étthaf or f ct ordning inay be p-rýoyided- to e is eran, ixes-hu b schen the season opens Uf Y îs the a1ýdrdenty iewho îiis tn aserble bis<> fishIng f lies, or (o~bo~y bim sevec- s ýpoc, of nln ar c,-sewing pr-ead. R ecause of ltu 4agic ~ex tr a strengsb, fiPeness W fi~~~ being used tù e. cth~eatest A ~~the 'sil hoks& s-:ýangieraF have large collectîo of gay ngrespools ttù exnPJ va?ýious splàe Moeimportaxnt }a en S finie aise ewîng a g b - ,one, 1 This ieans that sewlng thread jS L O 4k~,ShoId-11Jbe 4 lea St asong a ý1 the ~fbrein biii-e fa ie. ýTheu, eansaden&i tfr1h CASSEROLE lite of the garirient. ive tue ai ~ --~- nylon thrwad Wiigive be.Ii r i UnI sucsatisfaction býcan ,e the th!freadi îa oats or 1? -~ai t ihe, fabric are ~uIi eaDrrange jsrnt. ynt1hngtra 02faIpo5utr henmi tie abric, there i's litie dan,,ýger et Itap, sjrngnsuid irencdtng¼ easpoon peppy. 'ding to i , siweaker threads aniid cauig , Ell CNDACr Sac h~evrseairs to pop yq. tjhtread aï-k u g-oO ' ~dUCig 1fl- ~ e îî' thrdries atrtihe saine rate as nylon 4C" pWater as o pae ty èsyo-eL fabrics., This elirninat[es the poS"2Cp andpo ,sad ths RIrCKR'ACK and, loulksus expen- si1biity of dewanddeeor cowsfroi sie 1B3arselrs se rhiine, tion if the thread happens to be2CP ondslo imate',ï"ý,lkte stones, peaii cn etes- haVeA sil8dmwhien the ~rnn U atdcakrcub esn~t, down atching neekîace, arr g. toed -contet te 1Rckrack jewelry - easy tou hr r e ishm OK fin nwtrutltne Sof nm-il maiçe! Pattern 728: includes Ail swrscn ëic pfrorn arln D fk utr at n epr ert oig lowr ml dretios, anfacures.An icesn IXBNO' rCANADA Cern',tarch W/, V4 Send TWENTY-FIVE tENU 9 S nuazber of these Canadan fIrmns Woutertanik aSmo, eCe cway fash - in coins (stamps cannoti re Mc. runsig nylon thred on ailDDî, regar t epted)for tHis patternte box 1L types eA labbis te rduce teWDO tilquid graduaijy; eok n» #iCkan ben dmas i123 ighteenth Sti, ew Taronte, numnbe-r dreturne dte ta seam set, trigconstantjy, e ce, lram Onti. Prinit pani ATEN filrs Sz or size, nlo DD peo, ýds0and sln; mxwl t tp nii NUMER~ ourNAME ad mAD thread 1 is hee tinies assrogPU tbreedIVqutcaeoe.prnî to& ih DRS.as the thred imest nof thein sc-eums ci * rid t'où fat.- SEND tNOW foreutn W154 in the rP t. and i eà en-treSli t 350--F. 40 ~o nee Ski tuik LaraWhel Nedicra tCAtS- and our Umes mor eWasi This IL: o8sevni iýve put non I« -the best evei::79 ebo- eatcy hytu rvn is newcen' d r c c he t,. lor-transferj seancai at rmhoIsesnd othier cieriy ,foPk -pu cmit aten ra- op)en.fi.gine gourountmde cof toi - edn phe book! Wdes for giuts, sretçhy - iateril lk e jersy W.,me- Bza eirsin'Sn5 and cepe, strethy -seams top. sr rralstedtt'eceignin yr, îMan c n - - e aio Jearl. ~Jame AhleY, pleas eta - "hen Ig ow too oi-dtu dre ni" ed thauhace n-r p ,of 1O- - flare erv euecurtnent r-et - 4 -Sucee e- 'm--n. f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ie!"Ta rx aiewacîidou d fuiyrt n-goc ô.ta e %iy, but 'Vaicet ib Dy, ech i n rber as aS spepd tJme a d n ie e-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ progan presented aalentin te thelasoosnca spoolo whte- ;ho ial wa naýr1e wigye ehr, no a- a indwihç h hed n a Toeqare-nh oe n aung sev- (one dcat eid lady goityupand en-ou th a l ast4 fbri ta wAUtrei(!th( fre n nF Ths uic osD avourits- t.npaumé urwi. .1 me--,nthe ý,s "te sa -ne ri tvîQi,,'U- th tre' o(1 - cati , e hePea t -n kr;w en Crirîng polythene' groceny bag - old dies te ivEly fieroon you Ave left ole soet i 'aoe - hade 0! u tra elxs he sn t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gw gi-eu2'Iimgnete ue gpu-- beatu *" - te éw'ng tMassy ead uo of frit and egetabies arc, there needi and obbiat reas ta ow 10allow te odcetebrate speech wasWui apomp n i u mooi of ar her- M. hviùsi sie - e 's i d deeper t e et1 r enT.1- te ions 'ust as the operates of After barv-estig ail f'uitanid Nyled rad n ittr fpn powemchne do.enthy vegetabes breathe lu exygen, had hneugit a litiechrge Wd i~byhnasore egh Whe eig togr ent hags hehisae tast brighnss(e)hf o ïes--et ettxaq siU ha p vencme thle homine dressiaker usuaiiy anci numLber teho hi rspi- SI'!-homes-and two Whoursa w tanhi sg.Nylonthed shud winousup ith tne P ne TMi ty lon eitouh. alxays hecul with a paýir',l af iÉdue to fire'sstrpngt, mwh tite codntinund t) preown - arewell4»d Ià - l1-â d-aorW& i te minebk n. Elderi ezzi ~'e moderatio>z taday