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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Nov 1953, p. 7

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1[I t eThe imostspOrting, otalgm 'xplayed ini Caniada titis year didn't taie i place ont the grdros ifte easterfl Big 'ou, mr the Westerii Conference. Douibtless these grim batties in Canada'lts upper pigskin brackets haq their inici- dents of sportsmanship. But Bot the ind tewhich we reler. T'he mj-ost sportiîng gaine of ail was piayed on McGil's big football bowl, September 19, It was Canada's nearest api- proacli ta the Rose Bowl gaine its the peaki of United States college football blory. And, as in the Rose Bow] it was college, vs, college, and east vs, we-st. This gaine was of higlih sporting menit because itwa designed' for a fine plrpose, that of establishing, or contni- buting to a fund to make life briglter for canadian paraple- ic war heroes. LT.nversity of Britishl Cojumbia sent,ý its f'ootball team east to play MeGilI. The game was the flrst of what is planned to be an aninual event for the Wijnston Churchill trophy. The grini old British mwarrlor and statesman who defied Nazi air power at the lowest cbb of Allied hapes in the last World 'War, gave his consent to use Us fnaine for a trophy. Thiere is :à trophy record-book, whlch will be kept in a com- partment of the lainonus sculpture "'The Onslaught", a suitable receptacle, for the fine piece of wvork is by Dr. Tate MeIKerizie, famed Canadian sculptor.. a wvork that is the property of the Ujniversity of Pennsylvania and depicts with great vi.gor and vlbrancy, a charging football line, Each j'ear, tise auto- graphs of thse competing tennis wil bê inscribed lu thse ie- cord-book, and fit wil become, over the years, a valuable con- tribution to thse history of Canadiant colege football. The gaine was playod in the presenco of two of the Dorni- ion's most colcrful mayors -- Fred Hufme of Vancojuver and Cam'ilien Houdo of Môn-treail. Maýyor Hirno kicked off in this, thie first east-west college classic to aid the Canadian Paraplegic Association. Sirilar to fanious yearly Shriners Bowl gamnes in San Franisco each New YZear,'s Day for the benefit of crippled children, the Canadian I"Paraplogic Bowl" gamne is expected to become an annual attraction with the 1954 gaine to be played in Vancouver.e As the niost sporting football -aiâe"'fail, in Canada, this colun i eartily' commends it, for its scope, its sporting spirit and its fine ojecive. Your comments rodsugton for fiks olumn wii b. eoe by Elnier Freguon., c/o Calvertf House, 431 Yonge S,,, Tronto. Ca1Y r DISTILLERS ITE *.lain JiorseSe e.i hb! 801-8ELLIS _ _ _ _ _ If it le true, us the Globe andi Mail reports, thaï: "spo1keeren of labour" are suýtPPortig the mining companies mn their de-' niand for' an increaso of the price of gold, it is tine to rinig the fire bell. An increaso of the prîce of gold mrearns inflation. it, wouild eut the- value of the dollar îin the saine proportion as the value 0f gold is offcially increosed. Penisions, annuite, ïrterest ro- turns,- savings, ivages, bondas would be worthi that 3nucb less. Those wlioow property wouid profit, but those wlio have to live on a fixmetianounit of dollars, which they receive weekly nir rnonthly, wouid be- the losors. Supply and Demand Only last wekl we f ot coin- pelled to deal wvitJi the cantpaign going on against governinont in- terferenco wivth the "law of sup)- ply and dernanti" in thc agicuil- tural sphcre. If, onily go vernnien ts wul ( withdr-aw their supports of f,)armT produots and let pricos find tlieir- oýwn levels, al would be weILl say