'8 Noli ()U( Township Council Discuss Condition 0f Preseht- Truck heregular meÀlng of Clarke TonhpCouacil was held Tuesdaty wih eeve A. AMcXay and cCounicil- 7er ,J.T., ronH. Dav, Fred LevNekin and E. Walkey peet Adiscuission was held on ttruckers - ignorig haif oad ign aiN te Town- -ahip and travellinig with over gross iodthus breakýing Lup thle irods anid eungconsiderable damaige. Rtwa pehited out at the meeting -thlat th'e polie have been niotified buit nothin g, bas- been d'D-ion ta dte.i 1,%i)ckéinsori' repoited thiat the TOWnIsh4p Garage roof needs n1ew roofinig. Hle had pces on prýim-er amid eating amrouaitfhg te $89 .OOj.Thei onclrecommiend ed that this work ie one. The Township truck ýcame up foIr eesidralediscussion. To repairth e vresent truck, Mr. Dickinson stated, that it weuld c-ost $2995. Further; a a; stronger ]re-conditioned truck could b.Y purchased for 890. with a '$2009. allowance for the old truck. 1iy. Chas. Mliller approached thle CGeuneil with a signed petition from <fig. residents; of Park Street, a'slingý to have Park Street oue(ýd this -year,. ý-This vwas refeýrrd to the spring r'oad inspectin. Also arequest früm Mr.ý (UIareùce Dnc o lhave Chtirch Street extended throuli Vo te Old femeterýy. Mr. Miller asked if thiere wa- anything the C ounicil Colinfl(d0 wihthe 014d Cemetery- so that a, oad coultd bc extended noth f'rore ChLrch Street to the side road at George Wilson's. This would mnake -lurther building lots within the vil- lage. Tt vwas pôhnted out that nio burn- aïs have been made in this cemetery since 1880 and information of any indi unobtain-able on this propierty. Tke Clerk was instructed to write te ~the Departmnent of Heath for fur- thIer instutos on tis- rlprv The Rond Voucher was iread, naounting to 93'714.05. ýI..was granted to the Orono MortiC111tural Society. It iwas moved that an additional rent of $1.00 for the use of the elec- -trie steve b. aOded te ail Township HaIll retals. This was4brought into effect due te the overioading of the Eafl Circuit, when electnic plates as ,well as the -electrie stove and other appia.nrces were ail in use. This, it was feit, could cýause a fire. The care-1 'taker was linstructed te lock the fuse p;aneis zaking it impossible te change fssand oýveload the circuit. Mtigadjouriied te nieet again; *i MVay. meNDA A Large nu(mber of friends assemi-b- led in th(, Kenjial Sunday Sehool room oen Thursday nighit, April Ist, w,,hen Mr. L. 1). Bell and Hilda werel pîesenteýd with a cantýeen of sîlver on1 thie occ:astin of their departure from the ýomm-un-ity to reside la Orono. Thie Bey. S. J. Pike acted cas cara anlil severaI hymns were st, folow ed by prayer. ?Jr. Chias. Gay and hbis sons, Ross and Ronniie entLertainedï %vith instrumental mlusie whlich was \eïy much enjoyed. Misses Ruth nd Kathleen Jackson nnd Doreen Lang- staff sai-il several nmbers accomn-J panjied hy' Miss Joyce Low a t the piano anid Miss Low entertained wi apianjo selection and alil were muc appreciated. . Garland Cathcart gav-e the poem '"The Bridg-e Bilder-" wdihicfi lad it's own story Vo tl.Cm munitpy siniging %vas enjioyed accomi-J paniocd by* Mxls. Wm. W'annian at VIe pin.Mr. Bell anHild L(a were callnd Vo the front and MNr. Arthur Thomp.. son rend the address which stated that Mn. Bell hitd shown the spiriti of a