j )br mother- in,- e -whole fam-i- te us inu m-an'y us rio privacy. cdchildrenl, but v wa despite baby ont of ýock hlm-. She to feed hlmi, I 1follow ',Our d ie;she îhme as to d to my 'hus- ting-y with the- Sh ave hlm- for Li inidigestlible sick fol*r four seem to annoyý, ýttem what we bave )r a holiday togethrer, on gathieming the -whoie îemr home. Anid if my. ad I have plaued a iing, she accuses -me ,o keep hlmi fromi hem! [am 111l she drveum ,or, or comecs and takes care of Me. Shle!lias lovable qualities ta yl ncomplaining of nýg cnes. e anlythinlg I cen do this? Thank you for te escape ý-law's cdol 5Ô,4 *planinin-g ùfyoLur persenal 11f e is tr7ying eogbut we *she takes ve th e b ab y's *rJ triig hat is gln, oing too far. A Amother's f irsi r igîtist *bring up 1eýr cnfild in thewa *she thirnks bes't. Exýplain te * you husb n ha you , n e, * lnare responsibleý for tle baby'S wlr;yOu hae e- *listed the bes umdical die *and it is your duty to follow *it, Tel hl h tVs ho1 i *pend on hlm- to bL k yôu up. * Remind lm thý,at a ari-ed *coupflenmusthavepivacy. *They cannot enjoy a fCH Cie. *and grow déoser as the years *pass, if they mucst sPare ail * their leisurle vit!h is people *or yours. Yen will taoncam- *ly rtn o ccasiolly, ý'but * ~ ~ ~ " obev oeoihem lat hompe v' with luor hsadadlittie meso; this is Yoir right and h. *Once le ralizs how esential *it is, hle wil!lfind ho)fw aucbh 13 apýpier leý, and y,,on, cain be. * Your mte-nlwis tle * rue mtriarch: Loving and *kind, but dneeing and *possessive. She coniders her *self the rightfnl ha of the *f amily, competent to run their * far.She agîs. ait mo- * ~ ~ ~ ) de rcie fdiet anId *training, au.dC imposes hem oid - *fas-hioned ideas upon tîle g1-nd3- *chldren insud a high-hande * manner thefa it is ahnlost i- *posible for parents to inter- *fere. This sle sees as her *bouinden dtborn of 'her *love for.tmrlal. G nc enou gin your hus- * bajd's coopeation, talk tLhlngs *over vwtl is m,,iother, calmrly Emrphasize yoLur appreciatliol- ot S ali her ki-ndnîessý but remninçI Ilhem'that you and yonm buLs- *baund mrust decidie jwhjat is bes( * or the baby, and also for your- *selves. Wlen she malizes you *stand fimmn, she will hanve to *retire fromr the field anýd leaVeý *it to yon 1andc yonr hsad *whiere itfeons Let us hope h ils cani be accomiplisled w-ith *only slgltanoync.G0ood *Every w,ýife owes her bus- *band's mother loyalty and es- *pect; but whvlen Uher dhildren's *lives arecntmemdwith, she * must take a stand. If this *problem is worryng youn tel! *Anne Rlirstot it. Address h'er at B'ox 1,13 Eighteentb1 St. New Toronto, Ont. SAVE D - E8k SEAT 0F [ilS When lis car, oui creshed jute ari luBi smn ayn rtntrol, s event-ualy but un-ili'. Hipj Hani The real sports enhuit ilI nreyer allow himrself to be hàand- cýapped by Conditions oir circumI,ý stanc-es. Your ,outu-and-ouit(de- votee 1n'1orybuthZ- ards -- the love of the gaiue's- the thing and rates secontd to ifo eitself. in somýe instanices there's littie -doublt that t even taises priority! No o-bsLtaçle is insrmontale. Perhiaps the ~ru1es cof the gamfe are wielor stretched a littleie lite process, but no miatter. Take the wl-et golf course orf the jinja Golf CIlb, laout on a hligh bluff comn- mranding tLhe souircc of tbe Nuei and the Ripon Fîl.Durling the Inigt thlis particular Course isî frequently the highway Of the uniwieldy and heavyweight hip- Po in lis seai'cb for pastures newrites Mr, GordoCoo qper in h-is enrjertainingbck Aln the Greaýt Rivers." Ntrly h cumibersomne aimleavesb- hind pretty, hefty footmairks - bunkers in themseives. But mpmeibers of thçomite didi not giv-e up ini despair.Te mnanaged to get round tdis set- back. Wthouthincurring any penalties a pla.yer ispemtd to ihf t any balil etn nahp po's footmrark andd crop i) t be- hind the obstacle. hlm to the Missiopi-ind to a lesser-known spot callIed Geý,e's Beýnd., Here, he found a ý,simp)le buüLt rlions cmuiy Becuse of idneedng theSIl- lagers lad f ewunae -pr haps fo-ir or fin u il. A n themi-seljves they utsed a fewc Chriistian n jam-es, Tomr,Ewr and Andrew divided