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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Nov 1953, p. 3

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ice at t'-e leg. Tw ta f ailed ized hie ut ý he fi rlie itueut. IV his heart hsbeloved oiht f al ýotable colection ofwrclb timie, go loto the 1-IocLeyV Hall ýst club in thie lot is thatwhc n the great scorer played h4is ;ins mie er vwil ýwart's îed îto. ~ on th o f war andth te res'i oftb epeo- pie arelokn on trng eto- pický the winner. IDemowCratýc Rughts Hiowever, when labour lead- ers are cliin nion seuity as a "demriocratil" rigt an the Ifonturnble Mîlnister of Labour says that it is "a goodi point for ucllective baiixg a n C should ntiQt be compnrulsoryý in law. -,theqjeto tndt- ly becomnes one of g.--eieral in- terest as t rmay preý.jud;ce and jeopardize tfie righfs of' others. To denot:ýd the tight of asso- iainas "'deinscra1dc» 15 ot onfly false, ,,It is, ouirigbhtdan- gerOuIS. 4"Demnocratïc" 'isapltia word witlt the connotaticn pf governutnent. Therefore a diemo- ,ýratic rilh± could be consftued as a right by the govcernment, which could be taken away agýain by the goverumrreut. The r.-Ight of association, and al righits dèeriving fr-ontit, are mch mlore than politicai. Tre right of a man to'formr associationsfr iis Fsiritual and Nature, notý from the State, If t1lue unions are 7argulng foi- uionseurtyasa iltia righit, they are, arýguinýg the wngplane. isasuc ttnSociety rnît S Th-e Mnse of Lanbour agai lar rff tetako ih reso" hen heý ay thal union sectfity is "a godpoint for Ifs forin imighit be a -wint for barattn, sbject to the needis of eaoh and every indîvidual c aseC. But t-'e plrincipie is an ,bolte and shudbe ,written in-to IpOSitive Law-, Iliu ,atural Justice Carniadians are free to f Wm associati,,onjs, , whethe,r if la to play Bingo or- to negotia(te the price .-f"millk 01or te bargain for wages. Thiey book to their denmocrati- caliy lecte--d governîinu for protection of their rigbts. Thifie cIïumn wim s ug- getn, wisc or foo)llsh, an~d qfl eriiclm. heterconistru ctive Or destructive anld w11 try t) >_111 aY question. AddresI, your latter-s t10Bob Ilis,. Box 1, 13 lKiBh Street, Neqw Taro.nto, on. 0f, ail the ,character .S 0%e'!lown wihasenre of their owun iint- prtanàce-aild there are poientY c1, themir n this worid-iz ha'IS alasseem-jed to ius that sports., mogtils are abouit the m1-ost in- flated, Sllather the praise oni hesport froi which they make their livingls as thick as you please, and t1hey take it as noi m-.-ore thar r-.ight and propeýr. But stick iii a wo-rd or so of criticiSm, and they so mnany stu1,ck pigs. : . 'A reentinsac'oftitiswa I seen- whenl, after thIle court case in arrie hr a hckey'ý, player wa&S oharged ith nmnsaugtcr, the judge had a, few pointed, things ' to say about -unnecesar rouDLgh-ness. , From therecino th mioguls, notably Clar(rnce Cam-'pbeý2il axtd ConuSmth, ou miight hàavE tho-ughit that ilits Honor was attac'king the Br--itish Flag or the f-Christia relgin "What-hockey tocrug? idi- culotis! It's unheard of! law ignorent can people get" vas the ,grrenr1fone of theirreaks In theNoemer16 issuLe o0f the ,Toronto Globe & Mal,jÏ1 Caaasbestknîown and most- adniredcolu-imiat hdsomehing bi s<ay aonihis 1lime; S_,eVeral mon)1tihs ago when ILWel wrote about rough hockey