true Christian gentlemnan, beth in thç Sunday School. as superintea- dent Tor- over 25 years aad in his negulan attendance, which had been an1- .1 ~ ftion to ail. As Eider of the Chur-eh he had fulfilled bis office by! isitiag the sickc anid welcoming li niew comiers aaid stranger-s to the Chuich. TIhere had been 3U years of true omraesht a1dit, was 'sith regret bhat friends bid them good- bye, hoping that the-y would be veryý happy iný thein new homle ini Orono,)' whîchi wasn't f an away and gave promise of rmany mneetings in the fu-' tuire. Mris. Reg. Eiliott gave the pre- sentation and Mr. Bell and Hîlda an- swered in a few welI chosen words, stating that they weuld be -very" pleased to see any who visited themn iia thein new honme in Orono. Hilda~ sta.ted. that she would mtlsz the pleas-] ant timies she lad enjoyed at ,e W.A. and Wlý meeings and the 1Farm Forum. A felv friends were tihen called 'upon toû say. a few wordIs, Mns. Wmr. Patter.sfn of Kirby saîd sh. had aiways found MnI. Bell faith- fui and co-e)perative and Hilda ha( aiways been veny helpfu inat'hece4-02_ m-iunity and she hoped they would b., veny happy in their neýw horn*me. r Garland, Cathcat endonased ail that had been said and sincerel oe that they ýwould returm te visitw- us in the years ýahead. Mr. John Pat- ton said he lad enjoyed the years of fellowship with Mr. Bell. Mn. Roy Merce r spoke of the co-operation they' had received froin the henoured guý,eSt of the evening and also extended beat wishes for thein happiness. Mfr. Hartweli Lowery also spoke a few1 words and neninded Hlilda that thene Number -Attend JointMetn 0f W.A. And W.,MSS., Oshawa A nu)mben of ladies froin 0Orono attended a joint mieeting of Woma,,,n's asýsociations and Missionany Soc.ieties inSt. Andrew's United Ghitrc, Osh- Wearing a dark sari,. ricly emi- broadered with. gold threadl, Mrs. A. A. Scott, wife of te moderaton of quie TUnited Citucl of Canada, ad-ý dnessed Vit'e meeting, speaking of the1 ehanges in india since te country be- came independent. Mrs. Scott sa-id thnt there was co hindrance te miiss- #oniary ,vork. The people were proud - of titeir ceuntry, and morefredy They lad lost their inferiority cont- plex adweesensitive Ip outside erïit-ismshe found. isý heîng developed ad iwaste land jr- rigated, but the populationi is largel (?50 'illioii) and increasing at the rate of fiveé million a year. Two and a' haîi f rilion acres have been pûitoV cultivationi, elped by te Colom-be Plan and te cointry's beingraiy îndstnnlzed but it is an uphili ask, 'n'd Old cuistoins die slowly." Students at the college- were nmost-1 Iy non1-Christianis, she said, and lan e-, cent yeais tite caste system lhad ne-1 l1axed somnewitat, but thene *wavs no fratenniing on Idating' betw,,een. bosand girls. Mariages wene sýtili anit-nged by the parel(ts witl no Dean ofwnei at tite Indore TtV was intenesting Vo inote, M'us. hrsinColiege, of wlich 1er hua- Scott snid, tînt edncated Citistiani band was Vithe principal, Mrs. Scott re- wei en ad women were filliing Positions eaidthe wild enthusias oiVte ttntlionitvii la durci and scitool, and tdetaon. ladepeadence Day, and altitough they ailli needed Canadian shiedscie the hs free election suport the peuple of India wenerac in '1952 atwic more womien Yoted ceptinig te nesponisibilities of new- titan rien. As few eiecVora couid jredd, fomtid freeIomr. -balots w,,ere c7ast by symbols, witich a pnoved a satisfactory arranigem-ent. Mrs. A. A. Crowle latroduced te spaeand Mrs. Seymoeur of Enniï- "Many peeple ask me if India ila killen rmoved a vote .