word. d( by fashion r colur. light raftsmanship). Am STRà ýmq Sugar Minit T'apioca, 19,/11bs. 85c. 2. for 35c. AYL To DILP.KLES 331 TOýATOES,, 2 for.. 33c. 1BUTTER, lb.....63,. c. White IIONEY, 4ltin 90e M vFree Offer 1 Tin Ajax Cleanser FREE with 1 Giant pkg-. Fab. 80e lt- 0f00o.Re Iveri Sthe Cou 1wel SNOW CROP Frozen Strawberries, pkg.. 49e SNOW CROP. I Frozen Raspher-ries, pkg. ...41c BROWN AND SERVE- They're d1elicious, CHICKEN PIE, each ....... 45C SSnow Crop (Fancy Qýuality) ~WFrozee Green P'eas pkg. 23e Ideal Quality kce Greaw, lb. Un i$1,14) Thurs., Fr1.,. Sat. Every Day Low Pici.s CA-MPBELL'S MNushrooni. Soup, 2 tins 35c. Icing Sugar, 2 lbs. ...25C. HORSESHÎOE Sockeye Salmon % lb. tin 39c' COUNTRY KIST 1 o.tins Wax Bea1s,3 for .. - 9C 6 fer 59)e. Thurs., Fr1., Sat. Either end of loin PORK CIIOPS brick 25c "Maypôrt" Spanish Stuffed Olives A real bargain 16 oz. jar 49é m Ib. 59c. Minute Steaks, always tender and tasty lb. 69c. Roine slaughtered Rèef, Pork and Veal Bofth in Technicolor I ext Mon 'b Thurs. Luther IThe story oft he iman wiqo j changed the world IEvenings: Adults 7,5c., Students and Chikfren S50c, Matinee Wednlesda'y at 2:00 j50C., Students and Cildren i5c. SUNITED C4IURIH N OrOnc Pastoral o JhnKitcï'>e SUNDA Sunday Sel Ser-vies it1 LEF'SI ,rm COA T] centre. and 1-- It's a1 In cob black,, Pri No. Mrl. Iof L.t bo -- ,10 Otd So 2 -6 c Lyous for New Spring Dresses Newv spr-ing Dresses in prited Bengaline, Baratina, Tatfetta and Sierra, a crisps linen like- fabrie of blended Vesicose and fine combed Cutton,ý permiaiiutly crease resist-ant and hand washable-. Chipalon, a new; washale Rayona and acetate Luxury fabrie. GOLDY JUNIOR FASIONS Goldy Junior Fsinsye in New York by one of New Yerk's leadiug makers of Jurîior Dresses. Made n Canada's most modeun dî,es factory.. Yotir Goldy Junior original is your guarantee of Sup- erior fit, workmi-anisi and the finest of fabrics. These dresses are priced froni $16.95 to $21.50 .1. CHOICE CUT W. E ATS