__s UTI tri -supscriptrtons he followuiingis a schiedfle ol ChenMkeiaceptale ryrshas gits.eded fnd ;eshre ~ag~e dawnUp te i e1 take snapshots indoors oMkeare oeuf-sm~sgfs.w nni cesor Lehis wedrnue t e o'mni1e t d oors. Features the Browii-, subsceriptLioÉs on every nmagazine printed, and pn~ou o Iteemiat iocdy LHawlceye camiera, Flash feature t ie 1owest rates. ppin- o t o liIeiei--iid te loe ey. M .del, $ 16.50. GAMS~ WAYAttï etive gireeting card notice sent to e ach Dec.41,..--- ron o t Port Iope Also the Duaific" »De-Iuxe en lt.- Dec. 1 2 Oono at Liin4sayý Kodak Flash Outfît $Z&OO BEWIISE! ORDER NOWT Dec. 18.O0ron1o at Cobou~rg i janl. 9. ----Orono at Port fhopeI rr IQimO. .Orn&.at akeiel Jakma Focasor r1's Drug Store Oro~ 6 Jan.16 U----Orono at Lindsayl every ccasio Jan. ---. Oroao0 at Cobourg __________________ d,, Jan.27. Oronoat Lakýfield1 s, Feb). 2 Orono at Lakefield 1Town'isiip 5chool Ae returned by, - Feb 12 ... Oonoat indayacclamation. Mr. R. Osborne,Mr this winter. Mr. Lo--wery replied, Say- impirs. _Mr. Lowery stated this Wa Re.- Elliott and Mr. Jtarry Wade. ing it would be the same Systern a-s work for the Department of Righ. iHQME' GAMES After the Coiincil had given a re- Iast yeuar. ways, however if the co-iplait was Dec 5, Coeur atOreiosumne of the years work, the chair- Miss Sadie Brow;n inquired about j brought to the Counnel rmeeting, they' IDec. , Cobrtgop at Oronto man opened the mieeting to a generai a eulvert fromn the side street cdmInigwolsedIteherpr ue l., De-. 16, Lakefield at Orono îdiscussion, -At this turne Mr. Carlos onto Highway No. needing re- The meeting then adjourrned. I.,Der 2 Lidsy a ~ Tami-blyn asked 'wliat the new pro- I., Dei! 23 Lindsay at Orono cedure for snow ploughing would ha L, Ja-t. 13, Port Hope at OrwwCnySeiaOa eas(uorps b 5l I., Jant. 20 Lakefield at Oronto9 Jan 0, Ct)(nl" a ().n. 'ýj'r na ins'op Christmias iBoutonnieres, pinona large assortmert 1, Feh. 3, Port HopeatOrono ona F. cb. 10ý Lak-efield at Orolio to choose fromn. Priced from....29c. to 49c. a F111 r NyloINGn H ose, 42 gugfirst quliyful fashioned, Yrnwfali- shadles, flirt, frolhe. Pair for 89C. He ti gChristmas Paper Table Coersize 54" by 96" 35c. (Continuod freir page 1) Chita$erviettes, pcaeo 30 for ... 20ir. r. Lovki sated that inqai New Alumiinium,. Sauce Pans, about the size of gin the Council, he would givýe TJ +1a cUpper. SeIlling for............. 20e. best Hevies.1edid flot expect S h a ta 1~~ reduction in the taxes. In his idea [Rules, 6 foot mietal, pull and push type, black figures aetemdmwar ewl. ï m i g . on white ground, metal case. Each......69e Plastic Dis'SÎi t-ain Trays, assorted colors, size r. W ike ppreciated the cn epar ti hio hen nomiinated, he Aabout 19'xl5",, Each....................9 a plasur worîng E L G ARoastingpp , covered, blue granite, size about 12 x8", id for smiall roasts or smagf owl. $1_29 iree trusctee's for thie Clartke Pan~1- Insurauce .cery rea ties W ~ J L 9YoUr insurance costs IMazo-la for fep fryling is econi- *can be, substantialiy re- omical, c beA used over and Sige~~ uced b1)y buying Dýv- over as-1 doesn't transit Dou lleus 6:40 1rîd 8:20) dcend Paying Polie jes taste oi oder, 16 oz. tin "39c. ~atrdn 2:0 -6 O 9 O ~ Quotationis on request. #ea Whaookinfv Thi Tur. o at I Leroy Hamilton minints, -38 oz. p1kg. ..3e ORONO i RING 16 Speci4l Rice Flakes, pkg. 19c. W t CifonWehhaILN1URANCE save 11c. buy 2 for....27c. îý1î Cifoi eb, na,.lits branc~hes Bdiiutnd. Gwenn and Fi~re, Burglary, Uospitalizatio11 "foghorn" Wilson j Automobile, Lifè, Acident and -rOt b a 7 "DNEOSCOSN" Sickness, Plate Glass, Liabillty, kQae as b a 7 Wi4h Jearnne Crai Livestock, Boiler, Wind. Polio. 3 for 29e S eded Raisins, 15 oz. pkg. 28c. andbusWiMichaeal /2pond kg....5e an<ugs WilM.ichae1larV Rounnig. 5c Rea-Estale De iNex Mon. & Tué. ibuys Dep rowni rork and Beans, 15 oz. $4,eO0. Country eaece tins 2 for ................. 1 i IN and good outbi.lings, near "D R R~Orono on county road. SolUd Speejal A~unt Jemirna Silver Cake Mix, regular With, Richard B rtoin, ïJ brick house, 7 roomis, E3ydro at price 35c. now selling for .............2c Robr Newton 1_nd road. This is exiieptional value. 1 ___________________________ James Masqn flnmnediate possession. Ternas. I Ten acres land included. .IflflLII à FfTn &I nà