witn ruirai te, oldI grayma the partyC) t! e sigtheruate alohowv to ring' aàgo a iew ni 9u wantled to g iv',,Ti il person "13- ea 3o shie rihaa as. Ier t-w and asee t a laSeri far nm iear-by ton lkin dofa cdia) rural aras oo. A fewyarag there were 15 asucpars M)OU linaThen they dvdeïtm for a while thora was compara- ivepaceand quietness. B-ut moreC a ý îndJ more peo(p le moed into thfe district; morýe anidmoe wyerje adddJto oGur- unte. ow are back to wre vwe ware be.- fora. Thot is Che gener ai pattera so 1 1r, sure- m-ost trial people wil haglad theparty 11 ue w thie 4nal oenet-ta t evay lUnes This Was A Real "Race With Deatb" a racewih saývcd a mnaxiSon ed: "My ,,TLord, oti mié being eýeue o ure i aeRoger LapeChI e, hgdn't cpmittad, occrred lu cyLin aeyuhv -Nnv b13.t~ ako vln I have thé huile pleas" -andthe you curlifor the ýpeace o *xed, and forth eofaitl nVy lier hu-sband nor bi 1 l-,e lith't facad hicstraly nAcircumstan- tias evidence was so strong that thcej o d gàapueate"cad hlm t thenfacty.tha erault was the secondto ha(t crgdpwio te ta!hamut b e ethîurd -- An ials looke tOp-watch. Lapebie!' yclist tamare ad f0 hi ige j Buhhaivehaeehgd rciynf lkhventoadouttath hava eenatneôadmr OmanymofntemMshaing A teu, phxei e eprenera -adcs-dene la a fasta' easy ion, knitting diretios. Misse' Szs32-3-3-8icue x in coins (stampescnnotbha cw- ctd)for tits atan o o PATTERNN UMBER, you SENJJ OWfoý-Or nw 95 LuWheeler Needicrf tCata- fe rdrassnraking pattata s nd fo-lu " cmleepaftterne pr'nted in the book! Ideas for gfsba ar elrfahos Send 25 cen 't wow! e newl 503 e-ne or a I eleer Nw Troto A - 4tn!xigi,4 ad-wl