stead of recipes, a bout thie Christmnss 0w fo prepaI'e t, finally, to carve if. mighf be an idea to ter part of it to the ;uailly does the car.v- ne able job, but a ýeer is evenl better. -y coafing the bird arafin. When liard- off this coating and ie pin-feaffiers, even! ,les, çwîlI corne rigliît ie th.-at sneakýing su- yourJ1 bird is a bit it witb lemon juice, cut, be'foreý stuffinig ýtmenf, this! omes to stuffing the funnel fo)r anetr speakin'gE, if is baesf liglitly about 1 CuIP per pqund o f the hfé turkey. Dressing uring roasting, ypiou ýd texKtu-re and taste 1adding a few c-rush- r- corn chips f0oflie ong -with the bread of celery un- wings befo,-re ts mroisture toy r to bfithe gird in a leg bonc orriq ~ ,û when lie ;omne sraps supposed in foex - orne of thoe lacy looking, large, transaent doilies undr and around the? platter to protec:t the cloth. Also provide sharp tools, a finger b1w, and a spare nap- km.ý Place a ýide table or teacart besîde the <carver to relieve some of the on-table cong"estion. Re.- member, tbo, when placing the turkey on the table, to have the, bird flat on ils back with tlle legs extendîng tf0 the carver'sril, and th neek, f0 the carver's - eft. Provie an extraý plate to re- 9eive the drum sticks, thiglis and wings, wbicb are cuf off before the body mieat is S1iced. What to do with turkey and dressing leftovers is a subject whieh has been hiashed ai-d re- haslied - literally as well as figtratively. Plain' sliced furkey, sandwiches arecliard tW beat, ai-d broth - moistened dressing, refieated and served w-ith gravy is> fop-fight fare. Hwvehere are new idieas, for good measure: Make halls of dressing and7! place themn around a roast dur- ing the lasf 1/2 lWwur of cooking if somle of thie family objeczs f0 giblets in thie dressing r gravy, save them ouf for- sand- wýich freats for those who really appreciate thenm. For these, comn- binle 1 CLIP groulid, cooked giît- lets; 1 fablespoon clih of finely chopped onions, green peppers and pimiept os; ¼.ý cup cliopped ce]ery; M3 cup mayvonnaise; n sali and pepper to taste. RAIS R EAL ROT JOB CharlesTa, r S a man with one of tleé botfesf,ý jobs in thfe world. Now fouring in. "Chu Chin Choýw on Ice," hne is a fire- eat"er--thougb hthe one fhbing lie tries not to do is ta swallow the enormous f1imes whîch lih(ow so elfectively from his niîoufli. Uthere is no frickery attached to bis act. If's as dangerous as it looks, and his fingerr are, Cov- ered wifhh um scars. His chest is red from coinluous- exposuire fo the hot fiames. Théenae has been seared fr-om bis teetli. Fle had a new burri~ on bis lips when we saw him, but fhe blisters didn'f seem to ýworry him. lHe1 lias got so uÀsed to tbiem thatli hardly noices ithe pain. flisprn cipal worry is to avoid Internai The secret of bis act is to ex- hale t1he wbole timie. Even the shortest ir take of breath ,vil! cause the -fiames to shoot down hi-s throat. Thaf happened once, five yeurs ago. "My voice band was burnied ou, he stated, "I as bad1 for tlireemnls lien gradualfly jelrned f0 speak anjoflier of pl6ucghrren, old Toumy nï the sayre 'Y TABLÉ TAI cemAdewsý aily rheemovedm s i) a eroom oremvcum clbIIa- f011 rn itm tob shaouid hatprof ec vspapers or otecte0v. sAy sfuborn fiakesov toy suce imrvu canSrfbe-dioderouf mpn clof. w ila snothfrm. rrjs log ls ofrctly de-us sJlfnisEsing proIvd-cf Ry on eeyhr o )peýrfume. "ro, ýmalle, virfualiy non- id odorless comiipound ýc s as the coldmaý,kin-g many mechanical ref - S, provides the propel- ssuire inmosf of thse ombs. The liquified gas it takes the laceof xpnive air cmrs ýorce thecotnsuto in liquid or fa om y to appear are (,a nu-,Ir ifferent