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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Oct 1953, p. 3

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t'le UtiefrC ki- cdldborn aï hauAbra bDut playlng f rein Fonil.ij, Onit., packs flot Orly tremiendous skili, and wïiIta win, but a stout heart, the poise oe a vetleran aInd concentraItion that even B en flopgan hlibmietf iannot excel Twoc years ago, theni only 17ý, she hiad devel1oped o L -entrafloý cil to a pint that she apologized tu aisopoen lt the eutset of a ia Wtch: "ihope you wnt think 'm rudfe, buqt nyrtl on the golf -ouzrse."' And now, at 9 19, Marlene plays a pr-ecisioni--lîke gaine thatii astounded British golf estperits. Marlene Stewar-t is flot merely a Canadiani who won thec British Ladies' Aàmateur, she is the youn-gcst golfer to do if and as the Lonidon Daily Her-al'd Put if, "the smaldest and cerfainly one of thse etetwomien chamrpions in the worldl." Marlene was borru with the lure of golf în lier velus., Her home ini Fonthiil is oil.y a short w'alk -fron the nearby Lcoçkou-,t Point links, and as a wee tLyke, she wvas there daiy, sh~igbails for pr-ofes.rton-a1 GordCon MVLcInnis. NwGro is' nyalfl bit of a chap, hnself, and perluips for that reason, lie becamne intkrested in lit fie Marlene. She took fte the game as the average kid takes f0o ice Icream. At 15 y-ears, she alr-eady was displaying ama,,ýzing determnination, and equally amazinj.g potentiial sill. Weighng litte over 100 pouinds, she drove witb volcanie toi-ce, and af clos-er rangpe, developed a ,qtyle of drivirig fraight for the pin, wihtoday remains one of hier trade-marlis. Site hias won lienours, plîtud!Iis, the love of a niat'in. At D, shie -won three titIefs, tise Ontarie mter the Canaian Opren iand Closeci. Put'- hrçiugh iit iadprhpoeas Ifit, -lie lhas remained a sweet, pfleasant, unspoiled girl, a typical Canadian iy6ungstme, naturail, anduafetd -YOue cemmeatsand suggestions for this column w;i Ibe wloe I ..Pla-Iin EHorse Sýýjense.. .1 byDNE re i s ggod news, To regain export rmarke-ts for Canian farmý producets the directors of thec Ontario F'lderation of Agri- eqîfture have adopfedt. licprini- ipeof a fw,,o-price systeni Two-price system means one price for, the home market and1 z)nother price for ex-pert, 1lowv niugh f0 com-pete \with other, xprngcounltries. We welcome this decision as a zstoep in the rîglif direction: ce- Op-erative action on a national This columin-.iet hlias alwaYsj mait anedflaf -robedy should beas interesfcd k-nfthe orderly mýlarketing of Canadian farma products as the f armer hiniseif, -id we aýre happy that Our fa leaders are begiuning f0 faie ",Farm.ers will have f0 dcecidIe whte hey want a Ilin de- gree of governmonlt control over -jtheir idsfy as exists in flic United States, or a strong farm-i orï.ganization workiug -ihgov-, er-nmenf týte mini-taini a sound aigriclItural industry as is thle c-ase n ay uopean coun- tri-ies,"t said J, C. Broderick9, chimnof a federafion comi- mi,ýffee studying flie requiire- mnents of a national farn Legisation Needed Mnr. Bredierick is also quoted as asking for "'adequafe marIket- ing legislafion at both poica aýnd federail levels." This tee is a point îithaf\we haeraiscd again ndagain. Onl-)y a fcw months ago0 we wrofe t[haf "flic demand for this legisiafion is sadly missing froi the programns of flic fat-mers' organizafiens. If should faite top rankinl any and every stibnî,is- Siïon tote icfederal or a provin- cilgovcrnmenf.'5 At the time, we gofarebu!keC from flic Canadian Fedenat ion û,f Agriculture, 111 Sparts St., Off wa, lu the form Of a letter dated June 10, 1953 and signed by ifs sceayfraueMr. C , Grçiff, saying fliafwe wrc Cfar beliind indeed" lu our in- for mation. Begiriniu wifh. the Federal Maerketing Acf of flc euenett admnisratonwbiC wasde éaned ultr avires by the Prîvy, Cr"iMr. Groif g ýave us ,tie history otfmarketin1g gsain fedor-jal ant roicil.edn in, the Fedleri Act of 19419 pro- viding for the 1M/arketing 0 f Ag- riutrlproducts in inhterpro- vincial and Extsiort Tradie. Inadcquate Law We -reember the ýdiscussions f our yoars ago wheu " Bill 82", 'vas passedIfwa uly ect nizedl then that fic bil was in- ad-eqjuate as if-,deait Ooly wili provincialiwa eiu-oar-ds, giv- ing thIem thie powe,,r "f0 regulatce the mnarketing of such agrlicul- fural producf outside the prov- ince (ýin interprovincial andex pert trade." What if dlid nef d o and thaf isexcl what is nede, i did not malte pro issfor Nation- isiglegis]iation a provincial gestions, wiý,se or roolish. aalý crifiîsm. ,w1bether cntutv Or dsrcieand i ltry ,to answer any question eddses your letters to, Bob Ellîs, Box 1, 12.3 l8 à-Sreet New ývTorointo Ont 1 f i INextMody Octobeýr 26th,3 7 imarks the îninefiefl nuVrsr Of "'Soccer" ýFootball1, or at bs olf the Exglish Foo)tball Associa- tion froin which the gamne taiçes its nickname, And al we 1can sa-y is thaf it d1oesn'ft look its ae and th at i -f anybo4y writes in and' asks wchether wc were pre- sent af the birtli wý,e shah nof se amused. AthfeicFrcemason's Tavern,> Grelaf Queni, Street, London, on Oct. 26, 1863, a smnall, baftd of 1foot hallers assembled to bring', about a code of rules f 01 tIse re - gulation of the game. Tliey didi se because the varlous schools where soccê was .cradled playýed iin various wýays and so did fthe enthusiastairs o wen .rt on playving after they lef t lic schools Today tIse fruits of tiaf et ïng are evideuiceçi by thie exist- ence of La FedehrationIneat ionale de Fobl soitoa As each co the gamne if niue f0 suit rment, charac- f0175. Today distinction of In ju~stice to the Enln however à should be poi that in every case thct ouý tour abroad The i rd roains copletely fr defeat against all non-Bri position, with the excer the Iisb visit 1947. Promn the time of auguraIiinternational niat Scotland inri 18721 a fui reRe-ntatiVe England te Ifaken the field no f uv 274 tim-fes against sïdes diffecrent. sources. On cca--sions haýls it lefft l diof"e at ed-. Wh-ich is quif cord aid lm fooling play-ed in Britain for rni thr7ee cenituries, -Record that if wais playede in the as far bc as 1710. Bu-i not uintil liaIfway thret nineteentb century that1 aduiiit club -was formed, ample of this organ'izat Sheffiold Club, wac;sjspe lo-wed in' variouIs fparts country and only the tI. standard set of rules W ped progress. Theý soluti witli the advent of the Associatoný in 1863 Wh-icb ill be DC.about regardsnig Soccer for i cept for this one obse-rvat gamne wîll neyer gain vei spread popularity in Ct long as the powers-fhat- for so mi-any sJ7enanigai don't immd an occasion for-ail1 among the playe sport, We have evenc ehern X r chîcks teekes' NOTCH TWEEDLE CIlICE ITATCHERrES LTD. FERGUS ONTARTO Brailer Growers we Cao gîve prompt de- livers' on eur seecial breller chipIes, We recommend 0cr special cross strain New Hampebire snd New Hameshire crosses. Can scripts' ne -sa-aid lir ienk.rels. Se~cial pnires for breller growers. Breiler Polder. - TWEIZIDLE CIlICE FIATCHERIES LTD. FERCUS ONTARTO BRICK BUILDINGS CLEANE» LOQE Illie new - Homes. SchOols, Churches. etc Fres Estîmates tn On. larlo E R Ilunros Ce. Ltd.. Wilton Creva. Ont. Phono Londen 1-1021. ~YE1NO AND CLEANINO BAVE te" anythine needs dreine or dean. ioa~ Wtite to os fer information We are glsd te answen tony ecestions De. rrattment B. Parker's Oye Works t.irntted. 701 Y~nge St. Toronto ~FOR SALE CRESS COItN SALVE For sure relief Veut Druagiat sous CRESS. BEOILIPRS start snd finish over 1,000 pet s'est. Vive osed hattery brooder finishers 170 FOU. Milton Agar, Boute Vive Stratferd,~ Ontarie. JERSEY pure hred herd et tresti ami springing rows and heifers, açcredited, vaccinateil ami R.O.P. tested. Cordon S. Hume. If ilton, RH. I Ontarie. Insul-Bnie Sidlng snd l!oefing FIlER estimates, 24 months te pay, ail r-alertai and workmanship Latries il years guarantea. Dominion Home Ser- vice, 15 Itainsford Rd 't'eeento, BUDGIES. hs.hiet ,,diie,, hi.Ai., enouglIs fer clck haie Iboth af (t if's a bit ROCLL YU W BUTTEIR CGRTE lTiI A trl otyChriîa Wif o iiYu ol! ths er rae CLunard ,o your loved OiS ..tjn cj( zmeboed coem f he cn pn> r~9~0- ns fom$149 French Ports Frsî(fiS rm$15 Yrhappy hoda enstimo~Yugoflar Chrism5 o-le orte hlr» games . . in fac 9 rocice., living a' for il 'e, 'Thri- .tS aso' resý bheOld runr Yotek S~E OU~LOCA AGC L'y m Li e @r.TOI, II' s 1,ani w-,s bcirdai tes', nay landur haiare ti, actes Es ttI nie transhS guardcs, 8411. acil twe on ca VILE NT. 'Th~ft M.w Pr ontt Nov 8~-romQue R.MS, FAN Dec inFro HJvEf0>p RM,"S-M. Dec. -Fr., ýerpool [it alanc USyE5u, YeIIingt00 0. or a large scitable for :100. These reechanical froni 0710. 1910 Modet >om, Wilson Heaters, 2- tires. Wili lu excellent Write or ANADA Itit. SLESMeN wNheon prt Urne. Toeca, on tnnera In 7ýWesterr ad faotee Onal.No pve(d¶ingno: olete .Pred- md'e oe..Nneynrî ep nea ere. Buldyerel n ineoir, n ! rortonsbiç. or Sut ales help iv,, r o beirner, if aetivrE Apy givîng , drasý, phonie. e -aieodo, Lnt.t' TrRY t-P EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUMAIC PAIRS OR NELIRITIS SI4OULD TRY DIOSR!MEDY. MUNROIS DkrtJG STORE 338 FveLGIOTTAWA 1M25 XPRE.SS PREpAidD "UIE FICMho NEX S W reeths' Prieda. bk5A POSTS ECZEMA SE aed wepngsk robls osE..em hopeleseohlsegeeem C8hnens. .. aer Swan~~ il K'l n li WOI MEN ANDIL.OMEN WIIY wat? Pepae yur -lf ----e-- - b' for fe iterature. Deo Canada 23 -73Aelid tretWettT;ot Box 91 vanc ANTEFD1 WANTED T reads'-to-las' cross breetls, teenth Street 'T If Iife~î e--==

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