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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Oct 1953, p. 7

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collie da~ b-at ihe animal was cf disiniguisbing its V if juped i p and ,ický bis face, ltus te argumn-ent. a sinail boy in Ocea- by" fwo ladies. hit n ta say 'Joe i's a sard Mrs. Carl -n- m-agis4lrafL Johin ný begaincaxrgli r(ey- hr er le au j. ermine Èt fnie. ml D.uLcaci, o court, ta ad. red whîchi ican. Thay for John 1 tsp. ý,addi cfor haîf an, -sa it's cs RetVeat To The ValiIeY - lThSa e thot vwirrer begins ta dlaim the1 tfoken inear Mieln,shows1, th monkeýrs, in Sundcxy-besf Duxwarin, eleii,"sodtf mnag-istrafte. But bath claimyed Bel-1 levilla as their homre town, "Wihone is John ucai af De Witt Aven,-ue" aský-edte magstrtein a strained vie As onie themaen replied "I am." Tbey' were then asked wil John Duncan tived at 187 De Wýýitt Avecnue. On-y ana, man ra-pliad, and flic magistrate's sigh. of re- fief w,,as audible, But nabodly was to blamne.On John Duncani pleaded , guiity taý speeding, andc the oýthar 7ta rva wîthout a licence. ?ALKS 1Place nd cut f0 get, espoon Vedg- orid cookie ka-epfot a n350, Alter toi-telas bak'ýed about 20l m-inuLte's brusb wifh c.hotap- rict or pa.ach IanIm Continue bakiag unti gode clot. Servehopaiorwt vaila sace. 'Serves 6 t f,"8 APPLE M3EIRENGTC, CAKE Baba your favorite cake rcp or try thlis good Swedish anoe: Donct Let Go -- European hepcats, in a cantest bptween Barlini ancd Pari, prove thay are just as limber as any cf cour naive jittarbu9s. Axai Garcinet whirls bis purtafir, Baba Coffinet,, batJh Arm Parie.of the fcoar in ime wvith a mad musical beat i theý Spocrts Palace in Berli. Howtvar tha French contingent lost tac ~ha German tam in te "besc rubber-Igged coupIe" competitan, in the Bjarý spent the si o ýthe vrille, mlou r rie trc Ad, Adi àf a timLe,2egs ri i wel b . ..Aent.. .. Pour boaLLej IflLUgreascu Q-iII caýke Baa lamoderafe1 (350-) aven 25 ta 30 iminiutes. cool. For he aplameriguetop- ping, prapar- Rosy Apples in Syrup; CQo.ak siowly for 11 mnues csugar, 9, c.- water, juice of 1 lemion, 1 sali 3cinnamron stick, fe7w drops red foiod coloring. Peel, core, and' uate5 or 6 cooking, apples. Cook slovl'y in tSYru--p until tende.Arrange appls anca(ke andi top ift- Comnbine in rmixIag bowl 3 egg whites. Add / sp).cream iof tartai. Beat until soit peaks f atm. A dd graduahly i c1 . slfted con. îeeioners? sugar. /~tsp)ý vaIiTIa, 1Beat ulitil safiff. E3aku ila slow (3'00c) oveý(I -1 te 'M minutes. $e v ibLh- Vanila Sauce:- Beat uintil stf 1 e;iav ereami. Bcat 3 egg voiks, Add lowy c.siftad nfc- tlonýer's sugar. V tsp. vanilla. Con'tinue beafinig utlia Fodereain iïnfo egg nitu, BAKED r)APPLES %WITHl BU7TTERMSCOCU SAUCE Ml~e in greased baking dish. Fi Centres Ct mixure f 4/ A, eream PPe. dnrk corn syrup, ac eopped nids. Bake until.ender ',laroeaf (350) aven, Serve wth- Butfarscofch Sance: Cmbine iMe. cinq 1 .t"a. sfing occasoral. S e r v e -Cr I Ver akýed pples Th it e f abo a " ,iýý,n obe endsa cafigso sllla top, follw the grain of flicwod. !f you can reacl urns fe table, ttr affi edgfa!fefaa midd-e toward eClnd When tbe srface is completey coafed, use tctip of te nhru and ta anofler Tire ege should ha fInssue sft fh a smi albrusb Be areulnof ta xfe0 dthe bsistrokas