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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1954, p. 7

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rF lB beeflng on first salesý 9otr4 ia U4 arJ'atare pj~uhnng way ahead «u CLhe sqripped down mcod3el -for Sale By Tender Tenders wili be received by the, 'lundersigned up to iý-b0 o'clock 'noont ,in the l5th day of April 1954 for ohnprchase in uone parce! of tlie property of the 'làte GeorgeJnisr u!t te col-ler ci1 Ring and~ Bea er Sis, Newcas'Ie, cnssngof th ýee buildng lot-, op ~oeof which is ýaJad to be an 8toe raehouse anjd garage aýM: on the otesa quianitiy of fruit£rees. Termas: 1011, ,f price /vwith tender;1 balance to be p,3id in cashoncelosing.1 <~oigdate to -e ar anged. Righest or anndr ot lneces-i ~aiyaccepted. R. R. WADD)ELL Q.C, _ Ornno nt.- Solicitor, for the Vedr JIU CAMXRON .1 LESKARD, ONT. Electric anà Acetylene Welding Cylinder Blocks and Heads Welded Specializingi ALUMINUIM AND ZINC BASE METAL AIl Work Guaranteed Phole. Orono 1 ring 5 fi, Build Another SWith Insurance Î ou can't protect yourself a-t ugainst such hazards -b. Vyou cean guard againist complete lees. 1n'surançe e sa1%vys jyOur let. CALL t AND à CALL Uq FOR ESMATES Hf ARRY E. LYCETT V ORPlone 84 r 12 OT t -G - NT ) I0 n,.s*yl@dj Why buYnew furxttire wheii We ean rÊ4ýt~iyG'W prsetP3 furýnishiiigs o t Ijyour iniiy- idual PrefereiCeS8. 'ÀLargre stock of fabries on hand mj Mr, and Mre. Cleave Ceece life. He -was Mrs. Doup;. Barnes sud Bruce, Os'hawýý-ing, fishiag speat Tnesday~ with~ Mrs. C. L, Pow 1-;i uvin ers and A. Clemence. ltw rvivon, Mr.~ and MNrs. C. B. Tyrreli c»ont! w os the fore part of the week i Buffaltý, sons are Or New York. ing transfer street, and J IN MEMRIAIMdicate avemu IN MEORIAMMrpsF, W. ami is forcing bard bargains on the, dealer to get the glitter onf the luxury msodels at a eut price with a gaodi trade in value oni the uyh1 ar; ---Used car prices, already forcedi down by custom-er resistance hýave1 bIad to drop double ome year's depre- ciation to take a stand agains-t bout- leg niew cars and British cars. The general pîcture is: sales s o fa r are slightly under last yearlo r the saine period because of bad& winterý wveathcr. "You can't seil new cars withi twov, feeti of snow on the roads," said' one Western 4!ntaric, Genieral Motors cdaim it's holding its shar-e of the market - Ford dicaims it has gained new gruund and the independents -Stuidebakzer Nash Pacar, udson- are having theirý troubles at the dealer level, although Nashi expects kecen interest in its newe low,-priced Metr-opolitan. Chrysier ie holding steadly. Out look for the spring selling sea- s;on Just started: the camne or slightly under last year as some dealers coma- plain of overproduction. The ~au facturers say there are as mi-any new, car buyers as there were laet year,1 but the dJealer say the big three' myanufactuirers have all g'ot the came peuple in mmîd., But the luxury trend is here to s; y. "People may be- taking longer ta muke up their minds~ whether to buy or rit, aid a GiM dealer "but when ffiey buy they shopot the wurks - heater, radio,aumai drive, power steering signal indicators and back-uighs. A Crse dealer said hýewAsi sellirig more of the super-luixury Bel-1 vedere Plymoruthsa t $2,809 wlth e-x- trac than "stoandard" luxury Savoy! model. As for the stripp(-d dow-n Plaza "only fleet puruchasers are bu-, ing th1em .and venthen taxi compan- isare buying the -Savoy m Delob- cause the e-"xtr-a tixîm increases the, lacs Ji-, n mth and has ia backlogoüf' oresfor theý, $5,790 to $8,800 mar as! Detro)it rstwt an 80,000ore bcogfr Cadillacs (mp rte ito Canad1a), It's not restr-icted to Toýr- onto. A Wnie dealer lias alreadyi sold 31CIl llcsin.woiots- more thuil he has ever cold. * ;eneral Motors recogai7zed thisý trend a few, years back su that to)-day there's ni)u such thing as a stripped- downi Cadjlluc. 