ORONOi WEEKLT liMMES Vol. 17 No 42 OR N .ONTF.- 1'HUIR DAY. NOV., 19 1953 'Iýlt)Scription $4.50 per ye,*f Rmink, Fund Short, Hâve Tili i Le VAILLANT --STEVENSON MOWFAT-.COLUISON 600 Teenagers Attend Lindsay Tuesday To Ensure Orono Icel 14thin the Orno United Churce' he he Jackroud i Christ Church, Meig w rmOQl wedding was solemmnzed of1ý" Markdale, en Saturday, Oct. 31st, for M e ï g w r m C o o - Ev-elyni Claire Stevenson, danghite of the miarriage of Marion Elizabeth, It wou. andea Mrs, Johncia sup 1tvns daughtêr of Mies. CXo11inson and the Nal 0 enaeyugpol rmO'fe 1V ou4 ~er tatfianialsu0 Oono to Mr. Henry Artbur Le Vailat on-r~41i ~sn el g ale fro0 teenae~ 4 oun nipeope. Iron hrio.drs ete ag a~X port hy the residents of the distict IRF aeJh rnlnCliion el ~jf m ls si ~ t f a~ r n legth la n t o f T o ro n " , so ni o f M r. a n d M rs -in d F ra n cis G ~ran t 1M o ffa t, so n1 o f surro u nd i g th tr o om e 4 LO ii sa L hin gd e s th e la rgec ~ i t t~ i g ter I - ýe 11 f ll h r e a r nt n L eR . M . Le V aillant. R ev, . O . Z B retigh - M . a rs. W li m 8 o t M f a , s ur udy l tein la t f L i a y on e he Mr. a c oNie fu ýgIam lto > s e - ,oening of the Orono Rink for the The W.M,.S. he1J its~ Aiutumn Thank, ton o!ficiaited at the service, assisted Mr.~ nt,.WliiiSot'ýoftiSiudyeei-lstframntr e, JkMNeo ilitn e eêmngse~so. i ws mdepubicoff ering on Wednesday, afternoon, 1byv. JoOrichoiiheo, e. ~ O. hrrlWostearally in conn-ection with the (onelave ferred %ci a letter recep-ved fromn thP, last week that the Orono Amateur ýNOvem bei, 1lth with fiiends fromn givemn in mnarriage by her father and bngcdùedudrteupceofH oaleLseM.rstl ia Athietiee asndate werei aueekinge oar guentsrmn i fo fdahi formier Rector, performed th- C heOnaroTepeaneFeertin letter Mr. Frost, expressig regret ctl t c A o i t o l de c oe n u l N e s tl e a n r n u i i r e s l o e h r i g i r c d » r i n g c e n io n . T nh e n t i T n u ber c we e re t o t a e ç t d e e 0 1 b a d i i dob nations so that he co l 95c nd c M rs. H. Lo-wery ope nied the m eeting pink taffeta, beaiutifully shirrven au nuarriage in Ml,. J6hnbe __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ t o tht le need ror bis on har in~ <v.8m tbeir program, of sports for 15. with an organ prelude. The ladieil the neckline, wit'hInatching '#,eil and apfen in Chaon,. t bride. ohn af th-edTrhspeec n At two geaeral meetings at which had à, two minutes silence in rever- and1 carried a cscade of vellow lïb af fCitn h rd oeatawa for, Preside-nt Eisenhoeratx npublie were invited. littie interest ence Of oýùi war casulities and re- bai-c roses. The bride wa attended b flocor-leflgth gown' of white satin and AnlctotFrTesvisit, heartily enidorsed the vork bu- was shown and a nmot 1ion is now in Peated the Lord's Prayer in Uniaon Fe itr r.Larneo ~ rench lace. Her fingertip veil wasAplcto Fr es ing1 dolle by teilperarie peo~ple, Qffet o th bokë f te OooAf temr the singing of "Faitb of er fRye, Mrew Laurenc C.o woe to ar e aoin aIi caprore WamuTecuýinof eprnea orf Brysô Newn oreoe materials, ar eIegre Tlsmr the use ofilcoo" wrote Mrl. Frost, efecrnathe b$k f h rn Fathers, th, president ied fil pr te blue taffeta -with cape rneckline and ross.Mis Bety$wnnTreto "pi e agethmnprbe n et AaerAthleItie AssociatiO~n where- ay.Byoi hi -vlnier.terss isBet wn oot. they' will operate the rink pro- guests.