oIL-il ýxpectý "ýThe o utlook for arcluein the U3niîte d States in' 19 5 4 e eumarzedin'- the annual De- parturent of Aricuturýe Publica- tien Agiulua Outlook for 1954."1 in generail it saYs, "Lrg supplie-s, ýerng consumai de- manci and no great chaniýes i1n farmers prices and incorne are Î in prspectfor 1954." Dealing wit seciiecrope andi ecoom ic conditions the Report on tinues:rJ(À ~IIconinuer! heav.-T-y in 154. lifis rs crops, part of whiceh wvill 'be soýld in194 total a ea re-cord. Tih e at , cornand ct11 crop excaed probable use and st-cks contiue to tnouit. Little can be said now about cro-p poucinnext year. Uow- -ver, acreýage restrlictions o';n whe-ýatan cotton me-y resuIt hla a maertotal crop o1:1uut u- less weath(,r l nuu-lyf ourable. Markeingsof cattie, m.nIk and ggin1954 are flotlieyt high levels. Hog prod1uction il be lowr tan a year earher la the first haîf of 1954 but m1-aY increase in- thre ~cu af There wvas neyer -rmuelh ro- ance- to Caný,tda's m.-ap1 le sugar lnutyfor the man who had to tan, the trees, hanig the bue-k- ets, gather tlhp cap, and convg-t it into appetizing syruap and su - gar These operations emaie too mucli labour. Researchi and fthe use 0f me- chanîcal power now mcdce if, posibe to sonlewhat rde that labour. A lighti-weight po-,v- 4 riven aquger je avai-hable to the tapping operation, and a njewv plastic Isap bag promises to ,greatly lessen the work of rag ing a hucket or capj contafiner on the tree aýdndlugaýthering tie A rmanufacturing ftmin Ver- miont hlas developed ai vmylite plas-tic sap bag, to take theplc of the mietal cap bucket now iu ujse, and is, studying the pjýssi- bility of -manuifactu-ringÏ and dis.- tribut-ing them in maple sugar areas in Canada. When 'empty -a sce aro or of thlese plastic, cap bageý can be carried over one arm, A re- enforceci eye"lEt"at the top, 'slip- ped over a smail hook on thIe spile, hacngs tre-m on fthetr, where tir-y remiain until the e-nd of the ceason. Onua s:e- of the bag is md long enugýh to provide- a fiap that hange overU the top as a cover. A emil ai, with a lnger hole-,jgrip, on eachbttncor- ner, per itste bag to be- swuvý,ng up tu o h r~ieanc I the cap epidit ahrn pail, vwitirout rmvigtheba From 't1he-truee At thle end ocf the staLso;i the bag is turu-ed i isie Out, pogc -l,r washied in awain îahie The e-mptyv bgsare ta might be wveariiig a suit ithC fÙ,zzy wol f1cin. Synthetiec r 4glass-,known to the Ftrade as"diamiond dust' imlparts spàrI e pca inish gW-es gleaining 'w e t vajrîsh"~ appearance, A popùlar process i,, "gold stamTling". in which g -olci leafle s USAto produce sOTOýe loSely efecte. ien thib t roubÏ)e waUsLa Acetate blended into smcýi delight the budget-mir-dec bock kick pleait for ecsyjW, touches of coira cidPo then hung iUp)oni pegs 0throug-h the finger grips to be stored -i a3 surah e rompact ,c pace until the 0 next season. * t Tire nmnufact-urer states me- ciraical tests hiave, been given thesc, equivalent ta 20 years of atual use and there- las been no deterioton àtisalso ciaim-eci thiat experi-ments over several y;eaýrS in Vermontav ýe shown that the sun'ý ra,,yes through the plasti not only pre- veteopent of baltersa in the- sap but desýtroy vtirai and Stop suigof cap. ture, Otta, is mAking ariaaige- mueto tcry oi a numyuýer of these bags bn ocalsugar boches makeýs a suit to siim~ skirt has a jacket hcts velvet in a range of rh Swisdom to ,csprote-ct t and the outlay 'sinery represents a oortion of thec capi- W 4y tion weatr in th~e firet hour of opera- tion, affter asDs, esto7rage, than wvilOccur during the en-- tire operating season, Mest i ond on iron on steel after exposure to10 ml-oisture i thre preseuce of air andi fa re- Inove- it froWany surface that is« ob pohishe,sôm oiptýý'he iron or steü-el bas to be cpremoveci. Variouz ois anullubri-.ating mra- te i ay ha usýe-c i-rrtpre- venio, ut utforunately ms f ar eu i'pmi le-nil re' ve 11n ly exýpe- li-n in the- bate. entcbier- cres f the -bly~'anged ei thq - card practice lay was acta- Victorian age. once foi ývs wce 0f a triuth [S notrep- every nation 1, and w'ork- lei cepe ut-ls of Ja,ýob we-re pIe dowu î,î ough Wh f hey inter- otlheýr aces tir-e-y their twr laws, he percentage of ,rying %wit', ther rkably lw hey ,d are a seafue usslow n 'a ~vho ~re r~ Morc ciraini tank o a leal the lea ins Fo .at the' ig ra n ts1 aý ,re Snrn, ria- soon wac e-xpressiig b7er Dus to God iu her m-rother e. And God underqtands au. tu lle tlacrkandc yel- Il as thle whitc Il- je pride that mtisus we are God's favor-. we receiv7e th,. fuît pof Jesus ChriS4' we- e that we are mm-lu one human race Theen ainn truck lailc e drivel 1 n recepion he-na fia fetPddied round ti hic eye,. Blinkin., for Ire- m-issed thle chan at a dangerus cres rauj into annother car. \vorý killedl, btn,) o;r bride'groom-7. And hwct-ins for ter in- a on-m F fLirmer was eheari- A urecJiceci lsap t Uptestr wîthout r lin, On te .i a oio le- te ilues since imnan- RIe broke2 the( trie-d to cuit -S was too bilunt. his c<-zr <-, fab ne gavc- i lice and h cm~ Iic asSi-he Ch( fog mixtN Lcst -year a- M