>f titanks. goiiig cm ithe ti.speaker con-1 tblaued. »'And mly answen i NVi I m T. G. Nontou presided: Mns. gvnment cen- slete food prob- ilande Ives read te siciptui'e-and l1n wî,vthin ile -next five yeara. r- . C. Ho-,1ins,<-onducted te w slip service. M4rs. Arthur DrýUiliiond1 "The governmert ila wor-king or, sang The Maister P-sstl By, accot-- the pro9blem o f pioducing aton-e gracin, paaied by Mns. (4eorge Dryana-who te H(1~ tal iet. Water pow.er was ite organist for te aftet'itoOn. The Easter '1'.akOfe gser-~ vice of the Afternoon Auxiliary d the W-.M.S. wvas held on Tutesdaý CE afternoonn '1yth a goodJ attendiance, mend( The Presicienjt., 3Mrs. Drummnond; Kawa presidedi and the mieeting openied -with a telc quiet music by Mrs. MAL H. Staples Ka1 a'nd the cviil to \vorship by thie Pres-1 Senai ident, -a hyma nand prayer. To Tie President conduted a brief anid1 business period and the roll call of twx ýhowed 67 cails made and 52 present 12. TI at the mueetinig,*also 4 guests Jrom ( onto. Mfrs. Drummii-on-d read some veuyMa' nte resting letter1s i*1-o1-1oversels ,ta Missî)iarýies who expressed, deeTpcot gratitude for parcels wve had . ent. less e The worship service was in charge «J Kax ' Mvrs.Alis group and she was ais-1 sisted by Ms Robert HancoCk and!g' IMrs. Stutt. Mus,. l1,umn3londadMr i1i Rickaby sang a lovely duet, imom - panied by Mrs. stapiles. Thegut speaker, Mrs. Hopkins, Prebytria Psident, mwas intro-! Hoi duced by 1Mrs. Staples. -Mrs. Hopkins atten( broughit ani appropriate Easter mes- Chani sagewhieh everyone thov9unghly en- enl ioyedl. lThe speýfker wsthunnked by tendei Airs. C Wood on hehaîlf o h Ax ion, t iiry. The ,meýeting closed mith a hymn iede aind Mlizpah Benedictioni and a szocial plans litie £il oyed. vasg Canadian -Cancer Society Makes Appeal This Moot 1T he~ In receit yeairs no nation bhas ashown gýreater energy than Cmanaa in its eft te-dfeat cancer, one 'or Ille mnost serions titreats Vo ihumari life aJnd healtit. AIl across lite country, as aresuit of the efforts of'h, vmt tary agencies and becauLse of the seadily increasing support f rat fed- eral and provincial governmýi-ent's, ai conicerted drive is beinig made te im- prove d;iagýnostic facilities, strengthen treatment services and accelerate ne- search activities. Fifteen years ago Vhe Canadian Canicer Society was establiiedi at a niornal bharv 1a fintherpublieh m contribution to' uanadas cancer pro-! rm. A most iniprtant feature ef its continuing interest and su1pport of te mnAiy excellent cancer researcit pro-l jects carried eut hy Canada's scien- tists in various parts of the country Titre ultim-ate victory over cancer must be won fiate laboratory and the disecvqry ef its 'cause and cure lsaia -goal that is worthy of te most wide-I spnead public support.In its research prograni, as la its other activities, the Canaidian Cancer Society depends on the genenesity Of te Canadian people. For its April appeal, the Canadian Cancer Soiety las set Itself aPn ob-, jective of $,500,000. Titis may seemi ani Imlpr'essive sunII but it !Sa1ne glneter titan te needi. 