~ Mrs. W in W anînan took the ful skirt, She carried a cascade of bîi m a s~dMte J dt p lcto f r te s f r n~ al oe o them ot deifi an e t - viâing that necessary finaucial stip- devotional based onil Remmbrnc ofnemm.TebiésnehrPpe lr<brnee0 h rdSpigspatn r o en e Th ifrene m o ipiltnd poirt is -.eceived. fromn the public. -Day, stressing that wec sheuld foster vas dir~è nbn afeawt a eunio bllresii , e he wre, ce-d Thsbre ple o ya aitude Thed b dffere o o*io The 0f ficera 2nd direcers of thiff iy Vhose remiembrances that makel vet bat to match. The groom -was at- identical floorzlenzth gowns of two- Ianidowners wiIl be used for e-stahhish- atitides hrelde prelferes o a- ,ý)-ganzator.areto eetthi (. posl ile n Diipe p-urps fo us tended by Mr. Elnor Benson of ~Tor- toile green taffeta wîth satin and ig new plantations on non-agriotilt- mistration. of unbelievable cqmplo- 'T u say o ah e t e th i s gal a c n i n simpltu e t rus pon Gôd on feather bandeau on their hair, and~ uir;l land, for shelteî, bets for the ity. T e e la e hn ,. b w v u o T ~ s d y t heh e w î dv c i d c o m m i o u rr f u u r t on g H i m ,e r A f e r r - a jcn d o -ýhether to carry on for têyr rceiving the offering the Doxoîogy Thé w,.edding mnusie was ply( by carred yellow 'iius protection of farin crops an o- which ail good people mre uniteil, th -wâer tn dïs-bandý and gi ve up the -was sung. Mrs Raymond Chapmian Mi.Workmnan and Mr. Glenn Alii Mvr. D'onaki Graham of Port Hoile, chards and for replenisbing an"d 'm- le,, the need 'for deceney and 3obriety, e_ýport progranis o-ffered t'he youug- 1 favoured with a, loveiy vocal solo, sang very acceptabiy, - ~ wsgois~u u h seswr roving raturai Nvood- lothcs. r."rstenlne,"l 0f th comrnrnty. enie raised ~ Mr -Rei of ampt~n gve amost 'Ontofrtooî ssts er ýniîdMofateo Oroo ban rM c veDun TP ereguatios deine h. Mr.iiFrostparcie fom te moal ad sprin- theConmuiity MoiesraieI ninrip takifn tetalk on orkNewYor, Dtroe, egia, workl New M Yo rkOroo, ndDetrDun mts o 'g int or Jiadoweril - eauefro.Fteemrelandspiit wa eo f el> ite4 fo chlrs a de h of t'lé inleSe wvo menl. M rs. -Reid de- can an or n o.a t e br d 's m nt o e me or a la wn r t ual side of people, oth idivid ill aef titeu monstrated bier talk with many ar- tof an orno A reception followed ath.biesbe eligible Vo purchase trees. These andi as a nation. . .. Thé attitude we With tne iretors meeting or. Tues- ticles illutrlting th lotes fCIO Afer a trip to points east, thp. home, Mrs. Coliuson receiv-ed with tre uth sdfretbihntake and what we do wijll profoundIZ nay everyoe~ has 'until that date to hu~re and handiwork of the Chlaese. couplé Will niake tileir homne 'r, thé bridai pa-rty. enlarging, or