oerth- aireadly Iiward-openiig vwooden shuf- ferý.s ledaniii sheea qatrestca ý)breýakfaýst nok or akitchan Sucir slirutters naced nat ha ae of wod. Tley can bca painited on tha wali. The French c-eis trme-!ei, whnich èasptcillsofc straigîf, sim-ple unes ilialittie shadlrig ta m-ake flic sh-utters stand out froin tirai backg-round. TiLie page- o aont-nyle de- corating maazie iil p'ovide work lias been lprofitaîble or fot, thre farinr andbis fUlamilyw be lookîngforrtaa period ofo comnparativereaain drg tire next faw m nonths These imonitîs, hwvr a i tan ire turncd tac profit bOy using flic time ta acqulire furtier no- ledge on baffer farminrmtios Information on thre mostef- cienit nethodis ai frngis De- tually gain-gbgig Poica and faderai1 deparfimnnt of agri- culture have an abunmdca-1 literature which describes tire lat est fidings (of arcla scicnitists l epeimntlstaý- tions across flic countr-yThaese are availabla jusually witirout charge. - Many Cang3ain ind- tries are constanfii. turning ouf taams of valuabl)e ifrmtv mrattar -for varlous segmenits cf tire rural populTaionj. Tire-doser g-eru tin-,of- iarnt jou n(iý:an'd weeM 'yvnewspaupers andi eavXmfi attention to frin3woadcasts, & oftean provide *iînformi-at:i nthaf car ibe turned into dollarsan cents by fthefamer For the bandit of tre youn,,g fariner, mnost Canadian arcl tural colleges run shoirt coure duving the sl, farin pDeios, These caver special 'or general subjeets r arngin ig from frulit cutul'e ta farinumnagement En- ralem-nent f eeýs' tud c0sS fobar anid room 1-are so low th11-at tie refutra ion thie stnntcrite froin ot and wi naricul: OWnEiý they ouid ost 42 en-tsay Broken down, t easone1 worthcf sugar, a haîfcents WOrt of vitaumins arid mînerals, twO anç one-hait ucents worth nf fat and 38 çen s vworthof picoen ya prýesýent bef arid paùrk";toast WMIISThat People Whei lde d Russeil dWe leaving ierhf e savings amnount- ing ita-mare than $9.000. te Edt- w,ýine Ld Peek recently, h 1made isfary. ý For. up ta her death issRusseil i had boeericm- p oefr fiffeenl years als par- sonal mnaîd by ber biue-blooded legalee, Thuýs a traditioailsiuto wvas Leversed, for if isusai thre f aitirful servant chois re- mebrdi the will. of the ap- preciari ve emploersoetmes' with a ýnear fortune. TakC-e M,ýiss Arnnie Hurt, w'ho for: tt~ety-iveyears cýushioried her wealthIy mistress aantthe bothersome detais afeveryday Elf e as persona! maid. When lier empfloyer's will a read Aalefouridberseif pos- sessed .ef an immnediate $3,000 and an anniuity rf $9 a week., For fifean yaars Hilîda Lons- dlaie wligyd(nied herýsaîf tire pleasura of going ta dances, fireatres and ciriamas;, or aven lis-. tenin.g 'ta the radio, i*n order ta jcompanion a wealthy YorkPshire sp) Now the aid lady bas dia-d lainrier appreciation in the shape of a legacy afi $42 a waaik for lufe. Tlhat good coolrs are pîmrosf worfir fieir xweiglit bi gold isr provad by the experleace of Mný. Margare-t hu.ghes. When ber emi-. ployer died sire becpreathed to hear favourite cook not Jess than $3Qç~Anothér culirary wizard, 4Wrs, IJia Fletcher, who was cook- thDsekeeper to the late Lady Dalziel, reived a lumrp sum of $0,a me annity of $9 a weak, asut of furniture, a cairn ter- rier andtw canaries, 1For aý score of y.ears îMiss La- viia Wooldridge devotedly nurs- ed weailthy