Apply ýd 1Hay Apply M. to -J. .. One lmarooni Bay Ca i - ri s'30.00 Apply Mrý,s.« Ont. ,w-Larg, )rono. b orlL~ ~M.D. SURGEON South PIIONE 74 r 19 RN DR. R. J.TAGGART 4 VETERINARY SURGEONi I>ak Street I OPPOSITE SKATING RINE lB jxolen ondi1o.PHONE 94r 16 ORONO Wbîn. Hooey Oronio, LEGAL ,dand irt i nery, the Lawrence C. Mason, B.A, D. Bol], Lot 9, con. 7, Barrister and Solicitor endal, will ho sold by )n Saturday, March 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONT,. it 1 p.m ack o,ÇR. ii, auctioneer. We will be pleased to pick up dead ir eripplod farm iaimais for sanit-ary iisposa-l. Telephone Collect Cobourg! 1266 or, Toronto Emn. 8-83686, GORDO0N YOUTNGC LIMITED S: J. NORTON -Main Street, Orono .Phone 61-Y-3 g -and mIt ito sap- 1I Complete stock f Th~~ifnDapiery materia; - I Calilus to-day. ! C. F. DUNCAN _ I Phono 71)r 16, Orono0 Eavetrough e I g f I fat g- 1! f j . ~o~c Fittings Sp )AN costs ly re- nrequest. Af . FUNDS ve funds to safely rate of cglad to rs of pro- 8 are e 1Willialàï . Ontario, Office688 Home 553 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Aucioneer ami Valuatoe specialize in 13arm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme and dates 1Phone 5 r 18 TED JACKSPON A uctioneer and Valuator Conducts Aucion Sales of ail mu and at reaesonable rate. ..-nuC. a, ihm at Pe# Perry, Ontario, or se. hie CI.rk, à E. Morton, at Orono, fer dut& LIFE 1NSURANCE Pension Plana; Edurational Polie.;e- Protection and Savings Plans 1* Children and Adults; NMortgag. Lb- srnePlans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. Phoneo-30r 1S The RIJTTER GRANITE C031PANY i Dial 3216 . P.O. Box 622 Port 11Hope, Ontarlo Monuments, Gravemarkers, STAFFORD BItOS 1Monuimenital Works Phoene îWhitby 552 318 Duiidas St. E., Whithy i FINE1 QUALITY MONUMENTS ANLP MARKERS 'Let us erect a hanidsomye, ýug. nified monument over the m.t-. ing place csf your loved onea. It's Dot expensiVe. A114.etins this lat tribute Will 91" youen zd1ees conifori 1.5. Wate N.