replenishing a wood or effeet those who coame after, is.e" ~ak o~i»tent hsproject. , A VerY fine vocal trio entitled "Till InteToronto.hierbl. -vod i eindn on1y feur <4ays. DÛonations are being the Light Of the Mýaster- Shinesl o-1 luté1uigroi thé bridle's shle et wo"I eie I Parents were siugjed out 'by MrÀ <ýe.etdat the office of the Oroio 1 Throuzgh' wvas r-en<ered hb' Mr. A. A table 'was centred %ith thé traditionai a group~ of trees pianted or growing MeNie in his address as being the e miwlbai dnaDrs.mnd Mr. Goe ory wlt E E UR on at least one acre of land, with nu e u rbe f~'a nu DW"kyTmsadwt l o au Mmond1, Mas.r George 'aSoni andi Ct~ilII ake set iu misty tuile and flanked least tweo hundred and fifty (250) nuro- n e p re ui ofs a u gade? many tiens be-r.g published. bfrs.., M. H, b~y candies. 'MÙin *ere used on théývlrgpol,"t aao" on Salsathpin.trees on e acre. A "shltéterbeit" eie h-~uhu p~~~e ~ - Stcae$264 . en bcie ap le at the a n Th é eein Jamies E. H rd Richards was born tables and fireilace. Assisting in meft ne teyuhu 8 a,r h o îs,~ wTie dsate on $t$ y heen. she yribéd' Waslosé it m nd prayer inte oth Part Of Or-ono on May serving the guests were: Miss Jean masabl ftre è bie drcof aR Ham,-ilten advertsne la~~_ a'ln28tho h fhoe y lnhada s<llI 1870, sou of Mr. anld Mrs m. uncean of T-oroi4to, Mfrs. Norman planted or gro-wing at léast four- fee agéncy, 'that parents ilpns -4t ti timiie. Generally $800.00, to M's. Patterson, _Mr. and Mas. Wm adntmr hnegtfe pnt1terci $I0&0,00 le necessary to rua the rink Wannan and Ross speaf Wéednesdayý 'ichards (omrAiiIud.H tM rr o-gigo h al ~ téyé~ éedlgo cêfs nevenîpg With r. and LMys. Wmu. tende? Oronéo, Neéwtonvil1e and Provi- R?. Conbr of? Silanty Bày in one or moré rQws 0t least two hiui- 1way tracks whei -tha odd4 area a weathc- Rutherford. Î-le served bis apprenticeshlp inathel For a miotor trip tri the States, the, drcd (20 feet la lughaad tie. least 1010,000 to ore that1 aniythin-i M.and Mrs,. Gus Wilson and fn-brejgtaei r ne ta rd hs snI rwu. ]-at, suitfu é pr will happen to thenl'. yetr tilose ýsa1 r n Ù i ly v et d. F i a eve lin 3ý w itb ïM a e y a e a d aérnd Ve-rkead f r j ck t' h y w1l r s d u o are eha rg,,ed for On the basic , parents oy i d f q ut é or' poor ex- c2ý Yirspot Caliar GuestÏ omvî aîtGata Tauoet~~wp aae MI- 4.0 1 pe honsand for Seéotch nl wu uémey eps ~ ~ -Guest ~Laré~i; Barbet r Shop for two ý r Pine and $10.00 per tbousand for erciltt-o? s hetbodn esea to lear ~a, an Ms erg t bsnaiv Ooo n -8audj--ýsoi' seis -hi aeblrouhe-o te urýveit the üddse iiesr tocarry 11edson, cir opa hre ownhl shop, on thé' siclî thAd Ie and. Mr. tterequead ÎVý[ Those, intending to apffly for tr-eésý who staat- to drink in tVhee 'tens 'Vil qýeî,ly four (11-y- lef- to ecittribute. 11,11% and- lWrn Miifrd Daviesý, Lake- entury Mr. R~ichards purcbiased the' ?