Taylor, guard- iing bis heaitir and queueing' for busduring.' the' war whenk chioica fload-s ware scarca. The.xi. John Taiylor diaçi, and in hi, WIlhe NUft Nuse Woolddga $,,30, 00u MisAda Ranýwho fop' over four ears nre an elderly1 coperaped an aven greater rewvard whvlen ber emrployees died. For the&r giit-edged appra- ciaîtn f ber unsel1fish care .took Piefoi of a $Î50,000 fortune Yer 1ailo a cdefemCnt LIural Sie Sls' grulbis l!i re have t deer mnet ladof grul A ncw tPieC ai wodmer'sý Mluch fIe same lM appeatauceý as bush boots riw in usch<a make spec iuse ai01 pea wc'ave ofnyo fbrclthi ty-pe ai fabric used bypolice forces s boDdy ,am-jour rans bulles.The bootsmeare wrnard waterprof and thei weigbt is kept t amiimm.TIy av Wlein flic iew hloiboot)îS are la wiep duse, ifis epc ç thaf feywill go alori-g way ta- wards eimnaiigfotinùi f0 woodman and eut dWM r-adi- cally flic yea,ýyCadincn pa-Àper c copy of h want auds ne nô ployer also bequeatlied $3tJUU his tiypoist! 'A strange bequiest from a grat-. ful patiet ta a dfamous sren asdiscloseci in a recentwil For tire gift was inapreatO of the doctor's refusi to,0pe-rform an operation! "Te) Doctor Gîrling Bil"dir-. ectedJ the iast testamcent of Ar-. thur 1 eonard, 200 guineas as,, a tokeni of adiration of bis skill and courage in diagnosing fthat there was nothing thie mattrr with my appe-ndix."' On to the bed of Miss Jan-et Agnes Bell, iying incir.ab1y iii î in n Edinibu-rgh n1urs;i-g me a stray cat, 'urpedi one dayI was an rdnay ab1Jýr. But laOne-ly Miss Bel! the catspt comnionship. l cal! hlm-, sir*e," she toid her nurses, "e cause1. -desi-re hiscmpn. When the aid laidy died Desire becamne tihe wlid's v wealth$est cat. Fýor Mss ell IeF(her ry frend $1500 inher Nwill t o pr-. vi,-de hlmwîb om& for lit,> But thre!titie of01 ld richest pDet beiongb to Jerry, whoseon- et, octogeniariain Lufier Sawyer., of Cambridge, Ma"Sac!husettsý , r- Cently lef t lm $21,000. FEvenï with present-diay prices this sum,. woukl1 be miore titan enaough ta keep Jeýrry fgil -aedluvury for the ref-t of Ihis days. ý,ýForJer Bakta lis light, auiry sTud,-y at his Westerham Kent Jbus,, Cha--rtweill went Primle Mnse Sir Wiston Churchil 'ecvr ing after aweierdrsta Chequters. Ita that study cari be ent-heý Union Jack,hoisted by tlu first troops ta land la ltal-y Li 93 Chartwell, standing ami-,ciùigty acres of woods andmad lad gives a comnitending view ai the Weald of Kent. If has lovely gardens and there is a bank of, rhododendrons which ever,,,yeyèa îs the envy of profeSsionlal gr'ow-. ers - is is so perfect, In the - gounds of Crrwl are two lkes anid a imi pool wlhiGh. Sir--Wnston isl helped ta construct. There's aisO a br.ick wall w1th a storne tabletý ipcie:"The greater part tof tins Wall was Ibulît betw'èen thWf years 1925 pnci 1932 by Win-îtoxn with bis own lian@s.' VYou eut also see a littie brick house which the Prime Minister büulî for his jIaugirter Mary- One day thre PnhniM4 nister May set up a tnuseumn at Chart- weilý of ail tihe queer thinïgs hc bas received as presents dlur-~ ing is career. One of teei thre head of Toto Bra-vo,th heavy weight fi ghtintg bujll that was bari with a V-siga n t eorehead. This bull askilled Iby Spai" famlous tareador,Maote oi ErpesD-Day.1ý lia, * Wa -N 'N N x s s s s

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