Cakel, Paint By JAME~S FLOWERS NEA 'Staff Correspondent A large obtunk of the toy in- dustry's rec6 tIs,450,00,000 out. put this year, wihis rabout 1 per cent better than 1952, em- pliaizes the "do - it -yeurself' idea. Besides looking like the rLeai thing, these "toys with a pur- pose" enable kids to actually uise wrenches, widpaint brushes, bake cakes and sew just lk m-om and pop. They are design- ed for chUidren of ail ages- and interests. ",The trend toward tlus type of toy can probabîy be explained by the influence television, mo,,vies. and comic books have onyun- sters -,,-oi turn influenceth toymalcer" says Robert RB. M. Ba-ýrton, president of the Toy Mai- tfactýurers. "Kids are ria- trlygreat imî1tators aya? ,LoisMar,,fouindor and presi- dent of Louis Marx & Ceo, largest tey manuacturersin tlhe wrd saysPtho d-i-youi'sef" theme reaily ,,-aught on a cnuple of years ago. Success in this field was ueliesaya, to the !uew higli impact plagse, which nihq"es in- tric-atP e &tai and a tit possble For the mcaîai-nne boys tho-_ toy-roduýcers are pro.. ducing saemodeï-f arm trac- echanrii CaIly- min ded put bock together e tools. .ave been very popu- "do-it.- was the e called 's a bi- Ad wiII ýth easy-~ ink ;s ini this toy croke-boking set, based à-nd frosting,.s. WAhen bottler for loy ccke -ed in toy oven ,vith rodio.-nt heot. te be treble that amonit. The fir'st produLction of Canadiani- made polIythene resini, thera mater.ial.froinwlc the pipingý is m11-ade, is expectod from a ew E c iion lto0n plan t late tis year. It is mianulfacýturedi from etylen gas dorived fromn natuai gos, piped Out ofth Wooclend-educfield. LD(OtES new- g Ibm p te a troui- Is the ýboots 'swrnln sý that ak -le nc~ti Evepaea is hoord Cf the new Kinsey Report, the pupgent and fact-pocked 842-page scîentîfic treatise on the liumaïn female. But have you heard of the Putnýey Report. the startiing 14,000page book thaï, casts the vivid rnecw light cfL scientific resýearcli on the love lives and scanidais of the Peerage? 111 bis Putney office, 80 year- old Geoff W1hite tous a-t his greot worlk, spaning ne biushes, banýing pkeletonls in famiiy cIphboarîds, sblowy recodng the vérues and vices of tlie boid, bad bharons and their prettyladies. The unscrupuflous oal f Stair, for instance, f ei in love w ithte beaa, liful w odow et iscount P-iirinose, thougi she wa)srso- ed nover te wed aai.To force lier hand, ha marclied into ber room inhi s nghsir nd stcood' by the window se thfat psesb could see hlm. Then sh,17e hAdte moarry hlm te save her reputa- tion! going et roi, nager 1 j ew e 1ry s tic or "dto-it-yourself" toys this s way: "Twýýo or, three years ago we s came out witli somne science- ficetion and space toys. The yeni- ture was a com-pIete flopi. Kids simply wouldn't bu~y the idea, i, They're fanatics on authenticity e and detail.", fou ma l, r love with a Durham butcher's daugliter. When the yuglady woý,s bonished to Pot- tordans the young earl pursued her and bld on board ler slip in a cask, Whenm thoy were weilleut te sea the eairl mred. And1 butchor's ouLty and handsom3e oristecrat duLIYly land2ed for a runaýwa-y lmar- niage. Famnily by famnily, the "Put- ny Report" records Mhoe storis and spares the feelings cfdtno pe'ý's descendanits, writes Exonad Gart-Dai in"Tjit-Bts" ïOther nb egai! "Thýe Comrplote 1,P ,eer ag"as tism nentlefr onework is ofciiyCalled - bakin 18"84, Five hav--,,e died i the edi torial chair But the 30thi mIassive 01lume appear-s t yoar, aýnd CGeoff VWh-itehp 1)es he may live te sec the proat task 1ccm iotod -s omre if me in156 ~fhnste the Put-ney poe Iegends of blue bleod ond high birtIh ar mrcieslydiscountod. ODne oces f Gecotrwas thie natural dultrof e ay f air mlinrA cesotiChn day, the original Polly Peachumn in "The Beggar's Opera." In somne cases, close-kept sec,- rets from.- the past now dîsclose- the sources cf present-dayv we-alth. The Westministeýr weýalth was imi- plem-ented in the eig-hteenth cen- tury when an Earl of Grosvenor secured £10,000 cdamages for ihis wife's a-dulteryv with the Duke of Cumberland, the Kngsbrptier. In 1'719 the egte-ya-l Duike of Richmond saved himself' a fortune when hoie marrîed the eodid Lord ovninhe undcesirable g-overntnuent and iii just that wvay the Christiag sliook thie fouindations elf the Ro- man Empire and caused it to ac- cept Chri'stý'inity. We shouid striïve to maka every part of our government rigliteo-us and effi- cýient. made Ït look like a fuli set of clothes. A shirt top and ctiffs ,vere, sewn to bis coat, bis socks were part of hi-s slioes and li1nked w it h the hemns of lis treuLsers. The noble lord climbed into this strange garmnent thriough a suit arranged undler his coat- A ,work of emrineînt scholarship, reseaýrclI on the PutneY IReport has cost over $ 12,000 a Year, Puib- !i, records have bpeen searched, oid deed Cîboxes emptièd, docu- mients turn,-2ed out in the attics an'd ceilars if old housýeS. Alto- gether ovor $25,000 bas bec, spent, showIing' up for peýers - and for fthe wh i we world- somne o-f the startiing, historieq of thIeirfor-efathlers. the Du te, 'hm nekai which is mhor oif 0 e car- el, or hif t ndler nr Split lthe r eslient el 0egtSe BY REIV. R, WARREN, isuect n,àg the y Sport ought eurT deT one mý pipling« tried suci water Ss Ont., 1,600 six inches aise been