ru U M N ;se I5 Dolinilon's totiCay îeam-s as rar soutil as tuec- gaeis played-C in scores of Uniîted States ofpeiion has been an uimportant teature arity i-other years. An Amlerican szqu[ad nd in 1,P84,. and, prior to World War -ýil, adian clubs- met annuatiýllyý for the Joe Lally honor of the grand old sportsman wh once a hot-bed ofd the game, from wec NsyLalonde, Johin White anid the De- E. Flannery M1\emorial Cup was placed in 30 when Syracuse, leading United StaÉtes, -1, played an) Oxforc-Cambridge squad., Sgamne, is far f rom dead. But in general inied, a strange deveopment, for a country nationalJ gamie, hih its roots exteni ing wvhenindie rvais played it %with Ras pmny Id sugqesious for tis eolumn ilýI be wyelcomedr; n.l C/0o C0lvert House, 431 YneS-',, Tcronî#oý flair tht is hlarsh, dryv and dif- iit toma-nage ùwhen freshlyo hapodmay 'have beeni wash- ci 'ton <-Opn". The ohject lii if unwaýi. ýa ha'r il Y, re Iess lh fai- Cor ILLERS LIMITED ,ONTARIO .,_e Sencse.. ELLIS tgroups profits, taxes0 To rc sion 0of long fer Aid to under tries could be s fomo f farmF mayof these ý andJ Africa cot into subistantis Canadlian goods, kýere tau)ghit m( ai meflods. The brief ward p 0in wbfich wude:- 'bcn noV only! but also %trf ments without ing prces. To give farm Mro oer the = produes he C expansion gaiations.Th Wood encutai Dow%ýn ae, riimik t/t .UUC, t) but his joc on the b: where he jtckeyho able sort, --i m e r s, conisu-mers, industry," the farm iimpie- shouLId be check- y and thieir bush- lookeýd ito re- ,' prIce ýlspreads, nts andA nvofite. COMLET IITTNGL11BRAR y POP PROFES1IONALS AND1BEIf'ERS. )aes S7 'ea syý-to-foI11'w illustrations., io.2"Khittlng for 1Cbil dren Exelen fhrstasgilt.Send mney,) KNITTERI AGENSISTORPE vPES Whelngsro 9170 ound(. Loes ricec an ilre . lpunload our beavy sýtool adsa el Sat ii s factr ,Ion Ugnaraee d, '31Wmanvilie Woo omay.Bwmn Cad.Statuies. Pictur"es. Medais. Cruci- Caaog ue. Mr' otSIp. Deot. surplush~s O or $25Cancries snger 97.15 0, ÀvAr s ~eodGres STAITLINE BARN EfflIP-MENT tu swater borvîs, littercare.Wrt Sls& EoipmeotLuI. 1000Yrl treLondon Otro TRICES A ND T'F N M A H RS re rios liet. Arae N ely to. O.L Ifarvester Agency 10 Valley domS $79.008 tory once Kashfiodet'. s. ~S OPPORTUNITIES NELWNS BEAUTY SCHOOL ÎUNDER PEXPERT SUIIvION 715 Yongje SC. TORONTO Pr otessi oalCaton1te.21Losee Rout No 9 Fanlfort 1~ntuky. u y.A. sMnýid Wintet n i"a tbu?#et C8y. Forl",, PATFNTS AN 0OFFEIIeeeyIvSMrUt0 n ventions antIl 1 oog ai sent ree. The Rm CD-l., Te~see aetAt oe s imflne Stet, Othsa lr D paT r T»wUOI XEcè~~ ERRE I galh t Cather 24c. Bar- 4418 50. PFERER EURITIS treat- and they c Mvike's bolt he prilzed > silver cup, winnier orf Prepaid. Otiawa 'sef to a hôs- g his the tii a there exten- coun~ hi the I dis- gi oneci. otheýr. showv You ý i neyer ne i -4 -4 -4 '-4 N N N "N -4 e.,' 'N 'N -4 -4 -4 e'- -t 'N -4 N N N -4 -4 N r- 'N '-e N s-e 's A":1 'N '4.~ 'N N 'N 'N N 'N N 'N 'N 'set 'N 'et, -e, 'N N N e,,, r, 'S-,, -'e, -4 N -4 'N 'N N "e. N N 'N N N -r -4 N t, -e 'O, -e, N -"'e N -t 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N -'e '1. 'Je 'J, '4 '4 's '4 '4 4 '-k s -4' -'k '4 ee~ 4 '4 f -'e -'e -'e --e '-e 'N N N '-'e s e., e., e.' -'e -'-e N 't-' -4 -4