rnioderatc (3.5o) (oven '25 tn 34 e bctitute tsp. cru1shed eaî dao epeàslfor vanilla flavor- and lyin f one miles 1t> the Wes9t ing substitute 1 tsp. rrushed of Salerno. $uddenly there Ï3 xiese o ailafaoig a. stane rorig ound On~ce in z wbile 1 get a leàttçr erate (35') j Vf 0 36 0~ o a pistachiao flayor, ad' It ce froam theea, Visitors rom j soieb&4y askig for recipes ui>tes ,,.Maki 54 2-înch suO, s.lemon flavoring. we.e apreienive. Could it be that give larger quanmtities s 5aît a amosto, utae sevilng ;t acueei MCA~RSi GFO), 601d Cake. ommuuitysupper, kebte G~USOpW kncw(thet ~ not Well, then, hera i ýs~ciaUewieck eie us his ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' realp sirong Hewa n <1 ttng3unetxicg Ic o hi elnm) e oee ecipe, for a. plain but ver'y goed p n ~Ct1he S egg whites> and ¾V2 p thelocali serne, ad ibite cak<e» whichb wiW e uareIB sWetfe eie lemnoniflavoring for ithe ralmont fbeen hiav4ng- a lean iyorith or intQ lq e than 54 two-illei late, ineltedanivnta ýo,- and tôgether with one or qa'a.M nttatle 2Voe, onfectiers' ,augar * eomaftOn heh~C te t~o~ercgle rç1~2 hat rain butter; adj4 egg y0ik, ~ ay i ôrder tu brr-a th oIw ta ~eI~ua o1edeôoe Mix we 1, VOO4EC , 'd. se hou(lbe w0com Grad,1i.lly a dd4 nfoectioiier£' ½clr Th~ rwel t ploalrocky oin ~L ~-u ha esr r w - sugar. Blndnui ooth'. 'rost 24emi. They owedeo a 1. 0 al n , b ofyo< o n os, twsifc ly xs2 c. ietd iake- lour p a u n d e t if l, a n h ù gro %w n " l ard . 1 - ~ , o . u g ar ar underwaer expki,1,e Itsp. bakiûg powder- sut i 0 iaulage area m . tp si But Giuseppe was o0ni1Y a Pc itp.v lard~~g½ts,1sd champion for éthers. He rowed 21/ c i.k 1 ts.i e. 1ý>ur milkn :;wiftly away, beo re anyoue ,ý"2 ù aa veig2 ec Afted cake *fleurgg could know what hadl happeued. 5Vz ù,'cake lIflr 3 ts., b aking power drops red food coiorinig Cosey Tells Ail? Birdie Tbes manager o the Cincinnati Others, wlro said they knew- C % *lslp. bakhig p0wder 1 tsup. sait Whip the lard anid 2 tbisp. Redlegs, is an eag pu os ae Stenget, mange f the New 'Vhu buti u ere «at- (iÀe.sîr weiil ooteutilîih York Yank*ees, gi um ra ewtis on how eo la a bcseball tracted by the noise," arrlved 3%,l",stigar2egwlte and fluffy, (aibolut 2 minutes witba team lte five strai t penna s The men care sh csifaking at i their boats ,;oor. ïatter. They 5 egg Add té the, lard 2 tblsp. of tih eeeri mixer at miedium speed), the bail Annual Diof course, could gather the fish i MAd 5 tblsp. ùf the inilk, an iiailsd almn 1aér if r pnrdet toe with an air of innocence. die vanilla flavordiig *0 the lard. Ing. *Whip u til ight and fluffy ' d élr ogte iho dLocal agleis were fiiikus, Whip i4ntil light an~d 4ufy, or or' about 2, 1minute,, with yùur the sour mllk. (To make swee! mre aeodel Windor Cwtle mad and pointed out at once that about 2 minutes mtIh e1,ctie leetrij mixer jýet t xuyedium ik ar subatitbs.mk liS ~ ~ mt±~ there would. lia ban inontht iloi at mediur 'peed. Sift speed. Sifi, dry inigredîen-ta ý and add one tblsp, vinegar.) Nethecontent wpitfesbuildingina- dry ingredients together; add l to gether. Add té îlard n-mixture -Beat until smattoth or I minute stgecoc i mthe, ew wa n vicu, of the slaughter. lard &lonug wsth- edp the nlk with '% of the Beat unttu with electrie mixer at- medluin WhnvrPerey Tu r strck One of theai recalled. the day#s eat lull aet~i bout 4 i11-i-,imoih, or about 2mnu3 wt peed. Blond in eggs, remnaining nitchesnfe arfL1lyýSotgae obystbil amtc- et Fascist ruleein Italy with un- utes with c -tie în ixer at eet4 mxratmdu sod ilk, and food caioring. Beat 1 andcr e a Jute<d'alnscalge tbat U ofatche accustorned aprvalIn xiMus- m1tiuhi .spAd riyialiyg Ad reuaing nilk and uitbeat- mnute. Pour into twa greased water-amks uring woî_ýkas -ben puished No nohing our itmogrnhed ndd floure d- inn 4ndbrte ( a0') pans2. aow s" mog lling is on thea gdrand wd Pour intt wcjgreased and flour- Bakeh oeao(5' vn2 m liietee éawfll b. done about it.sp122 x1inbh pan. B~ein 'nod,- 1 4~ caép~,.~le~ to $0 minutes. is wife aet arries* awd gftwsyith l ùt iue fVns Mfl-a fla Ôcça, Ee o h Saueo ibry macerayfrrc. ec itcrassrgre hI agtri eg-are astohay.frtomno v an 0t w e 0CIPryBtptaPn vn i duher a Lwea rg fulsz tndard &M ey0ficrholrs ofe hise. Eerytwomintesarendnolamorted inet & eau bmmade o tes a e inul4hzdnofd Wtr. ci t1etti.IiI creshgh êtokewrom'se wilu F %eIeuanepad u mr than$$tOOOOOhiaccdet c s- pat f le oatc> caelsanasan 2 ~ i eree at..es, . dsoryludin d avQ eigd 3!ý iSîiq isetê~té so feW ND NEF~RTO