ow i Jaile- neigaus drca rec ,lumbermeIcnu sctih fishhrcic1-,Ieish faomnrs, vvÈca-L ( orlic pristsesbytd ninmi- aster, coal mîner, s Ael oerss meetings to dscsob 8l pob- 1 Ïes23 tei Newmonai Vi'cry Ma-ae- Jubilant Yankees' Vice President Del gives Manc.ager Cos-.ey Sten.gel a joyotus "shamipoo" and Pres Don Topp:ingrAdds ai heartvwarmning slap on the bock, cý Yankees clinch their f ifth stra1-ight Amelýricanl League peri bina rcent w"amînui ce tated that Ou persanal angling, ove-, thieyas had been reduced to almyost the ansigPoint, Whenr we bave a decsir-e for filsh, wve are just as welI satisfied to have it served il cooked and ready for scoffin)g. This, of course, reduces us ta the pariah-ranks ini the eyes of aladet ishermelýn, Sil, hanest confession is good fo Whtails one, and thiat's thec way it, i, sa make Watyau like of it. acr-oss a descýriptioni of a sor,,t of fishng wichve think miight suit us-the kind where the buik of thle Work is donle by bird S, not mnen. A writer in Thei Christianl Scene on,-itor tlisabout it, and the next time Nve get around Japan-way, une think swe must give it D whirL. F'or less than onie collar tour- ists can hire a boat tocwatc2h a tatonland unusual sporýît in Japan - corymoran i,-hngThe use of these tamie s-1 bir-ds to c a tec.h "yu" a highly prized freshi-water trout, ccurs dluring ctobcnr on the Nagara River at Gifu, <about 259 miles uiest of Toky-ýo, Nrhet retAir- uines reports. Acrd jing uto fthe-airline, thie procedure kas not vanied 'in the smarllest 4etails for 10 cnuis Thefisingis dore at nîg-ht b-y the light cf bonfires caried in irnbaske- ts ung fromn the side of the fishing boats, 1Usualls' abjout 8 'clck ach evening in seaOso a fitllaof fihng boats drifts downstream hlespctatIors une tUp jaboard p ap" la[nterrs. Suddenly,a rocet shatters the darknesýs an.- îonicing th uat1the cù orernnlt The fishing ýfletpulls upan take ea ositonso as toaqallo thespctrsagdviw ac boatuual ha's four fishe(rmi-en. The cororant mster is cle ax 'lsi, 1ewas taiin ancint cstuc a indof high htadgrassskr. ih i are an assistant, týhensermn and an atnatfrtedecoy fire largequick birdswrtui ja0n g nee ks, stfiff, wedge-shapred tis aýnd lede ooedbek, They arei partîic ula -Cyfond ùofi1the laiu" whîch is sevecral inches long and a fis which the jap- anese regard as the maosi doti- ciau-s ofthirfresb Wý'ater Stan.Idiiig at thie bow th"e Lcor- maorant mraster operates 12 of his birds by s3trinIgS. Fie holds the Strings in his left and mnanipu- lat'es themn dexýterouISly with hie right. This requires skill and ;p.i(,cision inasmucli as [th- birds, dash mi-adýly as they chase thie fish that, gather in) the light of the decoy fire, When the carmarants catch a flh hey tyta o a nif;*of1 couryse, ecetthat a ring on the lawer part of th-eir necks pre- vents thena. Atter a bird has eîtught sêen-eral flsh the (commeT..r UM .t mster reins Iim in and forces theu- bird to give them Up, Ai! of:\W.hjCh, aswe said be- fore, soundiCs lîke_ the ideal m nethb- od of catchling' fishl. VWhat thje 6ciorants th-înkabu it, we haven't hieard. But that's their lookout, flot ours, iandi erv es them Jolïl,- W,-M right for being-ý, 11 adly Poisons ar, be i ng iSsued1n a0nvel bu_ýt rthiCeýSs Wari on blindc, ant-like insects so de- strmuctive thiat tbey -"eat"1C fruit trees 0on the thremieiur island of uïBar1ro Cloadin the Panm-îa Canal Zone. 1Forty-t'wo species of term-iites flouriish on tLhe islandi. 1To wipe them out, rov.