we reeeived a Ltter of rebutke president of ithe NUL anil na- Arai mouthpiece for hockey. Ha SafId tht what we had wvrlt- teu was probably libelous thoughi as a lawyer hi, oughit to bave kpnOwn better. We ,were not speaking as au ob- sevr arive phave Pnt seen a o' aristereu seg f r atiu rIC siard, woo-dd r-iorbably bc lest to their clbfor mnost of the sýeason! The rruth of the mgatter- îs that hockey, in spite of whiat the h iigh-- brass claýimsu, lAS got a w?,hole la,, rougher this past teu years or Sm. Beieving,rîghtly or wrong- ly, unattue.Cash customers wre Iured by the slami-bang type of gaine in whlich highi-st icking, b-oarding and rink-corner free- for-alis -are a feature, coacheýs and ma naer ve been look- ing forplAnyers who can both Ctake if' and uish it out ',ra-. their than those who cao tik hadledodge anrdpa. ausaywhat the ig ýguys f 'le elittIe fecllowýs copy, thie big trouble b-eing they are less skilftul at it, wiith the rýesit 1that, noaasgaintesof junior, aa tqu~-o-cahed-hokey o(' of ten bear greateriresemblance to an old-fashionedDoé yrokthan they do to "thli ~estgame on Now4 there are signis that those whi-o sowed the wýin-d are liab1Lp to start reapinig th-)e whirlindi. in Brifain, where hockey w ,,as "big-time" for severai y,,ears, it is definitely on its way out. in the States - well, what witls the Telcvision opposition and lack of interest in s&výeral places, ý,nything cari happen. To us, personally, hockey is too gýood a gamne to be ruined in an effort to please a lot of loud-inuths- maie ansd fernale-wlsioseral. ing-cry is "Get hiùn" and wha woln',voognize skil or clever play if they f otnd it in theïr scup "here mre more people kAt-, Ed in base-bali than b hoIieckecy"' is MIT itace ýguisheçl ~5T5~tttES LTD. ONTARIO getbuey and do a spt ornw house-Mccning, And, as we have rmrdbe-. fore, one of the smartest thinrgs they could do would be r limit the length of the tks ae it sxix jches or luss than it i at present. The chief caue 0 present&day roughness aztd bawc- shor-ter sticks the boys wudb forced to play the pucjk, ned of shemn. hchiast should be! Drivew* i CaIV!re BOOItS on ail Santon»', oonltn nase, di~ae, ilunflur bortlc fre Moneana, GRACE i SOVELS et ne' unr pool. dunlng nooni, rear sisce and nitra lais 40 Unîts, Frice r, Wchita, Kansas. SALE 5. baSies. 55i21t5 b ~ena i for ilS. Ca: 5.viarlea. I B4gew cep for asie, MaIn usinais write: Jos. anry I3ootlue, lier. Boulevard ltew Grec-ce, Hls Quee co nfined ÀiUvomoBiLE WNE E ten ire-'iteÎ, % or w, e 4Au NEW TlIRE SYSTEM HOW TO Save Money andG, Gt Fast Cough Relief Heire's n ld tste, one 1x tresingcouhs.Fast andefcie childrn MieitsiplCeasanttate Make a syrui-p by sirn w Unitil issolved P. o cOo4ýLdg need- ed(or you c'an use apesrpo ounesofPTNENCC;ON (E N have 16 ounýý sauf tastii, thnyou cei the .noriey, the ihoe f G Cy pal0ted1 grE Ep bttony bfeo top Rhnokpoins or Neurîti,,shskuld try Dxon'e REmeýdy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 EIgive EXpress Prapald IT MAY BE YOUR LIVER lif' ec> wrth living o it myl e y r lýin er ibplL orliver biis ot floigfeely rortodmn o4 diget. .. gs bnais u 1tmuat or, 6w flu iv ble oo y ifOL YOUR OWN IM IGARMTES Sait 889 On sorÈ fis ~a i n an, Wl 11H00H11 t plat in For Part: IIAEVEL 559 Ottawa ;,-__ Z-.4-

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