the -wizards 0f finiance. Why thon do they not w uiait to lot this good old law of sup- ply and detrand worlk its mrir- acles in thje gold marklet? No m-ining cornpany i s under obligat!ioni to se!] its gold Io the govrnimnnt at thc controiledi price. There is a fîe nmarket for gold and tliey arc frocet1o sdi t the froc pniîce. Why don't they do iît? Becaiuso tIc govorninnt prico plus thç govrunt ffsubsîdy is higlioer flan thie priec on the oponr market. Subsidies The governirent price is Amn- enican $35 per ounce of fine gûo which at presonit exdhfjanige rate1s am-,ounts to Canadian $341A4. Under the Emergency Golti Mining Assistance Act the Can- adian ,goverrnienit grants sub- sidies whidh, according to the Globe and Mail, are "rnning at, about $ý2,35 for eacli ounce f ne Wyv rnined fine gl"going ito the inîmnt. Fixedi price plus subl-ý sicly add up to $36,79. The current price on, the friee market is onlyabu ~6,0 0. Since shipping charges hkave tacorn e off this figure, it la "B.ot sufficient to f 9rpt prodtuo. *rs away froin tleiir principafl iustomoer, the Caxadian nmint. ; The mine orerators care not in- terested ini a free mraket; they prof or governinnt inaterference with the price of goldi. Tley sa.y the iasting ,cure is ini "the bands of the United States Governinent ùr the International Mvonetary Fund, wýhicbi they say woujld raise the price of gold at a nodt froin the Amyerican Troasury." We. hope the Americani Trea- sury will 1continue to non 0ï tS treaýsur in Fort Knox and niot nod at tlic InternationalMoetr Fund Agreeientis Possible So 'Far we have been tolti that of fI-e thre uiont dernands for higlier wagos, shlorfer burMad tlie -ocbevoluntary eck- *off, the firet twýo could be set- tled. In view 0of net profits fotf thie compaioàs 0f up to $6,000 per man emplôyed, an agree- mentshôid ot bcdffcuiùt reach We we g 1iven to uinderstandc tha,,t the imain obstacle to an a- reemnnfbetweer îminrs rýand op- erators wvas thie check-off whîcî, as thc presic'ent of one of thc ar ecompanieSs said, would blot be g-ranted as long as he lived. Now WO hoar thiat rîing labour costs and pices of machi- i nory anti ther materials bave miade it improfitable toc) ig golti f0 sel! at $35 an ounIce." Protest ag;aist -Horse Deal if It is tBoi intention of flic operators f0 use thce q)mîergency situation coft by the strilke in the Porcupine for La horsede, * igler gold prico fOr cbecitk-ofi' \"'eprotesf. We protost ini the n am e of farm-ers, waIIe anospensÎion- ers and ail toeWho lý ave tried to Save a f(ew dolla1rs of their maeagre orînsfor a rainy dlay. No names of the "spoke-sinen" for labour were mentionedi in the report. the leaders o f the Unîiteif Steelwýor-kers as being aware of their, respoTnsibi-li- tics, nof only towards -the mc-- bers 0f rtlcir union bulttCfowardaJ ail workiJng' peop.le, we wonder wli7o theseptksnn oe This çolum-inr Wliessg gestionls, wise or foolish,, and aJIl ciicisin, we rcntutv o)r destructive &nd will] try ta answer aniy question. AJddressý yoýur letters ta oô)b i, Box 1, 123 - - itI tre. Mew Trot Rom-Buncticus -- This rciný is siomewhait phieigmatic as he per.. mits a boisterous White Rock rocister to crOw vfi-on) hi-5Pei-Ch atlop the wooly tone's eoF i sn't very often, iii sport, thajt you find m-.emrbers of the faiýr ser conp eting, on equalters w7ijth thle DnIales. In the top brack- ets, that is. There are, we believe, girls who couild hold their own in suci pastimes as croquet, rifle shooting and yacht-sailing9; and we have knowni one or two whoQ couild - like Darnon Runyan'si character Miss Silký-"pair.n a pair of dlie as good as anyma" Howev'er at the R