001l movies bc- es stated that tL a substitute rel1 and s. M. Robinsc Cecil Glass 0 m's Greatest Dru-g Sale The;- Re-I,.xali. Cent hol rting page 1 ig a stuffedi es, can he ý [fortable 'Lhall k- blind on ai to pick of Fri?y, Saturday id lOth d every Oecashrn i )rIIrii s urug à s a 2inlts le addedi, "The high velocity lover sbould not enjoy a lot of go sai c bulleJts tS l 11îresuit la rmore kills ahooting during suminer but,. re- I i ï ess wouniding but aIse blow up iember, the saie rules m,'ust be o ýb- thtSrk ndaefrofe e-usd nsillua l a iii arefthey dstrie 'tan re farser sereciinou nterasin0ai. bel mfer' "There i norasnw'hy the gun sa r huntng lcenss fomer sold by Conservation Officers, w-ill! be sold this season OnflY y ky eg-flal - licence issuers an alid froni [-"I1t Agst31 iReýýoleum Mats, size 27 ims x 54 ins. Nice assort- ment. of -patterns to cho ose from. Eaeh ....... 31c' Ladies Ilandbags made of plastic, suedine and -bengaIine. Newest styles and colors. Each $2... Boys' lleiim Jeans, sanforîzed, elastie waist band, 2 pockets, sizes 'D to 63 yrs. ýèch .......- Girls' Denim Jeans, sanfeiz ed, 1lPocket, turned up etuffs, Elastie waist Iban4U-, sizes 2 to 6 y.... 98c. Ladies Ankie Socks, nylon, elastie tops, white iand colors. _pair*................49c, S'hamnpoo Emeral Castile, 129 oz. bottie.. 39c. Johnsoi's Baby Powder, large tin........ 61c. Pondfs Face Pewderý 6 s1hadles to choose from 25e. 10.Special! Woodîbii-ry' -a Soap), regular ecake Puss'n Boots týat Food, 8 oz. tins......0oc. Prunes, Extria large, onle lb. pkg....30e Roasted Peanuts in sheli, 8 oz. bags ...21c.' Special! MJLKQ, .powdrsldkiiniilk, whips like eream. Pkg. makes 4 qts. skim Y11nilk 16 oz, pkg................32c. New!' Monarch Agdl Food~ Mix ..,59c.. G,, p fruit; size 96....5for...... 5c. 'Special! Jolins n's Floor Wax, 1 lb. tins reýgular 65c.' for........59e. 24 oz. Jar -15c .Napî)e Leaf Cilieese 1 lbr0118..... 5, Kraft Mtitard wt added horseradish, 6 oz. jar 13c IJRONO 5c.VrO $1-00 STORE- YOUR VR!END4ýY SHOPPING CENTRE fi. I ...more work perf Yfou Save with tower Upkeep, ton. New Chevr*olet ,ri3cks areý bufItstropgcF to Jast longer and ~ save ýyouî rmoney on mintThance. For exu4nple, there are heavier axIc shaffs in twýo-ton models . . . bigger cdtc hep.vy-dutmrodels . .. stronger frames in aaU ur Savings Start the BUY. l fIn teystart ýow prîce youl pay - aInd -r stop~ as long as youj Ehevrolet truck, And 1 is also die truck that Orono ' Ont. REAL RSTATE FOR SALEý' Managed an~d Appraised L. M. ALLISO4-'N Real Estate Broker Phione 25 )6 - Newcastle, On~t. STwo bloc~ks ioth of af c signal, Newcastle. has a tradition and see ail the mwonderful new tig n Caniada's number one truck. We-'lli og-ive you al the mouey-saving facts. ~, should prompt yQu tc,,aluo us -in time 6f sorrow, We stress simple beautiful aerv-ices ýthat prove coxnsoling to the bereaved. ONTARIO [RHARTLEY IHs RARLOW FIINERAL I3HOMEj Phone- 18r7 Orono, Ont, Phone 18r2 59 I 2c.' $1 Jacki-nan Flowe--s for WEEKIÎ%" Ore