11t comes wit.-h every- thlng but a buili-in c1iuffeur - "tliht'qs the way the cujstomer wants it and he'1l buy even more gadgets." The results: there's a shoqrtage of Buick.s, ld3mubile 98's and eveni gadgets. It's the same story with the Cbev- rolet Bel Air, the top price Ohev. model, and the Ford Skyl ,iner. 1 ail lines uf cars the luxury model% are1 gettiing the, prefejrencoeover the standard stripped down jobs. "It seaas if everyone lias imoved up a niotcýh," said a Ford dealer, "yet pricewi*se they want tu pay what they paid sty'e-ar. R~ather thaa buy aî stripped-doýriwn 1954 th~e customner will buny a used luxury 1953 or 1952 with aIl the gadgets." CARD 0F THANKS Eari nald.Mwna Duval r f skard wish týie pes their sincere thanke and pecti* to their friends and ighbouut' fot their kiid&ess and cards, Eatr reived durinxghie 11- ri01È)E-1 MODERN~ Andrêws I CANIAD1ANJ2 RANCH BOYS fi COSTARTOFAT [ 1 11'CC W D, ANETWORK Our lW and Ever ""7cussion concering "Spring Plainning'! [~ANLI~f romr which the boys took homne srme 1> very ýworthwhile knowlIedge. IMean whule the girls carrie-d orn and hunt- their part of the meeting upetairs1 w,ýith Dwvainle Gray Mworking ï,hec *at home, mahine showîng u3 pictures of "In- htes. isterior Decorating". As each picture rth Brodlie was 'shoNv a dtiscuission washed lone lodge withi everybod!y putting forth theirý for1th Syn- opin.ois drs, Rb The meeting adjourneçi after a d-1 ~t. arelicious lui-ch had been served by thet Pearil, Mrs, 'Teaceris.' . . Nol-l'i .e eight do two bushe stead of one per CulIture. For your at cultural -Repr culturé .9- -otlier Wesley f and a sister, Kendal.Ont. y a sýon Airn-, in.. . iJc ulitinii ciaingw. ime I CýAMF> .F T*IANK$ 'l~ien t was in the family plot ila Mwou-- tain View cemnetery. Mrs. Douglas Sîimpsun wishles O IAtiepallbt-arers were A. W. IL I express her tha lcs to N r. Charlesij Taber,' J. M. Baledon, Earl JReed,ý 1Tyrre-li, ]'ds. liry riMrs. R Wbert Tayler, L. E. Prouse andHIL Gami-sby, Grace and Jie and W.'Field.I friendi for floweps, gi ts, cards anýd 1Honary palîbearers were J. W. M%,ar-j thiuughtfulîiess shp wn e during ber shal, J. E. Crakwford, D. F. Pritc'hard, stay~t B'wmal l- hopital re- P. J. JeWett, W. F. Shapton, 1. N. I cerntly, t -cý Gerr-y, representing the Seiue B1 NGO NEWCASTLE COMM<UNITY HALL M@a4ay, April çtb, S I 20 OAIMES FOR .50c. E~XTRA G-1 JACK POT $75.00 FOR EIGHT NUI IPROCEEDS FOR LIONS WELFARF A.AWJ JOîAN WIUk, ea*4,s, Sà -And s., Young womes now Servin-g l the RC2 tlhpgcombines uavel, cmpn Vn;ip equal pay wùbh men and a wonrhwhile tg aipd 29 and have Grade 9 edcfiuaiot today about4 the opportun.;ties for you, iportant Opervings now in the clerieo and 1raedcal branchc e f Cazada's ,AU 7ew ~man of hîgh puwposce, ai R.CAP FOR AUL THE FACTS, SEE, WR! CAREER COUNSELLOR AT Y, RECRUlTING UNIT -OR MAIL dte new- ý- 1 , - ý - of rýete' Mrs. T. He w brose in

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