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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1954, p. 2

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= myip Rent ae re ead of ;Inculcaýïtirinù e different ~ 1 m Doct: cpceyou will hv 0 k a firm Stand, and make hue realize tdene&eHolvng on a strict budge-t, i il hd drat theids uhewl hlave f0 admit ifs logic. Liet monfhly expenses aa'd terliving cse d charges and yourn docto<s fce ýBalaînce these a,,gainst, the ýfamti- ly income--ançi showý your hues- bandc hr, esans fwl be a shocký, but ii, le' one he needeif he le ever to stnd on his own fe(ci, and n-ot cawlta ie famiJý , olyfcainuoý,us hand-outs. Tel!i-rin now lhow is habit ba-s nmortified yoru; evcry -,Uran w'ants 'to" b prOud0of iher lhusbsd- a-nd how can se b encaho wil duiemsdj ofo ouroa Le shope thlafthe Îfret sigh 0fhie son ilawkr 5om iscse of the rsosbl- fies cfffhrod Unîces he le conMîed te ab Army cOreerhe ehould p pare himself ]f or or ema erative workwhn i frm0 serviceends, oCj o , ,I() ý oWwise are tooengaged re thcy marry!Thattle i mc to repaefor ficreps- ,!mûies of marriage .. Anne 5ih la desthtwllhl ou fae I ts ritelierat ox 1 2 ~fefiS. a sînali pioce ping up the s eiie'5 plate? manners 10 ,' with a piece the fingers.. right te place n the gravy, lu a ferk le la an oie- iuilding, and a~ oie ê'uters, ils bat? fI bis liaI un net necessai'y Il, la an of- Mav eut a ~oney fIera Q, Is if al igl)~t for à agcet tato? A. Yes; many people comnidr thisthe eetpart of the potatod. Q.A friend bas to)ld me tMat our, dbinlg iroom hais shold ntko be plaeed Runder tietable beý- tween mweals, but should be- plac- ed0 elscwhere abouit tflic rooi, Is this cret ýA. N.Thr s ohiga ail wrong with placng tde cais un ,rte tabie. Q. When lnt ca aPer- son to a group of peoplelaleif neeessaïýry to reeatlit name to evron a fic rce loeeif ýhe girup le rather lare and thmeela a chance some.- nay bh, re.peated. Q. low shouldî4 the Ivtto teact a a godparenit bc x tended? I A Either varbally or' by fWrl nai nnote. The rqctcnhri !y be cree and mne should caedrit a t o o abe asý>e(i f&sadspoirsor for -a-,cbild. propcr tàb caif the oeor cherr'y lu ones cocktailgas A. Thmemlepommiegat si~ U12ONICLE~ Lait w ck I cii a complote righf-about-face la egfird te Folk Sehools. HeretIi~re I had not been tue eiîthusia~tic about this torrn cf rural education Iind cultures Since w'c aiready have Wenien"~ [p"titu tes, Fan For- unis, Junior Pain-tenu, Ni~bi Schools and '~,wieus projeets sponsored by the I >apartmeat et Agnîcultuu, I Iheuglit bu echueN musi uîuoly be ovenlap ping on sonne cf th v~i mua rural activut~'s No .v t tmcl ny opinion was the renuit cf î"nn saco as I ha~1 neveu bofenc b on te a folk s(heel te finci eut ut ~er aise. But I was awa~ txvo daye ls~l week ced c~ me berne with vers dîfforent idea:. la f cet it was 1h. moir enje~ chia îao days I had lîad for a long tue. Se new rny cnitueism j'~ tiot et the f oik ech oui but cf the nunîbe: et ceuntîy peepie v.he Liii te take advantatjo cf ut jî'st as I tailcd lu thal lespeet ni' self unril thii ysuin Hua axer, I thun~ lite punpos~ cf felk schcuis lu becoming bel 1er kucan and as public awaro neas cf their furu tien uncreases, se, tee, wfll thon' pepularir~ la- li." is anfi of tri" mlocra ù v c1w ilied t used.'t V, ry - vinies huiever en-courage fiter commnuaif Ly ife,ï gýenrc sify of r day cus r at a fai oe loae rrive fO o o la thedsuson troni cegînxa were aIse ci by local taler -plus short antiques and ever, thîs is prose report- steel anyone'~ concerued wi' on record as beartedly la Folk Sehools. Ibis columa siastie Ihan întenseiy rmative En~ tii Pi :ti is ne 0t ;or.ný TuÂarn.