-_h tiras thev aompletly outplayed M ishA in ~ tha ~ ~ 10 vstors but fell two goals short of0~~fIfl ~ 3 I -taiý 8. The gaine wa played beforait- h ae Ki1 etsrdsei e ýý-n iehnrdfn.Ooi ý eassisted by Robinson~ at 14:18 and____________ ~mefiv hiinded ait Oruo t t eannWest eompieted tht -triceT ~ t htw finish of this gain»e ied the series LtWo , the bea oloftengt t . Mr. ChanUman, Memibers of thfe Staff i1Ww the seniors. Thi meant htw tp Que. ~ted by ArmistrogadPhiisa of Oroino High School; were iooked up to by the lower forms The Or9oai teamu started the gaile i8 i adesaqtenlee ,-îtdents as an eYxanple and that we mni b with een in he line-up or.d finshed Conaeious of our behaviour at l 'Wtbnine. Mc cel n f hi ilston, eame up with a new Aniother year has passed and it is tumes. 1 sincerely hope th1at w4-ý, ýmoira rug-ed dfencenieu -Iii' showilgoalie for this one and it picoed to the occasion of ainother comi~ence- abuse our, privileges to iac n up orths e.~we ~tb e a good switch. LaPointe played1 a ment. I feel highly honoured iu be- that we were coni to leave the a ge afte the firs t p er- Pm f tene houghouit.igcoe ogv h aeitr the honour of beiný ~m1 e bQd and Eric Johnson Nwaa carried o f Laoqewas t on defence witl- address for the graduating e.lasa ofthyane I4 asrteratrbii nueinJOYce, Procerlko, Ballentine and Mc- 1953. wruhotp --'igschofêrtu ate i ohen al trdo fte. bein Xfligre 1best 0on the attack. It seemis but a short time since we 'v eeP-ýlt"Cü,ryfruaei S.e on outer.rIt say tbat w<hehaw TPwo Kingston~ playes; and one ono Da et oiuou rsrn ente-r-d 0. H.1 norfrt'~ of atw ha our principal, Mrs.i player accoep5Ifebd the , ha-trick lan Junid3r West 1Q0iked bet for High School. We were vezry shy iju %rst- foun ,ou Abt ahe waai getting Procenko and Joyce each tailied thrfe Ooo tepeeneo altWstdeat irried, we é" errlily afraid- thatl _______________________________________________the higheir forins, especially those of~ weiight losÏ , r Eveu lhog Us who had been attending sinali 9M nIlhig publc ahool inthe ounry. We wished for he, the best of haÊp- O0ddfeliow..s Dance And DFraw gradually becaine accustomed to new'tierevr relievedoe iiignt quaintances, and after oui fiii en.We as as ar vrr-gae-hnor 1 l A ciis ~7330 To und initiation we ail felt that we were f-i1asMrs.C re her îd wrds wihn fineth Y'fuil-fledged studefnts of Orono- HUgh 1 u o Marice eno nt nd ;werdof. wroug.ht iron School. Wv thank a e j Ost1e--the staff xhibit was The dffellewis and RebeIkah's îa box of chocolates it being their A ie aed enastered the frrti~rw etdofte af us pince scian Dia- a4 i41~1 ii ha Twnhi wddngarnieisayaloa Sipecial fine- points of the various subjects a-, aýtal tinies i 6ýt'ter Fhow in-uch 'e stand and a iý Hall Oroiloon W~elieday ' eeni iumber was dedîcated to this ocea- vailable to us and uinder the e-xcellent tree&-thefr pat-c. Ovê,r two li, w4lawgrandpr est to 0 h îfenpiss i btt eguidance of our teachers,. we parti- You. the geiielal pu-bice ithepeople 1HTis exhibits enjoy rouu4l aand square dancing and went out of the district. The fl ip tid i lheexescrrcua o> ros»h1eil toyyur i n a.throi +h~t 1 aciviie that help ta niake sehool cqois l1;eX ýî,playeid a very in-,- .bite