I r r r r r r' r r r r r r r t- r r r r r r r t. r r r r r 't- --r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r c- r r r r r' r. r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 'a t- t- r. t- WARDROBE for Brotherand blouse and shir are for both Sister has a litejme Oo. MjiSter Eehn sa pce 0te lave! ateu4,'91 ic i reýs LI, 4,6,8 10, for boys o'r girls., Size 6ý blouse 1¾ yards '35 ic;overalis 2/ yra' ?j5 - inch nap;j blazer i 5/ý yarcts; umper1/ ads nsrc tion for ele,phantpoeto. This païeiriu easy Ln use, si- ~ple teaew1,1a stedforfitHas complei srtdintutos Send TIT-IECENTS (35é) in cons (stamps.cannot be accepteci, for'ti pttr.Print plain-l-y SZ~~M,4D>E SgTYLE NUM~BER. S$end nrddx' b ,Box ý1, 123 EXigtentb S ýýt., New Toro,ýnto, IStTmt. 15 "Dear Aune Hi.rast:Since îI was 16, tbree yearsý ago, I've be.en galng with my boy friend. Most Uf that time hie was in the Arm,,v Iwaiied loyally for aP, whil-a7 then broke with hlm. But when hie rame hrome, h camrie straigiht tot ,e. ,We love each heyt w.doi' '"udertanid each ather, Whai can we d)r 'I arn aP.furi-lovin-g girl, anld he's the quiet type. He dilikes to0 mnuch talkhug, or dancing everything 1 seem ta lave nmost. My family dan't like birn taa well (because of bi qh encs)but bis people likcemea lot. "I've tried výery hard ta adapt myjs el f ta bs ays, yetIdat ever seem ta, suit hlmi. Vl, Ï et- ting tired! 1Ibelieve heibs to o mucb self -çcoceru , What can 1 do? I've neyer gone withany otfer boy, na hie wtbagirl.ý Wbiat la it I an doing tbt' LENA" *From ah ziîyau tell meý, I tbink * ou are tyigtoo bard ta a- le just youirsef. You seemfï- dia- le netrically opposite lu temper- *aiment a'ndtaes ail yýou haviýe *bctweencnyu $s what you caUi *'ve'wbicb hcould be juat a *physîcai ttacio.You are * mature eÔuhta know that le thia la not enough for true friendsbrip. and utterly insuf- Sficient forý a goodmarg. *Opposites ba,,ve married, aind "successfully, but thley are aid- *er and mare understariding *than y-nu, aud have foud mar- * nage au exciting and satisfy- *ing experienice perhaps bcauLse- *of their differences. Yetc iu le marriage there muai be sali-e *camm-on grounds of muttual il- *tercat and Pleasures - else *wbatever would you do wîvth! *your lisure? hIla senijoying the *saine avacations, and hiabita, *together, that cani cernent or *you hanfd go outwih th *er boys and girls y ùou *know. *soon learu hthrthabond *between you twvo gives anyý *î prms fpermanent b hapipi. *nes. Aideep understanding 0f *human ýýnature is nccessary t *appreciate any one lad or girl, *and as Yeu discaver more or *lesa admirableaMd pleasing *q-ealties in other b.oývs (and he- Sin other irls) you bath iw-111 *know haw wl dpc o are ta cacb other. * Tal.k thia aver wývIt-b yaýur *parients. TPhcy may naot ap- *prove of this; boy's quiet tcm- *peramieut onfly becauise tbey C far be canuot keep you hap- *py; (youl are -not happy nco)W, *you lknow,, )cortbey may have *-deePer' reasonis thcy havefot * onfided. * Mot of the heeyar o *have knuwn each ather have *been spent apart. Nov.,thiat he lsa bacicfor 2good, ila the time ta l ace reaity. The wise cus *for, yobth la zta kowother- *young people for quite a whîie naw, so through their campan- *md ishpyou cai evaatee *tructestai t fyorhearts aud t la fot ofien a ynggirl marries the- first briy ahe dates; ûerbainly it la better te learn whait makes other boys tlek, and se better uinderstand her owni emotional and temperamental nieeda . , . You can wvrite Anne Hirat frankl, and be sure of her sympath> and wisdom. AddIress, her at Box 1, 123EitethS, New Torontio, Ot. SELF'LIGHTING CIGARETTE One of the latestivnin la a cigarette that lightsilseif Rub the appropriate end agajinat a rough surface and there is a brief buïrat of flame that shtrs off the cigqnrettc, even lu windy w'eather. A capsule containing infl--- mable suibsiançres and a inutte explosive charge la the secret; The explosive is necessary te ýr- sure that the flamt-e la driven into, the tobacco. The "bang," las sail1 anid there is no chance that cig- arettes of this kind catn be usod aisa for practical jolie purpases. The main problem woizld seem ta be ensuiring that the self-light- iug end la not accidentall-y puit in the m-outh. -new rFast DRY Yeas5t! M Scl 1cnik ý nul at ed graou iat -Y sogar;sir timtilsua Dry1Ya1tlaetsaod10on. Sti iccold i mxtre Sir in d 5 nc-ifecbe. ar biiea and las ic lcein greasd bai and greaqe top ai doughL Cve andl l!oeti til duldin 1bulk. Punch &Mn taough; tunut a lightly-f q aured board(lui dîvsd ù, dough ju ilta 3 palts;:kna an shape minlosnooth bil.Placeý ,3 balla n ei C -I f4 grcaeloaf pans (474" r-8Sut). Grease tops and sprinkle each loof with pl c. sheddcheese. Caver auidlt risct unitil dloubledi in billc. Bake iii moderatéiy bot aven, 375%, 45- 50 mins. af,,inaos in tue bpring. By neru- ing af locli of Owes lu a 'blacked- out pen, lie began decrensiug the ligbt in May.