am-ong the, mnen, Bellja, Sarah n Kaîte by thd om(-nenfolk. AIlvery confuig Wpeas when wanting one partieular Tomn, but the villagers had founid a way of vodigconfu- sion. They simnply added letters of the alphabet after the ines. Thus, says Gordon Cooper, there would be i on family -a To-- C, Tom)-K, Ed-f', andd-M. The village leader had a slîght vari- ation of the practiýe. Rsnameo was Andreka, a deritive tromI ONE pttemupaUrt te skirtI TWO m na'in parts ýto bdc-oi aniythiing leasem!Weknow t couldn't l(ook Prettier on - jusi see theý dashing flame of the dol- !ar îlife excifing whirI cf île skimt. Choese short or e cuffed sleee. ackzipedfor flatter- ing fit. Paffemu 4770: M0isses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38e 40,. 42, Size 16 takes 41 yarids 39- inch. This pattera easy to use, simi- ple to sew, is tested for t Ras complote iUlustrated instructions. Seiid THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (3ý5ý) -lnceins (stamps cannof be accepted) forhs patterri. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYL E NUMBER. Send order to Box 1. 128 EiýghtLeenth St., tNew Tronto, Ont. Thejý pilthein ousonds of pigrims gctthered in the Shrine cf Fcitima in Lishon, Portugal. the l2ih ctnd l3th cf each month o te Our ~.cdy cf Falima. electric spark. A f ew weksago, 1e Ma esy' Telegraph Sli ouac e n miles of subirarine cable. ThIsI wilbe joinedteth 00mie ladlast summe r,an wilcm piletle the mnealof tle caNe, mitaedby Cable aond VWJ'mre- less Ltd, betwëen Portîcurno, neanad's Endc, and N7ew!-inndJ land. The old cable wns l,".aid lu 187ý;'4 and w-,ent ont ot use ilu!P194.If is estimnated t'hat th4 rnea o-peration wvill cost $6,000,000, and that it will eniable cableJc tmaffic on this route to be ,- creaseci by 70 per cent. Thie 8,050- ton "oarb is the largest and miost up-to-date cable ship in the worldc. She cani carry up to 2,500 nautjoal miles of cable ilulier tour cylindrcal tankIs, whiclh ave a totaiI cap-' aIcîty of 125,000 cubic f eet Cable ships must remain at sea for long periods andhec carry en-ormious am-ounts of fuel, stores and xatemr. Five thousandc ton)s of cýable, 2,000 tons Of fuel, nd 1,000 tons of wva tetr ma y easily be dispose-d of "onI voy- age'" se tînt specia] arrange-1 mients are 1made [te)maintain fIt e 1stability of ibne unieoaded slips. Mvost' cable ships are sm-all1 about 1,500 tons. They are readi- ly mianoeuvrable ini restricted waters and eau steami as little as one knot when rqume. uch iof their tUme is speut Ln repair- ing dam-aged cables. They are officialy entited HM. Telegraph1ie Ships, and fly ýithe EBe Ensigu wifh t he ir Own crest This crest dlepicts Fath(tr Time sifting on a ýoil cf moDPe, wvatching tbe first cable landci the seashome. He holds a scythe:- lu his lef t handi, and 'ln lis ,mîgt an hou-glass shatfered by an Rlis face bearsa3lOok ofastonà- aTimne being destr.oyed ly the elecutri meegraph.The moe: "Ne Tntesaut Perfice,"mes rdugly,"Attmpinot or accomi- plish horoughly" The firsl omecalysuc- cesfl arineen-ilie wa-s laid in 1850-.51 by thie steamr tug 'Go- l," hich waýs especially ad-, aptud for. the jb i was laid btenSt. Mamgamet',Ls Bay, near European coast. Another was laid between Kent amind o egum lu 853,by Are collier "William HUMit," cov- ered seventy miles, and the cabl, w ýhicli weighed 500 tons, needed three days to le coiled ipo the slip. Shomtly aft-emwards, a cable to lrelanid was laidl, and in 1861 thie first iAt1lnt!c cable was paidl oný3t lby..thec 20,000 tons "Great, Eatrn ,àhIch had aIled s t~ Gceat d ute eeecu tered in thle laying, so that ml. thie next f ew yearste cable sh:p aday" ws téFirst raf cal slip andwas uit iii M874 for, Later she became a coal1 hulk, wvori,ýng at Algir-s until 193"-'1v axidafteward atGib-raltar. And the RELI15LASTING Umee'headch rlif sud a yw fomla hat at ofast, s thorousi, i tha ou Ainirelise amost instantly. Andtsreifs prolngea. , f Iss!BesÉ tofMIl Intntn ablets givýe youI just thle mild liftyouned. tulyak youfel better.Ge nttnetdy FUi up with Quick Food Energy for tidy on your4/I 'rea~kfast cer~aI 1" CBH4 N