couic c_ êLASIWE UDVfRTIMU#G Do ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ me youo andpe tm Lma1 V e e nnbV oi e 5n Do enta rape ao rl a -£Q s onill UEDWA -1aracter inarned ArthurNwo T a U1 a ~t~HV OI I~pAU ~W 4>oc g1,allothe Gres Cp C o ra for 24 hours, mn Hom- inatSwno0Y Wl.or *IT AO WIAAICP 44asWi e be th il on,ý and covered 152 mudes or pr 11 O.eSodiititoa RFMEDY? fr GIVES cooo RSSULTS. b~ar, çlsi j $~WF~nii~tereaboiits? neTr eIorfu1 saga of 0110e of canadas Most UMVRGSOE pitrsu p)1 vn&a pesrgqeWellh if ycu do yuui crtaiiiîy TAEmteto Tr.Enm.~ e~, Ofw gle thai anuu athaetsur fa$4lA T itte-utî0ik rate Overdù in 45re inn iesý .:. 2Il atteoti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 cu î~ ~~gi h~ ause, ~IL was O er 22 yer ag(î. rwie $14 9 o nYKni s Dobilniçfls U~an pé4~»s ~iiY other 5POftS ?rsonii we ha4d forggtten ii 4 eS eTrnrJIH~EI AV pssstilie nlufflsg the stlan1ey' cu ýÈclu fli ttgrnr a AY~K AiU~iet eto caa .5 And' once agai», this cobumn r&ses a piaàiv T voice tc n jogged hy a -p ece inThe' Chris- ç ae dl s i t quire and oridû l4 a grunds the 9i fo Jl pPO $11cG te Scice Me frb~n$rl,,gitW t Lsho osIeýn$ rnn ýg,1~ anS .2îýtï8ct ', oF Carlada's west and~ a large proportionv of Ce~ aprnq tiy Sci- îÎo r<y Syneyi eso oa to ~e.x sen sdi oi breed in the eat are t.-c1ti-de b Ynaidatp troi vle i p y 1n îa . mer .te .~ .e .Eoi .an ot. . .t~n reg .i~ . w .oiir . oê . kle-ý -iii ror o dn AIP1011;illllR"Tilzsse part o, this gridiron specal Enad e janrbedaOse1 ky ît lneee h sec Taeit eway, Syy ! ;ý, aZ-oal lprse s~ e tBed~1 .5 vmtÈ l The answer~ to tMos'i Bkel A b 1:4 tltTo o% thuge Vair- ~ I pe cf rssîî,*tgCit aune mg bwr bree baye ~ S' EI sity StadiiUnsl, .vith ils 28,000 seats, car acco>mrsodate mnore of i-l reig i tilIn; o a a people flian any lte inw luCanadaF. If tMats he aswer 2pal sa Miot fw the Ve. bave 1od one o( ose go- ai m in7 a lEvie Sent pees plin e etFr sint a god o-£)( b0çc se ît coxrtaîrs, tWQ7 hol u sib Nqions Adiv$sory comimittee as-snou-iease enuac test iý %m Tw ee nr on ëwud ai 01c, ~. E~(ItO e f~ wiueb could-ht a 250-~pd Pn pU.g,' o Aô~t~~e~a e e that used to Se faScintte Our l te i-he eame and wo tel - ýv~~~~~r yon wîi ce ha 11ior bri 1i m er MINauks exniný o ko a1 1 fc Thse Chrat gap An this 1ine or thlorgàit, psmit exists, del oûf e»plane hO- pi0îed tt grandLathers. Ont the I[yniverlf T"A dOcs-amm Tr thm ont eas o omnn n r Tleeo lis ilhat in givn.u Torosite thse tmýoieoly ton tits gam1e, severi~a I 37n1spr hour wAhich of e! ndoxs ,rack at HIotspt r Park a701', s~3 o br5i, 5 'tiiN3 o5*1 feitepi.0 tiosnic aans, -west arnd eaut, iwho osd' afford a tuip l pe f~ ~ egtmi le'ne ais si o rt- atanny u e nne to at lSsttl Jernd of Toronfe, and proalIy iadn't seeure, a seat for Qiý gaine ASd smveehd hbsonexsfs ed for a 24~ hotirs rtnning race. deifrer eana 10 cath M0 hag poIlos.ose aSi ti rjo iaftt Aieq tnt lher tee dn1plt PQST. su CIERoP, if he gt is~ear aintou. ~~1 Three were there at the and, he str.dcch uilkny ilonits il yiogÎ " uNrj And Lhese several thousand are the ïol1ýn wh< ý b g'vung 22.iiepr winrier >havcg covere 60M enittaomue Speo iic la !I'QENST AT ttI!O4 fheir whole-heared support to, the týeans of the Western hour of, Se~fu-f-h-niei TWWDLE (TIC'K FATCRiE ELD PWUITE ORMt &W Conference on the