iJly neces- j other il the 1 abeson ai y boilinýg water, Gra-idua,- d macearoni so thiat wýaPer usto boil, Cook 'u'cv stjrrjng occasionallY, unltf ý.Drain in colandler. In a an, meit butter or mnargar- lenci in four', cryp ait, pepper, and ginger'. nilk and cook uilick and sm-ooth, stîrring cn y. Add coe aaoi serv- wï!th stre,~th to modrat'ton c~arm, tomatoes, ~ut trie on freslxuy &u paprika caroni in repidlyboL- ,water; drL7aiîn incoi ýgcs onion, celery and )Per; toss lightly but Chili. Cr b1 d combine wiith r e - ingredients in sml thorugh M. dd thIis o chilled sld i ie . la y s t il .'1 stili the pilot f'ýouilghf]t for Hie c1eare-d the peak and, safely ovýer, went down steeply inte a valley- At five thousancd feet the drug took charge once more anid kep t the patient in a sýafs sleep until the ,Lanig That was the recent nierve- ~hteigexpecrience cof a char- Wr pilot in New GuXÀnea, wvhere flingnitions are perhaps the wýorst ini the wýorld bu,)t where the. saying is, "'You fly .tir stay hoe"From .Lae ýon thé oa ta. Wau, the f abukonms ýïiing area ;where $f5,000,000 vworth oif gold is prciduced each year, is ony 65 iles. But it takes ten days if, you go by land-moer a tr'ack too deep for m-rules. Everything iiij the town al, Wau (7 00 -w he men and 6,000 native m1jiing drec1ges whiichweigh 2,500 tonis each and the liborel's paiola, have been floiriin ~5eee1by air. The 183.500Gsqar iles of Plapua and New Guihea are a nect- work of 'dromes, mnany of thein of pocket-h a, n d k e r ch ýiei- f size, perched (on the is opes of the m(utaing. I Jhe 'Planes used are mYraiiy r i ~can PaufRtc thec J-buse' f$c1jrm Men who ~hink bour erg ~ for b of tornorrow pra4ctice odea/ oa DEUROPE ING SAILINGS on Rate$ OFRNHPOýRTrS: LITTL AS irt Claos% fom $21Z.,(; Touri5t Ciass frDïm $155 Sueî, MAR. l A Su.MAR, 28 Sun. APR. 1l Liverpool (via Brisuda) CoDh, Havre and Southamnpton Ch car ad Southamnpton Cobh aind Liver pool Cherbourg and Soutliampton Liverpool H-lavre and soutihampton Cherbourg and SouthamiiptOn Cobh and Lverpool Cherboiurg and Sxotutmt Liverýpcoo (via Bermuida) Cherbourg and Southamepton, Cobh nnd Liverpool pay el( 0111011 fi ds il Iff 1