ai in IS a ~a n t- I live ~i their tht to back at oef un 1"Thaf you t to you Dcii ns 19.49. * is etiwn wife, anid let lesser 'i mec- go their hoenwa Mca eau woihc isesesi- tive sc,- butih v tey chriai tra criicism feve problen actees you, f eU Aune iusf about ià; che van taisý sonaight 4ronstJxe-<houlMer fa lmaie readers. Writelier at Roex 1, 123Eightcentb st, Ncw Tarnto, Ont. Moe'Eiuet t- year "-i Ati, i e-assly And irvI 1on Hie tîwy- adeven moeso linflhc rougb i rn language is always eicabIe affer a slieed drive- n-1fe one is faýcedc, say -with a fw- foot putt .- anid fic yit e pendiug on if. ufif's aveydfeeistr af thec popula infenhlil wreplaye(rs gettoeh ih their cans of ie a nd !augu-ih into flicln gas owen expnie and Otat- just thbeininlatheirdellfui'ms jng "ofr'AC i h a club aredeitd r-'th ralibit t hertch,-in nd back agýain \via te tpl,-,, i'- teen'h 5bore"', avtz~,pt hunter u, hi1 "a ur by George Hi~ho' Yiu wiffty rhymt!i* Thieirriou ii het a seue o "a~eso~o Golf Add,"-wud-îvta ideal hitoa rst ma- hkc knU fl i trk ilu luebaii rpilace thinon l hetableii A. Neitheur. The kaife and ifork xold be ef t On ithe plate. :'e * * Q. l if ail rigitfilor a ots seveber ges t htIe m isI Is ha's seruved them itna y ue- f coi- a ~ tar- paper t fish, transfer. a vnur plat ý oè wV 1 a reai utltiepesn esyn- ogists ai itis amsaet treat himýa's ninferior. LeJ(h! have raitctoys, cu-ou cm- ferljý lasdy Pa n d pla iîina scoot-i'erlra' okbn enlergy and a psinfrmaa lng iewskiis.This is tiwtm foriabiccle1roer 01a . o Skiýs, skippingropes, ani e ing chmitry drssa~çrgand other hobbes., New sylsin oys are cutls es: eplass n caee n dtm roc dilis for future iha engineersadmiclit o fouurMums aMd dctorare chosinfrnithiîs array is týo moi w se hetosto-?a nou dos sheawear a yeil.And the simýpler tecrmntebl sensble omanmarres ndr secodnd marrage ceremony. reirtfve fier îil t fone befere Shalsing handé., puddings wlfh the torli or the -'y') places peopiE It 15 cci easy ta get a tu-ra--ing off Bloôr you're thiiee The e sfayed in Toronto s a-go - my bro- fook us hrug WAl e e '~i n was flot iunf i l asf eamrngv me thaf Oct o)ber 1tpa. But the only-, J 'or if -,v Or pcrhal tho ctlmi i-CC of j Lodge if are EFFECTIVE RELIEF edelef-Of your LASTING relief such as yoU sîble...Instantîne! prescrcip tion -type açts so fast, se Tour pain is relieved And this relief is laf!Best ofe ail sgive you just ts JIý. . , actually rmake e hIstantine todayl ELIEF FOR ARTIIRITIC Pffl cf - U153 j- ie1~~ inav