prairies, andi the ig Pour in~ the east der -traCk. ùEF-,,'T A ' 'o maike thse Grey Cip spectacle possible, - ~ ~ He was Walter Hfaywaîdý, a Do y., vaI: Sic un U4 n o s I ori1 Maon secs w»e pro" dbe Ssii wk Thse second ywu gi!l br thse answer: la fistariciaL if ;J)e 45y Jo&l# yu g~ That stas the Pibc 451 te0z ise lec aac rpd saism Grl Cp C o p emaiea Ad'm r xtacinntseul$sta45yer-êl JhanseAur uideJuosLutatoer 'a ihe wi-l huais r oetlIes ldollars, then its practical proponerlts are missi ngi~ npetr i oicads aot bhave 41 .tr hOa", riCm o.* e& If it wmeïe piydon Ille sai praVtical basis as thse as1.tne hl aesa nuol. ~ Dcn ora ô ann b ,ee, pv1Oi t as fgaaTlst tr sml m Woold Series, ci tce hockey Stancy Cutp, twO end o,- cial morid record, was 159 lets 19wt ý1A ' re hnriie fr Tý-rc servQd Those who helped itiake the seri1es poàg 562 yards. Il was 7 mniles 22 ~ ~ ~ ~ l ole aiFB ARRSE see thle gamles, aiti tI-le receipîs of, Say, a 3-,gaineýe1- ru: 3',1-t you -ready . I ail 'lïo yardsfrhrta h vos T0P171 HIX SLS ~ o~e i.A' EiY«i010$ east, two west, ayiçl vice ,7ersa ini àýîerRate years, wsuj~r e about~ this tiaie Gf thse yêar? best, distance thal too to th ------{O TAIÇGra poteio er tAnd equal tMe retuns front a scogie ç CIÙ'istm&s shopping has nt edif of Hlyward's If.r- o,!~ bct asiewhi Ie aI lhune are those wllo urLge f Iilâ tiis ia sii M-rost gault~ effçqf 01oit 10eany wmen. thrNewton, Eh pafriâ StNdar Heality Candi Roch dS1iiijlDOsetf oO 5*. gltesgand col spoz1ts dtira of the year. Vie agree. &ctually, -the holiday accp- oiliplished as a prof essiossal,~adRd ,g4 uss nSUcnhr ~ î~Oets rt k-~~~~~~~~~ sa"md Rock, Wbt Rock A Litb hsrae itloa 's But we,( dloiî" agiee tu fthe aigumnit théa~ il sOid. ping seasosi shoisld le one rd 'Nas oR a square 13 ]jps fa WIs 1use om-nOï ion, pou1hSvy bree.Wit n ti Iimied tu~ one gane, orne eiity, or to the theory tisaî 1t weiild. gailty ant warni Abtoughts of! mile frack af Hamilicil, ontarlo> -i o-sxO iAtE TorEaE aliSo-bL $cei 24,95' d e add 5 BOi t . açt ciseapen fMe (wp finsais tu broaden tie' sepe. If haoii't >tasre 1 comie. - hnst(ad, a»l in 1931. w -J 4sei old1 'A, liOo n, c nicd Ras W, pamahee cheapeled the- wormi4s basebali series or' the ÇIile Cp offen. ifs a perio Mutna oate CuaLi-I 504 'Je-m uasn 4ey Biijieleq SL Paiait series ini any noficeable way, andt tisese give the fan -wlxe wiîh teU l ie paiti ail seasan a chlnnee 'to vè e-w ffl~y fise prologne, bi (niia rvdbda-dlvd Ryoda 9yael 'os ýne FRAEstciai lsi i .4k-- tise fi'-'sip,So it ahuDW lie wt he (bo -Cu, firough in »ailt and, disconifort. oewt a daîw Ci U4 TWEnMUL CUI09'K LATCHELIIES r1 iOonlfllunitY, niln a- a~ttm cu - ' It d lei' have to e, True, miles IP226 yards, whtich also un.- ------ -------- - tii io sl- a r. a ti n siiis oità1ep Yoqr cwnmenkt and suggeoiens forf 1hk eolrnn wiffbe wMmod 1tMais no subatitute for the proved on lJNcwta' best per- O-enheetn rthAuai go n- anisvcefrhmul ea-e o b! Etïn0r Feil ro c, Mes Hlue 43 A Yospug '. Tomeo basketfuT of n'onsey yoiÎ ll r formrance am-d ehicb ratds a, thse uLiyCnda Aaeoe iire sl tins ctuon =K aines & e" n- and. rothing yout buy wlU sa isfy 1best-ever b-y ais EnglIshman Bar Ume Xn Lue Sm- al à iinslb toile TeN Aunt Ca orS, who ne et' likes 1Third was Leslie GÈMIf'ds of zPl lio 2 ,;nlsSa.9 ii1 55Trno )vht yu gl hrReading Athictie Club.J Aged 48 i-Ore stesi nid ald cl:tOr stei nid D 1SJT1 LLE i:S LJ1MI 1T E -, watyo ge lir a'O 10 s'etV ot PATENTES ONT1&$IQ ~~~~But rau cani do away mi years, adthse oldest o! the TsiTxiiDc A~SA RRUt vr neno-it a 5JM~4SRJTBtJ~G, I fb-ose siung headaesli- starters, Griffitha weist off -the' GELI ________________________________________ribla poins in your bacls ant dick for two heUrs db1rfl5 ti- DEE RSB wanted To j-aie 1eestr~sn ____________________________________________________ aching Lee' that sbtar te, ploi- nigitbuf~ tafe deciing te re- andit 011 tu-Ier Omans to one n p*YU iFS Ba le Ao- yOttatram plaire ave, nly a lj~r sun seu0lnApd'dHtbneGn ter ýl-i ln your Chr1stna sum went2 on ocmlt r Cnd' ase ni og-esbihd .onsiyPtn lat a3rýardo too, TotentaM On nias slu.NwTateu last.ta k fo -l!a au t cot.1 -15 - AL ---------ofr. Tsetyiu el r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Foot doctérs"ftiiaia A ý 0 ies NJnEAIGbe ota At!2ioiSa i - tâ Wi afoi ha « rir ound ofb1k-c" - -- -- :Cung n0 es.o hi e, vLI hemiles ben ertn 1 h e ein ansn OANSla~ Ln s ~OalnY Scotia ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CI amatb aetabr stcre elai crsr "he0 doD noCnwenYNANINGe per ilgvewt Is ~ ,' ~ --- UWATQ timmeati~~ÈJ taOciasc h ae aa ooinratteIat u - tIedy, ad afn tsey anelie aiscdb' Ncwte "ellu ith Nu 0:er w!nugrce nistbgîlo a-LrPe Lbrre It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~spl is fe lie sti'yo! i'Fater f"aieis-hrthythmareacng GX for log paiod n rui' eef, a dstresetiHaic.i unarFîis, urop,, nt0,meria. s 0,Box,9. ancorer,5.0 Anfiong ie ooks0rf crag is7cy ut no -ofra t ie, on tIe-- leve o Thue ai ln o oebeba bagd le i sahlDýc proWe, midý ttr.Dndon rhr,1 Hiiio Toise auli or tcrip toa Nova e Wiflivnineyý-3 t Mira o, mlsyo ee uugadyo lt uaiat ftt 1<f lIl tlie elhog toda lcsf11rte a Ot kaow FahOr tjiimy"Tem--. but aus lia anmenr em bolp lailtag ruaer once1 more, ifitahear(rsinl i a eerls A k k~Seins lor mo e be fhr yes encouMaye eni b-aaclwMtO 8,ci Shues thed angy, ut agt, N oeo unlgfrtseser EOSWNidW tr iO ane hk re e bis sar ny rec cai "n ti er w nde y on ea Io p=ti otf0 tOIC ght1-, ý 1e4sto a !rusig Ia if wasin arin enhite saga. WjJ(,rt týfOs part-ciia simpl er, aac brnnd pahlo whot aic and lose flicy'll qucl rubd au blis tI& tneeb Arnig t>.a won ractiond bIni:tel Chtbos5ouî,TmS 51Oan places~~~ tudehcftosnte> e o you foot a f the sane 10c fb-sc iaga Is quî ell an expen lirvr 0bori-a2 otg t Aet, Tsoi To el pope Icl lem miesa Thekl ron i ra, fgt le'lbai yar ed 1f sv buins boas f1er r IeNowrs hfl oierjý of Ruts-L! 1di Edscafan someid 2he milesr nerfiwes ilf Lon-rC ii? ro wah ds m n work Hitre le o! od ail tIs der- fe ar no ic be-"t cfo' al ern- onl aiu fet awr niisflo o- dn Ns~~~~ Fcho MaL his InÎ~fît lc e p cc m u o -ili -oue ' atedee, b r a iant u îd y g au i - ntle litm r rly-gid<s~asi 015 as AO ta lu flc apl e antirlicr cufu iorie ic figre. Ciker th erY oundariroîe eor e Y1 - t3,n Buty fît hi1n ponooaiugnda~rs rer e TIV. hav a let WiH~~~~~so tape etme 10fe Nycim menuet ao fnr fiiehe a hagd1- meta1 aaaes1s-opasin0s hw' yo embar onCl rosir sopig o tIetak s-li rersofs-t Cb g Brifay asil e _ter GuvzS a ss v--------- isOi riese ko n h Wrmuer auffeing, Tos un- cintes. ! Y have, flic pronoy Ior tIse