pre-paratuis for the lustre and color tf0 typDes of fadedI furIýS. Lcfaly de he fur, ire specifically d esigngled )ring the shcecaf0older 1, bowever, require the ,w of a professional fur-. best resuifs ia shamding. op)en and 'key1 tlack By A. J. Forrest 1a1ome one djay this sumYY- ilerlovely, cdark"-eyed Teresa Fr-ancini w;ýas sobbing -violently as bier nnte-erodfiance direw away from i er. -$0 youre lea-ving me for- good!l" shieecried a 1ter hîim. White-f aced, Ciro Maragliano hburried to flie street below lierfPatr Suddenly, a piercing lre rang ouf, And to bislororle saw Teresa plummernýtinig 01, o f0 the pavemnent from -an upper window. Lîke ligltifing, le sfepped forward and uokthe f-uli sbock ritlier bodly. Botb had minor injuries, but ,:their agonies turnied to lauigWier as fhey miade up their quarralinl the old, old way, as in m-iLïny of fliose cases menfýiioped la nthe e- cenf Tit-Bits article "'Suicide Leap Landis Glirl in Lover's Suicidai intentions, twisted by fate info <a swirl of happiaess. liow, often joy leaps at uLs un- axpectedily. You neyer can eu how,,,, wlien or where happiness mnay Lhf you. An ea-pIfting thundierstorm can bring you a wlfe. a frisking rabbif I"ad CIyou to freasure fro)ve; a smvack iri the eye fromn your partner's tennis racket can rewardyýoul witli If Fates exp.loits are, in- scrufable, se no less baffling is, the sudden way in which fthe m xbesfows ber fvo r ad graces. M\,anifred StuhelieUa eJ'ugeaý from- Silesia. lived for a year la SBavarian ca-mp, but hard as Loose lssed !1 to f us't" -oni tice began tg xn wrist eut, snort n."I mustfri j 0W îestage," shie fold so, a lmagn*f!Cceat lauaichedý, one h old- ers of Classicý act- bf to-day. The fa ed. hin ýW n has j'ust ýk whichý id wihile s 0f bis d0 somne red the scm'ap- of ot ler old ",Whaf a go Taking jMen old gag ac true whep tl Avenue iraf on BOY -ton) Iuxury vesý- of The Cuhcird soýl, The Cunci It's 5rn to be a -white Christ.- mas this yearehr the ,weatheran rco-opertes o,ýr not, Insteaýd of counting on the, fickle forecaýster to providie a Christ- mnasy atnosphere-, borner -akers are planýjning to create wîntjry settings inidoors with hanidy dle(,raing aids that spray syn- thetic sn-ow at the toucil of a finger, Soume are even o,-utdoing nature byovorderirng their Christ- ipassno in bright shades 0f cl' red, greenî, plnk or, blue. P acukedCt in press ure-poered mretal conitainers, these pusb- buto erosols cari beC-used wiUh stll0niig results on1 Christ- mias trees, holly wreaths, pa- cels, table decorations, wno pans ad mirrors, Andic there is no danger fromn fire. A Ch.ristm-jas tree can be gaily decorated or completely blan- keted wý,iih the anowy nmatieria1. The ingeious will quîckly dis- cover, thait a f ew scuirts will1 transform sucli-a simple imater- jais as pine cones and bouLghs, sprigs of hoily or short lenigths ofbic log into attractive table and im-antle decoratons. W,ýith a liftle nlorC- patience anyone Caa "'paflt" a Christ- mas senre qor "write." Faseasonj'S greigon 'a w dow 7Pane or mnirrôr. To 4'paiinVt a secene, just. prepaýre a sim-ple cult-out ad board maask for each color re and spray aroun-d it, Keep the design simple ky uigbroýad areas rather than -1finle lUnes, be- ca9use t he fluffiness of the resin- ous snow denthave ut enouigh adhecsion tIo hold il- fine uines we the mnask is remo1ýved after spraying. To "rit,"spraywiina mciof the srae To di pl)icatè. elosely Nature's downyu fiakes, stand at le-ast 24 in chl(,S fro(m thel object being ec raed. The g rea&te r the distanice, theý fluffier tedeposit. Allow five minutes to dry beforehadigi al en if use 1i ob. cf two n jned foDr the y' 1 1 --wul