-s of uiprîght wood en postsimrnae .th a- ous poisons ýýhave been p lantîad in and near theorhds %The men who are the lXlect ar amzedat thir de- stNciveessand by the inseets' ehgdineering sil"inatakn l'lie trees. Sienisýts oncetouh ing WOod. Now, they knIovudff entlY. Somte oi ithe insect1s atalcar ry fun.1gi rouind 1 bh tem n ta "mre"trees before inaryj-ý of tritscames alngtode- ivouir theml-.Ote spiciesoftr mites h-ave bceen bus-y so long an tIue isýLarîd that the see im mlune ta arsenic. "They 'tppear ta thrive On i, adoeofflcia1, by imeans of at awhcich thîein teInl csl",gstv tract "WeC re, rin lo ivîpe ouat teebaucteia by )poisýoniing them-, if this can Ibc-, ecunls moaýt of the bacteria died ofitand Sa thetermies seihed. But it's a ~ ~ ~ ~~Ï,ý di",n sei OW hyare bulinip suclo aaz7jing r:si- anDce to poions ta na coup le of geeaio anwrc aiter- mii tc-s Ina)yvdeveloup cmln e sistahce." So touglhi ,iscone eceaitr mit tht h ca ugnwtruha five-inch thick tconcretefooH goes after the dýigý1estible WOCIdbe1_- neath it! thigs esiesWOOd. Alîarmned by thleir aas mng t1's an- cien-t books a11d mnsnp the authocrities foundeda cinictfor sick books" in Pomne j before the ar Termites Wer,-fe belîjeved, to have entieed the country "vin tobacco leaves-rom the ear1 East. I Iubeetreuie l- W ai s -ry nîmme PýiotiLîr.Oa 7. ont ýoitub eplate yu elgoo rscîss moîeS aro oger. YOU euCAir ANYTFHiNeISlU iyla oft Psht-Llnr onl trouisseome ouppýer or IeýwrBile secS Il dircted. Plate olesýrjcr I11(luddMorvsy bneL if noltopielely sstls0ad, Si nol as4able a'Dye diug sbire. saimd 1.10for raILeer for1I pIste. WRLDROOT LT.. OTEION.Dp.U ISSUF 41 -Me5 NTtoa soon to strt your ekrfo neXt S=mmerelayere, Wbe= eg prcesý arýe at IeOr eee al lybWer buylng ho smure te purchase 6h. rîight 'breede for" Ohn jb you antthem teMdo, W.have %pAl ret RO.P.&Mrd forma« mlum 9ý eg;rdcinsohrbed for broilers, roasters or ca.pons. Seid efocildetail",. Booli your tPr!rey put for 11541. Weekly hatches,nensxd puIllet and cocicrel chlooaviabe Lma M uiMeeseaud mikn. earted turkeys. FRGOUS ONTARIO routn.We have sela red or laer, thlersfor mxmmbrel-er Po f ts. Stýated chie, l ky ayn pullets TOP NOTCR CIlICE SALES QUELPU ONTARIC, BRtO BUIï LyI)NGS CLE- 1,ED CAMERA EPAIES - MM6 ST. CLAIR Ave. W., TOROINTO, OnI. DTîEII'IGAND CENN eWieteous for, informain.W are gia!d cto answer yeu1r questio.ns. re- F'OR SALE, Y pu rugissle inCRESS, ~dur home 10villageon 01, hgh roome, l heted.- large ehed, acr1e and s hai cf 'n ics 2.0.Tre 10acre tr.altlail lht.m lue ars"ag bn~.tes22hacate 'vater. cmn crsilo, r, heu houe,I room tame buse, ydro, phený, Oc SPElCLL ALE Co ti..hu1tGrajin Gin ,der1.,$9 perditcontrol. trah uadel $15 gai, tank, 0149.50 Saws.l -ws or il aws New Clinto sinai gsoline severai ecoudlt-n-d--mai -e-g-n- C, oeap25 OiverC -wrs, it, plyi' clats i 1.1,Pa 1!ke~ 149 .2J10 10-, wE. Ei-1 LUdG, iRS,whables, adute reing paire surpuls hn 0fr 1.Canre îgr 97 5. Avarie, I dgewod Grdens, IMO,,i Sirct, 194 ModleLACe LeeUOrH(eT aek GAIN BRades, Weedera. TLiers, ad ontSRE Gradîn ti o 9 e hli NreieBat forid."' POSTIS ECZEM-A SALVE end weee skln tobe.PssEr Savewilnt diaoltou v gcrpmpies adfoot ecze"ma, i bceestheysem eRICE 8.5lEXS JAR POST's REMEDIFS Seat PstO lfree onRpceet f prive 889 easoSt.c.,- erne etLoggia EN ARD WeMEN WyMEN AND WOMENtl ow l eyurself te feel fit., se 1er. abutth'aazner AoMgnt.fvery lyfo teelIterature, "it PHI ýCAL FriTNESS FOU1ýNPATION It Cania.da 52 2 Adele Sra el oot BE AHAIRDRESSER ,l01'4CANMAAS LEADIJNC SCUfl, Ilairdressing Plaat iied prfessý'invcodwaJ s lltrtdCataoguie Free 55BorSt.WTont 44 ing St-,, lIanilito 71 Rieau St , ;Ottapa Metphyîce Eay l leroOnly scholý cf Ste lclnd. Write: Premier Collegce e Vaaccuer, BC..Canada1 STAJtT îa saret1ineIe mil order b:usinessý 'fJ2 row.In pnnvianu'al sbowm we'll Edfyull dffernt. BookeEt Il e Ramsaý'y Co., RTsee aetAttor- neye',i272 Ank Street. iOttawa. 8!- 8EO'GayRTNAUH &. ~ P-a - s nCt AtorI y. aabihd 80 divorcs, inhes 1cpmplfexCorcthit dPatemei 01.00. - mc- shiJ . Ivi iindîk ,, TTxae baT" garatee Ve feeboi rt C, in, PanaclCrseaic t. oîRberrLS ANi ~nto ontiWite 12t a 3 Shaefî fecli f. ,'ver. îamer>kii 15,L),oCIhoIIDukarv Ne Ork."" ý ChccJk the dis comifort of a LICInment.Yu'lbreathe (casier, Lee! better. just ry i-o~1se NMG OF PAIN" 1IaE n. 'i N '7 s N N 'N '7 'N N N -7 N N N 'N N 'N s, N 'N 'N '7 N N N N '7 'N N N N N '7 '7 'N '7 "7 'N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N 'N N -7 '7 N s s y N n 'N

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