cnimpt id ost d"1 nt the s'h Iateiflc eeig n boundeti spirit ~v ii ri i no4gdbsfseml o tp fs-e crI niwa onle rorifs, maiber- nt rngemes.Oll" 'asz willv besf ,t TY~O II Jds ormoe hapool yar titeir ranti houes w'iored EtsuYeb hlove of rodN wtpiet AFEo--U ry o flc fghtfor IseBronde a cat w! tobsq esor wil dowa tIse Hhtf o! your hSl. for fIs paree are flicng !eWs ILd fbtflils-fasC atues a lVih3I ý0 fe. î irKs hoiplMa luder fli FStIser tieyb aonsd aacrcc froi l ou don'tl haveyru a uil, scatterei evthes ruK Ibning ecprc ril actio Yns le, Lasvte An- 545 Uili tl~ s- tIse llmW ocal hundedse rts tband sau r 'cun ortb foaot Ifrt Ie liai'thm pasi o!h ultr exitpcn- Jielesr to bo2,Hei oard oie as ______________ IoTc o!p eople nel $9he miae s-n riafit lu BU Chrstiia sao off e. by ing r1aig 'o coi troe a 'Nethonî oe acin rfresIl- Mt wase Fafnes liers Tompin in- to selens, bele!Fte Jnn hihgw- Ibu'. ifi pOople we- y irulato pair puse nc - g ps ai!efi wotrld, mentd whrPlsgdiuel tag aot f te wdb ala anti spclata, thCi coi)t 11 hnlcienalr sucl locs ablek tes fre f Icle Ofomslc cea lcufr$2,ifr car and falinbeà v s lawar'ad, as wclb-aveolin- dn srssral et !a ahacs lo! Manii "fuiafiii con j labsotr mretin co-op but n- couilr04. Tleeaelieaî e travlle te Brmai ntisly d anthier ai foquen sWigs0f ithe spseupe" n Whe waI-ltinu diwa.Ttayi prae n huadeti -Iýci! Ylet sliobe, i fie FIt b-i owniýW,' expnse snentiun aamt ennjbelct i 11cm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o tohe iiik thert rerhret mqn ofla lie largeaf ifvaz fie ti UageI stre yxniich combin coie.! etc. £50o i ainabd a ugradslT ai uritioh igane auflntigal& lbtranrii fm ee &OMS.. anIf faho Yal don' haVec-J 1t i etawrcrs cal -f-s woneldt -"A mit Edcaten? ws s Fler Jimm'a ' love o! e ople -éu) aet xod uta' for tIsle Londonti0l7 o u jrgho s e 50 brte n d th'ed i doWnine sptIs mine ti o f an oyp iof inoe fea Ise and? sensef fo, fteh__________ ie ras. Teys warers wrk- ragmns -auz - th fserîn' hak, noigfbe ot-ti 'hi inoocas ar universel caut for bi 24hu-1fr.H moll rs ýs g the astat akh Ie o Mehdttwoo 6ut"st c1a il til SAUJBV -e you arvtimelemiae ah absce aRiES &e CÔnmer r lLAR the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e E5 -c'the as (that grete aùseS fror \vih-(-wit h otn fy OOT AE revea)igstheOuIge! fo, cam fb- orSt cor Thn oseicueit i ne musserll aorr. f amr tafo-Cnuîyw n DIal mn o! of. la thae ci F af lie .{mmyIJC Tempicuna If -ýo w aIebpwi dnfhv end- OUPPISS abous tn-go4onwit2 XavcrUnveslytIe nfg - dat, utbi wrklacanitiont hav a pssibleoc Isd Ifoteii le ýr o thogs.iroel-tc Loh Orem fr tse ew.-- nci luca dro alrcnisl thee -r2l -u abe lêg- ray e S. Pel2iast toce -som Néw, Yo riss , Lo dfs- Ari- hoid olaf l lis 111, par-rtbl heart o!r fli laler- p&sii- whfe'ý Ibi u cltr a nty îs~ no ofte:Hrie laIs ~ ~ ~ ~ l e!75 Cfswr ow~ xît ni, mner Ie mer rmea j ins Bosèr-lt Ayia Nestm i ge int H is ega -B oéas t hî7ýs 'raicl'- Todea s, a' ~ at am r !ilv la ii- ! - - wintii ru n t Teke tom rs in al) Un- 77M Lthr-t' To efng odIes - "Cap bitl musf -ie peoplerWi,- geafionus a's orir f9'iss anti aik- _- Iel e -~-sek i jCaitaal ,ceýc aD.ýoi yourIfes1 1>l i, cal i, -ur patsl of oe ord Nsli booka Now- goAden TREES iQs& fori balce ano Important fi~- 123 -il 8't apr- , e siso n.-tnstfsf-tb a ofOteikwaî Ii 0.