by first biaintimrlngth n or ruithn the defeiise, and then bei-dcering the o a forwvard passes, By the end of îhe season they hiad mopped up 211 Opposition, scoring Il victories. Tu the course oft their suceesses they fired what is regarded as one of the toiigest forward passes of ail tinie, a t hp that travelled 8> y ala- miost the Iengtb oci the fie7ki. Yo or C'm nnîand sgetosfor tioh, Qumn wJ;If b.eloe by EIncr FruoC/o0CcIert oue 43i Yoge St«.,, TOrroto. AMHEST R1- L TAR s LiM;IO I..Plain Htý-orse es. 1 -- by 888 Eiere is hope that the news et the decision et. theAeia governinent te sel tarinsr Pluses te,0Erîtain against pa- ment in Sterling %AHl open the eyes of Canadian fariners to the tact that they have been Led around In circles for the last, foryears. A Lttie Worrie! As late as Mardl 5thn of this year, Rt. Honourable Jaesà Gardiner, Minîster of Agricufl- ture, sal& tbat 'there, is ne treubleseme surplus oet tarin preducts" in Can2ada. Today fedieral officiais i Ot- tawa are reperted as _a littie worried" about the American larm Surplus risposai pre-gram', but believe that- '-scifr"it has net endangered Canadian ew- 0f course, it hasn't se f ar," I bjecause it only started. The firsît deal reported is the sale et$20, 000,000 tworth et fine cured Arn)- eican tobaï4cce ritaiin willpa-y iii Sterling and the Amnerican fariner vwill be pýaid in dollarsý by the American gover-ninent. Frein London cornes the re- port that grain, fats, butter, meat and meat preducts haveiý b)een inentioned. in the ngta Traditional Markets Ever since the recession in 1949 ,this cohlurnist luas argued for the mnainiteniance et ôfour tra- ditional Britihmarkets for tarin products, if necessary by the ac- ceptance etofpaymrrents luSter- ling. Only a fwmnh g h Canadcian Congress et Laour-., in its suhnission te the Foreigàn TradH Relations Commnilleaeoft the Senate sugested that Canada accept Sterling for' part ef her experts toe Ic nlted Kingdom,- Thg Canadian geverninent wouild pay the exporter luiol Jars and uise thne Sterling, whîCh wuld be collectedia coutèr part" fund fer its ptirchaseýs in E4ritaini or for mnaterials pr chased under the Colombe planý ýûfor ecenemie ýdevelopinent et T5,uteast Asia, 1 Martin Lvise e the CCL IJepariment et International Af- ims said thýât by this fyethod etf îradîng Caýnadian farmners coufld Setridet hei11ruP1Lïmq. 9 ELLIS ______ TheSnteCnnite00- poehdtesgetons anild considered tîýemn unrealistic and unfeaýsi-ble. 'Shortly atter the- Miitrot Tradle, Mr. -Howýe, camne out with Éthe optinion that ouir intual markets wrere Seuth of the 49th Paralel. The Canacian Federation et Agricultuire, !laning heavily net onily on the Caànadiaýn .but aise on th-e U.S. geen ;et n its brief te thre S=re SeniateCe- inittee, submlntted lat the saine fine as the one et ofCCL, ladi nething to effer but aCice teý^ the governmentr's 0etnon-dla These non-.dollar countres shouild imprevep their comptfitive position in dlollar, area rnarkets( witb. sound fiscal and enty polities, They sl)ou--c ldas(-jea mor(ýetdlars byexadn thi exvpert markets luNo'tbAm eric. The CFA ýaise counseled the 1.S eennn as te thie steps it, shoufld take te enable the nion-dollar couantries toe8ear more dllars they could use or purchapses et i na fan 'a rin1 CFA WllSatisfied Whul Mr.Gardiner was "net ýetig wori bouIt Pressure because et lest mairkets," w-hicb elly were rietlest in bis opiri- on, but merely "ancelled '" whl heý Canadian Federtion et AgiuuLre told the inister that they were "well satiSfIedI withgevrnientpolicy.,"' whie Our tin Morgamzations were dMs 1cussing researching and "re- ferrng ackfor further suy orr'neigbbuours te the'South w.epractical n took ACTION, 1 let are Canada's £anners gigte do aboutit TIsacelunti elcmsug- gestios, wis or telish. nd ai yor detrctv ad i] rys 12IM 8hStýree, New Toro.nto, ~lrte lngmade althi headuartrsWhen i 'ps wm ereu ,sndbrs hey slidfort.-h me ro(jband k.llJtos h sm gled Wari age;buit yu on your fingers ail those -tfat topped hrm, and stili havýe a few digits etoerLangford, inJ actwas aLit 1too gcood fer ýhis ongüod. Wphen bis 1nme was nmentcened, ùther hbeavies got the echilis; se fis to Say nothing of nurses, weefe-wiand farbewn Oniedycamie an, of tcten thousand dollars and expenses tC baffle with chrtr named Iron Hague, who had been fiat teni4g ai the Britsh heay- weighitsisiglite if there lhadný't 'been any boats Arunn1-ing sain Pand htis manager JqeaWoo)dmnan weuold probably havj -wumthe A, ýtkrntic ïn hei r eagerne3s te haý'ýVe a crc fsucha use Tii. London spýort'smýen e vePry Mhlon Lhon Hague .and,éj a ïew hurhefore ýth"ebout Langford hearudthat !there -was 1plenty ef even meney te be had, "Go and bat car end eA the purse'" said $am.a "That's toc. good a chance te be rmi.sed. Wnodman promtpltly hîl;ie hlm t the spot wvhere ai the sports, gaheed-CroCkferdý's prebr;- aibly - slapped dw i pass- Portadiniiation paprad lotindly anucd" atot bet ten thousandi on _Lan-gford" The bet wýa-s covýýee ponp anid, wth thie slip on wîbthe wuager was recorded in his pocket, Woodman uwent back ter ïejein his fihte-r, However, accol dingl? teý BÏMiSern, he les i a and only got te Sain whenhe latter wvas just about te enter the ring. 'The dough is clown," s a i d Wodford gleefujy, sen tbousand at even mroney" Sain peeked amt the slip anid ai- iniost droppect. "Leok rwhat yQeu di,"le yelled, "You'v gene nd sh ld hppen te 1 o s e l*ey'il probably bang us becautse- we j-c-st antgot thaït Sert eofney.1t"" "Fft housan(d -you're nts, replîed WododhIol et ten thousand." "Scefor ourslf,"saidSain. 'Ten thouand POUNDS 7 and they say those Engish jusaisar teugte b o reak eut ef.Tnth- sadpoujndls OR ity thousand dollars of eur eney. Joe Woodirmnlook aclose oo at the ticket, saw that Sa-, xwas rîgh0t, and feu in] a de-ad faint. The hniesrragd b rein tre ring and trid ter"evivehum And i just "then tlhe j ùgng rang te, siîgnal thc start etithe fight the ring in a daze. AUlha could 4hin)ofwaýs fthe bet -and wvhat wudlap'lupon e shuld brak see7dthe ngis rinig ies and clojse the fght o a toui. tesaine jring wt teblacki bey, battered poor Sai Il over the place - wlth, Langf-'ord try- lng te 1lyure 2sea way cut of