j i f r itiery be!ll se"ý givýe up sfey et honli AndýlC for yu lu lOve, pley' or miat'. For ineverher You hevoni'f lg' ta show fa question yau). j. know 'ýhois yet you bv won't cag >It anudlev if ad fi fs -esr tas ua on0 rlhp * No metter howl deep you * aeta deserve -ý,it. resh, but if you ever hope ta *ir wln , tiiss the ýone a youmay suc (d f you if ail, *yucan~ remnind yourself he * antworthhang AC0 (JN FTVSE P GIRLg 4"zear Anie Hirst: I ai-cia vr confused girl just past my lflh brha.The boys I go w itb seem ta Lke me, but they want ta disrgard miy standfards of a lady, my ýýidelals Pané!true onie fion-s for happy comnpan.ion)shi'p. "Why dlo't m o r e- parents te2ach and 'wan their children h-ow ta',0behlave? I arin appalled et thie way our niîce girls and boys are redced tr petting! If they hiad 'beent told one dec:ent tbing by their parents, they, would heed it. , . No, l'inflot an. ai-ie'butI 1do have comm'on senise. Why don't boys (otherwise nice) learn they u t k-eep 'ad-f? "I love my friends, but hùw 1a I ae -mare ilu comft,ïon wit tem and stili hldfesct CONFUSED JANÉ" c o s epecially of the ageý * hat etatyu r apt to set * her osai standards cf be- * aviaur .2 but they do learn *fromn the gir]slstey date, You,? *forne, wilI hold Otoyor *conviction-.s, and prove ta... te * bys ouknow Lithet mutuel *respct la the first foundjlclationý *of com-panionship. Thbey aren't *stuIpid, they wiIll pýQtthidi(ea; * and ifË they donot ntta k;be frinds with you or -your own- * ske tey are flot fit ta) see *you at ail. *It is a pity, I egree, that sao nia~ny pa)rents arýe toO self.- cue s ta uietheir ch-Ilî ýýtern sexe-,s, end wrnthemn mg girl should make )r ier byfriend's caI ifh doosl them se en ka' i.~~ Always re;dy, always rîght wtýhen you want a dress tbat's. coinfartable and fl iaftering. Ydau ndatleast one 0Dîflthese sm-art, sim.ple stop-ilu dresses! Cri-sp colî- 1er, squaýre patch'-pock"ets, con- Utrastppg give a smart tard Pattemn 4519: Misses'Sieb 12, 14, 16, 18, 2j; 30, 3.4, 36, 38, 407 42.> Size 16 takes 4% yards3- iuch fabrie; % yardconftrasf. '17is pattern easy ta oseý sim- ple ta 50ew, is tested for fit,He rcompJefe illustreted isrctos Sud THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (350) lu coins (stamnps cannof be ecepted) f or thispatou.Print planl1y SIZE NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMIBER. send odrta Patt'ern Depf-arct- mient, Box 1, J123 Eigbiteentbi St., N\ewý Toronfo, Onit. Q. cs110",a ea see A. Add a lttebarax ta-)the water wheu wsig ice towels. Tbe dirt andcgf ase ill be reýmove,,fbft tow-els wl b1ave a good color, eud! the bai'o- ex ill act a aI isifecPn, QHwen 1 remoGve ladïne stain1s Afmom white fabrie? A. Byrubbing with -ke-rosene ai-id thon ith ýne-pha s 0aeP. Let stand for about tw nfy in- tates. and thon iwash lujthe re-gu- ay itmtore naphtïlalsoap. ~ .HO ~loildsilký be laim- wring silk, but ai 'ilwi ba adry, sbouLdd always be drce dn te shade Q.,oweauI em-ove spots dmom velvet?' A So-mne spots ce be r'emoýcved tram v-,elvet by oitnîga rag wih eucalptus Ailend rubbiug td rl e ntl w y. Tucsoaus WHI A. By dippicg the kni i boiling wtrad h; nwipng thé- diffciclty o sicngfrs brfead Lcen be vrae.Rba the Èknif e as ftz asif eo Q.,Whlnshouel; owe se ~grasescsed? A, -Sow hegrssse o n the lau on calmday. Gras si tdo svery much god'. Q. 110wr-a) I get more heat foitebaunrs 0wlf he gas A Besue t wshthe Pur- How eau I thieken the- uwco wbÀen ki ng ï.jzcherry pie? A ~ u hrisorbrie lu flour'efreputfi,,ing nml- touic n rvu f uun î trceat a s oreé, sls a ppae daily and acei au, suer mif, iii. iiloipg: et mnewthagrin aidsýays- 1WlIgeaw are ail ben- Dur'ing suppor peace reigns supreme-ý-, But il'tec upe Partuer.gaes out ta il. stamt ta clear the taýble --f ailoe aoecaf wbile the othierwak around m.y feeit. Hcýîey rus;hes, anLxiouislýy back and forth. Tippy camesý- under Thebe and the wag of ber bushyptiCrete as much draughf as an electr fanI, 1open te chendùoor Honey goes oufta othewodh, brnigback li r tinsupper- di-sh in ber ot.Sfotzp that, gaes back aigeu nd this ie. euus wtTip.,py'sçdish. o i p the dog's' feed aýndfake if out ta the wvoodsbed.