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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Nov 1953, p. 4

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)ttawa, 1$1.50 Publisher. R C Forrester opulation Increasing any moods and wîth its m-any creatures is Le wr Enjoyment can be found in nature e phathioming of thîs marvel through study 1 in sight for the scope is large and becomes y. is most fascinnting and interesting. The are not just targets for the sportsmien but 2and even of our existance. nleth Toil COOKin be hol day, 13.n One Çook st( -equipped witli oven and r-eserv 'e Phone E. L. Ont. tt A UCI cThetund(er-si aLots 9 - 10, one mile north, ManLve-rs Roadl le Auction on Fi 1 p).m1. shar-p, V Stractor, ma'cii orchard equiipiý Farm for sa] gnorth in the village c ent occasions a total ofs Sthought almost iion-exiý hat timoe that winters we nts to sur-vive. Yet in txi has grown conisiderably.1 otioO Fish and Hiit. Cli e Township becomiea his pr-ojeet froni wl effect in 1954. proAristiuc Ujnîted Chumrci November 8th. Col. F. P. LbC Pow~mainý-Ulep T thait al wild retural of thm a feat ýher îr ý LISIn At s ig; th"e Peti-ý aid lhave as imay do so at ville Mon. Tick ,Iitio)',lOne Eeti agfArburner, ýar1fg good\dnsuaed y reeonable. Ap- Sply to John Fokrester --Orlono.1 ap We will allowvi $5.00 oi y our old, battery on a nwexid wh-ý1ile oui, present stock laÏts."I ivedl n-Sid Bar-rabaîl ",60-r-4, Orono Stev-enQs, F 0 e AL E nsi, Pail A ay Tv oilets from $78 .00, ýe on the 1lowvest ri in Canaýle IPublie Write, Sani -Sl Box 3, Cobqprg oer 6 ati AL E ck feed, 474Plymou Clsub Crpe. Excel-! aimnlent conditio lý ow nleage, goodi ~, heater bd radioj ctoeer.A. H. Keane, 153 Central Park BIvd., Oshaw Ph5qe 3-92958. b-p ived in- A NrE D Lycett, At once S otch Fine Xnias Treelsi owniship,' 5. ft. to 7 ft 5000 to 8000,; Buy any Auction quantity. ýt p.m. Write or p one Ira Ni n, 64, No. 31 tractor, Iiighway, Si '1coe. Phoj No. 544J ori l etc. 95.b-c1 [tioneer. ~fl~Af PA ~ 'T A5flVnflTT DEADSTOCk reyioved'froni your farmn promlptÈ"i or sanitary disposai. Tel2ephone Colelec Cobourg 1161 or Tor-onto E3366 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Air Corlitinn S"-heet Metal Repar vent Osboýi wilýl compote a -t Brighton :30 Pâli. MAY med cýrea listruct-or Ontario lh. hais es tin g andl !hel!pf i l. verymanycolor ýhich can be de- jr-. rived froli thiem, Miss Armiour, wenit ris. on to say thiat dfernscl urs ;- Hni) ted ciff*erent types of rooms. Lighit ia- colour's brought the waldoser and darker colours ha,,d the effect o f pýusing,, tho walls bazck. Af tonlier a1t talk, the ladies 1'ormed into five on, groups and were asked to assemnble wallpaiper-, furnishin.igs and ýfloor - foverings from an assor-tmlent which Mliss Armuour huad brouLght with lier, after, first deciding- the type of room they ish, tofurnishi. Il. was a lot of fun and interesting to -note the ~.different furnisingiý,s whlich the I.groups had chosen. Afterwards, Mi-ss __Armiour wenit rouind to eCh of the furnisings aad retindaliterna- tives that mig-ht 1e used and gave1 rg omre ideas of ber own. A "ery n- ld joyable timie was spent over ifeh IPe mlents and ropresentatives of thei Ilthree branches thanked Miss Armiour ;yon) behalf of their miembers. Refreshf-i ay monts weire -henuevd ýay lle The W.A. met at the hiome of Mns. Irg Roy Mereer on Wednesday afterniooni ld Octoher 28th, wt the preý_,ident, M\1rs.i ýPe Gar-land Cathicart, in the chair. Thoe ;ay rOHi cal waýs "gîv-e somle suggestion' lie' for makinig a bazaaàî a succesore rgthing to make, etc," The serip1ture1 ld lesson ýwas read by -Mrs. Jacki Cars- ,e cadden. Ms Rv)S. J. Pike wvasl the guiest speaker amd gave a very wvorth while talk on Christian Stew- ardship. Plans wer'e made for a tur- koy supper and bazaan to ho held oni --November l8th. The original date of' lrNovembor llth, bai to ho chianged ,, gon, accounit of other events on that i date. Mrs. Roy Mercer was in charge be of the program and Mrs. McKay, Mr.N. Kennedy and MMrs. TaeJ Car- seaden erethe hiostesses. Mrs. t,, or loy Glass %vas the pianist. The 11ev. u-'.J. Pike joinied th1e ladies for -re- sfineshments and an, enjoyable social, behalf houp, was spent after thie meet- ighdbeen culosed w\,ith thieMizipah] Benediction. L.M.A Real Este 'hone 2566 - Insure. imsurauceý you areÏ comuplete k ;e Broker Newcastle, Ont. r-th of traffic ewcastle. A. F. MceKENZTE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURG-EON MFIee Reura 2.00 to 4.00 CMm 620te 8.00, Sundays an~d We ensdays 67 appointmert otely PIIONË47rl - ORN E. C. SYER, -M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEION Main Street South Oflice Hourg: 2.00 to 4.00 6.30 t0 8.00 pjm. Sundays and Ilolitiays hy Appeintmnt PHONE 74 r 19 PRONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING RINK PH ONE 94 r 16 ORON@ LEGAL B-arrister -and Soclicitor IIOWMAANVILI.E, ONT. ACK REL'-'ID Oroiio's Lîcensed Atictioneýer and Va1uatS, Specialize un Farm and Co ni e for teriS and daies LI ri- E IlP - O'ANC Protctioneeand' SVanslar (hdrnand At rnsnablertaeIn PurotetiPnands. vnePln e i In-suraoice F. E. LYCETT Your insuranc costs ORONO, Ont. - Phone 2M r 14 can be substantially re- duced by buyi;ng Divi- Thâe RUTTER GRANITE dend Paying Policie-sCOPN Quotations on request.COPN 11*1,DiaI3216 -- P.O. Box 622 LeroynaintronPort Hope, Onitario 3RONOikRIG 1 Monuments, Gravemarkerw~ INSURANCE navn I(efi. T ;.. i.. L...L.a M.F. c"I I Sale iblngj STAFFORD BROS Monrieiital IWorks Pholle Whithy '652 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE (QUALITY MONUINIENTS ANP MARKERS Let us erect a handsonie, ilsg~ nified monument over the fflt~ ing place of your loved onîea~ it's not expensive. And s%*elia this la8t tribute will give you enilless coimfoft Orono Elctric Phone 93 r 1 CONTRACTORiS FOR FARWM and 11011E LES Io 'etera, Water Heatoeq, 4k~ Stve,. rons. F*' 1

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