foyal Winter' Fair thîs month, folks wîll g et an eyefull of a lady whoù not onily comnpetes on.i even terms with the menfolk, but who, often enou()LgI, tcips them at theirh owni gamre. Patricia Smnythe --- better kiiownf Over 'Orne as "Our cPat« j-m,iay rlot be the first to recpre- senbe counitry ini Inter'nationial sh.ow-,iumrpinjg; but she's unI- doujbtedly the first. that ever sel- ctied, sehbooled an~d trained.thc horses she rides in this s-pectacu- lar and risky sport. pat Smth cres trlyb her lovec for horses and bemkack vith thern. lIer father waýs the British cavalry; an-d lier rohr herseif a fine horsewornan, tau1glit Pat to ride at the mature a g Cof fuAnd she was not long in showing that shie wsbetter- than a r-aw hand with amn, By the tîmfe she was ten sýhe ,was good Ieniouýgh-mounted on' a p ony pnmed ~ii"To ie for first prize at the farnous Richrniond oylHorse So in Lonidoýn. Whien show jupin rvived in~ 19416 "Our Pat" had arriîved. iA naturai aptitude for horsemnaný- Shiip, pl.u good juidgment and sl)cewd counse' frornfber imother endabied the stili ver-y ferinine Pat to, compete 3t showvs with 1 growing success. By 1949 she had made the interýnational gradle Ini tefollowingyarSI-e ston Kilgeddin, a European higli jurnp record of 6ft s0/i ince 1then successes in ail the major Euro- pean show jumping cen-ters - MadridMels, Paris, Rone, Nic, London -- have cone lber -way and the hunictreds of rosCees silver- salvers and stirru--p cu.-ps atc her hiome bear testimiony to the)i-n Neither Tosca, a gray muare of unicertin -Irish anccstI'ýry, or Prince liai a ma,,ssivech luestnuti geding rejeot from the race- course, who are now, touring wîth lier had jumliped before be1ing Pur- chased at bargain prices by "Our Pat. oday it is doubitul if any mnoney couild bu!y them. Tlheir inisurance value is uinderstood to be ini excess of X 2,00 eacb. It wson these two horses at the Harringa,ýýy, London, arena ïhat~ the girlý froin Gloucestershire won, three of the main events at thie annual "Horse of the Yea.r" so that coricludes the British season. They were in spite of strong horne and Eiuropean con tinental maie challeng-,es. T he Harrngay S$pjrs;, awarded f oi the btjihest score by a jurnper under Federation EquestireLn- ternationjale rufles, aiso wentý the saine 'way 1In the lhorse-jumpin.g dodge t-Y have some odd iruies. Y'ou a aeept morjey for prizes an-d siibe asmn-rea tu; btif \you tae inuýgl for tal- inerof poOu' ;ireai., pose or ment typýebio egI et er nyhi offe. RAI.p.Sred Býarrl Rock. Liehiï, WIslnd Rd. lFo; r'. Mr uncocsaiai New pete. AIi a aho turkey polie for q- FERGUS soranNew Hamp'ý more riende am1ionez evr a.Why?F avina money. 'We aiS Liebgh sex. Cou-l okWbie o c coerais. toas mn TW191 LEy Ti 1 Woode'V Grand B SAVE y, send $1, fîra aIe, asieep. Switeh seits. NEW. F blem je ieed AIT 445, enmiai A , 'LrOiiO. n.iio. Eaoch box '24- 10 cents (wtf. 3 Ibs.) $1,25 Express Postpuld WHITE I4OUSE PACKING CORK~ 5827 Terrebonne Montreal, Que. FOOCD Maricet di~$5.8 er esfnr.Wicita. et' ino Arizna elngove 818,00 yenly, anrc e ai ly 1 '1' Kaeindor , (1 ic) lta and 0ave! Sat and acto gated Bowmiiylle oolComn,tl Bewran" i LOe adly o.,zd w miyhm medioi lani.O oUIy d coseta bahea~iic $8.00 Maiby easoid tane moe to bof e Item. B cradpi- Reai Reat Gue,'lpb n t.teTùo osaini th sdians il ef uln - igfREE estiniies, 4 meth tpr ai mtraleanf workmoeip carne3 s 15ou ingw hoseathiprighof t awy ou PartheSmndthe lid ec oieua ver waihy wona yth- BOOK,$, ta wrtefo ogue bfr ont, I oun burine. Ca.. 25 SPECIAL purc asa 0f rand OBW fllg poweed rienatc dy&Apiglt a*a DxliO Diestelas 24.95,5x;30 wtde 1angleA C2.8, Txî& B&L type 8295.68, upr- voee 2x80 $nu8,Mao59so4.0.Ail witbindvidal Ocu e and eocedles. Ail wtli elld eathIer caseen, fll guaanisdRus moe~yorder fotr pr- paid, aterwise 82.811deposit balance CA.0.2.OPTIcAL OUSE p.u- Box 10u, AdeleiaSUtt taio, ToroAn 1. JJSED BUSSES WE Mof fer aS opratorLalarge stok aOSretodiMIond units suitable for eelooi o duit tranortation, These, trde arry ec tbite-day mecaia warrety ,and arepiced front 8ý780. Ternis arraged. SPeciai 19H M odal A(155 "I rc1ury. 91b leadY0onl. Wilson Body,. 