orti * * * )LA-SS E SSACEi imi10la -,ew oon buteror maýr- epL uI eo*-ýita co. or nig the.n add corn-starcýh been made smo10oth ccold water. otiu itly unili keed "n't you give me your t ele,- phone ubi"hmuued "ItVs in the book,5" she said. "Spendd"ie sighed " Anrd what's youVý namie?" ~'btsin fthe bookl, tooý," shce shouting forl assistanice, aùd a ter- rible fihtenue, ird naged b ~ ~ rekdw nemn -andc hold him;: the oiher escapedi, buti was aug t at he foot 0f t;e A deoightfuI young pety du"s in rusi!-p blak tfeoÇï2ri eied Novth brighit red stndots. T7he flitiA s fcrmed a cdeep unp«esed pet and soft drapey frames the sweetheart-haped n eck li le The gerieral public is inclinedý t Det. wýv-rng idea abbotcim dee Tion. Tey pay far tooch alttentioni to things likefigr pribt, forgetting that finger- prins are mnnglessuntil Me crlmnal isý under lo.ck and l-,cy. ~The poliec an run through pie- oue f prints and often pin-poiint the mnan wvho did the job, But they h-ave still got to track, hlmf down, iVXoe iporantthan crimie de- tection is iJý- t-çprventionj, Rmm ber, Jewe] thieves wll follow their- vicimanlstick ti lm djfun'il tbey've got imn, Anirtebr too, tbe im-portant part that ser- vants play in Jewel robberïes, even the mrost honiest of0fti. Thieves are clever at whleed- ling vital informnation out ,jf thea. When do their emloyers bjaveý their eveniing mneal? Do thýey listen lai or 100k in to TV- and so forth. An I)exam"ple of h ow tenlaciouýsly thieves will fhoundla vctmwas proviedponn Mrvph 1-4. 1905.l5 i Foryears later, ir the sum- mer cf 1909,e th~ Parisian diamiond mrhatwalked intoý the grill-r-oom of the Cafe Vtpic0, near PcadlyCircuis, to dine- olie evening. Hle hung up bis bat adlight summier ôvercoat and wvent te the wasbriioom-, where he hung up bis jacket. ÇI the breast pooket was bis wal'lei, wbich contained $200»00 wovth nf, dia.- mon0ids! 1He r-olleLd Lunhis, girt s1ppve, * wearing rubber e notorious ew- then, you hav ition": no brains, Eobbery with iindoubtedly Telentlessly fol- from London, bat littie intel~ out bis -iegandi trippei. im -Jup. lai the hullabaloo that fUwd the tripper.-up aisti vâldshed. N',ither crook had gonle li-.ôugh the re.staurant. They ireft by aâii- other doox. Despite an uenirseri the w eneer tracpd, o~were the diameindm ever f ound. lb wvas a c-lever coup, -And n'o Ioubt 1the diamiond mrhn nIbe ~1 4stms teeLt.T. S. l'ockxrd, id down and cco5cs his body r rigt sho howhe looks k carrier ut ridâhf, tolay as cuMment don't U,-, 1 Ite r w': have the ~Ii to kili C ïash e