1 would ask every Can- adian) to ýdo his part se that l'e vital work of the Canadian Cancer Society maiy continue with te whole-itearted enicouragement it S0 icilymeis *Mr. E. S. Welceh, President of the Socrety's Ontario Divisioni, said in hîls aIppe'ai on heh,-aîf of - the Division,'s intention Vo ra)is. $5f000tiroug9it- - ont the Province during tVh 4prili Cam-jpaiga - lUntil every adul¶ liiite Province filas been taugttVolrecog- aise- Vitedanger signal:, of .cantcr and bias hecomie awa,-re that semne typeQs Of iV «an, be cured, if dîignosed and treat-I ed fla time, the eduication progrlami- of1 te Canadian Cancer Society i-aUtI continue Vo gnowý." Thre Society in Ontario las hity- six Unlits, wiih coniduct anai-e- round program lan cancer education. la Vritepast yean alone,vouen speakers addnessed over 400 groupa of people, fnrnîshing thent with te vitall cancer facts; they sitowed filmus and distvibuted literaiture Vt l-at prepared in easy-reading pamphlet fonm.- 1,1 addjition, visits were smpranged of the M obile Little B.d Doort o Industries, faiirsý and gatheringa ofe latrge groups! oýf peo-ple ia eveny Nwalk of' 1f.. As a matten of interest, 675,000 pieces of ! ter-ature were distributedj in the P-710 vince at yean lai an endeavour Vo btter acquint ite public wvitl tii CanIIcer ta2jes thousandS of liveni Canadla eacit year, and ia order -tat, the researc of doctors -and acientists aycontinue ia their effort Vo fighî V!ida disease, the 1Society asks for te genierous support of every Citizen duiitg its Apnil Camipaigni for f'unds, Contrbuin may l'e sent Vo Ont- nnýtio.,Division uàt 276 Simi-co)e Street Toonta 2-B, Ontario. BC '.r1 shla -rool te noul le la Major F( la his ad( abouctlui not vote ia Millbi 250 woul pants (if The ra the nort] near te wVards th( littie fish -which sine ýr" was planted ha ti en by officiaIs of tV ig-an. There were r sup Vo 1921 but it y' of these e su lsmelt -eggs we ystal Lake, Michiga eat deai ofj iernes. Twven it on Monda: t -\vas br-ouý t approval Pý rovincial arke Townsb e taA +0571101 McKelu frthe sacVs are oemg on bought itretbr Towaishipi this year- by Vite Oroîi ý(CoinUued (on page 8 KIIR BY MnU. and Mr-s. Fred Grahtam ami Merrill spent Saturday evening wvitl Mn. and Urs, eogeGlanvýiie., New MVr. and Ma.Milton Wannan \wýit Mr. and Ms.J. Cowani. MrIis. Mary Stew"art is visiting -he brother Mn. and Mrs. W. Reid ai otitenr elatives. The W.A. iteld a social evel Wednresday igitt when al einjyed g-oad pogramme and lunch. Mi. n.td Mn. H.Lowery, uns. Pat tersn a-o~d Mn. and Mrs. ]3liWanpa-,I attended llVitepresentation at 1KeùdI for MU LÎJ ne Bell and 1Hilda. Thur-sday igît. (Inten7ded for - asV week) Mrs. C,. Harnis and Mr4s. Bili Cocý rane biad quiltlags ut ftheir. homes. Mrn ~d Trs. Lyn-li Lowory a-ndI and Mrs. Don- Teanant audB Orono and Mr.n. aad rs. Bil-a wene guests of Mn. avi nMs. Bi wannanl. National Film Boan icuesw shown at te sehcitOl o niday $i Mrs, Neva Littie- lndl Snnday with Mrs, ~lw We are sorry tV -eport -Mr. Big, Iiow ianla sitawil HoSpLtal We wi h lm a 'Speedf r'ece)V y. Mrs.vLyallLowery, Mrs: H. e cen aid Mrýs.-jil aIOrono' ,iM Patterson and Mra. Bih annnWY Mirs. Billt Cochranie. /- - Bryce Spea Sunday ameit atitnal beur 11923, apeci ýrmory on thi meit Nworke(