[,For fthe cats therve is ýbread and imilký and scraps, inu a big fiat su late so that bath nay eat at on)ce. No, t lastý, there isz peacet in the failjy. Prasfor. haîf.- an hour o-so I might ceven get a littie fypii-jg done. Unïless thet telephone rings a lMw tmes or some of aur faemily , drops ïlu for, a lae uial.But 1 idon't. fhinký that will appen fenight. gýkýe iîbls nqiôrnîng- fhy fr eal! after having C teephon1o instlled "50no-w,' said Joy> weare lu contact with thçe outsde word.t" 1thinkb rus give fhem aýn egtmrte am them iwben their thrae mrin)utes is Uip. For that threo mninutes, goes faster.. han iany three i- ufes I ever ku-ïew.Fatrhn three minues by the eggtimer. That Il know because I cbecked My egg-fimr hy aur electri cdock, tie 9Cue out of a 24-boum day,4 And ytmc a apni three mnteDuring thdua., war t\yo Aitforce ofïfiers were, retuuingta teir aseafter a r-aioverermay Qe mterý wae dead. The other had been bi n-gave out jusf as te '1roae he cacast. Another three t mntsfiying tiniie wudhv saved their lves Seturday igholt there wasa hckegame,- befween ,the Lan ad Boston. Three niinufes left for theLeafs to ,ffitcescore. Bujýthtreeý mnu-tes wasn't ilon 11g enough Lest Tuesda~y I was ii Tarent . Just eoetan.leIwas taiking t Dee fro Arf'ýs ofice on alingon Street. "What time dîd Yau Say Ymur trn uwes due au?" Ait interr-upfed "Five-fot "o'lneyer mak nmirwites fast." I1 made -ift 5wth two mpte taspajre. if the "Wlsh thy'd get jorne euh tmys - aoalebody'u %1~~ys a1lng. 'Hore, bald tbla a mInute ISSuE 15 - 1~54 Combine 1 tbs,,. soft buitteror argarine,f le. thlckjam, 1 Mha lemon juce and, if dsrd / c. brokçen nutuieats and divide be)tw,7een 6 greased iindividilaki g dishels- Mixand sWft tice, then sift iuta a bowl, 1 c..oc-sfe pastýry ar(o ½C. onice-sifted al-urasglur), 3 tsps, Magic Baking Powderc, 1, tsp. saitý , tspi. grated nut-* meg and 14C. finle granulated sugar. Cut in %Mney f tbs. chilled sotnn.Comnbinle iviell1-beaten5 egg, 12 c. milk and Y tsp).va Vlla. ýae Sa well in dry ingredients aniILrýd d 1qudsýe ix ylightly. Tw9-hirds fMl prpared diwh wihàbater, Bake i.I n a maderately hOt, ae,375', about: 20 miutes. Turn out wloi,- aud serve hot wth auce or ceam.jyi Yield -serïvIngs. /llways Dependa b/e Speeking of "ewdiMoeent story' -- here isone, I discvered~ have sam-etbiing In cammnih Ernest Hemrmrgway, We av bathl been -,presumeivddead! On-ly wvith this dififiece,Hmigy wa presumned deýad hy theý whol e worl1,IWbyoulyone per- Sou. It happened ths we'y. Two weeks ega I had ccai nt ai oualady wh'Om -i1 ' liedet, quite frequently, atW. afairs same yeersega. I natced she 1seeiied -a litie sLranosLes weeý-k Ihdt1eehra~n This is ,what ;ssed ta e You musiýt 1ha1ve thiout I as i rather qpaer lesteek wheu, you encaldbut reellyyaur cern- dgwas qu itoeu*.ckYau se e I tugtyOu hdpaqsed aýweaýa fwyears ago. I thlnk I1stIl One ting i nmust syUI a reelly ýveýry nice ,to find holaidy qui!te pesdthat Iar'ti1li ery mucli aive. And naw juat a word taum corespnde ts.b'ere wsquite, adomand for mly trnisfer pt tems su that nt kept me busy te spreaid them around. oe,~ 1 hopeeveryane faitthe rturuzý wero wo [hlteeffor-t in sending foi thom. -Now imey f se'y "thenk you" f or thle rmny tnkyu lotes a e that'ae omn inasa esui. It was niept marýks about ,this oum.Agi I sy,"tanks a lot." MAi uP ýMlll0 RNI ~APPETUTIS Your famîly willi «ke : Up lu a hurry we vo U sel,re tUs breakfast treat .. .nourishig Nabscoy Shredded Wbeat wt eiiu C-rown Brandi Corn Sy:rup! N,',abisco ýShred4, ded Wleai ade froým pugre whol4c wheat, coutains vital £oOd îi erlns ,. ,aknd CrOwtn Band CoinSyu adsdllicioujs flavour andï quick food eeg.T~orwdlgtyourý 4