PUZZLE ACROSSI 2, W~ngs 1. Oreiich 2 Uprigktparte 6 Wealten 4. Inseot 2, Eoibanlcrnetl 5, lInge of ~ 12. Stre.ighten oertainbreed 13. J tibricate 6. Thue 14 Jepane~e 7,3lanner çîîteast 6. IJnfreat~ 72 Pi 17. 5h tckled Z ~ 4 19. Perelve 20 Sçarlet 22. 1' oorth caUt 72 LiIX~ 2h ('hîîrch vesto ente 24 '4noander j-" - - ~1. i'aoh 57. flî~IioaJ Iïigli - prf est ~7 Pndal 25. Near - 89<11(1 Pf~Of 34 41 f1om~iIned - eeated 42 Anaîy 44 Poke 46 ted canop7 42 Doep 1io~ei SQ. Thywry 61. Rodent 64. Iiitterent ones 67 Rtdtcn1~ 19. ny birth 60. 1rnc1o~e 66. AttertSon - 64. Color 62 S~tbaoeted 9. ?o1I~te 10 Consorned 11. Angry 16 Atflrr~at1~ e 18 Old n'usinai note 21. Diecuesod 24 Siarnese coin 25. Ut~happy 117 ail thoughtleesly 28. Location 29, Twiet ont ol ehape 30 .Jewieh enonth .42 Sparliies 36. Dine 17. Rallier than 40. Boni owing rodent 43. Reach e. destination 45, Stanping foini 47 Tuil 49. Walkeo 52, Cxty In Are.bla ,2 Ce nese eheltee 14. Individual ~5. 33 everage 66, Illiscover ~8 Knock di Electrical Engineer (aî,Y i~wer eIawbt~i. on thia pqê~, be~ Th~ m to ad anc1 ad1 th6 pkt 'B a I t c g b '1 a w B m 'y fou th< no~ er~ an di 82~I tili th~ tii abi ex1