Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Dec 1953, p. 6

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ne itLig;ate in their apprehe- oft-en than flot "Dear Anne Hîrst: Six years aigo my mether took a te-acher te board. 1ci dcn't le hlm, , but as theyer passed hie cauised me te love hlmn. Semetim-ces he took mle te bail gamesý and on picnics, but ne neyer ldme lie cared for me. "When he C-me home fromj school I always fixed hmsemec- thing te eat and sawv that lis roem was comnfortab)le. At Christ- mnas' I gave him fiee gifts, and lie satid F had gnne tee f ar 'Now hhelias gene te another se1(hol], arid mcredfrom eour homie; lie never caIls except oni ivtto!cal! yeu 'tel! me ha tdo nelw? Kate Rbca * fnope you wil] de nthing- *ex.,cptj to try te reineve this ym yonman frm yeur theuglis *and iepe, a-,lie lias; remevedCI * hîmself from yeyur lieuse * t is easy for a young girl te lie ' Ore sophis- ebeys you apait, yeui nt ave oemearrassea .ed te wan you, but net see he was just 1 amr afraid you toralz he 15 ia- mere mature womyen Of you as just a iri he used te knoýw lruti as it, is, and a new yeu will sinile gsthat 1bo-ther you ýoronto, HRONCL E3 Weil, apar Ionly etlit witris over -for tlic tihme being ait.ywavuy. We have been given a reprieve by th)( weath- erman, and I suppose ev-ryone has maegood use et (o At (ingor Farm we put on storm windows, got our ceats eut of storage put the catte in te bare -radprepared in a ,enera>-, wyfor a cenfntiuance et stormny wveather. Now wxe have tethe open the deorsý, bn ot inlatecosttra he es coo ein the yard and clteck off the Itres. In a centest with the weatlerma youjust can-'t wn But %hm'i Pumbing? Wu d't people must be colum! Reembe cry ~ ci inasd bu îld be. vOm-ený s and Scern- ,essary ot ai- es ili it he do tnen irnuskrat forting te suffering lowed. huntiting< foilowed.ý sidier... and con We need erow v o ti wilele';, sasshe 4605 J') Fosi uYsia tinis smart littie style aplenty in 0 miy ttremo in VE Sn u se tain's Nat-.ioDna -1lFilmLi ur ary ~k up there s~ room fýr urer 6,000 ectd iles efïilmi Serve fi yer.Mor ex-tendedl TankinL, çIR ta paI the-ri oi preVVatitt-5g --ray-s Theni a more vivid desired, it can be aienidulas and nias- mn "The Years la ýden," 'Dy Helen M. logical sequence, tsn1t it'? Incidentally, for tliese who want treeýs te plant rtext spring it isn't a bit tee early te order themn now,, Accerdir.g te'tlie Departmn-ieiý f Lands and Fqorests tlie demnand fer delivery of young trees next sprïig has ilready exceceed the avalable ýupply, se 1 suppose tlie trees wý.iil be mtore or less ratiened eut The Departm'ent says seedlings grown in nuirseries have a. better chiance o& survival than natural1 or wild stock, tranispianited from bush te garden. The nur.sery stock lias a better develeped root systemr and se witlistands 'the sheock of transplantirig te your soiL. Gene- r'ly speakîng wbite pineis for sandly soil; red pine anyWlihere at all. But leok arounId in y7our own dlistrict. If meost of tlie trees are elms, mnaples, birchs or eaks, y ou c an lie almeost certain they will do better than ever- greens. Se says the De'ptarment ---and it sliould know.. Last ýweek we lied stiii ano- tlýir couirtesy cal. None othier than a surveyer frerin Élie De- partirient of Uigliways, IHis MIS- sien v,,as te intormi us that the De-j partmcent ;as rmaking another survey throutgliourr f arm eot the proposed new hîghway. This surve-y is 200 f'cet fa.rtlirh tharzt'the other crie, Te us il is inuch more ,,tisfactory hecause it is farther awýay froni the bari - 400 feet in ail. However even this may net lie the~ final ïsur- vey - ',he ways of gove,-nmei,-nt departmie-tts being lhard te ta- thomn. But if it isn't final there -will lie an awful lot et ironl stakes te pull up ail througli the countr.y. The surveyor shiow- ed us a miap of tlie district clearly indicating alil the farmrs, comrpilte with buildings - uwd ail doniefrom aeial photo- gýraplis. Yourneyer kniow wlivat is goin1g on overliead thpsr, dayý,s, wht secretsare shared with thoseý whefiy up yonder Look- i-g at the rmap I weuldn'( have- been sur,,prised nad I seen a l\41onday meorning wvash flapping la the breeze, WelI, wve have just cone ba!ck fromi Toreonte, after p a,-,ng 9 visit te our grandsQn. 0f (course lie is wondcerifl and loks nmore iE a human being every day. He iseolias a geedpair of ilungs ,nd a voiracious apttJudg- îngý, by the nme of preserits tbat were sent toe welcee is ceminge he is aise a very, lucky baby, But 1 wil spare you any wonerulteus butIteoplus feik I1nowlie jis jutante CisinDior, thl-e skirt egh of twoaf theWorod's mest ta- eus weomen are reining -eun- lianged. Ne'rmnan fatel rs de,ýsigneýt t uenEiabtsuid 1 er MaLjesty îweuld netshre lier skirts. And Jane MîcGafre, secretary te Mlamie Eisenhoewer, said thapt net only wuld the Fir'st Lady keele lilin.,eshe usticl 1 inchecs frein Ithe ground, bu1_t for the miost part shewud get aïlong w"itli lest year's ward- robe, laving purcliased eniy a "Jfuew thingsý" for- the f ail seasei. a youthtful e person aieng felliow ýlater, wer'e childre us te visitn grandinothfer, daugliter anc fari in Bava cipal objecti, cattie for tà great - grar eighty, sekd and did net Few Couatry days. Wblen1 brouglit her, fiowers and gathered ilil did net aep knwshe (ce weeds. 1But grandnother, ed with iris hPr back ya second Stree, just Inorth cý, Ceniter stantCî Herli earcl a lbti herbs,i Care- t samiple n0filmi, "4age" it in an This tells thernr r'eel fromr which ,ttïtBREAD Yours, with wonderful DRY Yeastl frenin ils lea ticullar forth. thern tirade read PINEX 'RUS' dniig an i rý le te'0a p'ays ha-ve lie dees cc With li e n 1 &sfanti ne FO LOTISTPIN RELIEF over 'I

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