î1sîîtaîopA ~~&'i fiô Lindhay District ma- Vdoc so tbirough arheit eao agrecid thé-t saeluc -Mas.. ýundsa' -with Mr. andl1 oldj Venn prt cos th Pree e ntatiérate Clrk Vt-da ereyd~ Th -lown is a list of dp~oria i r ule prild'td 440fs thtrt thée Department of ad.andl For- peopile, no nuctter howývitateIilit ote Tl Ord thoir anado fssa i1sý rTrno at er ,Iii auhefre. gie i R i llai i t villa gee ée ing- Clarky nlé Li-'ro eiti nétie éity sit I.~~~~~~ voer . . . . lit> i se q41r is la s lP2feco a t ainmhol foreting wa eveldn ~ e M p ille a v d o t c being-- -é m é unat t i,,V res a t loy. ~itch~n........... .5.00tWe present owltér. Roe $ ~aearahg r servecd foi, their orýders and at that, dr-ik", aýccording- to thé speaker Wdoster... ........... îomo thera TlTepsoan]M~eIrf n J i s married t1ie; 111n 1895 cope wlt phutyed thie viîolin -accn- tuime wlll hé asked~ to forward thé- "cné fenxithln thé group ef Reb ual ----- 1.0 ý'll osiar je uln- toAnié Jeffery, tbréé dagters 1hé-1 joe ~ier1, lIî~ .. 0.00vProvileg. We Wish thein a sped e u oao htuin hc u- pnied by Ma. Charié Tfév1or at thé ameunt of thé charges te covér thé1 young people i'tself. For-7 n atte- R .Tg~~t-------. 5-00 covery and retaru to their homes. %-ie, Gladys, (Mrs, Chas., Mowat, piano. Mr. Raymiou« Ch~apnan sangj trýees availabie, bo he rmany goud reas(ms there ara Dean stapiés ............. 5.00 M1,1. Jenni, lHooéy, Toronto spénth Luas Loi-fo- strtngtuuiik ndthr Orofo neyer atrtn solo, accorpkie atd Mrbérp Ttd Saueuls ----_1-0.01) Suada.y -a'fernocin a1 ~vmg t sing, Michigan) Olive (Mas. XWilfred mn at thé piano. Mrs. J. Tamblyn. ýld Rutherford . ..... 5.00 Mas. James Wannian and Jean, Duffy, Wsoifrely fNw-tgs pakgrý avyinr-sures linake et dif-ficult for may R. C. F'orrester .... . .----5.00 market). r.Am fo early of Ned- th, 1us y<ekega' - é ntr ?9 E IL'catt .... .05 away in 1933 after several years of sigtkonteWmnsIstu Nvbr17h he Vme'S1 gpplteayNtai o, CarhyBman..... ... 20 iluess. ]n 19'15 Ma, Richiards mar- ami~ thé World's Con~venti wl-ich Christian Tempérance Union hei iIhv neraé'ee huh ]~ooty ~aiey..........20~Mrs. Ch-as. Awdoe ----- .0 ridAlc E . i lson 0 W hdlutéMaétéaf -Ga'adens. thir uuonthly meéeting in thé Snnday that ishat tty wanVt t say," CarlC. G aimy n .~ ...... 5.0N 1 a~ da Ba k omecUlhrj e h 's Viv7e-, him, also There was a 3nesentatioit given in School Auditorium of thé United A fouapoint formulaj l'or resistingï s J.C. anue--------------.00 Orito Biraneh _ -, ....1..0 grandc~hiid!1en and five great- bonor of Ma. and Mas. Hlarold Ileard huciOro.Té rsdatMsunw'oîtVy social pressures was eo'-- Allo o 'n ---------- - . 5.'00 George Feustea---....-----------.. 5.00 grande ildrén. who were reépnVll narred. Theré Il Walsh, opned 'thé meeting with 1 fred 1iy Mr. M cNie, whose down tui Dulo -..... Toa ....I 1911 Seymour Power CJO. SUP- was also to hé a presetation iu holior n'htaFred-ehv .n éalth and ft'equently humtorouis ré- Geo',a Carleton......... 