ý îtfing m'af mrmtaws a v ïa&ridman., With, lesetan, ~ekto go -bhe lhad no sing a'u e n"carmeri" in Rtaian in the fainnue opera house of La Sc-ala, M iad bis taanwas poor. Re had) a Viareare. he uould lbe booed o~fthe stage by thie harid-to-les Tt wa; sugetdjoVnythat, he have a recoding of hioMe, Sung il RItian, plaped Ytonl while dropping off to sleep and whiie aýs[eep. 'Vinay thought the idea f -antastic, but 'pas pe)trsuiaded to g ive it a trial. WifJ.hin a weeýk he could sing his part wvith')ut a trace of aiSpnih ccent, SRamoon Vinay,'sexrinel btonle li henew mto o le, being -moýre and more widely use-d in Am-er'ic-a fodayLTt is, some s4enfists believe, a biue-i prn or thje future wAhen sho for our" grndhldeuwlhlnotf be school la a assombton at The idea com'es from Newý Yorlker IMike heovrwh(o va", chairmn - ý ofompany that týaught jpeopIIe fore&ign anguag. eýs by eodigAiasinter- ested. a hý 1ie poblem oflearmmyg he was impressd by asteet 0xf a doîctor frind tat welearut beet whe we werein a elxe stafeWe wFere most relaxedýý whnasleep, hfieaend the verss the boy hbad been se ifo le-arvi la) schoolI. It seemied tf0 promise resifs, but Father Sher- Iover began ta get circes under iM e eSoAhe gof a recordplay- r tostand,'-rn forNi t cer'tain hou re of te n.'-*fIht. Young Char- clearaf hiepoin fstr han he had before, so Seoe u hie ides UV te the Universify ofj sity ecidd totest",a group 0f students The stuwd sweon hWidý tey t ee beng fse with the ee urs hewae fteranad duIringxic p Ouf brinsgive &off difeurent în electrical waes henw r are away an ad 1when w r ale.ThewaV's When we are awaae ýf'areshort, shap tandfat In sleep the %waves are iower- concale1lathe p)ýIclow, began to reciue a lit of arften Qhot =0d~ If repa thbem nontnu o~er ad ove agai,ïthity ties, The two groups were aske a rnemoL'rize the liet ;o ffteent words ,VwbIle cie is sodby wit stp-wtche.Those weho had been chaMtu tilathe night lese t ie thanfse "01o had i ther ý-exrietaloswd mng up 0lPa[allarlg ton Cgtin idofbdhit Leg e o0flWilliam niîrd Mayur Lawrence Leshan made -aM cx- ~eieftaeeifhe rcould cure twenty boys at a smmer hoo cýf this ha bit, hilethýe chewed t heir nIails îlu their slep, .ue o a wa t- ad. Ne~ver in cri such mud e ever man- eblidren l'il Maas .M cnnu .B ( lump apoinmttoiepudeat fs<t1 filfo Q.C, executavQ see a % hopleeidt. and Robeni.PH Tar, a ry of Ie copenU Eut c il e = aew.. -'- 1t and y b e J ter. My fne-nistaste vr bitter,." The voice said th-e onie sentence over and over foi600 imes every ýýnight. Resuilts Pame afteýr "."xonth whnone boy had bhad encýj9 andtopped, Two li1'e two others joined hlm, anld > wveek later five more gtopped, Whlenthecamupcoedeihha lost the 'habit. Anoter pr.act4calusefShr over'S discovery ïofýlearninîg through s1eep was ade by a 11ollywood director. H le e that manv ac-tors and atess bei-ng ver y buey peopl)e, could, flot find ti'ine ,toad imuchmore than their onparts laina-film play. He new also that for ea perfýctiy vdirCtepçi fihlm he want- edc actors und actresses w vh(o knew eeypart so theSywol f el teplay pro-cperly. Not ith- uome trouble he er'a, them pfo av a recording of the whoesorY çf a ,forthcomng film %played to them eachngh t for a week while 1tey slept, ThIý e rýuLCt Of the eprmn was vastly superior perfoirm,- ance-by ail uiembrs Ofof hecas. Another use of thetehiu was, applied in the caýse7 of a po- tentially brilliant çtudenýt x4h,( pe!rsîst;ently faiIed in hiseam miations because his confidfenceý hatd been! shatteedarid he c pected A0 AIl. Every niglit for, amot while hie Slept, a r- ébrding impianted a positive caî- titude la the student's mirdwt carefull1y ,seeced phrases sc aîs, ý"Youhave --nothiing lto fear,. Soui caîn pass, thiseamato The studint passed his next fo'prd) ormaîiarraneents ù on P iinches tail. lacis sap cannot b s- Ontr, P Cnt -lSl "AT LinratheelrNederfoi.,Cata

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