2-adu1t ,atng 2 leter, 1- sped rarAxi.S.285a20 tires. Wiii paint 10 Ordier., 9 Thý ienfti l ecellent phoe. )XO 801031COMFAN8? 0FCANWAA US. on ýafarra1I Weten na B aNterfl Onal.Noa ddlng, no clectios.ProS ,cx well avetse.Evr lvstcSfA euild your,ýelf an inconrie in yor twnsbip or cenir.Sucs lnIe wogv. aeané berner exp,;ereeif' -1y, terriýinry ,,desjired ta o 522 Lewnon On fXCELENT 0PPO11TUN1T) CWoSgerM a wa t iomdatly for beau- tifu'Lsubur a bone o rtwü adiults: cotn- try winoprferd.Ecellent homfe anS top -mm afr sonenne Who às e rea ho1mempakeýr. Give flIpart-icnulrs pd pe ommber. ?ErsE A ywrb.lE READ THIS- Every guffrey of Rheuma- tic Pafin or Ne-ueiie hlulid try Dixce't MUNRO'S DRUG STORE Sent Pi Freo n Reel i cf ['sCa 989q 4nsen -C. F- Catrnes-if Legse On ooa eis anothen. Taka SUperlonS Li bNR" a beip Je,ate pai, dis, trees aEn snervuýs'tnîi secae i SIEN 4ND WOMEN iteysc.Eeý1y ta earu. Onily Sehool of ts ind 1lte: prem ier Collae ci Tech'lioiaMietphsie.2à3~2 EiezeS .iNCANADA8 EDIO 0108 flaîdressing Ameicae Geatsi SyIstexui Wrt rCal] 24 RiflE 1 S. LamutL 1loa htipaSales WibOesal Ctaoge n Fail & Cliretnias Suplmet cntanin 'ware-S. dr 0,1oS, nnot1ions" , iner, Write con your 'letter hend o ierp trad stle or ree copy. TOOL W0 OL- SLE- MAKrE=EXTR MOE.SELý A l"CTO RIEýN-DS. EýTC. GIBSON SAEBX45TR NA "A.TORONTO. ON T. 1,ELL bitis bne Somietine1 pro fSI. iSend lliefor snpi.Dea ien" EAT ANYTHINO 'fyoo bavetrouIbla wlb plates eppilction m tIliese 8I ,it, eOeipudror perl. ecus rmaPIicttinr rdespet- maetl. yottr plate. It reIjes anS rvente oo pltsin a wey Ino)powder or pactee eal do.Eal an aid rubbiter pis4tes you set good resultes six not4e tca eyeen ror longeýr. TOU CAN E!AT AT14GISimpiy Do, sot strip af PiastiIner on 4oubesoe nper or iower. B3ilýauqndIt biernIeîs t0 oU youir lates. Rmvbes detd.teeene(r iuleHonley 4e i flotconiaiey caieps, ijont eva4iltL)e aetyoui dru etre.sen 9150 orrlinejr for i piste. WI.DOT T., FORFT ERIE, ON. De. TW q WL4N tQ Visit U~6, 54~e ha £uany Soutb 3 'lees. aput ifu t ntno e. cade f dr, 1,ilftoi,.00, Thnaïrenay Ce,. Regi, ted Patent Atr U2y, 78Banflk tet taa Y~T3ER5TNHAUH & C0om vo3e nY 85 By Street, T ,r-ntopeentsai ITOBACCO J8LI11iATOit A scetfjexmd or cigareTttead C8on,' For frýee bookliet, wite C. WRn PhriCacorporation Liii.. o 83 MANHOOD Loet aD Reetored.a >0y dopl't enJor lie. fee uwonepesd eendeel-adrteed nveopeto:Dr.Ote kýar B3eý,slseC o.M.n alr UNWANTED HAÏR -te.6, 679 trnilc t.Or rt P . Bo0X 99. Vanencývr. Bc.-- Âpprved atohry wthlu itching eggej WATDfor Cash.> We Di ay c"Sb fo odUsed evlicrsn oeae refigeatoa.Wileon Mrn ae Sevc.Pbone 727.,"BY St. Itarry so WATDTO PURCiiA58I-La8dng e2% readyto-.a2'pumae ,pure bredeeM oe'oss breeds. Appiy Box10C, 123 58gb teeuth Strýee, New Trno nal i' SIlve r Jubile. YCar THE ROYAL Agricultitral WINTER FAIR 8 BIG DAYS hrize horsetivestçcIk, fruitt org veel ,ls . world chamrplonshig% iLted, grain and bay .. ai coe et chler teatree b ithrtIIrural visitons. N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Ni N N N N N N -N N N NI N N 'N 'N N N N N. N N N s 'N N N N N

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