1.0------------------131.00 plied Oroue with étéctrie poméer ind hn Wa redVehv ___________________________-0.00______ e....t that Uie- mplloyéd Junwocn~of Ma. and Mrs. K. Finnie but they Jésus' andi prayer. Mas. H. Row gaémkarks heIti thé rapt attention of his tinued in charge of the office tutul wé'eeié nablé to hé presenit. té-voiulwt.hm yhoeeyotuI lenrs fron m inn te LN 1-- K A s ~~~~ bihsretireinent lu 194ý5. Lu-nch was servéti andi a social houa bui nut'ig'a' ie oi Té1e'nd. 4'Leéarn to se-y 'N thanký yOU, %..rpni% ans M .ppearing A s Ltrongi 110193 Jimi supphied at F. F. àlor- foilo-wéd. solid Rock" with scripturé. Shé also oiteulytfrmiftr a ris on Store and rén-ained. until Iaearpr nteTempéranicei what you vmont tce say. 1 caýt,' tell yen. Cogavento a l reo t o nda héiib f ron yéars of businessen pofitica* (~~1 k I J~im, as hée was affectionately O.C.S. NEWS CovninhliatLnsy o ebr C-luI n *fln*n G a n skuomu0.. to young and old wais a char- -114th and 15th. Duriag thé busiessý experience that ilé olie that n-attera, tel-nieibe ofOroci odg No, 1period many things mèvre discnssed, wli ever ta!lé o-Xfenéti. Thé winot linr Ver ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O theem o1 OrOtLde o of Noveénuhr the i unei héu itsf0cilie1t h atant ai usuially the hardest Vine ___ _________________436 I.O.O.F. lu 1912 andi receivéd hiel One thén lOths fo etu-ra tl 1 On 40des y1a Jean15.lem s1V dents of 0.HS. gathered lufnt f OnWf ~a~ velgofltsf~ hs esnHopa téherei ie rnd11-,2dNbl radjthe sch onT eqnippeil and rely for a Hilre oeatPr oet h aylel h 'ati o se sea't 'thé Oteoié Oxplians travelleti ta oaltne aeu idnmi 1913, Récoading Sec. 1914 Vo 192,3. reCreshii hay-ride. bronght to thé me-ieting( ia Decemberl talke it tôOOIgty eady hoé P-eterborouigh. where théy playeti Min,, thé berd Jimi mas also a former iember of -rieug ttet ahad a~ o hîtns a.H !as as e your trawd mly, ou t lu d îotsu- Lakefield ln a bruisilng andi penalty 1- -rn M-oi Lde the Wagons overflowi-ig with hay and questions on a clip sheét in refernelsthtdnye uatid >tsI. eturlded gainé. The Orphane. camne ip 1 n 01 Sturday iiight béfore fouri Ma. Richards last i1Iness mas 0ffillet with expectationI of eventful to thé Fieldi Secretary of thé W.C.T.U. l'ge6 yn esn~iy fdy wlte eC 0w goal S-nt 1vé Lééltha~s ~téÇbugCmt hort dura-tion, taken ill on 'thé Wéd- escapades i'enetn-coedwt yn Jss Wlsay t-im pagoalitl a~ a-Vc Mter anefel éxciting' ridé thun ob The metn ctsé 'it tyu %Jss buult 0e ~' arngt screof5 o binin tieIc.alfel hot f %ctomef h oand the Mondl a ay a co'untry side under thé wate1xful hée keep me near thé Cross" and thé el Ta5iéhnr é 3lt âquati their firat win of the~ season. of thé Orphamas lit Port Hope. OroniO moing h ome be onh the folo is M 4Vh lof Mrs. Chater and Mr. rugbyfrd oiphBreicin ýehr iug codol-ékng icll, s. s ~~Thé firet period started off with a took thé gamne 8 Vo -4 with thé local yéaa, 1~ thé pupile came back Vo the school tcuayacrtieoé<ahéaéa goal by Lakefield et 1:30 a-ad fol- caew playiag véry gooti hockey. An Orotio réidn red lon dance~E sandgt tot yongunch. ooin 'eieto og sdin- edg t ac sud éa- lunch.L tn drntéec mlege lêwe by igh penltie fie té -Th Qapaus cord th ony gol inimaely onnctedwithx eAfté,aéera'gainsag valou .-é d-cé the - -1 -- ,- 1 1 V 9-q'eri