I~~~~~~~ ~~~ Ed, Den it M.an Qrs edn b af tOJfonIo, C S.'JU4U~tntariý D ~ ~ ~ 0, n n Fiilnchrisinias day. ified to rentier ývahiiable service, to Farmers Mr. îckMortn ad Mis Aeleselling -farm p-, etis asie isan Agriculturai * otowihMr and !Ms . .wilI glidly rnmak1 vaalains, se hIimt. MortonoerCrmta.Private prepert w ialso be alindled hohestly. Miss hireyPii+er R.N_ Oshawa suceh service seeM3r. Kirizand for friendly, visied ver hrifi'ni~ lth er av-efficient service., * ns mr.ad Mrýs. lNeil Porter, W A1,T E KAT REAL-ýTY LIM Chritmasvistorswit Ms.anReal Estate Brokers Mrs. J. D. BRiown a-id Nix and M"s. E. _______________________ MilsonandEllen were Mlr. and mrsq. _____________________________ Leproy pRrown andfaiLndy' MissMaon BownR.N., Os;hawï,1 Mr.( and Ms, 1. T. Brown '11uaInd amly 1Nw-'stje naId TM. and i . vevett fU Pro-rin. i 1hd [leron hand theilr tonsils rmvdh Bowi*iville FH S- ita o011Satur-day had ai 21 Game and JackPot-M<ilfor M o;i-C ihatCDA S il ~Special Cà,mes and Shàre the Weal 'tir Mss. , *ho as been kep)-1 in oe er~ Gog BwWa NEWCASTLE COMMUNLTY H-A taken tdo thé- r ontivlle Meinorial Hosnital ]w4 t eek. f Mr. and tMr. è,. leredersnirspent Chit -swith i x -.anTd Mis. 'Ke R1enderson and ianily, Kirby.- IMrs. Triit of 1Mooseiaw. Ss.is M h rî_Wmp. Cowman. Mr. an~d Mrs. Win. Inch,7. Min sd Mrss Weldon Inieh and faanily of l awa, Mrs. Donthy Bailey, Wayne suad I withi Mr. mrd Mss. Carl Billigs. M. d Mvss Ed Graham, Maýrlew0 and Terry spelit Ciistilaq day withj Mr. and *sý Oliver Gibbs, Uunbarton Mr> a'dm'i! ss. E . G. Hy, Don and Blle, sligtom,Mr and Mrs. Nor- man Allni, Joan and Sharon vstdonu J $îniday witlh Ms. and Mrs. k. r.. Mr.and Mss. Pa1ul So4gasan son of Roehester visited wt r and Mss. Wmy. Hoar u-î( other rela- tlives over Christmas, Mrs, Addisrn Rickaiby sucdMàon Tosonito )an~d Mr. anid mrs. H. JT. onchi hand Christnpias dinner 'thMr. and ti Mrs. Jim 1Ril1aby and Normusu. Christmas~ day guests wiflh Mss. IVIay Your every dream coi-ne1 loue Forrester were Mr. (C. 1), Eouck, Miss Ethel Bouck, Mr. and Mls .R.% Maluske, Mr. and Mss. Doiiald Stapiee yur every wish f ulfilled ini thý Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. .Roy For-rester, Elaine and Nancy, Mr. and mrha s.Ne er ~a =