(On June 21a1. the normal langeai day, Jte yeates' day was ýas short as Deccmber 2lst. Thon Yeates began increasin-g the dlaylight ration. In October the- ewes were receiviug a S.prîng- unequota a f light. The AuLturnu-boru l amba are snaalle and lesa friaky thani their Maàrcb and April cousinis, but very rap- ldly miake up for losi weigbt. Al we need niow is a way 3ýta tende-rise old ewe mnutton. buit the scientista have solved îta problemr, tao. Ultra-violet raya cau hasten ithe bekouof the tough connective fibres if switched on suddcl11 n lu a mealt refigratrfree of bctei ad mould spores. The ivork of oight weeks of hanging la donc in three days. lu faci, it' becu found in the United. States tha ad menqt treated in ibis iaylasa impxaoved luflavour anrdteeresha it seilla athge rie oither mas Handy Ideas For indgoors and Qut Locate nleediles qucky n your sewýing b~ox pin cushlon b'y stick- ing them through the lhales of a 4-eyed button. WMen traveling mith yoïing- ters, gve eac hbis own sal suitcseflhed with faorie toys. Tuck in a few urprises, too. They'll en.joy paýcking-, and repack- ing thei-r "ugg"- iscar Clutter. Hlurry freezer defrosting with, yortank-type vacuum r'cleaner. Attach the cleaner-hose ta cx- haust, and- blow ar itothe freezer, espeýciaISy onslwm - ing spots Place a freshly-bakled pie ou a, colander, Circulation of air tr- ouu4 pie coola if quickly. M1ake a door stopitd a lare rubb)1er lheel. Attach ýta floor, uný- dJer the place ou the wllwhcre the door-knob strikes. Avoidaý noise, saves plaster- Secure baby's c;ribý blinkzet witfi metalshowe-curtiooka,. Seýw bone rings ta blanket edges; slip m-etai hookaIhrouh dhse irings kand Sua-p aoud ide latS OftLhe Crib, Hoolça will aslide up and do-wu, giving bab roo-m ta move andtun-uthe wn'tý lose hisý blanket. mnay be im-provisedfri a slidiiag cup rack. Place il in your cbn et abovep your mnixing cne u eau opener-s, cork screws,mesr ing apoons, tea strainer, etc., on b1oôks. Easy ta reach 1itemis; saýves Sliper maerilawon't slik asyo sewv if yom wrap a turki!shý Lowe] aroud tîhe leaf of yo.ux sewing machine. Cut a piece of clear patcthe lengtb and width Of baby'S folded diaper. Slip this "i -r"in nex to the tast layer of cloth lu thq 1diaper.Cheaper than tallored panties, as you eau make several linrs rm a yard of Plastic, Setthliildiireni's toy bxsL that the lid opens 'out. Then Hf won't maý-r the wall. Make a shoeacruaper by nailig rofws of0. pop bottie CaIPS on a atout, board. As a qîkrelief forteething pain, 'let baby ýuck o)n an ice cube securely, wrapped in aý piece (of plastic. Eliininate toje marks at thie bot. tom ofl ou.Ltaide doors by glueinig a rubber stairtread on the door At the point of kik, Use linoleum Paste Glue a cor)îk lu your dresser drawver to hold bat pinls. THIS ANTI -FREEZE GI VUS EXTRA* ENGINI PROTECTION ANTI -FREEZE!I memns Jgelle «,. for urcaisfortified (ïwith a combination of speclal nre icto ive morle ;xuhmr-hr us', freeze-up c Protection, "Prestone(," An.-ti;-Freeze gives your car EXTI.RA poeinagn:Rutandie Corrosion, Acid Cnaiain Cloggigc, See.page, FoamingadDtelrto of mnetal and rub'ber parts. NO OTHER ANTI-FREZE1(N GIVE YoU CAR TUfE SAME COMPLETE PROTEÇTONI «oclie e .sOl! Cool Hat - Pr-etty tNançy W4ood- ruff, models the "Frost Printeaýs" hat mocde es 'pecially for her reign as "Mkiis At-ree' The hoat is of ice-blue veing, silver snowfakesand icicles. Taste Like Lamb,,,,-,h Foýr the pasi eigýht years a ter of a N\ew Zalndshceepf ar iner-has been intently studyi"ing lamb's tails. Eeythiree mtyonltha as the lamibs grew up, she planced hiair froam thieir tails udra miscroacope and compared themii cloael1y with frmrsnippings., No w si-e is readcy to help f ar- miers decide which ii fle lmis ready for, the meat m-arket and -which lamnbs shoffldl be kept for their wool. At the experinmental far 0 Camibridge University,, Mr. Nancy Palmer baiis proved that lambs w,,ith the fuirriest 'tallas actually produi'ce 0111y 1owQua- ljty fleece. The less hair on the tail, the finer and-- more eveii the fleece. Tht'*s just one of the ways i) wvhich specialistsitssar makinig a joint attack'- to help speecl the end of meýýat ratiolaIing and chanigini things in the sheep-raisiwg industry,. It's anie reason, toa, vwhyyo may com-plain of too much -lam,-b. AtRtamtd Eprieta Station, the veterinary expert,- have bulît p a flock of cos bredi ewes that can mnother four lambs at once insteaid of tw7o. Ancon rýam-s have beçu ir- dticed to help produce smnaller, shorter legs of lamb than the pre-' war t-ypes. Already, as global she,-ep popuflations retuirn ta nor- -j