n MeetingJ niber 2 7trh1,f' LI~yd Speakec v Arnistîce S~r wed a w ,107.00.M ilt pres- t ýetino.'al Park: Lva transferred ~s and again Letîce la Co- s ar- after- Ire v,7i',- hardly heorses ralces ýt!Cally Pack- eo wrun ienry Lvof excitement. onadMode'rtor of the Ohurceh in 130 The attendancee for, the day totalled Meande-,1-r With MIargot By M1argo Samutel t Mort, Sub-Division No. 6, Sciool Bo1ýuse No.ý 15, Deputy Returing Officer-, NomnBairstow; POli Clerk', Ro- b-ert Chater. Sub-Divi;Sion No. 7, School Bouse No, 18, Deputy Retuiriag Officer, jas. Burgess; POli lerk, Mrs. Wm-. WAannanl. Sub-Division No. 8, School Bouuse N.10, Deputy Returnling Officer, 7ilussel Snrery; Poll erk-, Mrs. Ai- frdDobson. Sub-Division No. 9, Couneil Cham- brOr-ono, Deputy Returning 0f- fieR. E. O. Coatham; Poli lek Mr~D. E. Mellor. And at thie said Nomination mieet- ing ndELcIo (ireuedH.E MiîoCleik shall be Chairn aad ReuzigOfficer respectively. Given first, second and Vidread- rn and finally passed, signied, Fenled n nbe-red this third daty op ov emer, 1953. Mr-. and Mrs. Russell Maluakçe and MiEss Ethel Bouck, Toronto, spenh weyek-enid with IMrs, lone Forrmater. ATTNTION ALL PARENTS Last Thuirsday night a meeting of the Orono Athletie Association was hield. JIow many of you were thiereé Ninep, yes nine, out of a population of over seven hundred. Not a very good representation is it? Yet busini- ess was conducted; officers elected, or r'ather appointed!; and niew busin- ess was discussed. But what a, farceê Are you ail willing to let nmineý men dicide ýwhat ne,-xt yetr's prog-ramii will be for your younIgsterýs'? Iav\e you 11o suggestions 0or criticismis to, offer? DO you approve of the way the rikis being cun? Did you ee- from the sumumer recreational activ-; ities > Could ýou suggest 'Inytinig for nlext sLiniimer's progr'ammiel? Should there be a liext surmmer's pro- grammne? -if you have no. thoughits on aýny of the-se qjuestion's, doni't bother Ah, 1 see you have. WVell then let's g-eto to businiessousve.th Athletice Association cannot continue, thiere would be no m-1ore ntmbase- bal; and the summet-r recreationial pr1ogrammlite, ju ioated, woul-1 îoId. There it la. So alright, you say. Whiat can WE dIo about it? Weil, the moiýst im-ipotant1 find out what le being- plaaalled; off .er yurideas; nnd show' a littie appre- ciaition for what fthe Assoc-Iationi- s dloing for you and your k-ids, None of us wýýouldl like to see the Associa- tion dissolve, and we can show theri we don't by attenid"ing the niext imeet- ingMonay, oveber9th. Mark 1ta on Monday, Nov-emb'er 9thi, at the Oranmge 1Ha11. Everyoaqe. Lht mneas parients from Leskard, .K;irby, I edal AtiehClakeUnion and ail! the aïrea"s around1 Oronio, and itý especiv ll eaail 1Jpairents in Oronlo. As w'eseen -nad readlteyT,j 01,ono) is petitioninig to becoileme-a Inoroatdvillage. Th-at ml-enas inid-pend-iea i -n d self-oermn for us. Wil w~e be wl Ungifwe are11 Iaicorpoirated, to ',e't a fCew men]h to fucio ithIout suipport from uls. are wviliag to give of thirtiarle, de- They neeci both moaetary and moral cide what wHi be done for the town,ý support la their effotsto provide and wvhat AHI becme of the taxes our eblidren ith wholesome outIets. theyS colect? Why wýe'd hoot and -But how a hs an e eid oe udeo tetotalitarian' wbat is beest for Our childrea if We air!mlany other nprintbles if this are not theeAt pass opinnmldxere to happen. Apathy is sIoth, and suggestions? Obviously, judging by sloh one of the seven deaQl sins. lnst Thursday's meeting, theycan't, So 11 when we get an opportuaity to and if tliis lack of parental entis. 1shiow an îtere(st la our commu11-nity rîasm ceontinues, the Association Will and our town, Iet's not be content to haive to dsov.TI-s woid meanai let 'somneone else do it' or we oüur- the rink could mot open thIS year; 1seèves Will be undone! Jrlooey andt J. Reid. Iii the I*irst race Virginia Flee-t,j owrIied (Iby A. Glenniïey, wontherac by taking -thie firat heat and placing seco)nd 'il Éthe finalun. Miss Van Admirai, owýned by J. Reid, placed sthand fbrst and Harold Hlooey's Dri. Direct took fifth and fourth. S -Agaiiin lite se--cond' race local h orses came through to \Vin with pat R-lea, ownied by L. Hïooey, wnhgthlu firat hleat and i1td Lee, ownled by J. R,'eid \inningý- the second heat. lathe Uopenltrot; llllcrest Adami, ondby Win. SharpeOa, tooký the first hieat with Miss Mary Van,' owneiid by B'aron of Brantford, takinig(, the honors in the second hieat. Dandy Hanover, owned by J. Reid, placedl second ini hothi the heats of the opei--a trot. la the fourth aind final race, a 2.18 clnss pace, saw Thor Gratton, owe by Hlie anid Gordon of Colbourg andl( a avuieof local, tracks, drive home to win thie firast heat of this fetr.A lose second in t[le first hecat \\as Eddie Jlaalocal horse,' owe y 11.Lwrnc ooeyv. lai the final heat of the 2.18 clnssEde lien nosed ont Thor Grattan t9 take the win. This heat was certainly a grand finale to a great day of rcn la Oronio. Theý Oronio Turf Club are coMing right back Io rcigfans agin his Saiturday, Novembeil)r 7th, to providel fur-ther sport of Kings, over the best track in eastera Ontario. Again 'the local horses Wili be onl the eard withý hiorses now in tmýiniaig at -the Thorai- clife aceayin Toronto, Post tm 1:30 p.nî. Ladlies are the guests of the' 01r01o Turf Club on this da'y withl Free admission. Of course a $.t0ad- mision is being charged genltlemen wvith free, parking and grandstand for ail. This mplet is beinig bileid ns 1 Oronlo. of the tc -oted oui who slhot